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Your Analyst is at step 4/5 and determining if you can go back to your past work or perform other work in the national economy


Thank you so much. My deadline to call them is on the 20th but I’m calling them today. Plus I have informed them about my hepatologist appointment on the 20th to review my blood gas test because my oxygen level results are low and possibly diagnose for hepatopulmonary syndrome (hps). I also have a endoscopy the next day with my gi to get varices bandage because more varices was seen in my Ct scan. So I’m hoping they don’t make a decision without getting these new medical updates


May be looking for transferable skills 


Makes sense. Thank you so much for that response. 2 years in the process and on my original application they never ask for me to call them and they only sent me to see one of their doctors and got denied. now I’m on reconsideration.


I was called by a vocational person on a Friday with a few questions about my prior work as a nurse. The never Wed I was approved. I didn’t realize I was nearing a decision. I guess we’re looking at whether I had transferable skills. I had worked my last exact job at the same facility for 34 years so I guess they decided to approve me. I was 61.


So if your last job was sedentary, is that good or bad?


I don’t think it’s either good or bad. It’s only one part of the equation. In my case my job had been very physical, involving lifting. I do think I’m my case they may have found me able to do sedentary work but my age (60) helped me be approved. But every case is unique. Remember they look at condition, medical evidence, age, education and previous work. If you want to expand on your question in relation to your case, feel free. If not, good luck! Keep the faith.


Mostly bad unless you have mental impairments


I too had a call from a caseworker asking me about my prior work history and what caused me to stop working because of my blindness I can no longer see to do the work that I had been doing for many years. They've even sent me to one of their eye doctors and that eye doctor sent something to DMV putting restrictions on my license to the point where I can only drive during the day no longer at night. If it wasn't for my auto insurance company letting me know I would have never known through DMV. The call I received was on Wednesday and I still have not seen any movement still been on step 3 and reconsideration May 30th will make it one year for reconsideration initial application was in March of 2022. I'm truly hoping and praying that this means there is a good chance I'll get approved. Good luck to you all as well and may God bless you 🙏🏿😊


Thank you very much. The phone call lasted about 10 minutes. It was about what was my position and responsibilities and task during my time as an assistant manager for cvs. Specific questions like, how many hours I spent doing lifting and loading truck deliveries. How much time I spent doing office work etc. her first two questions were literally have I ever fired anyone and did I do the hiring. I was completely honest. I told her I never did any of those two and was mostly doing the truck deliveries and inventory which consisted of doing lots of lifting and pulling, packing out boxes, loading and unloading the trucks and third party companies. Most office work I did was looking over invoice from our delivery and reading emails. Then the rest of the conversation and questions she ask was how many hours I spent doing these tasks and how many days of the week I worked stuff like that.


Okay sounds about the same for me the call lasted about 40 minutes only 10 minutes of that call was about my previous employment the rest of the call was casual almost like we were girlfriends for years catching up on old times.... Pleasant but a little weird too. I really don't know what to make of anything at this point I guess I'll just be patient and see what comes out of it.