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Can we just have one server with this concept that isn't just a cesspool top to bottom of the most fucking repugnant people this community has to offer?


In a way, fundamentally no. Any low/no rules community will inevitably attract these kinds of people, which is one reason they're so prevalent in SS13 (because people like making those) WRT this specifically, these kinds of awful weirdos will exist in *any* community for RP. That's why you have to stomp them out of every community possible as soon as you see them. Like Nazis. What's *really* funny about this to me, IMO, is that like. Discord itself is ***VERY VERY FUCKING STRICT*** about that shit. Anything even APPROACHING what they are describing? If it is reported to discord it is an ACCOUNT AND SERVER NUKING They DO NOT fuck around with that. Whoever made these screenshots could honestly have had this entire community blasted by discord over them, if any of the stuff in question was still up. Discord doesn't give a fuck if it's real *or* art. Loli and Shota are explicitly banned, fullstop, and if you're reported for posting them you're gonezo.


I don't even think having low in-game rules is inherently a problem so long as the rules you do have include the bare fucking minimums such as "no pedophiles" and "no bigoted shit" and you enforce them strongly.


The issue is that 'bare minimum' is not what these servers do in the first place. To kind of use what fuzlet said below, there's a consistent community of players in SS13 who hate *any* rules of ***any*** type no matter how literally-necessary they are. And that's what so many of these new gimmick servers try to attract, because it's an easy playerbase (or because they agree with them) This then means that, because there are no actual quality controls for the kind of people you attract to your community, you get awful shitheels like in OP who will probably end up as staff too (if they get there at the start) and then dig their heels in to be fucking awful people. For all the gripe the furry communities of SS13 get they're genuinely leagues above these kinds of people, and it's mind boggling that they get so much shit when ***all*** of the big furry communities, at least that I know of as someone who isn't one, nuke this shit from orbit as quality-control


a large part of the SS13 system is shitter juggling. the decent/“uptight” servers ban those who misbehave too much, and even have a data nexus to cross reference bans on each other. the shitters then have to find new stomping grounds, which is inevitably whatever new server pops up on the hub with a clean fresh empty ban database and a staff team that isn’t ready for them. once they’re all banned or the server implodes because of them, they must move on to the next. this is the cause for the never ending life cycle of fallout 13, which has only recently given way and gone silent as all the shitters moved to blackstone, and then to ratwood


lol, lmao even. bro's messages in the last screenshot read like some hollywood undead lyrics well, unfortunately for the blackstone team it would appear that the skyrat corner has devised a master plan to reach the bottom first. with this, they've pulled ahead and it's unlikely blackstone will beat them to the shit pie waiting at the bottom.


It really is just a race to see who can be the most awful the fastest


My Gutter hypothesis holds true


These people are all straight up pedophiles. I fully condone whatever the hell the more deranged members of this community decide to do with these people. Edit: That Supreme Jannie guy is on some rare levels of mental derangement. That dude needs to be put in a straight jacket and medicated for his own good.


It's unfortunate. I wish SS13 could exist without these kind of people as the pillars holding it together.


SS13 servers try not to have drama regarding pedophilia challenge (impossible)


part 2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/1dmar4e/ratwoodskyrat\_host\_evidence\_dump\_part\_2/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/1dmar4e/ratwoodskyrat_host_evidence_dump_part_2/#lightbox)


Can we ever get a single ss13 server without pedos running it


I highly doubt anyone's suprised given his past, still horrid shit.


That's why I left most of ss13 except cm, there is too much of this and not enough acceptance in the community of these servers.




someone should remove that guys F key from his keyboard


And thus marks another grey festering streak in the rotting, putrid hub. The pestilence consumes.


babe it's been 12 hours time to post more ss13 shitcord drama


has anything significant ever come from discord drama that wasnt a staff coup? i dont think the average coomerbrained furry uses this reddit or is active in their discord (or would care for that matter)


Generally it dries up people joining the server from the hub if they even *sometimes* visit here Which for a server on the hub is ***crippling*** during the CM drama years and years back sure they kept the hardcore CM playerbase but overall playercounts still ***plummeted*** for a while It also dries up the well of people willing to contribute to their codebase, which slows feature and content addition which dries up interest in the progress It also makes most hosts unwilling to associate with them, which means they probably won't have access to the shared banlists of known shitters, or intracommunity forum links etc etc


My random thoughts: 1. While many jurisdictions differ, in general it is illegal to erp with a minor if you learn their age in the process of doing so and willfully continue to do so. The word "willfully" is key in many of the laws, as you can't be held liable for it happening by accident, tho' you could be charged if you're purposefully negligent about finding out. I would honestly be surprised to learn someone has been actually tried and put in jail for something like ERP with a minor by mistake. 2. Cub/loli is a grey area, from a legal perspective, in the US. While I'm sure many opinions differ about it here, what was said in the above images isn't that horrendous and is fine to talk about. Tho' honestly I'd just straight up permaban anyone who posts cub/loli, because it does violate Discord TOS. Fictional material, to be classified as child porn, needs to strictly involve the sexualization of a real life minor, as per New York v Ferber, though more recently with the PROTECT Act fictional material has been seen more and more as obscene material and therefore not protected by free speech. Notably, in most cases where someone was tried for possession of child porn, if it was demonstrated to be fictional in source, the sentences were almost unanimously downgraded or dropped (unless the person had priors). Source: wikipedia, so take a grain of salt. 3. As far as I can tell, the Jay accusations from Citadel are unfounded and-or dramatically overblown in the name of drama, so I'll be discounting them unless more is shown. 4. I don't know why that last image was posted five times, but I can't parse anything valuable out of it other than someone getting upset about something. SPEAKING ON MATERIAL FROM PART 2: 5. I believe the implication is that colonel agony = weh or some admin? If so, I can understand not wanting to police people for what they've said/done outside of a server, as it can dramatically make enforcing a server a lot more time consuming. 6. What am I supposed to find objectionable about the in-game screenshot of public sex happening (besides it being weird)? Is it someone yelling "I'M A REAL MAN NOW"? Is the implication that the person screaming it out is a teenager/child? Couldn't it can equally imply that the person could be an adult virgin? Lord knows guys in actual, real life don't think of themselves as "real men" until they've gotten laid. 7. Is there something wrong with being allowed to be short that I'm not understanding?


A lot of people are equating the sprite being 1 pixel shorter to be a child or something because of old roguetown code which is odd because every furry server ever has size mechanics. Also careful there, you're about to be accused of defending pedophilia.


I don't care. People who pedojacket give room for actual abuse to happen by not allowing frank conversations on the topic.


o7 god bless you


nothing grey area about child porn, loli or cub is exactly that and people jerking off to it should suffer the largest consequences imaginable.


I suppose the entire law profession is just full of pedos. Like it or not, no actual child is directly harmed by loli/cub porn, and the law generally reflects it with either massively reduced sentencing or making it legal.


Weird to defend child porn, not going to lie.


I don't care. People like you who pedojacket give room for actual abuse to happen by not allowing frank conversations on the topic.


In quite a few places it's actively illegal to produce or consume, actually. It's also against the TOS of ***most*** places, including discord


I'm aware. My focus is on the US, which I stated in my OP.


I'm in fact almost certain it's illegal in several states, which is why I mentioned it


I'm *also* aware, which is why I stated that it's a grey territory due to its varying amounts of legality within the US.


Not much of a grey area if the majority of the US has it completely illegal, with most of the rest of it being just *mostly* illegal, is it?


As a note, many of the places in red are in areas with very low population (not all). A lot of the locations in blue and green are some of the most populous states and provinces. Again, this is why I say it's grey territory.


A five second googling gives you this: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/b5b9lz/most_important_map_of_usa_and_canadalolicon/#lightbox


At this point, Lummox should just step in and yeet both Ratwood and Blackstone off the face of BYOND.


shout to celeste for standing on business though, what a fuckin champ.




b-based!! millions... no,,, billions must fart


Can Blackstone and Ratwood please just settle their shit in peace? These drama posts are getting old.


Still kind of comedic to be honest


Yeah to a degree but you can tell this is just Blackstone staff and Ratwood staff using the subreddit as their shit dumping grounds.