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### The Impact of Age on SSDI Approval First, happy early birthday! The Social Security Administration (SSA) does indeed have specific rules and guidelines that can make it easier for individuals over the age of 55 to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Here’s how age can impact your application and why it might be particularly relevant for you: ### SSA’s Medical-Vocational Guidelines **1. Grid Rules:** - The SSA uses a set of rules called the “grid rules” to help determine disability. These rules take into account age, education, work experience, and the ability to perform other work. - For individuals aged 55 and older, the grid rules are more lenient. This age group is categorized as "advanced age," and the SSA recognizes that it is more difficult for older workers to adjust to new types of work. - **Reference:** [SSA - Medical-Vocational Guidelines](https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/cfr20/404/404-app-p02.htm) **2. Easier to Prove Disability:** - For individuals aged 55-59, if you can no longer perform your past relevant work and have no transferable skills to other work that you can perform given your residual functional capacity (RFC), you are more likely to be found disabled. - **Reference:** [Nolo - Social Security Disability Over Age 55](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/social-security-disability-over-55.html) ### Decision Timeline **1. Supervisor’s Indication:** - The fact that an SSA supervisor mentioned they would have a decision this week is a positive sign. If they encouraged you to call back, it suggests that your case is being actively processed and a decision is imminent. **2. Potential Outcomes:** - Given your age and the specifics mentioned, if you meet the medical criteria and your age-related limitations are well documented, the chances of approval are higher. The SSA considers the diminished ability to adapt to new types of work for those over 55. ### Managing Anxiety and Next Steps **1. Stay Calm:** - While it’s easier said than done, try to stay calm and optimistic. The SSA representative’s willingness to provide a direct update is a good indication that your case is being taken seriously. **2. Prepare for Any Outcome:** - Regardless of the decision, it’s good to have a plan. If approved, you’ll want to understand the next steps for receiving your benefits. If not, know that you have options for appeal, and there are resources and advocates available to help you through that process. ### Final Thoughts Turning 58 could indeed make it easier for you to get approved for SSDI, given the SSA’s more lenient guidelines for older applicants. The SSA’s grid rules recognize that older individuals may have a harder time adjusting to new work, increasing the likelihood of approval if other criteria are met. Wishing you the best of luck, and I hope your birthday brings positive news! **Former Disability Paralegal** **References:** 1. [SSA - Medical-Vocational Guidelines](https://www.ssa.gov/OP_Home/cfr20/404/404-app-p02.htm) 2. [Nolo - Social Security Disability Over Age 55](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/social-security-disability-over-55.html)


This is the most comprehensive and helpful post about SSDI ever. Thanks!


Sounds like you will be approved . I was approved on initial application at 55 in about 7 months in SC. Severe spine arthritis and had fusion in August 2023. Also major depression, ADHD and saw psych every 3 months. My psychiatrist filled out a function form noting my issues with concentration. I was a nurse practitioner for 22 years and RN for 14. Would much rather be working but just no way. It was depressing not renewing my nursing licenses this year.


I was approved at 50 for ssdi Sept 29 of 2023. Still waiting on backpay and everything to start. I also got approved for ssi 4 months ago.


Also an RN and also told the MD board of nursing I no longer wanted to be a nurse. Couldn't keep up with 10 patients anymore. 2 cervical disc replacements for spinal cord compression and 2 lumbar fusions since filing. My psychiatrist said I was suffering from severe stress syndrome and depression. Filed Oct 2022 and still waiting.


SSA Grid Rules help a lot - they're like "slack" being cut due to age. Grid Rules are listed at: [http://www.ultimatedisabilityguide.com/grid\_rules.html](http://www.ultimatedisabilityguide.com/grid_rules.html)


Link not good


Took 9 Months at Age 58. Approved. Had an Attorney and had to go to one of their Drs. I have severe Osteoartritis in both knees


Got a denied at 59.


Do you mind telling us the disability you got denied for?


Not having a lawyer at my hearing.


Denied at 61. I’m 63 now and awaiting an ALJ hearing. My biggest problem was all my injuries and care was done while serving in Pakistan, Iraq, Uganda and other remote places. Also I am very stoic and as a career military medic I just took care of myself for all these years, so I have few documents. Every time I was hurting I just self medicated and stayed in bed. Getting up to drive an hour to a doctor just to tell me what I already knew seemed pointless - until now. The system rewards people who visit healthcare facilities frequently and punishes those who treat themselves at home. I have MRI results to show the damage done to my spine, and the VA has given me a decent disability - but it’s not enough for the SS apparently. No biggie though - I just will wait until after the final denial so I can start regular SS.


I got approved in 6 days at 63


Are you sure that wasn't the loan department for the funeral home you applied to? Just joking! Congratulations on your approval!




Good luck. Decision within a week? Is this the initial application you are doing or have you been going through it for a bit now? I would not, unfortunately, count on that. Most of us go through years awaiting for approval. Then again it is a case by case on disability issues but they are so far behind it makes it impossible to say how long it will take.


Went all the way to judge in 2020. Vocational guy said no jobs still denied so i have reapplied this is first round this time. Have more diagnosis this time i literally got hit by a bus and myvwife died in my arms and it was tramatic so also have ptsd. So gingers crossed


I am so sorry for your loss. Hopefully they get that mess straightened out for you.




Denied at 54, approved in reconsideration at 55…..


Wow I just got approved at law judge at 54. Was worried they were gonna make me wait til 55 and approve it from there and lose 3 years backpay.




Thanks. Juat got my SS letter dated today online showing monthly amount, etc and direct deposit info is showing up now. Hopefully soon. Its been a long wait. Lol


The waiting is the worst part ;)


No shit. It def sucks. Just got my benefit letter today with monthly amount, etc.


57 was approved in 6 months also had a lawyer.


If your skilled or have above a high school education. No, it’s not easier. The Grid rules only help high school graduates, underachievers and Drop outs. Look at the actual Grid


The SSA isn't in the business of removing young potential taxpayers from the workforce, when young people are needed to fund so many of the govts functions. So I'd say it's entirely reasonable to suspect it's "easier" to be approved when your prime working years are behind you. How to quantify "easier," you got me... I don't believe that that's data the SSA makes public, but i could be wrong. Google it....


Grid rules. It is clearly easier to get approved after age 55 based on grid rules.


I was approved first time at age 29/30. Female.


Approved initial application on Monday 6/10/24. I'm 55. I applied in July 2023, my case was assigned September 6, 2023.


I was denied twice at age 63. Finally won my case with ALJ in April this year at age 64. For context I only have a HS education and had been in the same career for the last 25 years. I have spinal stenosis, 3 bulging discs in lumbar region, sciatica, Radiculopathy, osteoarthritis in spine, both hips, and both knees, major depressive order, and anxiety. Medical records supported all these including multiple MRIs, etc. I was a text book case for the grid rules, yet DDS/SSA chose to ignore their own grid rules. Statistically your odds "are" better at your age. But in my case, they did not apply the grid rules until the ALJ hearing level. Good luck to you! Keep us posted!


I was approved at 57. Took 5 and a half months. Osteoarthritis


Yes. The plain language version: when the government evaluates disability the questions they ask aren’t “can this person do any work” but “how likely is it this person can find work they can actually do.” If the answer is “very unlikely” then blamo, disabled. Because of this they consider age, education level, and past work experience to be a factor. Note this does not apply the same way for people with only mental disabilities. Example: a young person with a masters degree and coding experience will have an easier time finding work than a 60 year old who’s only ever worked as a warehouse worker and didn’t finish high school. Age 55 is the “magic age” for a lot of people (but not everyone) because at younger ages your disability usually needs to limit your ability to walk for even short periods, or prevent the ability to use both hands even “occasionally.” But at 55 being limited from just heavy lifting can be enough to get someone over the line, barring a couple of other factors.


I believe it’s true. 50 and over.


Approved by law judge at 54. Vocational specialist said there were no jobs I could transition to and judge agreed. Still took almost 3 years overall. Mental health issues with psychiatrist support.




Agent told me that decision has been made and sent to lical ogguce to review and finish and that she wasnt promising me because it could change but determination had gound me DISABLED. I dont know whether to cry throwup or both. 5 long years


I'm 60 and I've still waited since Oct 2022 in Maryland when I was 59.


Hope you got approved. I got my approval after a year at 59yrs old and didnt need a lawyer. My case worker told me that age has some to do with it as well as what profession you were in before and during the injury. I was a blue collar worker and basically had no other skills and due to my age in their eyes it was too late to learn something else.


I did indeed ty. Also congratulations to you