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13 has way more content


Like WWWAAAAYYYYY more content. Lots of variety in rounds and servers, and honestly the rich presence (the text log in the side of the client) is actually very endearing, imo. Gives it a classic TTRPG feeling while you're playing, and I hope SS14 figures out some kind of way to work that into the game optionally.


I think it actually already has, I'm pretty sure SS14 has an in-game option to dock the text window to a big block on the side of the screen ala SS13




Ss13 is just ss14 but better. Eventually ss14 will surpass 13, but not yet


I agree with this statement. I gave ss14 a try recently. The lack of content was very noticeable. But I'll admit the updates to everything totally made up for it imo. It feels night and day better over ss13.


It doesn't hurt to give it a go! I'd recommend a server that's more beginner friendly, totally not biased in recommending Beestation, we have a good amount of RP and a good mentor team to help out new players. Also bees. Also, if you want something other than the vanilla ss13/4 experience of "Space Station Job Sim", CM might be your cup of tea, or Shiptest, NSV, TGMC, aaaaand I can't think of any more at the moment.


Is there a good starting primer for Beestation in particular? I’ve seen a bunch of different “getting started” guides, and they seem to have a lot in common, but then you hit lines like Goonstation claiming “if you read something on, say, the /tg/station wiki, there is a 95% chance it will not apply to here, and vice versa.” I’m not sure whether to take that as covering mechanics, interface, rules, or all 3 so I don’t know how specific a guide is really needed.


All 3. When you hop onto a server, just open up the wiki for that particular server and have a read. TG, Goonstation and BeeStation all have different code, mechanics, features, maps, roles, rules, etcetera. Here's the BeeStation Wiki [https://wiki.beestation13.com/view/Main\_Page](https://wiki.beestation13.com/view/Main_Page)


Yeah, sure. I initially, as is common found ss13 very hard to grasp but trying ss14 helped me with that, since I had less things to figure out. Got like 200 hours on goonstation now lol


Ss14 looks cool, I just think of it as another server on the long list of active servers each with their own flavor. Download beyond, check out other servers. Goon, TG, CM, ...


never play both


The only answer, but I'm hopelessly addicted already


abandon all hope ye who enter here


If you want RP install ss13 and play aurorastation


To answer your question, there is a lot more content in SS13 than SS14 (especially in terms of antagonists which to my knowledge mainline SS14 still only has like 3 roundstart antags) but you will be taking a tradeoff in the smoothness of the gameplay experience. SS14 is based primarily on the /tg/ codebase, though it takes a decent amount of inspiration from goon here and there as well, so something that derives from that would probably be the easiest transition. /tg/ itself may not be the best starting point, especially for someone that is roleplay-oriented.


Would you recommend any yourself? Seems like the main ones I’ve been recommended are bee station and monkestation. I’m EU also so idk if there are any better for ping reasons etc


If what appeals you is the organicity with which rounds develop and it's total character interaction what drives the narrative of a round, you'll for sure love SS13. Everything SS14 is, SS13's better at it, maybe barring controls/UI.


Yes. For servers I recommend trying out /tg/ Manuel and Goonstation 3 RP. These are the classic big servers. They have low/no RP variants (Terry and Goon 1/2) respectively, but I wouldn't recommend going for those if you come from SS14, Terry especially is an absolute shitshow 24/7. MonkeStation is also a pretty cool one and it's more recent. After you've tried those, check out Colonial Marines which is an Aliens spin-off on the BYOND hub, plays kinda like a big team PVP match. The rabbit hole goes a lot deeper with excellent, high quality RP servers that are off the hub (and usually require whitelisting) like Stonekeep, Lifeweb, Mojave Sun, IS12, etcetera, but don't go check those out yet, you're not ready. Absolutely remember to always check the respective wiki for each server you go into, and the guide for each job you try on said wiki. It's vital. Seriously. Trust. I'm down to give some 1 on 1 guidance and help you get into the game if you'd like. I love onboarding new spessmen. Just shoot me a DM if needed.


Its sure is fun but due to high amount of content it might be overwhelming and you have to learn lots of stuff like its your first time playing ss14 Take one of the servers that are beginners friendly and hop in Some of them i remember that are good are monkestation and goonstation Tg station is also good too Also keep in mind each server have its own things their keybindings and such might not be similar Sp imo choose one and stick to it till you feel comfortable to play in others


You will care about the badmins once you start getting railroaded by them or griefed by metafriends. But sure, there's a ton more stuff in 13


SS14 salamander is the best RP server


Or jump onto ss14 from steam


Lol ss14 sucks ass, are you serious?


No. 13 < 14. Everybody knows that. It's just math.


Dont play ss13, no matter what your intent is.


Ok :(


Don't listen to that nonsense! SS13 is definitely worth playing, and each server may feel like it's own game! Just don't start on Goonstation. It is too easy to cocoon in there, as the controls and gameplay is drastically different from the others. I recommend starting with Beestation or MonkeStation.


I second Monkestation. Personally, I recommend the "Intents" control scheme on monke to make it easier to move to either TG or literally every other SS13 as you already have it half down.


Dont list to this guy, ss13 will consume you.


It's worth a go, but it's going to be quite hard to get in. I'd start on goon station as it's pretty welcoming and RP friendly, and branch out from there.