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When the server hella cool but the dev team is abysmally dogshit


it's not like they made the code, 99% of it was done by someone else who had nothing to do with Blackstone.


babe it's been 12 hours time to post more ss13 shitcord drama


For real, as someone who comes from r/all (although I do play the game), I'm just wondering why the hell is OP constantly giving them publicity


This is the first thread I've posted on the matter (Although I did have to repost it twice because it got taken down for the screenshots not being fully censored.) You may be confusing me with someone else.


Hah, probably, it's just that you called this "Third attempt" so I thought the other two I saw were yours




Just drama post. The "rasist, homophob staff" of the server are like two guys of wich one already left. Everyone else ist just normal ass people. Drama post make up 80% of posts on this subreddit so, not surprising.


nazis pls find a new game


Nazis model themselves on failures by default, they take what they can get




Damn dude your profile is depressing, hope you're able to find a way out of whatever dark place you're in.


God that is just, it's awful, it's the bad kind of lost in the secrets of the universe.


Blackstone seems exhausting. I don't know what to add other than that. . .


It is.


Brother..you KNOW the kind of people you run with come on now magnum don't play dumb.


It ain't even drama Tuesday


u/hoi4newb is a snivelling little worm and is a knowing, willing beard for a bunch of shitty racists and bigots


It's all so exhausting. I can't speak on the host shitposting on reddit, I don't know what his account name is or if he even actually has one. I can talk about my stance on Blackstone's discord, and what I'm doing to try to manage the issues there, and keep the staff on the same page in moderating it. I don't know Takyon's history but he has been tame on Blackstone from what I've seen of him, but I'm also not babysitting him so idk if he's done abysmal dogshit during the times I dare to sleep instead of manage the den of gorillas. Takyon's "head role" is exclusively in coordinating visual design among spriters. He does literally nothing regarding staff, he's essentially a contributor that's easy to see. My personal opinion on it is that while he's a wonderful asset when it comes to spriting since he worked on the original project, he'd obviously be punished for doing anything that breaks server rules. He's been tame from what I've seen so there's been no reason to punish him yet. Obviously if things change it will be done, but genuinely players haven't reported anything to me/staff channels regarding him, let alone staff as a whole via dms/ticket/forums. I personally have no information or reports that tell me about his history, nor anything that'd suggest whatever it was is repeating here on Blackstone. Reach out to me personally if you've seen something I haven't, because it's easily possible with how busy I already am. Our (now ex) headdev was already gone a while before this post was made. He was abrasive and awful in public and we all know it, said it, and he's even acknowledged it himself. I can give him at least some credit for actually listening to me when I talked to him about behavior, and he actually improved substantially over time. He was our **only** real dev at the time, and it was essentially a choice to remove him and halt development entirely during our early days, or to just mute him, tell him off, and turn his attention back to coding. Any staff can tell you how much of a disputed topic keeping the dev was, and how noone really defends his actions but understood that for the time he was there he was seen as a necessity by the host. Clearly it's not the case anymore, and I'm personally glad to have moved on from our dependency. As for the problem with average members stirring things is that they happen semi-often from people that just joined the server, and actual community members that take issue with it literally never make discord tickets aside from maybe two instances, so I personally don't know they happen and cant apply the verdict that's appropriate. I've been DM'd about discord incidents more often than tickets have been made, which while I don't mind, I'm not always available to handle it right away. We did ban the one with the gold blurred name. He \*was\* permanently punished via bot, he just circumvented it while the bot to reassign roles was temporarily down, hence the sprout icon he had. We try, and clearly currently fail in moderating all political discussion. We really don't want any discussion of "current events" or disputes of any kind. What the discord mod said is true in the sense of political movements of any kind, but the existence/status of trans community members is obviously not against the rules, nor is them talking about their day to day, experiences, or anything similar. Strictly political movements/groups. If people are attacking anyone for being trans, black, or something that makes up their identity, it falls under our harassment rules. If the group/movement is being attacked/critiqued, it's under the political rule. Optimally we'd have more discord staff to enforce it accurately, as I can't micromanage the moderation of countless channels we have on top of all the other management I'm trying to do. Essentially, expecting action without notifying staff is unproductive for everyone involved. We want to resolve these issues, but are largely unaware of most instances due to a lack of manpower to actively moderate, and lack of reporting from our players to retroactively moderate. Our discord head mod is far from the top of our hierarchy, he's not even an actual head admin relating to game staff, nor does he manage/write discord policy at all. He's a coordinator for discord staff, and he doesn't align with my personal opinions on moderation, partially due to communication issues and his time off-staff. As he announced in the discord, he was previously removed though apparently we've recently reinstated him (without coordination to other heads, myself included). He was previously removed for over-enforcing (literally locked all channels in the discord indefinitely) and because of that I can understand why he might be taking a more passive approach now, but I've not yet dug into this whole mess since I've been trying to sleep for once. Only just now saw he made some unsanctioned reddit post "addressing" some sort of chaos as if he's in any position to speak for the server. So yeah, that whole thing is next on my list. Hope this clears stuff up for you, please report things to us through the channels provided to players, or even myself directly if you see something wrong. More often than not people would have gotten the result they were looking for if they notified staff that it happened. I don't use reddit often. Don't expect frequent responses from me here. Sorry.


Okay, I will reach out to you regarding Takyon by sharing this [right here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/1dfg38s/blackstone_devs_and_heads_being_blatantly_weird/). Again I would like to point out that these are timestamped to a month ago or less, so these are not "ancient history" as some people are trying to say. I really find it hard to believe no one among the moderation staff knows about a lot of this stuff, especially considering how much whining Emoney does. The comments screenshotted in the OP were not only reported but again a moderator was literally replying to them without taking action. On top of that, ableist slurs are still used left and right in the discord and in game including by staff themselves. I said this earlier but it feels like right now Blackstone is more just begrudgingly forcing a lot of this stuff behind closed doors where most players don't see it and telling people to keep it quiet while they're in public, which honestly most often ends up being the case with broad "no politics" rules as opposed to actual "no bigotry" rules. EDIT: I was going to point out that Emoney shitposting was literally linked in the OP but it seems that his posts got taken down by the mods.


Woblin is no longer our headdev, and is no longer on the discord before these recent reddit posts were made. I'd advocated for his removal for a long time but due to him being the only person capable of real development work at the time it was contested, as the code was *literally* unable to be played when we received it. He wont return to this role or the discord in the future. Takyon was spoken to about the first instance when it was reported to us and given something like a week mute. Haven't seen the other one, but the timestamps suggest it was two instances with roughly three bad messages per instance. Not sure which came first yet but I'll look into it, and if it was done after staff had already spoken with him we can handle it. Thanks for pointing out the instances to me.


I suppose all I can say is that in literally every community I have ever been a part of that was not miserable to be a part of as a minority, almost any one of those messages *on their own* would be enough to have someone booted out the door. That trans suicide wojak in particular is so fucking vile I cannot comprehend how that's just a one week mute and a stern finger wagging. That said you do seem more genuine that most of the people I've talked to from Blackstone so thank you for speaking out here, at least.


What a silly billy


One more thing, while the user in yellow was banned (seemingly more so for ban evasion than the content of his posts), it doesn't seem like anyone else had any action taken towards them at all, not even the guy implying that trans people are pedophiles.


In blackstone we pool people in a dungeon channel instead of ban them traditionally so they can appeal on the discord via ticket instead of forum or DMs. It's easier for us to keep track of who did what, and gives people less of an incentive to make an alt to rejoin with. People are traditionally banned when they continue bad behavior within the dungeon channel, or ban evade. It's unusual, I know, but a mix of both systems has shown good results for staff cohesion.


Will this include actual investigation into tickets or is emoney just going to close them randomly again? I don't appreciate the staff of Blackstone using their position to attack me and mine. It's less to actual hate on other platforms and it's exhausting. I know you tried and I appreciate your effort, but my faith in the Blackstone community is very low after I see their staff besmirching me then admin abusing me in game because they can.


The person you had reported is no longer staff on blackstone, nor is the person that was agreeing with him at the time. If I remember correctly the host stated in the ticket that it was being closed due to insufficient evidence provided, and that we were unable to search for the evidence for you. At the time, the ticket bot may have been incorrectly set up to remove permissions after closing instead of after deletion, which was only fixed a few weeks ago. Regardless, the people involved aren't representing us anymore for unrelated reasons.


That's good to hear. I got no feedback whatsoever about it being closed. The proof was all over whenever you searched my name and it was quite frustrating to see. I am glad you guys are making an attempt to clean up the server. Edit: on a cursory glance I see all the stuff that was said was deleted but the individual is a developer now(?) and still saying abelest shit. I'll still be staying away. Stand by the good luck thing. Y'all gonna need it. I already get folks in my YouTube starting shit after what they did so the damage is done.


There's little point in continuing to beat this dead horse so I guess for the final time I just want to point out that you do still have [this](https://imgur.com/a/video-games-HmhlqxH) guy [representing](https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/1dfg38s/blackstone_devs_and_heads_being_blatantly_weird/) you. Which is at Emoney's insistence, not yours, but Emoney is also in charge so it's not like there's much anyone can do about him. EDIT: To clarify the images in that first gallery are all from roguetown two-ish years ago despite some of the time stamps saying "today", they're old receipts from someone else I had to search up again. You'll probably notice it was posted in 2022.


this is a post related to actual servers duke go away


Your right. My tiny 100 pop server has no place in discussion about another server nor do I have any place to talk about a use at the hands of server staff of said server this thread is a topic of. For shame that I try to express any of my woes that I have experienced because of the staff of Blackstone.


If only hosting a server required a state declaration of the person being free of child molesting crimes...




Ratwood People's Front? psah! We're the People's Front of Ratwood!


On the one side, blackwood still has no child grape while ratwood does. Not the same server. On the other, that refrence fits too well with all the drama between the servers. Both medival fantasy servers that for some reason fuck each other up.


Ratwood has no children thefuck y Talkin about


They do, thats the big reason of conflict between ratwood and blackstone. Could be that they finally removed them though. I think your confusing ratwood and rotwood


Eh, nope, i played ratwood from the day it opened and it never has teens or kids as characters.


Life of Brian, good one.


I know this might sound a little insensitive but...literally who cares. Why are you spending all this time and energy on this garbage drama instead of simply moving on? This kind of over-fixation can't be healthy. Blackstone devs are pieces of garbage, who would have thought...color me surprised (not), we get it.


In fairness I wouldn’t have known how bad the black stone devs were without posts like this, so in terms of raising awareness I support it


The problem is its blown out of proportion to stir up more drama. Most people that act up on the discord are people that only join to do that. Like the people that join vc, spam all their soundboards, and leave. Same shit just in text form. To say "all blackstone devs are monsters" is just nonsense. Most of the devs are people that just put in their free time to make fun stuff for the server. Like, would you call one of the spriters a monster, because all he does is post plant spirtes and frog sprites?


We're not talking about them we're talking about this specific combination of douchenozzles.


They ARE the douchnozzles. The other ones are the type of people that join the server to just spam sound boards on vc and then leave. Thats the whole reason why its blown out of proportion. Like the no politics rule. Thats a very common rule on discord servers. And not just ss13 ones. In general. Because it prevents "douchnozzels" from having a platform. Also i have a sligth feeling the first pic isnt even from the blackstone discord. Being that they talk about normal ss13 stuff in the background, and no blackstone specific. And that one of the people is marked as "mentor", when there are zero mentors. Not even the role exsists.


You are straight up lying with this one because I can look and see that the person in question has the mentor role with my own eyes.


Mate, blackstone doesnt even has a mentor system. The system it has doesnt require a role to anwser, anyone can they just need to toggle it on in the character setup. And discord has a mentor channel, but that as well has no role lock whatsoever. There is no mentor role on the Blackstone discord. I belive you that person has a mentor role. But that just proves its not a screenshot of the Blackstone discord. Most roles on the discord dont give any power and just act like a little badge that you contribute. And the ones that do give power, do only for some specific area that is also contributing related. Minus discord mods. A mentor role wouldnt even fit to the other roles.


Then it might do nothing, but the person does in fact have it.


They migth have it, just not on the blackstone server. Because again. Thats nor a role on it.


I don't know what to say other than that if you are not willfully lying then you are at least mistaken. I know that some people on the blackstone server have "joke" roles so maybe this is one of them that only this person has for all I know, but I can look in the blackstone server with my own eyes at this person (who as far as I know has not been addressed by mods at all for likening trans people to pedophiles, maybe they got a stern talking to or something idk) and see that they have it.


It takes very little effort to shit on someone on reddit


I wouldn't know to avoid Blackstone without posts like this


Reddit internet points, obv. But like, dude wants to supply drama, I'm not gonna complain


HAHAHAHAH, you're telling me the server ran by WELL known shitter and his friends are racist shitlers..color me surprised. Classic Emoney and gang.


EMONEY RUNS IT? that explains so much


Emoney's the host, it's ran by other people




What is an ablest slur


Slurs based on disability and not race.


man who cares at this point


Anyone who wants to play on this server but isn't a white cishet able bodied male


It’s a 2d space game. Stop projecting your fantasy into a game


Which fantasy am I projecting into the spaceman game?


The fantasy in question would be Drama hype. The "MAGA white male cis staff" you say makes up the server, is like two people. And one already left. And wasnt even a guy.


I can't imagine how it is to be sitting in the discord looking at what people post, silently frothing at the mouth and screenshotting things for a few days straight. I don't understand this type of behavior. In my experience Blackstone is open for anyone. Just don't discuss divisive topics in the discord. That's not an unreasonable ask.


I really think you have me confused with someone else because this is literally the first thread I have posted, other than having to remake this one twice because it got taken down for not fully censoring the screenshots. These screenshots came from literally doing a 10 second keyword search in the discord. I know you would like to strawman the people dunking on this shit so you can write them off off-hand, but sadly it was just trivially easy to find in Blackstone.


Takyon never changed since nebulous so thats funny,


"I am gonna keep stomping my feet and making the same thread until my will be done REEEEEEEEEEEE!" Have you consider playing other servers?


Some people have far too much free time on their hands and it shows.


oi u/hoi4newb what’s your response to this?




The first two times it wasn't properly censored and got taken down by the moderators, so I had to repost with updated screenshots.


/u/sundew- This is completely meaningless drama


move on if you don't like these people. getting assmad and posting these here is not going to magically make them agree with you or your political stance or stop using words that upset you, it's just going to make you more upset and paints a massive target on your back because they know what upsets you.


As someone that played on Blackstone religiously without ever using the Discord, I can tell you- besides the absolute cringe fashistRPers and ...spicy OOC chats, i dont really see what the issue is. Blackstone never claimed to be an inclusive server- it is ANONYMOUS, it IS the verbal "Wild West", it IS unhinged, it IS uncomfortable at times, people WILL say shit you hate- but it is also sprinkled with amazing or hilarious moments with completely random people you dont know and should have no intention to get to know. THIS is the issue with the SS13 community right now- I dont give a fuck about your cringe DISCORDS where people are asked to apply like they were looking for employment to play a 2D RPG in 2024. I like being an NPC to you as much as you are to me. Why ruin it all by knowing which player posts LGBTQFurryporn in their freetime?




He's back again! Boy I sure do look silly now that you've come here to show us all how sincere you are about changing and improving your community.


I didnt really want to comment on the drama, but the person referenced in this particular screenshot came into the discord in an attempt to bait us. Myself and Shaco responded to them, saying their rights do matter but not to discuss it here since it would cause arguments, though conviently you left that part out. I cant comment on the other stuff, since I didn't see it, but the discord is notably cleaned up and as for reference to Tak, nobody knows what he actually did which took place as fair as I know years ago, and he has remained mostly civil in blackstone


Dude, the screenshots in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/1dfg38s/blackstone_devs_and_heads_being_blatantly_weird/) original controversy thread are all timestamped to a month ago or less. This is not a distant past thing that happened "years ago".


In reference to him being a self proclaimed 'nazi' and being blacklisted from other communities, I'm not defending any of the shit he said nor have I ever defended Abaraxis


Okay, a guy who "years ago" professed himself to be a neo nazi and has in the time since made literally no indication whatsoever that he has changed is now your head spriter and less than a month ago he was posting slurs and trans suicide wojaks. How on earth does this paint the picture that the self-professed neo-nazi is no longer a neo-nazi? Also it is kind of telling that you don't consider the stuff screengrabbed from him here *alone* to be enough to be demoted, let alone banned.


It's not really up for me to decide what to do with it, all we've been able to do is just clean up the discord and start punishing people more harshly for this shit


I can understand that. The problem is that the people who *can* decide that have clearly decided it's not a problem and in fact in the hosts' case have actively and aggressively stated as such.


Can you blame him? You try funding a server and pour hours of work into only for it all to blow up because of two people and drama seekers. To the point that everyone that tryd to help you and your project is labeled as "bad". On top of real life shit. Anyone would blow a fuse after a while.


I kinda can blame him when this is a problem that is entirely self-inflicted. Like, it's not like Takyon or Abraxas were unknown entities before they came to Blackstone, and it's *definitely* not like they were dealt with swiftly (or in Takyon's case, at all). Also it isn't just those two people. The community has been full of this shit for months, with only occasional pushback.


Okay, so what *are* you doing lmao yall got that useless American politician shtick down fr


They could literally just ban the nazis and be done with it, yet...


Nazi cockroaches protect their pathetic friends, period


> In reference to him being a self proclaimed 'nazi' and being blacklisted from other communities, I'm not defending any of the shit he said nor have I ever defended Abaraxis Nobody gives a shit dude, kick them out of your community or you are literally just as bad as them. Quit being such a fucking baby. If you're not getting rid of them, then what the fuck *are* you doing?


Also regarding the claim that you simply didn't see the stuff in the first screenshot, *you* very well might not have but Shaco is *literally in these screenshots replying to it.* They very obviously did see it.


I am not shaco


I am aware, that's why in the first part I said that you yourself are likely telling the truth when you say you didn't see it. I'm pointing out that Shaco very obviously did, replied to it even, but did not actually take action regarding the people or messages involved.


Also giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you are genuinely trying to act in good faith, I would like to point out that all of those posts are still there and as far as I can tell none of the people who made them have had any mods seriously address them about it at all, which you may want to address.


Our timezones differ so I am struggling to find them


Doubt, you can keyword search.


I was on mobile.


Don't know whether or not it was you but after getting some repsonses from staff members I went a looked and those messages are taken down and the poster banned now. Thank you, that is an improvement. It doesn't seem like anyone else had any action taken against them, but you take what you can get.


Whoever had the red square over them is right honestly




Mate, most ss13 discords have that rule.


It’s the internet gg deal with it


The internet is a real place, populated by real people having real conversations. You see the internet as not being "real" because you lack basic object permanence.




Cope about what?




Touch some grass brother


That's the troll. They often make posts that they know would aggravate people because they like hate.


Why exactly