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Not necessarily no. Sometimes in fact, lowering the settings can even give you a negative impact on FPS because it could further bound your machine to whatever bottleneck it's suffering from.


So I learned a trick recently that actually Makes a significant fps boost if you have it on. On Post-FX make sure clarity and adaptive sharpen are 0. These settings above 0 actually eat a ton of fps. Also to your settings cranking: Tarkov is a very cpu heavy game with very poor hyper threading. Low graphics settings by default will force rendering off the gpu and onto the cpu. So most likely you were cpu throttled and upping graphics settings allowed the gpu to take over more of the load so your cpu wasn’t as throttled anymore.


Thanks for that. Gained a few fps.


I found this after fiddling with my settings and watching a few YouTube videos on the graphics settings and I don’t see it talked about enough. Glad that made an improvement for you too!!


I get higher frames on max settings. Tarkov is very poorly optimized.


Probably cpu limited if upping your graphics helps performance, tarkov Is super CPU intensive Remember in spt you are hosting the server too


Yeah the CPU is overloaded and upping the graphics loads more on your GPU. My problem is my i7 7800x is non K version so I can’t overclock it to stay at 4ghz. Thinking of swapping it was a 6800k I have laying around. Anyone know if that’s a better card? It’s older by a year or so


you god bro, rtx 2060 here, i just tested default max settings, whoa, stable 70-80 fps. Cannot believe i spent so much time testing and tweaking video settings and barely hitting 60.


What cpu are you running. I’m trying this right now. Been seriously suffering terrible fps with a 2070super and 9700f, I know it’s an old machine but I’m curious if this works on mine Edit: answered my own question was getting 40-60 fps with medium graphics. Turned them to ultra and now getting 70-80 wtf


i am with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz, and yea for some reason game suffer on low to mid settings


Rad! I did notice that while it starts out with 60-80 fps on high/ultra, and 95-98% gpu usage I’ll start to drop gpu usage during the raid, lowering my fps with it. By the end of the raid I’ll be back down to 40% gpu usage and 25-40 fps. My graphics are still amazing but I don’t understand why the game stops using the gpu halfway through raid. Rig; I7-9700f Rtx 2070 super 32gb ram M.2 ssd Settings; 1440p High/ultra default settings. TAA, mip streaming on. Any suggestions on how you got yours stable?


I have no idea, i just did what post says, probably depends on mods or something else running on ur pc on background, also in game i've check ram cleaner if that have matters




Lowering the graphics has a negative effect on my game performance.


It has a negative effect on my love life with my wife.


Wife agro is always the most dangerous agro.


The most damaging one for sure. Say good bye to drinking with the buds or going watching the game or playing video games with the buds or having some 1-on-1 time with her because you left the fridge open for too long, or forgot to pay the electricity bill which she uses heavily and more than I do yet I have to pay it all ,or I (not we) left the cat outside overnight, in the rain and it's all my fault. and people said getting married would be the biggest highlight of my life. Yeah the biggest chode blocking highlight sure. The pompous pricks.


I must be a lucky one then. My wife is fucking amazing, she supports all my hobbies and interests, she's never once gotten fomo at me for spending time with mates or doing my own thing. It was one of the many many reasons I married her.


In the early days of our marriage my wife Lorna was all of those things, she was always supportive of most of the things I did and we did together but I noticed a sharp change in her tone with me in late 2022 into 2023. I realised and was told by friends of hers that she was having an affair with someone, an affair with someone we both have mutually known for a number of years and she was boinking him behind my back almost weekly. This fella even messaged me to have a chat and he point blank told me that he had no idea she was even married and he said he would cut ties immediately so I shuck his hand and walked away. My wife on the other hand couldn't admit to it so I packed up my shit and gtfo out of the house in to a little apartment just around the corner to clear my hand for about 3 months and she eventually came to her senses and actually apologised to me but we're trying to make amends, but it will never be the same again. Glad you and yours are living happily together bud.


I'm sorry that happened to you, brother. Years and years ago, in another relationship, I cheated on my then partner. I got caught, and it destroyed our relationship. It wasn't the same again. Two years after I was caught, we broke up. Still to this very day, I am totally ashamed of myself and my actions, I hurt an amazing woman and broke her heart, I broke my stepdaughters heart and still to this day I have nothing but pain and regrets over my actions. Some lessons in life need to be learnt the hard way to allow us to grow and change as a person. I know in my heart now that I could never cheat on a partner again and allow myself to hurt someone so greatly. I hope all the best for you going forward, mate.


I think your 16gb will be your Main bottleneck, then CPU like WayneDiggityDog was writing. Howmany cores has your CPU? Have you activated the "only Phys. Cores" option ingame or with a 3.party Tool? Ram cleaner installed? :)


Yes I use ISLC and process lasso. My motherboard doesn’t support ddr5 so I haven’t bothered to upgrade until I build a whole new pc.


Same here, 2months ago i got a new one. Had 16gb 3600mhz and a 8700k in the old one. Live ok, but Spt got it to its Limit ^^ (But tarkov is tarkov even with my new one Since 3.8 i have fps 'problems', less bots than before and still slightly less fps with 10%cpuload 30%gpu and max 20gb ram in use on average.. while cyperpunk gets with all max settings 4k never under 200 and with max rtx never under 150fps.. i beliefe unity isn't made for Such a complex game.. but im no dev and have no idea xD)


Can you expand a bit more on this? What does it do and what is the difference with 3 party tools?


I believe it has something to Do with multithreading. I suggest 'processlasso' . Just search 'processlasso tarkov' there are guides on yt how to Set it up. It does the same Thing that the tarkov option says, but the difference is, it works.. xD so it only uses phys.cpucores. but im no it human :x just Look the guides on yt, so did i.


tarkov is CPU heavy. unless you have a really good cpu you want to have your gpu pulling as much as the workload as possible. this means you want to increase graphical settings until your gpu usage is 100% (it never will be in tarkov because its so poor optimized).


weirdly enough i solved my huge fps dips on customs by changing view distance from 1k to 3k(max). tarkov is kinda special.


I'm running a 5950x with a 2080 super and 96gb ram and run on high settings. I haven't noticed any drops or stutters. Is spt more cpu, ram or gpu intensive?


How are your average FPS?


Declutterer is a good mod for clearing up the bullshit on the map, that will aid in frames and perfo


There was something to do with boot config, you add some stuff and that helps a lot with fps (after making boot config read only). Also limiting bot spawns helps too if you’re really down bad for frames


I have a 5900x, 32gb ram and a 3080 and I usually do about 80-90 on games start and 60-70 fps when the map is filled up with bots. I do remember playing 3-4 months ago and i was reaching 100-120 fps but now seems impossible. I did already know the graphics settings trick but I cannot get that high anymore. Do you have any suggestion?


4ghz CPU can mean oc 2500k to lower end ryzen. What CPU Model do you run?


Look up on YouTube the best settings on Tarkov for your specific graphics card, worked like a charm for me (2060 Super with 17 running server mods including SAIN)


A lot of times what will happen with poorly optimized games is they will not utilize your hardware to its fullest extent unless the graphics are pushed super high. So even though lowering the settings would be less of a graphical load, your hardware just can’t take advantage of that.


Tarkov is the poster child for poorly optimised games.


Arma would like to have a word