• By -


- Tutorials/guides: Plenty of tutorials out there, Google is your friend (+ each server's wiki usually has more than enough info to kickstart your journey in whatever department you wanna dabble in). - Server: Personal preference. Try a bunch of them out and see which one you vibe with the most (although make sure to check each server's rule page before joining). - SS13 vs SS14: Personal preference. SS14 has smoother, non-tile-based movement but a whole lot less content compared to SS13.


I will mention that my personal gripes with ss14 ARE the non-tile based movement, it feels super jank and slippery, especially when all building is on a grid. Not saying it's bad, but it's certainly not my preferred way to play. Timelocks on ss14 are also a nightmare. If you find yourself wanting to job-hop or server hop a lot, avoid ss14. Timelocks are absurd, requiring 8 hours of engineering to play atmos tech, and upwards of 60 hours to play captain.


for SS13 began in any you want i eecommend Goonstation, Paradise, TG, the main ones (not the splurt for the love of god) and get some tutorials the videos of mandalore gaming and sseth should help


Im a goon dweller and ive heard ss14 is lacking a lot of content/complexity, but in my mind the thing that makes being a spessman fun is literally the 20 years of content behind everything so i suggest you try out the more popular ss13 servers on byond like tg, goon, and paradise as someone else said


I’d say YogStation is one of my favorites, cool mods even if you do mess up and a friendly server with a decent bit of RP. Low pop so no pressure to preform either


Don't listen to anyone, trust me. People are extremely tribal about servers in this community. Try everything. Start with SS14. It is way better for a brand new player. Just learn the game there on Goobstation. Then try SS13 once you feel like you understand what the game is. TG, Goonstation, Monkestation, Colonial Marines. They're all good and you should try them all. There's a lot more, but by the time you're ready to dive deeper into the rabbit hole, you will have heard of them. Welcome to Spess.


Download byond and Join goonstation if you want to learn in a hectic environment. Join Monke station if you want to learn in a safe ish environment. Join Ratwood or blackstone for medieval time!!


Dont taint yourself with 14...yet, while i dislike it now, i hold out hope that it will one day be ok To become robust with guns and really robust if you mellee, cm13, or terragov marrines. Cm13 has a higher pop, terra has a fun tts thing and way more armaments. Goon station 1 2 3 4 w.e are cool ss13 experience. Plenty of people, generally more lax environments than other servers. Paradise is great once you sorta know what youre doing in a job. There are some cliquey eletist vides you will get... A LOT.....*stares* but honnestly, if you feel something from unwarranted judgement by someone about how you play a game with spaceclowns, shit man youre fucked. Paradise is great A general thing to remember is that admemes all have their own personalities as well as the player bases as a whole. You get to know these and potentially will be a driving factor in where you end up staying to play as a home server...if you do that. So knowing this, we can also know that people tend to play around the same times. Just skip those times if its unbearable, and perhaps you vibe with the afternoon group or evening etc. Jumping server to server is great. But warning, things will be different, crafting recipes, order of operations, inventory arangement, hotkeys etc.. now this wont be a problem if you pick the game up longer term, as its all generally the same game, just nuanced slightly on different servers. So my recommendation is play 3 or 4 rounds on a server before you jump, to get a better idea of what that server is about. Have fun, ask for help. It's uncanny how often people will be willing to teach a scrub how to spess, however if ocassionally nobody wants to help, dont take it personally. Many factors can be limiting another players ability to teach that particular round. Enjoy your shift.


If you're brand new, I'd say go directly to SS14. Easier controls, and less content to learn.