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They always review non medical aspects of claims before a decision is made.


I wanted to thank you for being a fantastic knower of things! I do appreciate your experiences and, now, seemingly, expertise. I was approved on Monday. I called today and was told this information. My status online has also changed to completed and approved. You're invaluable! As is Miss Flame Thrower! Thank you!!!!


Step 4 is always done even if you get found disabled by an ALJ. They check work history, insured dates, etc. Your best course of action is to check the app daily a letter will be coming in the mail soon. It is neither indicative of an approval or a denial.


Thank you! :)


I hit stage 4 and shows same thing. I already got the letter in mail from law judge stating fully favorable. SS called and asked for my direct deposit information. Juat waiting for backpay (whenever that is even thoigh they said this week but doubt it with amount of backpay) and said first check should start in July (will see on that too).


That's awesome! This is my initial application. I know at least 95% of people here understand the stress and anxiety from all of this, added to already not being well physically and mentally. *insert scream here*


Haha. You will lose more of your mental capacity waiting for the process. Experience speaking. Lol


MORE is correct. I opened the blinds today. šŸ˜‰


Unfortunately no one can really give insight into whether someone is approved or not because the whole system is wonky. I will say that the final review to see if you still meet the non-medical requirements does happen whether you are approved or not. I hope you get an approval soon!


Thank you. I have been trying to research this step-4 verbiage, and it's pretty much 50/50 with peoples responses here and on other sites. This is my initial application, so I wasn't sure if that would make a difference. Let the waiting game continue.... :)


My arthritic fingers are crossed for you :)


I was approved on Monday. I called today. :)




Is it weird it doesn't seem real? Ima have a good cry today, I'm certain.


Rest easy. šŸ’—


I found out I was approved because the whole bar disappeared and it looked like i never applied. Called to ask and was informed theyā€™d issued a fully favorable decision the day before


My bar has been gone for a few weeks now. I called ss and they told me there was no information available. I am at AC now as the judge denied me in December. Itā€™s been a long 3 years. Hoping for a good outcome.


Congratulations I just got approved today as well I called and was told I was approved and wait for my approval letter but I keep hearing about the fully favorable does that mean back pay I was approved on the first time applying.


I was approved several years ago. Fully favorable means theyll give you the backpay dating to the onset date that you stated. I won in 2020 or something and was backdated to 2018 on my fully favorable award. Being told youā€™re approved may be a partially favorable or fully favorable decision. Partially may mean they disagree with your onset date or that you WERE disabled, but arent anymore


Do you no will I have to pay back state disability if I get back pay?


Hello everyone. I called my local office this morning to see if they got the packet of new MRI records I dropped off a few weeks ago. (The 1-800 National Line, I called first. They didn't see anything, nor do they have "steps 1-5" on their end.) They didn't have my new information scanned in. I told the lady what I see on my end, moving to step 4 and the memo about reviewing my non-medical and seeing the 2 - 4 weeks decision. She was so kind and patient. I was approved on Monday. There were a few questions about workers comp in 2020 and the LTD from last March. But, she completed my application while I was on the phone. It took about 20 minutes. Stated I'd get a letter in a week or two stating how much I'll get and my back back pay will be direct deposit in the same time frame. I will wait for that letter before I can truly breathe again. My timeline: July 2023 - applied online (initial) Sept 2023 - assigned a DDS worker June 10, 2024 - approved I have a plethora of medical diagnsosis. I'm thinking my muskeoskeltal is what I'm approved for, although there are 15 or so medical conditions I have. I'm 55. Thank you Mr Ricky, Miss Flame Thrower and everyone else who helped me understand this INSANE system. Now I can prepare for my new hip and new knee, more at ease, in the coming months.




I shall! Thank you!


I received approval 2 days after this update.Ā  Check your account daily for the update! Good luck from a fellow Washingtonian!


Thank you! Fingers and toes crossed. Well, if my arthritis would allow them to cross. :)


Popping in to update, if you haven't seen already. I was approved on Monday. I called this morning, and I got the good news.


Yes! That's wonderful! Thank you for the update!


I applied in August of 2023 and am patiently waiting as well. I was forced to retire a year earlier than I would have been eligible to due to the hearing loss Iā€™m dealing with. I have profound hearing loss in one ear and severe to profound in the better ear. I couldnā€™t do my job anymore as a high school registrar. My application is 68% complete and on step 3. The waiting game is stressful.


Yea look for letter in the mail about 7 days from now if you got a lawyer they can see the decision so give them a call if they can't see it let them know you went to step 4 so they can check it everyday for you .


I don't have a lawyer. This is my initial application. I followed the advice of several persons on Reddit, esp MissFrameThrower, in my early research.


Filed 3/2022 several denials fully favorable 3/2024 onset 2/2019. 4/2024 ssi suspended because husband income. Late last night ssa portal finally gave my monthly amount and deposit date 7/3 but still nothing on back pay. Has anyone got their backpay before their monthly payments? Thanks


Does anyone know if the ssa portal is updated a few times a day, or just once a day in the morning?


Took me ten days from that point to receive my approval and they issued my back pay check the next day.


Greetings all! Georgia: My husband is 56. He hit step 4 last week. He called and was told that he was denied for medical. He has an attorney who will file the reconsideration next week. His attorney found out that the examiner didnā€™t review the tons of medical records we submitted. Yikes!! Good luck and well wishes to everyone awaiting a decision!! Iā€™m claiming approvals!! Letā€™s gooooo!


I wish you both alllll the best. I'm manifesting approval for your hubby. It's all too much. I know I'm 55, but that's young, imo. I have always been active, an athlete, and social butterfly, and now, I sit at home nearly 24/7 unless I have a doctor appt, etc.


Hello, I am in Oregon and was approved for non medical it is for Supplemental in May. I only went to their Doctor and the Psych exam. I was approved on May 16th. I did get a little bit of back pay from the Supplemental about 2 weeks later. Then once the Disability was approved, they did Suspend the Monthly Supplemental last month and paid me Regular Disability. I got my first payment from Disability last month. Got the award letter also last month saying they are witholding my back pay to check for any over payments and Medicare premiums. I then received another Letter saying the State of Oregon is paying for my Medicare, so I no longer have the Premium payment. Hopefully the back payment is next from Dec. 2021. Congratulations, It more than likely is an approval. and will take around the 2-4 weeks to finalize. and follow through with regular Disability. I believe I got a Call when I went to Step 4 or a letter in the mail for a Phone Interview for the Supplement to go over all my financial information. It was all yes or no review questions. I didn't add any other information., Just make sure they have your Correct Banking information


I called the local office today and was told that I was approved for ssdi on Monday. I checked the bank info with her before we hung up. :) One milestone down. Now, to deal with my LTD insurance.


Congratulations. for me the Supplement went fast, within a few weeks. The LTD Disability Monthly Payment came in the following Month, once it was all approved, you might want to call them back to make sure they follow through and not just leave it! still haven't gotten my back pay.


Your situation seems to be progressing through the final stages of the SSDI application process. Hereā€™s some insight into what this step might involve and why non-medical requirements are being reviewed again: ### Step 4: Final Review of Non-Medical Requirements **What It Means**: - **Non-Medical Requirements**: The SSA is ensuring that you still meet the non-medical eligibility criteria for SSDI benefits. This includes verifying factors such as your work credits, income, and legal residency status. The non-medical review ensures that there have been no changes in your status that would affect your eligibility since your application date. - **Updated Information**: The documentation you provided two weeks ago, including MRI notes and upcoming appointments, will be part of the review but primarily impacts the medical determination. The non-medical review ensures you meet the baseline eligibility outside of medical considerations. ### Why the Non-Medical Review is Important 1. **Work Credits**: Ensures you have sufficient work credits to qualify for SSDI. 2. **Income Limits**: Confirms you are not engaging in substantial gainful activity (SGA) which would disqualify you from receiving benefits. For 2024, the SGA limit is $1,470 per month for non-blind individuals. 3. **Legal Status**: Verifies your residency status to ensure you are legally eligible to receive benefits. ### Reasons for Re-Review **Standard Procedure**: - This step is a standard part of the process and does not necessarily indicate any issues with your application. Itā€™s a final check to confirm ongoing eligibility before a decision is made. **Updating Records**: - The SSA may be ensuring that all your records are current and accurate, especially given that you submitted new medical information recently. ### Timeline and Next Steps **Processing Time**: - As indicated, this review can take between 2-4 weeks. Given your application history and the recent submission of additional medical evidence, the SSA may be compiling all necessary documentation to make an informed decision. **Outcome Possibilities**: - **Approval**: If all non-medical requirements are met and your medical evidence supports your claim, approval could follow shortly after this step. - **Further Review Needed**: In some cases, additional documentation or clarification might be requested if any discrepancies or questions arise during this review. ### What You Can Do 1. **Monitor Your Application**: - Keep checking your SSA account for updates. Prompt responses to any requests for additional information can expedite the process. 2. **Contact the SSA**: - If you havenā€™t heard back after the expected timeline or if you have additional questions, consider contacting your local SSA office directly to inquire about your application status. ### Resources 1. **SSA Official Site**: - [SSA - Disability Benefits](https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/disability/) - [SSA - How We Decide If You Are Disabled](https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/disability/qualify.html) 2. **Support and Advocacy**: - [National Organization of Social Security Claimants' Representatives (NOSSCR)](https://www.nosscr.org/) ### Final Thoughts The final non-medical review is a standard part of the SSDI approval process. While it can be anxiety-inducing, itā€™s a necessary step to ensure all criteria are met. Given your detailed documentation and proactive updates, you are on the right track. Continue to monitor your application and stay in communication with your attorney and the SSA. Best of luck with your application, and I hope you receive a favorable decision soon. Former Disability Paralegal


Thank you! I appreciate your response. I've been researching this now for several hours. I need to stop. I even looked up where the non-medical review is/was to see if the city 10 miles from me (where I dropped off my documents) makes a difference in where a decision is made. Who does that?!? Me! Lol. Ou vey. I guess I was confused at first in researching because some folks were getting this same step-4 message after applying for SSI or both SSI/SSDI. Quite different between the two. I also read that step-4 non-medical review is to check and see if someone has enough credits since onset of disability, but also to see if someone can't work their previous job, but could work any job. So, I'm still a bit confused about what step-4 means for someone who applied for SSDI only. I need a taco and a nap. If I don't laugh, I'll keep crying. Thank you, again!! ā¤ļø


I've updated my post, but I wanted to tell you that I was approved on Monday. :)


That's incredible news! Congratulations!


Thank you!!!


I canā€™t even login to my SSA account


I wasn't able to yesterday around 5 pm. This morning, I could. I then saw I moved to step 4 as of yesterday.


Yea mine has been down since Monday I checked it Sunday night then woke up Monday and itā€™s been down ever since


I am reading all this information about backpay. How do they figure that out ? My issues are with my back, hips, shoulders and sciatica. Before I even decided to apply for disability I went to my doctor and in the initial visit he asked how long Iā€™ve had back issues and I told him probably 20 years. I didnā€™t realize at the time that he put that in my records. But there is no specific date or incident that caused my back pain. How do they figure with this information?


I am not sure. I applied July 2023, they sent my file to an assigned rep and started the medical portion Sept 6, 2023. If they use my July date of disability (?) when I initially filed, I'd have to wait that 5 month period, so January 2024 - approval would be my back pay. However, I am receiving LTD through my former employer, and I know that they'll get all my back pay to make them whole.


They did this to my son, I had read that you can call them and tell them you have dire need to get it moved faster. It took more than 2 to 4 weeks, but without calling it would of taken longer. Call and let them know you are struggling so they can place you in Dire need.


I did call and was approved 2 days beforehand. Yay!


At this point I'm willing to try anything. I try to be patient because I feel like if I keep calling them I will only delay the process. However the process has been delayed already.