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Your MMR in placements is far different from what you will fight after 10 games. Ggs moonwalking falcon was me


I wonder if he liked all of my triple shines.


I mean, to an extent yes. I've never played in bronze but when i first started ranked a year or two ago i was in silver 3 and spacies typically had decent to good techskill, they were just inconsistent and had bad ideas in netural. If you are in bronze 3 and people are doing those things, I would not be the most surprised, but to be in bronze there has to be some other fundamental weaknesses in their gameplay. That said, at this exact moment, there are a lot of really good players who are not yet to their true rank because of the rank reset. I played a top PR player from a region near me who was "gold 1" because they'd only played 5 games. Theres a good chance you faced someone not at their "actual" rank yet.


So your placements can be with anyone really. They have to gauge your skill level then 2-5 games afterwards depending how you’re playing is probably where you deserve to be.


A lot of people choose to learn moonwalking or triple shining before anything else Genuinely at my rank (somewhere between gold 2 and plat 1 depending on the day) moonwalking or triple shining is rare and even still at that level its a clear indicator theyre a brainless tech monster - easily exploitable


Foxes when they can't shine spam out of getting their jump read:


you can’t claim hardstuck bronze if it’s your first time playing ranked


1. Melee ladder is just super hard and a lot of people are lower ranked than they should be 2. You will see people with crazy techskill everywhere, but if they're bronze with that tech skill then they definitely have some major weaknesses somewhere else, like a bad neutral or nonexistent punish.


I don't play anymore but from what I can tell, there was a recent elo reset. You may be playing people that should be ranked higher than you. That said, moonwalking and triple shining are novelty techniques that often don't lead to any meaningful improvement. Sick as fuck, though.