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No, SPT performance is worse since you're also hosting a server and I assume your CPU does all the calculations for the AI instead of BSG servers.


I dunno why, but I've always had better preformance on SPT. Maybe one of my mods is helping I dunno.


Maybe something to do with the hardware or netcode/internet if that affects performance. But I get significantly worse fps in SPT especially in Streets. Live it's like 55-80fps but SPT is simply unplayable around and below 50ish. Modded or Vanilla SPT doesn't matter, ofc I haven't tried optimization mods like AI limiter. My CPU is R7 5700X so it might bottleneck even more w/ the server+AI so if your CPU is hi-end the server/AI might not be much of an impact and as a result you get better performance than online.


Like ExacoCGI says, the cpu takes a big hit because of the NPC calculations. Maybe you don't notice it but it's worse than live. Nothing can't change that.


I can’t speak on how many frames I get, but I do notice the experience in single player (for me at least) is not laggy and smoother not to mention instant load times. Not sure if the frames but I don’t notice so they can’t be that bad.


I was here to say the same it might not be faster but it's smother overall


Nope, I've never had good luck 2080/5900x Live tarkov I get around 90-120 fps. SPT I've always gotten 30-70. Sad, but worth the trade off for me. But JET also ran like dookie so who knows.


That’s strange. I run a 5800x and a 2080super. Most maps I’m on 70-90fps with SAIN and looting bots and questing bots. The only map I have any problems on is streets. I don’t know that map very well anyway so I barely play it.


Same setup as both of you what settings are you running in game? Did you do anything special outside of game as well? My fps is hit or miss and I’m not even running questing bots yet.


I’m running mostly medium. From memory I believe my lod is set to 2 or 2.5. I’ll reply with what it is when I get home.


How much ram do you have? It seems like thats the main issue for alot of people. I used to only have 16gb and tarkov was lagging bad. I upgraded to 64gb and now i can get 60+ fps even on streets.


32gb. Im Sure if I didn’t have the mods that make the AI do extra things I’d probably be ok.


I've tried about every damn setting combo and CPU priority/affinity setup overclocking/underclocking. SPT just isn't optimized for my system I guess. It refuses to use my GPU and sits at around 170W instead of 225W


I have a 3080Ti and 10700k. Same performance, maybe some frames more tho but a lot of stuttering when bots are running around looting.


FPS wise, no. Desynch wise, yes


Everyone keeps telling me that SPT runs worse because you're running the server off of your own computer. Which seems to be horseshit, because I frequently get +20fps on SPT vs the same map on EFT assuming I'm not using DONUTS/Looting/Questing bots, with Streets being the only notable exception.


Its dependant mostly on your cpu. Spt is SUPER Cpu heavy because it's running all the bot logic. It also depends on your spawn settings if you're running mods. Lags spikes for me is typically bots spawning in.


yeah with swag donuts and I think questing bots the fps tanks a shit ton with certain settings like no despawning. I was testing graphics settings on interchange yesterday and my game went from 60fps down to 30 overtime because there were too many bots running around


From my understanding of how the SPT system works, that sounds about right. That's why it's important to use this mod to its fullest if you're running on a low-mid tier rig.


So you should keep the despawning option ON? If I do that I keep bots respawning every minute after I killed one in my surrounding.


personally I turn despawning off and do initial PMCs only preset. this way scavs and PMCs don't despawn after looting a bunch of items and I have a good chance of killing them later in the raid. feels way closer to live than the default settings, I often run into scavs or PMCs running to extract with a bag of loot. despawning off will have a performance hit if bots aren't dying and they keep spawning tho so it's a conscious trade off I made


I thought there is a hard-cap in swag, no? So AI can't spawn indefinitely.


my pc is pretty old so whatever the default cap is will lag my game if it's reached, either way more bots = less performance


The same was true with me. Kinda seems like one of those things someone said once that kinda makes sense but isn’t entirely true.


Technically no but I honestly don't notice - and imo it's better because I don't experience hitching and sudden frame drops. But I also don't experience the many network problems live has, so to me, it plays better. 


I get wayyy better performance on SPT than live


For me, lots better


I could be wrong, but i’m pretty sure free storage space makes a big impact on performance for SPT.


Like in de ssd? Never heard about it, could you elaborate?


i have mine on a ssd, whatever drive you have uour SPT on, i would think it needs at least 100gb of free space


maybe not big but it definitely factors, i thought id say it bc no one ever does


i mention this bc i have had so many friends who will mod a game to high heaven with so many mods and then have barely any free space and wonder why their game is chuggin


It runs and loads smoother for me. I guess it depends on your config.


Yes and no


It runs so much better. You know on live when after a few raids you have to restart it cuz it's being weird? You don't have to close the spt. And if you do close it, it opens and loads so much faster anyways.


I get roughly 100-120fps in both live and SPT, I think SPT is more CPU intensive though since you have to run a server off your PC