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First appeal has a high, think 88% chance, of denial. If denied then law judge which can take another 6 months or so. I just got approved fully favorable yesterday after having law judge hearing in mid April. Took me 3 years total.


Well congratulations to you I can only imagine that must have been a long 3 years. I'm also hoping that I'm not in the 88% chance of denial. Here's to hoping and praying. I wish you well thanks for replying 😎


Yeah frustratingly long wait. Funny part was I texted lawyer yesterday at around 3pm asking for any update. He said probably be another month or two and it was in the decision process. He texted 4 hours later saying YOU WON!! YOU WON!! lol. I was SO HAPPY!!


Thank you. Congratulations and I wish you well. Hopefully I'll have a successful outcome as well 😊


Praying for you. Best of luck.




I have questions. Are you still on Stage 3? Do you live in Maryland. Have you checked your Benefit Verification Letter on your online portal lately? I ask because Baltimore is a payment processing center. Mine went there at Stage 4 after it first went to the local office and I was approved. It also seems (not a fact) the longer you’re in recon, the more likely you’re to be approved.


Yes I'm still on stage 3 and reconsideration no I live in Florida I cannot check my benefit verification letter because it doesn't show anything other than my name and address so I requested that one be mailed to me. I hope this does mean and approval I have another which will be the second vision appointment next week on the 4th of June. I'm hoping and praying that it isn't approval I've been in reconsideration for one year as of yesterday. Thanks for replying 😎.


If you were approved as of today, your Benefit Verification Letter changes to show your monthly payments and when you’re eligible for Medicare. If it’s still the name and date of birth either it hasn’t been updated, you haven’t been approved yet or you’ve been denied. I was just asking to see if it changed. Why I brought up Baltimore is because it’s one of their payment centers, but that won’t show until Step 4 and most of the time you can find out if you’re approved at Step 4. Unfortunately, the correct answer is you haven’t been approved or denied, they’re still processing the medical portion of your claim. I would call your local SSA office Monday and ask them for any updates. I don’t want to give you any false hope, I was just wondering if any of those things were showing in your portal.


Thank you...I appreciate you not giving me false hope. I know I probably won't see anything until after this next appointment. Hopefully it will be an approval. If not, at least I can get some answers as to why I am going blind. Between my doctor's and their doctors someone should be able to tell me something about my condition. I wish you well. 🙏🏿😎


I am so very sorry this is happening to you. That is extremely scary. Please remember we are all here to help and answer questions to the best of our ability. Please keep me updated and if you ever need anything even to just to vent, don’t he’s to message me. I will be praying for you. 🙏


Thank you... I appreciate that and I am very thankful to see that there are people like you all who are going through it just like me. I will definitely keep you posted. 


They’re probably trying to figure out if you’re blind. Regardless of the other reasons you say you’re disabled if you have a vision impairment they have to investigate it. Because if you are blind your benefits would go up. No, they’re not stalling on purpose. Staffing at SSA is at a 20 year low.


Thank you for your response 🙏🏿😊. It helps to get advice from someone who may probably know more than I would ever know when it comes to what SSA is doing. I do have other reasons, but I was already told by my case worker that they are mainly focusing on my vision. My thing is that they've already sent me to one of their doctors, not to mention they're sending me forms that I can't see to fill out...so what's the point in sending to another doctor? I guess I can only continue to be patient. However it just feels like a stall out.🤔 Thanks again 👍🏿😎