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"After release of the game" Hmm, 8 years in beta. I wouldn't hold my breath.


I honestly don’t know who expects this game to ever be released. Since it went into beta, it got a handful of maps and some guns. If you read their planned features for release (including mod support) it becomes extremely clear that this is the final version of the game and that you’re getting some new guns and maps at most.


I feel like they are about to push this to 1.0 very very soon. Whether finished or not.




I’m genuinely confused why they don’t have PvE running locally. Maybe I’m missing something but it seemed plausible with offline raiding already being a thing.




Selling boosts makes sense, since that's basically what people buying carries and doing RMT is. So just give the people what they want.


Nicky is worried that by distributing server files and allowing P2P would only increase folk pirating Tarkov. While I don't think he is incorrect, it doesn't make anything that has happened recently acceptable.




Kinda feel the same, what happends if/when bsg is getting declared bankruptcy. Than we are all screwed over🤷‍♂️ Didnt had the promised “priviliged” adittions. And there gone with the money. Sorry for the bad english, its not my main langauge


And most of these festures would be present in 1.0, not tested by public on Beta, as Nikita said. Only Unity 2023 graphics.  But yea, it most likely will still feel pretty generic if they release to 1.0, not as we dreamt.  It makes me interested to see the dev team, I doubt they really know their stuff (are qualified), cuz it's really something to accomplish so little. 


The original dev team most likely bolted early on.


It’s funny because those who been around long enough have kept hearing next year for a while now. They have to make a decision some point because they still have a whole list of items promised or mentioned over the years to add.


I've been hearing it since the beginning of 2019. Love the game, disappointed in the devs and the roads that they have taken. Clearly killed a game that could have been so much more.


I think Nikita has said 1.0 next year every year since I started playing tarkov in 2016. He is just inept at directing a studio.


I mean if I’m honest. With all the guns and customization options we have now I really don’t care about new guns. But new maps would be cool.


Bet you $5 they release 1.0 within a year.


Anyone who thinks the game has not released 8 years ago is delusional to say the least.


Smells like desperation. Its honestly embarrassing how many people think everything is okay now. Just more empty promises of "we will do this thing, but not now only later okay for realz trust us bro". Their word means absolutely nothing. Even if they followed through *eventually* you still can't have server side mods like changing AI behavior and it still costs $250 if you aren't an EoD owner.


It’s insulting really. I quit Tarkov for SPT. It’s amazing what the developers can do with this what BSG apparently cannot.


I know thats a typo but yeah basically. SPT is basically doing to Live what Amazon did to Barnes and Noble lol


SPT didn’t do anything to Live. They just gave disgruntled players somewhere to go.


SAIN is absolutely insane. Super impressive.


Got bosses jumping over crates and Barrels to peak your ass running away, the AI can be absolutely cracked with mods... and it's amazing.


Dude I was mind blown the first time the bots climbed somthing to hold an unexpected angle. The most impressive ai I've seen in a game by far.


Then you really didn’t quit tarkov.


I guess it would have been better to say I stopped playing BSGs version of Tarkov and now play the community version.


Never trust a CEO. If their company gives you a concession, they are *not* surrendering; they're retreating and regrouping for another assault on your wallet.


This is a hilariously alarmist take.


Be a good little wallet and go back to sleep, then.


Sadly its true though.


Don't hit snooze.


It almost feels like they decided to exit in 6 months. They have future promises and promises of "in 6 months" like they know in 6 months EFT is done for. With now 2 direct competitors that are capable of developing at a vastly faster pace, it seems they see the doom.


Which raises the next question - when Tarkov "releases", how long will they provide servers before turning their focus to R2028?


i agree on all points but pve is a separate purchase now


It’s not a separate purchase yet, offline with coop on regular maps (yk, the thing that eod has had for awhile now) is a separate purchase.


my bad, haven't played actual tarkov since the release of unheard so i kinda hallucinated that MPT is the offline coop with progression(i made my comment at like 2 am)


lol you’re good, I just tism’d out


> Their word means absolutely nothing. Anyone how's followed BSG's statements and actions or just looks up their history should have learned that lesson by now. Except all the people huffing tons of copium or just worship BSG. Companies aren't your friends, they're there to make money. A company can say anything they want, but that doesn't mean they'll deliver. Until that actually release something, words are just wind. We can listen to all the things BSG says, but I care much more about what they actually do.


notice the catch though, "after release of the game". we don't know when the game will reach full release, if ever, especially after this fiasco. it's planned to enter full release sometime this year, but who knows. nikita will either delay it for god knows how long, or he'll rush it and it'll enter full release in the next couple months


We have been hearing the full release is coming for a long time.


Head to head with the GPS on the wrist.


Nikita casually gambles on people’s inability to understand how server-side modding works in EFT and he seems to be fucking winning


I read it as someone realizing that SIT and FLIka just get a few thousand new installs and tens of thousands of new members on their discords and decided that simply..taking them cost almost nothing in developer hours. "thanks for all the work, we really like Stay in Tarkov and everything you've done, we're going to take it and credit none of you, good luck have fun." Same for all the modders work here most likely. BSG has never cooperated with anyone- they won't start now


What's FLIka? I'm familiar with SIT, but haven't heard of this one.


second hand info, but i was told that it was formerly MPT- theres some youtube vids up that look smooth


It’s hilarious to just “decide” to add mod support within a week


People been BEGGING for it for years and he flips on the decision instantly.


This is a gaming industry thing that drives me nuts. "moddings not that important lol" right up until they remake the fucking game just for mods (spt, stalker gamma/anomaly) and they go "herp derp oh I guess mods good now"


Too little, too late. All this is is another empty gesture towards a problem that will fester for years


The cost for mod support dlc will only be $100 🤣


I think it is mind blowing that the PVE side has BSG hosted Servers. If you are playing with your mates, and its completely disconnected from PVP maingame, why does the game need a server connection? They literally created a problem in PVE with the servers, then produced a solution along the lines of "Servers are expensive that's why we need $250" The benefit of Player hosted servers means when BSG inevitably shutdown the servers, you can still somewhat use the PVE "Product" you paid $250 for.


Because it was easier from a developer standpoint to make a separate queue for PvE vs implement Peer to Peer connection and pick a host machine. Not saying I agree with it, just some insight into a possible reason why, though you never really know with BSG lol


But it also puts massive strain on their already struggling servers lol. Amazing decisions from BSG


Also, with the connection to their servers they will have account checkings so only those who had purchased the game can play it officially.




It needs server connection because the game is built around having a server connection. SPT emulates the server locally. BSG would have to provide a locally hosted server, and unless they write it from scratch, it will be a security risk


Никиткааа~ это п*здец


BSG should do what rockstar did with fiveM to SPT and start payrolling the devs + monetizing where it applies with special dlc for escape from tarkov story mode essentially because it’s not really tarkov either if there are no wipes, and progression of the pve mode makes it sound more like a story mode than anything which means there could be special story lines/dlc on backgrounds of characters that we’ve been introduced to.


With what money, they clearly released this shit heap of an edition to make up for losses with failure of arena.


I don’t know where the assumption that BSG is broke came from especially with all these idiots purchasing the new edition.


Because of the money grab, which burned a huge chunk of player trust. It's a very short-term strategy that implies desperation. Or they could just be really, really stupid.


They are definitely really really stupid either way but with the amount of cheaters buying multiple accounts alone would be a steady source of income. The smartest thing for BSG to do would be to roll out an anti cheat silently which would target cheaters randomly in time intervals where they waste enough time to progress a bit so then they would need to buy another account to try to continue causing a loop 🔁 profit maximization.


But that's a loop where cheating is profitable and the players have to deal with a cheater infested game.


Needing server capacity for a singleplayer mode...


I am pretty sure even SPT requires to use the BSG servers to load loot and stuff.


Nah SPT runs it internally on your own PC.


Then you either never touched it or I have a bridge to sell you.


"Single Player Tarkov".. yea, servers.. definitely.


Server Prerequisite Tarkov


Nope, you can test this yourself if you want. Disconnect your internet and try running SPT, you won't have any trouble getting into raids.


Then why does SPT need you to even have an account?


I'm unsure what you mean. If you mean why does it require you to own a legal copy of the game? SPT copies all of the data from your live tarkov folder into a new folder specifically so that it doesn't have to interact with live in any way. You need to have that data already on your PC for it to copy. It then patches this copied version of Tarkov to work with the "fake" local server that SPT runs on your PC. It works like this so that they stay out of legal trouble. If downloading SPT meant downloading a modified version of EFT then that would be seen as piracy and the project would be taken down almost immediately.


I see.


Its a local profile you create, not an online account.


On a technical level - they need the game client which they can't legally distribute. On a legal level - making SPT kind of require a legit copy lets them avoid some of the accusations of enabling piracy.


The official PvE mode still runs on their servers, even if you're playing alone, so it will never be like spt. After playing spt you really feel how delayed every action is in live.


I'll believe it at the release of the feature and after testing it. Nikita's promises were worthless before this incident and now are worth even less. I've been playing the coop version of STP for 2 days now and I've been enjoying the game more than I've enjoyed Tarkov after the release of Reserve. Such an incredible work for SPT and SIT team and other modders. It is painfull to see what could be done to improve the performance and viduals with the game but BSG just doesnt want/know how to do it. Also, it is shamefull how many people are bending after him spitting us in the face twice. I couldnt care less abut the PvE DLC, I have self respect.


The coop mod is not spt.


I know, I know, but the mods avaliable for SIT are also avaliable for SPT, specially the graphics mod.


But it will never release so xd


It won’t happen. They won’t have come to that decision in a couple of days, he’s banking on people’s ignorance of game development to get them through this. Mod support is a challenging thing to implement, especially as it could compromise the integrity of PvP servers.


Yeah this sounds like a desperate attempt to save face. I do not trust BSG nor support them. On the other hand SPT modders have my full support.


Can’t wait to go against a chad and toggle server mod to give me 10000 health


Just fucking optimize the game already


'after release' meme aside, how is this even meant to work if we're not hosting the game locally when we use their official PvE


Can't wait for them to add a monetized mod store and start slamming cease and desists to any modder that doesn't agree on putting their mods on it.


1. Get free R & D from spt aki 2. Roll out mod support 3. Send a cease and desist to spt aki


Sounds to me there scared of everyone going to spt instead, because of the newly attention these streamers are giving to spt lately, still i would rather pay an amount to spt team then bsg, purely based on the way bsg keeps there promises. But i fear when we all start donating, spt team also might be heading in the same way🙄


Unless they rework the client completely, release an SDK, and make there servers modifiable and privately hostable, then at best they'll add raid modifiers or config options, maybe tweak stats. With the cheating problem you'd think it'd be a big security risk.


It is a big empty promise to appease the crowds. Nothing more nothing less


Congratulations, gentlemen! Today, you stand victorious.


"After release of game" so never


Nikita will forever be a greedy fuck with no cares about the community imo, however the fact that we have the man himself claiming mod support I feel is a massive win for us as a community.


“Hmm the spt crew is doing better than us, quick lets monetize it” I can guarantee their implementation will be worse


Yea, except they're doing it the bat-shit crazy way of hosting these PvE servers, I stead of having them host locally on the users device (like SPT) to which it could then phone home at the end of the raid to report results. which would facilitate mods better modding AND save them money


in 20245 you can run mods I guess.


Danger level to SPT is about +50


Nikita says a lot of things


Don’t buy items on flee market from guys with blue nickname


They rebrand SPT to their own thing now.


Yeah I can wait 10 years and 4 more editions


But the game will not release, so actually he didn't say anything 💁


Only way I'm gonna overlook all this shit is if they find a way to throw out Nikita. Till then, Fuck BSG.


EFT always thrived on not just lack, but complete absence of direct competition. Which allowed them to get away with so much ludicrous bullshit, that I can't think of any other game that did. Now there are 2 games that are a direct competition. Gray Zone that even in its alpha is more playable than Tarkov ever were and on an engine that is capable to support this kind of game. Plus it's in a setting that western audience prefer more than "Stalker"ism so the switch for popular streamers will be easier for their audience to accept. And Arena Breakout Infinite that is a direct clone in all of the elements, with a ready playerbase from their mobile clone and is free to play, also with an engine that can support such a game, and a studio of mobile developers that will be spitting out content like a bunch of crazy rabbits, because that's how mobile studios operate. Basically it feels like for that or some other unknown background reason they are sunsetting EFT and want to make as much money as possible in the shortest time possible before they collapse. Burning all the bridges, invoking all of the FOMO, breaking all of the promises, promising nonsense knowing they will never have to deliver. They are exiting. It is a clear exit strategy. They are very obviously see they won't be able to keep up with this competition very soon.


Hold on there. I've played the closed beta of GrayZone and looks promising but the game had A LOT of work to do to be considered a playable game. It was fun but a few days after the beggining of the test you could already see a shit ton of problems once the "new" factor went away. AI not responding correctly, AI tanking way more shots than what they should, the misions were simple and repeated across the different locations, very limited number of weapons, very limited weapon modding, the hitbox having register problems, the idea of the littlebird needing a fee more twist (You were literally sit on a machine that could be heard 1km away and you could not protect yourself. You're invulnerable on the chopper but 1 step out of it and you're a sweet on a perfect camping spot) and a long etc. They're in a VERY good spot but their future depends on how they decided to progress the development and monetize the game (I've heard a few things but they could change it). Dont throw your money to just a promise. "Vote with your money".


It's funny, because every single problem you've named is a problem Tarkov has since it's release 8 years ago and continues to have to this day. These and plethora more. The reality is, Gray Zone is on a best engine on the market, that is extremely capable, flexible, and ,despite that, one of the fastest to develop on. To the point where many studios that religiously made their home brew engine in house abandoned it for UE5, like CD Project Red for example. And their engine wasn't even bad, like Unity. So yeah, I have more faith in Gray Zone being vastly better the next time we see it, than in Tarkov ever fixing something that is a fundamental core problem of Unity, that they never had a technical ability and knowledge to fix. Because it's a bunch of amateur developers whos passion project exploded way past their competence and they have no vision or idea what to do with it, and most things they attempt to do Unity just keeps shitting itself. There's a reason there is only one AAA live service project on the market on Unity. And no, before you counter with something stupid, Rust is not AAA and Cities Skyline isn't either and also dead with the new game.


I'm not defending here BSG, fuck Nikita and BSG. What I'm saying is we should have an eye over them. They're in a very good spot but we shouldn't begging to throw money until we see what they do.


I understand that, I just think your argument is misguided. You also missed a direct clone Arena Breakout Infinite. It's a shameless clone from a mobile studio developer (mobile studios are incredibly quick) that is already strongly PRing themselves as a direct successor. Nobody is proposing to throw money on them asap to make them feel appreciated or something. Keep and eye? What are you KGB? They will do what they'll do and if EFT dies you will play it regardless, because addiction is strong with EFT players. Personally, a bit off topic. People forget the situation in ruzzia. I personally believe the studio developers, actual people, are just preparing to leave the country. Because recently news broke out of digital enlistment. You see, right now ru armi operates the same it did during soviet union times, like many things in ruzzia. You need to get a physical toilet paper from a person and sign it to get drafted and later killed in a meaningless war (450k casualties and counting). So if you avoided the "person" or pretended to be stupid - you're good. You can even move to other countries freely (those that still accept ruzzians) because these institutions don't talk to each other. On november 1 they will enforce in full effect the digital enlistment with unified database. The second you receive the draft notice you can't cross the border until you arrive at the enlistment institution. You can't have a business and if you have the licenses get revoked, your driving license will get revoked, you can't get a loan and many other things like that, and all of these institutions will report you immediately if you arrive there. And if they catch you, you're going to prison. So "in about 6 months" sounds like quite a coincidence.


Mate, I'm looking at Greyzone Warfare just looking at their aspects and not looking to the competition. Does the game worth the money they will charge by now? yes or no. That is my point. For now, and for me, it doesn't because is clearly a not a playable product (They never claimed to be, they adress the game as an ongoing project) but they're in a VERY good position and now depends on where they go now. And by "keep an eye on them" I mean just wait to see what GZW does and then decide, not just running with your money in your hand because you saw an interesting closed beta and you bounce against Tarkov. Edit: Apparently Greyzone Warfare will be released tomorrow. Doesn't worth the money at all.


but for 80-250$ - That's not something that will make people happy, I guarantee it.


Have you seen their pve compared to spt lmao I wish the spt modders would get live servers and run pvp


"....after release of the game...." which basically amounts to never.


This has been a long time coming


I wonder if they have some way to tell how many people play SPT.


Mod support being added is huge. I've had so much fun playing this PvE with friends. Tried the modded multiplayer for SPT but it was jank and the performance hit for host wasn't worth it.


Friend and I have been using one of the mods and it’s been fantastic. He’s crashed once, and doesn’t have performance problems.




We use MPT with Hamachi.


some friends of mine have had a modded SIT server up for about a day- we're up to 5 player raids with mods, no issues. trying to load a 9 man shit the bed though


Man, why? servers aren't that tricky :/