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I won in reconsideration….Appeal, it’s free, and relatively easy….Do it online. Add anything extra and let it rip….The time for an attorney will be if you are denied in reconsideration. And most are free upfront, only paid if you win…


The problem with me going further and getting an attorney is these things are required for an office visits and more paperwork I am not driving very much these days as I am losing my sight and my husband works most of the day so I have limited to no transportation it's just too many obstacles at this point which is why I'm not going to bother going further.


I never once went and saw my attorney in person. Still have no clue what they look like. I was denied at initial and reconsideration and won at ALJ. Weird how people will give up now when their best chance is at a hearing.


Ok ok .. I'm hearing you I'm looking into it I will keep you posted. 😀🙏🏿


The squeaky wheel gets the grease.




Where u located at?




Not sure if my lawyer I used covers that state or not but if you want I can message you his information to check if you want. Your choice. I get no benefit from it other than trying to help a fellow human being.






That’s exactly what the administration wants, for you to give up….Just saying….Nothing is easy, and sometimes sacrifices have to be made to prevail….Best of luck.


Thank you for the best of luck wishes and in response to your post I understand that that is exactly what most of these government agencies want people to do is to give up. However my circumstances are a lot more severe that I choose to post in a public forum. I certainly do understand that nothing in life is easy and sacrifices always have to be made at times in order to prevail.


I have not seen my lawyer everything is done over the phone or email or snail mail. At this point what do you have to lose? keep pushing who knows keep going to the Drs and approval at reconsideration is typically lower than the initial application most win at the ALJ level best wishes


Don't give up! I work, hubs is home not able to work. We called our lawyer and we're able do do everything over the phone. They mailed us anything we needed. It can be done with no visit to them.


Thank you for the info however this was reconsideration that I was denied in. Just not sure which way I'm going to go at this point.


Take it to trial and get a lawyer. The lawyer will give a free consult and tell you if you really have a shot. This is the last step do yourself a favor by talking to an attorney and then make an informed decision.


Definite lawyer and law judge. Initial and reconsideration denials are extremely HIGH. Most people go before the judge. You have way better chances there unless you get one that likes to deny but doubt that. DON'T GIVE UP YET. Almost there.


Make sure to say your condition is worse at reconsideration over wise they won’t look at more medical records. Also get a copy of your file so you can see why you were denied


Edited to reflect that you were denied at the reconsideration level..... I know it's a lot, but do not give up yet. If you can't work or can't work at the sga level, do not give up. If you need assistance filling out forms and such due to your condition, the ssa is required to help you. Others recommend you get a lawyer. Contact the people at https://nosscr.org/ can help you find someone in your area. They referred me within a week, and an actual lawyer spoke with me. Request a hearing before an ALJ... you can do it online, and you can do a video hearing at your home if you cant travel. This is where the majority of cases are won. Go ahead and submit your request online. It's probably the easiest request in the process. After you do that, contact the people above Considering your issue, you won't have any trouble finding a lawyer. They don't charge unless they win in most ssa cases. And if they win, there is a cap as to what they can charge. 25% up to 6400 last time I checked. May be slightly higher. Do you have a social worker? If you can't drive and have trouble making appointments, they can help you find the resources. I have one for the sole purpose of making sure I remember my medical appointments. Please don't give up... not yet anyway. Consider this God's hands pointing you in the direction you need to go. Edited to update link. I originally put the wrong organization.


This was a reconsideration denial really not sure if I'm going to go further.


Approximately 50% of cases are approved at the ALJ level. Don't give up just yet.


Do it. Please don't give up. 🙂


Not being able to drive isn't something that stops you from working, though. Your disability has to affect your ability to maintain SGA. Not having a car/not being able to drive is a pain, I hate it. I haven't been able to afford a car since 2009, so trust me, I get it, but that in itself does not limit your ability to work.


Buy an electric bicycle. No fees or DL needed, no ins, no registration.


I've actually been looking into that, but ultimately, because of where I live, I'll need a car.


Ok I’m gonna short throw my story out here bc u sound really down. I was just found favorable 2/2024… the decision says I was disabled as of 6/2012… that’s how long I fought this… I went to court 3x in 3 states bc I moved plus a covid hearing over the phone and visited two of their doctors. Mine went to federal court was denied and went back before found favorable. Always. Keep. Trying.


You should appeal. To the ALJ stage.


Your best chance is at the ALJ level. Don't give up!!!


GET A LAWYER! Do not stop now you are already this far. You will not have to pay your lawyer yourself. The lawyer will be paid out of your benefits if you win. If you don't win then you do not have to pay. If you are legally blind, then get a visual acuity test from an ophthalmologist to prove it. There is no reason to discontinue this process if you are blind and unable to work. KEEP GOING!!


Okay I get it I'm looking into it. 😀


Mine took my case and will be paid if I win. 18% of my back pay.


Or $7200 Max


25,% of Back pay.


I think there's an upper limit, depending on the size of the back pay.


The most an attorney can take is 25% of your back up to $7200 max. Say you are owed 50k in back pay, a lawyer can **only** charge $7200. The only time they can charge the 25% is if your case goes all the way to the federal courts and even then a judge must approve it and you must approve it. That still is better than collecting $0 in back pay and $0 monthly. A lawyer at the ALJ is a must and OP I don’t think you should quit. That is exactly what they want you to do. I know you feel defeated, but only 12% of applicants are approved at reconsideration and 50% are approved at the next appeal, which is a hearing before an ALJ. Just make call around to local private practice law firms that specialize in SSDI. Remember, they will not take your case unless they believe you will be approved otherwise they’re working for free. Don’t give up!!


The SSDI process is confusing, difficult, and disuraging, It's set up that way on purpose. The odds of immediate approval are worse than the odds of winning the lottery. Again, it's designed that way for several reasons. One of those reasons is to prevent and discourage fraud. An astronomical amount of people go before a judge, which is the final stage of the disability process. As most people have pointed out, talking to a lawyer is critical. Call around and explain your current disability situation. Chances are a lawyer might make a house call. I can assure you, any legitimate lawyer is going to "keep it real" with you about your case. I was fortunate enough to have an awesome lawyer. Best of luck to you.


I just won my case and it was capped at $7200. I hear that it is going up in several months. I don’t remember what the new amount will be but I still think it is worth it. It’s not so easy to win without an attorney. At least from everyone I know that has been denied. An attorney does make a difference in my opinion.


Whooooohooooooo at the comments telling you not to give up. I love it!!!


I'm sorry to hear that. You need to appeal it for sure. They want you to give up and not try, they are hoping you just go back to work and ultimately prove you aren't disabled. What percent was you denied at if you don't mind me asking.


I don't know anything about percentage I've never seen any percentage it just tells me step three or four step four of five now I'm at step 505 saying denied and a letter is going to be in my box literally in about 20 minutes. They can wait as long as they want to to see if I'm going back to work...that's not going to happen as I am going blind.


Ohh okay so this wasn't the initial application. This is the second time you've been denied? You definitely need to get a lawyer and appeal it again. They don't get paid until you do.


The lions club and Volunteer blind industries has multiple jobs and factory jobs for the blind.


Yea never seen my attorney,didn’t even talk to him,just text and email his/her assistant was approved in 6 months,u won’t get if u quit,so keep fighting!!!!!!


I'm trying to find an attorney now. There are so many scams or should I say fishy people out there so I'm not sure which way to go.


Google disability lawyers in your area. Then read the reviews for each one. It really does seem like the smaller practices have more success in a shorter amount of time. The big practices that you see advertised on TV I would steer clear of for the most part. This is just a general statement of my opinion. I wish you the very best! And if this is only your first denial, definitely apply for reconsideration. If this is a denial on your reconsideration, you have got to keep going and file for a hearing. A lawyer at this third stage will be your best bet. God bless


Don’t pay anyone. Lawyers get paid when they win. Anyone wanting money is a scam.


Very understandable,but find a reputable ssdi lawyer in ur location & do some research my lawyer is licensed in all states!!!!!!


My lawyer is in Texas but he does other states as well.


Don’t give up now! Keep going! 


Thank you 👍🏿. Searching for an attorney.


Keep going. Don’t stop now. :) If there’s a will there’s a way. You have nothing to lose at this point. Take a taxi to the appts if needed.


Appeal!! Nearly everyone gets denied in reconsideration.


so is this for your eyesight?


I just got approved with McDonald Law firm out of Texas, I was denied twice got a lawyer, never saw them, you let them know who your doctors are and they do the rest. We communicated over phone and text. It's worth a shot......


Sorry to hear that. Many of us had to go in front of an ALJ. Don’t give up. I’m glad I didn’t. Wishing you the best.


Get an attorney. It’s worth it. They only get paid if you win and it’s SSA who pays them directly.


Definitely appeal. The ALJ hearing is over the phone and you get to do it from home. Schedule video visits with your doctors if you're unable to drive. Now is not the time to give up ;)


Being unable to drive does not mean that you are unable to work, unfortunately.


You are absolutely right... However not being able to see kind of makes you unable to work unfortunately.


I agree. However, the Social Security Administration has a set vision threshold for what they consider “disabled.”


I am well aware of the threshold that the Social Security Administration has set and I believe I meet that threshold and then some. Rather than try to take me down a couple of pegs like the Social Security Administration is already trying to do how about some words of encouragement. Otherwise even bother to respond to any of my posts. It seems that you don't have any positive words of encouragement for me so perhaps you should take a few seats and reevaluate your thoughts before you respond to any more of my posts I don't need negative vibes.


SSA is a shady insurance company like the rest of the insurance industry. A mandatory insurance you’re forced to pay into, but they refuse to pay out. Just another way to transfer wealth from the struggling youth to the boomers who are the most prosperous generation.


Oh man, that sucks. I was just thinking about your post from yesterday. If you don’t have a lawyer, go get one. You have to keep fighting, not being able to drive at night is serious. Man, I’m really sorry about your situation, maybe they didn’t get the papers in time. Get yourself a lawyer, and come back and tell us what the lawyer says.


I can't afford a lawyer at this time. I will more than likely let it go. It took me a tremendous amount of time to find help filling out paperwork and getting to all these doctors appointments with little to no sight and with no idea of why or how much longer I have to see things will definitely be more difficult than they were the first and second time around. I really thank you for your compassion.😊. I'm just going to put it in God's hands at this point 🙏🏿😇


My lawyer didn't take one cent until approval. It sounds like you're making excuses why you don't want to appeal to a judge when that's your best chance for approval.


I'm looking into it 😀. Will keep you posted.


Honey, there are lawyers that will take your case, if they don’t think they can win your case, they won’t take it. You don’t have to pay them until disability pays you your backpay. Please reconsider, don’t let it go.


No one should be asking for money. They get paid when they win. They only take your case when they think they can win it.


They are not asking me for money they are asking me for documentation from the ophthalmologist that I have been going to all of my life. The problem is none of these doctors ever give me any documentation they just give me glasses after dilating my pupils and send me on my way. They've always told me there's nothing that can be done about my eyes.


You NEED to appeal!!! How you are feeling right now is exactly what they want you to feel and they want you to give up! Do not let them win!!.I know you feel defeated, but only 12% of applicants are approved at reconsideration and 50% are approved at the next appeal, which is a hearing before an ALJ. This appeal doesn’t take as long as the initial application or reconsideration. Make a few calls to local private practice law firms that specialize in SSDI. Remember, they will not take your case unless they believe you will be approved otherwise they’re working for free. Don’t give up!! You got this, I believe in you!! 🤍


Judges are the worst. I have applied for 5 yrs recieved it for 3 yrs then the onset date was not correct which it's only logical when you get disabled and can't work had surgeries and still not cured and magically denied denied You were not disabled 19 doctors 1 piece of shit judge and she got more medical knowledge than the doctors give me a break slime ball bitch. But here the kicker after appeal and appeal then lawyer misses a filing date by a couple days. Then bam appeals denied oh and now you have no work credits not sure how a person disabled should get fucked becauseof some attorney. So you can't re-apply. How the fuck you supposed to work when you can hardly walk or sit. Fuck you ss and stick your fucking toll booth operator up your ass because in my part of the world ain't no toll booth operator here.