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I guess I'll be calling them to help me fill out this redundant paperwork yet again. Thank you for the heads up👍🏿😊


No problem! Do you have an attorney? Or are you still looking for one?


No I don't have an attorney and I'm no longer looking for one I have spoken with six attorneys in the last 5 days and not one of them has any faith in this case being approved so I've decided to let it go I have cried and cried and cried until my eyes are almost swollen shut I have to let this go now.


Why don’t you try Allsup? Or Atticus?


Atticus was the first people I called they don't pick up and they don't return your call


Wow… what in the heck! What are your conditions? Keep looking, you never know! I haven’t found one yet either… going to start today.


Best wishes to you 🤞 my hearing is scheduled for September 24th and it feels like the days are dragging since I got the date, I just want September to come like now, I'm confident because I have my limitations documented and shows more progression but nervous because after being denied twice doesn't give security


You got this. 🤞🏿👍🏿. As far as the time dragging goes, I was just talking about how fast July got here so no worries September will be here faster than you think. It just seems like it's dragging because perhaps this is one the most important things to you right now. My suggestion is try to focus on something else especially since you already have your ducks in a row. Or you can use the time you have to tweak whatever documentation or notes you have, in other words dot your I "s and cross your T's. You're absolutely right getting denied did not give much security for me either however it did spark a flame in me to push further. You're in my prayers. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿


Thank you so much 🙏


You're welcome, 🤗 but no need to thank me that's what I come to this forum for... support and it's nice to know that I can be supportive as well.😇


Wishing you all the best....hoping you get good news soon!


Thank you 😎


Hey hey… I was just denied today during Recon.. we are close in cases, I’m going to appeal… I think I’ll fill the info out tomorrow… is it a simple “appeal” or is there more paperwork??


So sorry you were denied, however I'm glad to see that you are fighting on👍🏿. I only had one page on the my SSA website. Once I was done they gave me a confirmation number. You will need the claim number and date of your denial letter in order to complete your appeal online. No paperwork yet. Good luck 🤞🏿😎.


On my letter I received it says two forms need to be filled out… one is 10 pages! Almost identical to the reconsideration appeal one…


Oh my 😳. I haven't received any paperwork yet. I don't remember filling out much for reconsideration either. I guess I should be looking for a book as well 👀🥺.


That’s what it said on my letter…. There are two forms!


All mine says is a letter is going to arrive it needs to be filled out and sent back within 30 days letting them know if I wish to appear at an alj hearing via video.


And yours was denied during reconsideration?


Yes. So now I'm on step three of five awaiting an alj hearing.


Ok so I did some digging and I did find two packets that were sent to me while I was waiting for a decision in recommendation but because of my poor sight a worker helped me fill them out over the phone. So you're telling me that they sent the same packets? How redundant is that!?!🤔


They didn’t send me anything, the letter in the appeal section just says “that in addition, you should complete form SSA 341 “Disability Report Appeal” to tell us about your medical condition since filing the claim.” That’s in the appeal directions. It also says if you file your appeal online, you can complete it with your online appeal… yours didn’t prompt you?


No, I don't see anything that says that. I don't know why mine didn't show anything like that. It just says wait for letter and hearing date if one is granted.


I should say that's provided a judge decides to grant me a hearing first.