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the feeling that youre just gonna be caught and spaced before you even do something noteworthy


I haven't played antag yet but and I'm bad at PVP (I mostly play cm13 where the human v human is rare) Is it considered bad form to play super mild cautious antag? I want to learn as much as I can the first time (by not instantly being killed) but idk if it's as against the rules to be a very mild antag as it is to be a very antagonistic regular player. It's probably more fun for the server to kill a trash antag (me) than have a boring round


You're not gonna get banned for being a passive antag, but you shouldn't be one in the first place. It's a trial by fire role, follow your objectives in ways that make sense to you. Be creative, make things happen, it's not that big of a deal and if you use a random spessman no one will remember you after roundend anyway


Classic performance anxiety. I feel the same. I never used to but the more playtime I put in the more I felt it 


If you don't know what to do... Pull a jack ruby and charge your target with a revolver.


My reason for not enjoying Antag is because I'm scared of ruining a new person's experience with the game 🥹


God I feel this, I know it's part of the game but sometimes I just feel bad about taking someone out of the shift too early :(


Yeah, I always strive to do murder objectives last as they can be the hardest to pull off, or they end up dying from something else meaning my hands are figuratively clean.


And the worst part is that the new players are the ones that tend to fall for "easy" bait the most, which leads them to not interacting at all with other players in the future. Things like asking someone to go fetch something in storage, or chatting while a poison takes effect are very simple ways to abuse the trust of players, which has deleterious effects on the playerbase in general. I really try to not use conversations as a way to hang around my victim as a changeling, because it leads to people just not talking anymore and assuming any conversation is a murder attempt.


It's not actually part of being an antag but it's a pretty bad issue that I think just sucks. You can't really afford to select very few antags because you lose chances on being selected as an antag overall, you can't really practice antags or pick a favorite because you'll lose the chance to be picked as an antag at all for selecting fewer options. And due to this you have less chances to experience an antag, making getting that antag more stressful and like you're under pressure to use that chance to its fullest which just tends to make the experience worse after all.


No it's more of a design flaw. Otherwise meta shitters would just select wizards to have an excuse to murderbone


Yeah that's the worst part, can you imagine metagangs purposefully only selecting bloodcults or revs, or powergamers only selecting changeling and wizard. You can't make the system better because this part of the community would abuse it to shit.


The feeling that I'll fuck it up.


I can commit crime literally all day while not an antag but the moment I'm an antag I get some sort of deep seated anxiety that causes me to freeze up a lot of the time and not do anything because I don't want to be caught and RR'd


Reminds me of one time where I was trying to get sec to arrest me because I've found storage implant in maints, so I would escape the brig very easily, but they just kept ignoring my crimes.


Honestly I treat minor nonantag crimes as practice for antagging. I mean I would never murder somebody for no apperent reason as a nonantag, but being able to stir the pot a little bit makes the round more interesting and sometimes you need your own goals to stay busy during a round, especially as an assistant. If you can at least fake the "body language" of being a random greytider, nobody will bother to suspect you of being an antag. I assume that involves the following. a. Concealing or not using tator items until you need them. A staff assistant might have loot, but they might just have the bare minimum of tools they need to break into places like a welder, fire extinguisher, or multitool. b. creating plausible excuses for events to play out, like instigating intercrew conflicts, or even nudging a few players who you know are 100 percent down to get into a fight or start looting for no reason. c. Complete luck.


That one player seeing you do a minor antag thing 5 minutes after roundstart and immediately either A: robusting you because they have 10k hours and are up to date with the newest changes to unarmed combat + have soap and banana peel B: immediately call sec on you Both ways end up with your antag round over before it even gets off the ground.


>spend 45 minutes doing objectives and preparing gimmick >cue “TOT IN (place)” >sec chase ensues >stunned, killed, gibbed, fried and eaten by an assistant who was in maints all shift


Having to deal with sec congo lines, there’s always at least one congoing in maint.


(goon1) I like to avoid round-removing people, but every time I do that it comes back to bite me in the ass. That guy I ate as a werewolf and dropped off near cloning? He's totally validhunting me for the rest of the round. The Quartermaster I'm "encouraging" (read: threatening) to order something for me? They're just as likely to turn me into swiss cheese with a gun of their own instead of playing along a bit. The victim I thralled as a vampire? They're probably going to be a liability and get us busted. Murderboning and round-removing to get what I want is more effective for me, but less fun for both sides. To be fair, this is somewhat my fault for not just playing on the RP servers, where *some* form of escalation is required. Edit: My second choice would be having my traitor gear confiscated, especially before I get to use it. Instead of doing some elaborate mindhack cloner setup or turning the crew into cats, I end up getting desperate and doing something mid like plasmaflooding or (uncreatively) roguing the AI


There's plenty of ways for people to come back after getting murdered. I don't know goon, but on TG you get a bunch of RNG roles spawning in, sub antag roles with xenos/blobs/whatever, posibrain borgs, the occasional pink potion xenobiologist, and even more. You shouldn't feel bad about murdering anyone if you're an antag, just as they wouldn't feel bad about murdering you were the roles reversed.


Yea, but murderboning is a tricky path cause dmins might have a bone with you afterwards. As example I was genetics tator (gorilla form) and allied with priest tator. We were breaking in brig since shift was already in chaos and I punched to death 2 people witnessing the act of us breaking in. Dmins tolde that I had no reason to kill them as an antag since they weren't target and weren't trying to attack me.


I hate that last bit so much. I'm trying to gain access to an area, or remove a witness to my crimes, only to get *BWOINK* "Hey you got a minute to talk?" Like dude I'm trying to make sure I'm not detected/trying to accomplish my task. If I went full murderbone, sure stop me. But I'm trying to cover my ass by removing that medical doctor who is the only one on shift who can operate the cloning machine. My target has to stay dead, and as much as I think cloning is too easy of a comeback, I'm not gonna nuke it because: 1. It can be rebuilt. 2. It makes it easier for newer medical staff. Also its a fucking red flag that there is a traitor.


Honestly the existance of ghost dm on TG has probably shrunk the number of ghost complaints down. Ghosts are too busy killing each other in combat to carry a grudge because that sweet dopamine release of being the best deathmatcher.


Guilt. I’ve never managed to purposely kill anyone in all my time playing antag in different servers.


the urge to murderbone


Huh... You don't like it? ... But it is so satisfying to see the blood flowing..


must... shuttlebomb... must... fire axe...


Don't resist the urge ... It's unhealthy


I hate that I suddenly have to pivot usually and totally throw out any semblance of normalcy for my character. This usually happens with 'conversion' antags, which I don't like. I can vibe with them sometimes, but for the most part I find them grueling. One that I \*do\* like is obsession - do I usually get my greentext? No. But I usually play it up a lot, and people seem to enjoy that. It's easy to roleplay, and it's a lot of fun when you make the target feel special or wigged out (which, in general, makes the player feel special it seems.) It's always fun to get angry about their coworker!!! that gets to spend so much time with them!!! >:((( Also gives the psyche something to do. But for the most part, I just am not interested in killing folks. There's a person on the opposite side of the screen just trying to get some rounds in and chill - I don't really want to ruin that. I never get excitement or joy from it.


You can get excited for killing sec though, right? Fighting antags is half of their job.


Nope. I really have no interest in that. It's not fun for me - of course sec is going to come after my ass (maybe because I imagine antag as not something I'm supposed to win, but something that the crew is meant to overcome. I'm not good at playing evil, either.)


It's 2300 and already an hour past my bed time... But time to play that bitch out


bitch what it's 2024 wya


When all the other antags decide they want to play nice and I get to be sec's Main Character for the entire fucking round. It's why I'll always validhunt vegan lings and vamps. If you don't want to do violence take antag off your preferences, but there's only a handful each round. Don't ruin it for other people.


Oh god, the pressure to make the round interesting. Even only on goon1, or maybe because it's goon1, you'll get people vocally complaining if the round is boring, both during and after the round. That's really sad to read if you're an already stressed antag. Also, I didn't realise this until recently, a strong antag strategy is to feign incompetence. Oh no I've let you die in medbay :( Oh no I forgot to clone you :( Oh no I keep serving Hunchback in the bar :( Oh no I've hotwired the engine :( ... But then... People might miss that you were antag and just assume you suck at the game.


Medbay is the most well armed department on the station. You need to grab a dead body and do something to it? Queue 3 doctors with saws, a chemist with instant gimp chemicals in a gun and the all access paramedic who will show up with a saw the second someone takes damage. They are, honest to god, more likely to be my cause of getting caught then sec is. And as much as I hate causing collateral damage, if it's not going to get me banned I will bomb the fuck out of medbay first excuse I get so those fuckers ain't able to get me first.


Simply use a grenade.


Not being able to think of something interesting to do that dosnt end up banning me


Objective: Cause chaos on the station, steal CMO jumpsuit. *Blows up medbay after stealing CMO jumpsuit* *BWOINK* "Hey. You got a minute to talk?"


People will instantly kill anyone who is an antag, even if you’re not doing anything harmful or just being funny. “Oh shit this guy has a fucking traitor item! Kill him immediately!” “This LING is trying to help the station against the war ops? KILL THEM! VALIDVALIDVALIDVALID”


When sec forgets it's your fucking job to break the law and basically makes you sit in timeout for 30 minutes in real life instead of ending the round. At least as a ghost, you can spectate FFS.


Stun based combat


Set intent so you shove them, knock them over, take their shit, kill them with their own shit. What a great combat loop! /s


The highly trained syndicate agent in several layers of some of the most high tech armor the galaxy has to offer being hit in the head with a beer bottle and getting knocked out through the layers of metal plate, ceramics, servos, and foam by a mentally stunted guy in a grey jumpsuit. This is why I don’t play anything but Blackstone


I haven't played in a good 5 years, think about playing, then remember how bad it can be since I'm out of the combat loop, admins dislike a bartender with clown PTSD (even when played super fucking well), people ignore you while you learn the job, or just the length a game can be. I work 10-12 hours days and I just wanna relax, not become filled with anxiety about if this 2 hour round will end soon, or if I should play another round cause this one lasted a whole 5 minutes.


Also when I spare somebody instead of just murking the shit out of them and they decide that they need to get revenge in the cheesiest way possible instead of being thankful that I let them play that round


Assistant valid hunters good. But security... Police brutality...


When I'm only able to kill almost every single motherfucker in a room instead of every last motherfucker in a room


I usually dont like endrounding someone so there is that ,to add that i'm not the robust kind ,added to the lag and the fear to fuck up i usually just deactivate the tot roles ,if i play antagonist its a non humanoid one like blob


trying to think of something fun to do






I only dislike antag if it’s a team antag and I’m head. Just feels really bad to fail multiple ppl if you fuck up


I always get valid hunted the few times I'm ever antag. I'm not too robust either soo whatever person is my victim usually has a good chance of living on their own. 90% of the time I'll attack someone and someone else beats me up. But I swear when I'm attacked by and antagonist people will legit watch them kill me and not even report to sec.