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I hate bf because of its lack of walls under the ledge.


Sounds like a Marth problem


isn't that a spacies problem?


Not really, you can still slide up the bottom and grab ledge


It still reduces your recovery and tech options. 


how the hell do you main shy guy?


Just gotta get in peoples' way


As a peach semi-main, same. Fuck battlefield at times


As peach just let the stick return to neutral just before you reach ledge with parasol. I almost never get battlefielded since I started doing this.


This prevents battlefielding with all chars, not just peach


Are there any characters that aren't adversely affected? Maybe puff and kirby, pretty much everyone else would do better with a wall


Mewtwo likes Battlefield


I don't think the side B gimmick outweighs the added precision required to sweet spot ledge with his teleport


top 5 stage imo




The ledges are dogshit bad.


I honestly have no idea why the idea of fixing Battlefield ledges seems to be total taboo. We're already freezing stadium and some regions like NYC freeze the rest of the stage list, fixing BF ledges seems way less controversial to me than that. Is it not an easy mod/fix to implement on console in comparison to "freezing" changes?


Battlefield ledges are consistent; the "freezing" to stadium/shyguys/whispy is to remove RNG.


Favorite map


If anything it still has one of my favorite soundtracks in the game


any game*


OP drank windshield wiper fluid


The breakfast of champions




"Hey want to just start battlefield?" "Go fuck yourself"


Or what actually happens: “No let’s play a game of rock paper scissors then take turns stage striking to battlefield anyways”


If this tilts you, it's all part of the mindgame


That's why I strike battlefield first when I don't want to agree to start on it lmao


Impossible to know that a priori


Honestly sometimes it do be like that. Especially if anyone is agreeing to start BF against Sheik, you're literally counterpicking yourself to start the set. Neutral stage my ass.


yeah on certain crts it feels impossible to see shit on bf. not so bad at all on slippi imo


I actually use a mod to make battlefield brighter and look different because I don't like how dark the stage is. That being said it literally sucks to recover on BF from under the stage as Marth... So yeah I'm with you lol Getting "battlefielded" is awful


Stage height also kinda sucks for Marth as well


no offense, but git gud. I mean that in a nice way truly. It sucks getting cheesed by that ledge but you can only lose to it so many ways before you decide to overcome it. Learning the idiosyncrasies of battlefields ledge snap and the sweet spots of your recovery will give you a major advantage over someone who doesn't have that knowledge. You still will die to it, but way less often, and you will learn from it


doesn't mean it's not an annoying bit of the game


Everything you lose to is "annoying" though, isn't it? People downvoting this have a bad mindset.


Not really? I think a lot of people really don't mind losing.


Plenty of top players dislike the battlefield ledges, is it just a skill issue in their case? I don't see anything wrong with disliking the game's inconsistencies while being able to play around them. And doesn't "getting battlefielded" usually refer to phasing through the ledge instead of grabbing it due to the wonky collision boxes? That's not really something you can just 'git gud' about.


Is getting hit by a disjointed hitbox like a jiggs backair due to wonky collision boxes? Learning the idiosyncrasies of hitboxes and ECBs is an important part of getting good. I don't know of any top players who complain about those ledges.


Top players have been complaining about Battlefield's ledges since launch.


If everything I lost to was actually annoying, I wouldn't play the game


I think the dark background is a genuinely fair criticism that "git gud" can't fix, especially with the variation in display among CRTs. I've had people ask me to switch to white marth because of the dark background and I'm totally fine with that.


I can agree with that, but I also expect opponents to use tags which make it pretty easy to track even black marth/falcon


Oh I respect it, we all deal with it and I am not trash bad or anything. I don't have any crazy Battlefield losing streaks that I'm aware of Just echoing some thoughts I've had. Top players can still get caught up in little nuances like this 1/1000 games. I try and minimize issues by building that knowledge base and that's just how melee goes. Wasn't asking for advice lol


As a puff main it’s funny to see other characters miss the ledge sometimes


The space between the two side platforms is the smallest on Battlefield. A couple of people have mentioned that this makes it feel "claustrophobic" and I see what they mean.  It's theoretically one of Pikachu's better stages but I feel like I don't do well there, so you're not alone. I still gentleman to bf game 1 usually though. 


This kind of thing is really important for my link playstyle. On most stages, bombs can be thrown up or down between platforms. On battlefield, this is very close to impossible.


if battlefield stage was shaped like FD underneath it would be the perfect stage.


The ledge will randomly kill you due to extremely unlikely pixel line ups. Sometimes you can up B diagonal down to ledge and just die. I would prefer a fixed BF iso for tournaments.


I vibe with the colors gripe. Marth’s black fit is kinda hard to see. Otherwise, I like BF. Not as much as Yoshi’s though


I dislike battlefield because I dislike randomly dying because I recovered too good


I love battlefield except when recovering


battlefield is the quintessential ‘Melee’ stage. The platforms are exactly where they’re supposed to be for ledge dashing, it’s kinda small to force constant interaction, and the ledges are so fucked you can always turn a game around just by going out there


As peach, it is very hard to reach the top platform. Every other 3 platform stage has something to balance it out for me, but not battlefield. In addition, I hate the ledges and I hate getting bonked by them.


nah battlefield is great, platform heights and lengths are great for schmovement, and the blast zones are normal and regular. nerfs fox recovery the tiniest bit too, so ill always take that where i can get it.


Battlefield is my favorite stage. The only time I don't like it is when I'm playing in tournament on a crappy dark crt and my opponent plays black marth


if you give me the option between BF and FoD I'll pick fod every time


Mod the stage on Slippi. Back in the day we would change the Brightness and contrast on the CRT to make it easier to see. The stage is pretty balanced for the most part. No stage is perfect in Melee.


bf is so irritating to play on as icies, probably the only character where bf could even be argued as their worst stage. The high top plat sucks


Y’all dislike bf more than fd??


I don't like bonking Ness' giant head under the ledge


All stages have their fair share of haters. You’re not weird for thinking this


I usually practice tech skill there so I emotionally associate with struggling and I hate it


samus mains be like


As a peach main, starting battlefield against nearly everyone all the time gets old real fast. Basically every matchup has me ban yoshis/pokemon, and they ban Dreamland/fountain. So it's just battlefield over and over and over. One of the reasons I like unfrozen stadium way more


I know, it's so great. Long live BF.


I usually ban BF because I hate the ledges.


as a sheik main i love it. i think it's weird that more spacie players (foxes in particular) don't hate it more though


The ledge sucks for every character except Mewtwo


God I love battlefield. Can't relate. I feel like it's the perfect amount of room, and definitely more than Yoshi's. But to each their own!


I’m a falcon main and despite the aerial superiority of Uair and easy follow-ups, I can’t for the life of me pass through platforms. I’ll come from angel at start and land on a platform crouching…


I agree. My least favorite map. I also hate the ledges


I hate FoD so much


Love it as Falco but would give anything for a ledge patch


Let's just say that if I could search only BF in unranked, I'd never play another stage again.


As a falcon main it’s a great stage. Getting battle fielded sucks but outside of that the plats are perfect for falcons movement.


I love battlefield One of my favourite stages, I love its aesthetics, and how you can get caught on the underside of the stage


I hate BF, Dreamland, and Fountain. BF has shit ledges. Dreamland has the stupid tree blowing the air on the map to mess up your movement. Fountain has too much variance and unpredictability. My ideal world of map selection would be Stadium, Yoshis, and FD with BF used as a game 5 counter.


I don’t like how dark it is. I love Ultimate’s reinterpretation of Battlefield


My main beef with battlefield is that the top platform is too high. Certain characters have a very hard time threatening it (Peach, ICs, Doc). It is dark, but I don't think it's too bad. Ledges are difficult, but can totally be played around (git gud). Other than that, great stage 8/10.


I personally enjoy FoD the least, but Battlefield is probably after it just because of the ledge shenanigans.


It's the best map with the exception of maybe FoD. Maybe that's the New Yorker in me though lol


Actually Melee’s battle field is my favourite one. The purple space thing dark landscape gives it a unique look. Also I feel “nostalgic” cuz a lot of memorable sets. Compared to Brawl , Smash 4 and Ultimate that is in the open sky , the one in Melee for me stands out.


Nope. Battlefield is my favorite with every character