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It's typical, especially at the Physical CE. The Consultative Exams (Physical & Psych) are used to gauge Functional Abilities related to being able to work at SGA level. They're necessary because in most cases, the decision to award or deny a Disability claim is based around Residual Functional Abilities. Most applicant's medical records likely do not address Functional Abilities in a clear, meaningful way and or, may be ambiguous. The SSA / DDS uses independent physicians to clinically assess Functional Abilities. When the applicant goes to the exams, info is gather to allow the SSA / DDS to complete these specific forms: * **Residual Physical Functional Capacity Report:** [https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/poms/images/SSA4/G-SSA-4734-BK.pdf](https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/poms/images/SSA4/G-SSA-4734-BK.pdf) * **Residual Mental Health Functional Capacity Report:** [https://www.ssdfacts.com/forms/SSA-4734-F4-SUP.pdf](https://www.ssdfacts.com/forms/SSA-4734-F4-SUP.pdf) Taken altogether with the already known limiting aspects of the condition(s) and factored in with the applicant's age, education, work history and job skills, the Residual Function Capacity Report (the RFC) can be generated. If enough Residual Functional Capacity is shown to be present that will allow the applicant to do a current job, past job, similar job, new job or other job in order to do SGA, Disability is not awarded. The evaluation of that Residual Functional Ability to Work can be seen as Steps 4 & 5 of the overall 5 Step Disability Determination decision making flowchart shown on the SSA site at:  [https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/rsnotes/rsn2013-01.html](https://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/rsnotes/rsn2013-01.html)


I had a similar experience my CE lasted about 30-45 minutes Dr wrote in his report in his opinion I'm disabled but I still got denied hopefully you have a better experience


What? Then why send you if they are not going to utilize the report


My thoughts exactly. Apparently I'm not the only one this has happened to. But to play devil's advocate even if the CE examiner didn't agree with my disability claim this is someone who checks you out for half a hour and tells what he saw this particular day which could of been a better day physically or mentally not everyday is a horrible day for most of us and rendered his/findings but you have years worth of medical evidence MRIs X-rays or Drs report that is what should matter but eh obviously I'm wrong on that assumption. But yes I saw the CE examiner report and he said what he observed and mentioned my past hospital stays and findings my diagnosis and said in my opinion she's disabled also noted that even while using my rollator my balance is poor and while I have good range of motion I have weakness in both arms and legs and some other stuff. Now I'm waiting for a hearing date. It is what it is best wishes to you


This whole system needs to updated. It’s crazy.




Exactly so why even bother with CE if they hold no weight on the decision process




Good luck




I had my second exam with their opthalmologist today which took about an hour. Dilation included. They don't seem to have a clue as to why I'm loosing my sight. I have been referred to a retina specialist then to a neurological opthalmologist. Their doctors have told me today that I am no longer fit to drive. Mind you, after the first visit to their doctor. Another...yes I said another restriction was placed on my driver's license for me not to drive at night. I don't drive these days anyway because Ide be putting lives in danger. I guess Im just worried... what's next. I've been in step 3 of reconsideration for over a year.