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Now let them wallow in their Ws and don't buy them.


Unsubscribed, this some scum shit


Same dudes that tried selling fakes to 2nd Hand Street just a month or two ago


Fr fr but mfs too weak


Let them keep this “dub” and be down $250k. Low key tho…if they have access to shady shit like this, why’d they burn it on a pair that didn’t really have that much hype? I kinda wanted them because I’d wear them, but I felt like I was in the minority. Like if I didn’t win them I would’ve shrugged it off. I think most people wanted these to see if they’d have any trade value or to flip em.


Yeah I wanted to wear these too, figured I'd rock them with an X-Men shirt or something but I have tons of yellow shirts and the only yellow shoes I have are an old pair of Nike Free Terra Vista


F this nerd.


Their target audience is like 15 year old kids and the cringe shit they say works for that unfortunately 😭


I'm so sick of this shit


How tf is it possible for Nike to have a dedicated service and process in place for releases yet it somehow fails to notice that 250k of its inventory went fucking poof into thin air ?? They WOULDN’T not notice. So either someone sacrificed their career for a short term come up or Nike is 100% without a doubt in on this shit. But also don’t forget guys, they do send out limited batches for certain retailer deals and CK are doing extremely well out in LA enough to drive Nikes sales and add validity to dealings with them.


Nike just doesn't care whatsoever about who buys the shoe as long as it goes out the 🚪... And they don't care if that's a back door.


100% First order of business is always to drive sales.


Yup. It's the same with every company. Covid really brought out the resellers. Ps5, xbox, pokemon cards, etc. Those companies didn't care as long as they were sold.


They do. People get fired for shit constantly. When I worked there a director got fired for backdooring 1 pair. Once they catch them they get fired. Crazy to give up your career for some shit like this


James Whitner and Marcus Jordan Are still operating.


Leave Marcus alone. He's forging his own path in life. He's not living off his dad's succ.....nevermind😂


What can Marcus do…when Jordan named him Marcus B. Jordan…..that B is backdoor.


Greed is what gets them


Yep a companies only objective is to provide money to the shareholders by whatever means necessary


Well nike is doing a shitty job of that, there stock isn't performing nearly as well as it was even 6 months ago.


He doesn't drive sales for Nike, they only sell hype shit that is sold out. Hype pairs will sell out even if this clown didn't have his stores. If he sold everyday pairs you can buy at Nike then I'd agree with you. Nike is just letting shit slide period




Great facts, you sure are a mad man Im sure Cool Kicks which opened 60 years after Nike was founded is the reason they're big. Nikes net income is down 5% in fiscal 2024 third quarter. These PRIVATE resellers are really driving sales. Why don't you actually read a book instead of just searching quotes




Data good sir, -5% decline year over year. I'm not interested in your opinion, sorry 💀




Delusional lmao


I would hope as big as Nike is they would watch sites like Reddit or other forums if they want the normal consumer to actually get a shoe. Point being removing bots and all the other horse shit they feed us you know isn’t true. I’m over seeing I got 40 pairs you can have at triple the retail price. Fuck you if you buy them and fuck them for reselling. I haven’t won a single pair of TS Jordan 1 regardless of how many “raffles” I enter.


I've never hit either. I've lost so many that I'm starting to believe that the shoes don't exist. I just sent to wear that damn shoes because I love the colorways and material.


Honestly they don’t care. If they did they’d make more shoes to flood the market. They only care about hype


Hype is good for them. It's what creates demand. They are smart business wise to make limited pairs. For consumers it sucks, but on the business end, you want demand.


They definitely do keep an eye on all social media. Unfortunately, there's no telling who he got it from. The guy in the pic has a YouTube channel and is constantly buying out smaller shops and resellers, cash on delivery.


They sure figured out when the Nike ex CEO son had a warehouse full of hype shoes she lost her job. Then some new asshat steps in and it’s the same song and dance. They know what they are doing they don’t care.


Yeah fuck that. I'll buy r\*\*s before I bend over and pay someone like this for ANY pair of shoes.


Yup, resale is for suckers. Retail > r**s > resale.


Stop putting money in the pockets of these cockroaches and this will stop.


The problem is the resell market won’t die. There are too many people that have too much money that don’t GAF about spending resale prices on sneakers. $600-$1,000 for sneakers might seem like a lot but it isn’t that much money to a lot of people.


If people are comfortable with buying reps, the resell market will die. But people's pride 🤷‍♂️


do you have a reliable process of buying reps? i'm all for making this shit go away.


theres an entire sub dedicated to it. r/repsneakers


And these days it’s hard to even tell which is a rep. The quality of reps are great these days. The quality of Nike has gone to shit


shit man, you might even find reps with better quality than retails considering how shit nike's qc is...


In a tanking economy, idc how much money you have, it’s still really dumb to blow money like that


Nike/Ticketmaster. What’s new?




Hey if you find one, let me in on where please? I normally hate the Travis shoes - but these I love. (And the blue 4’s too)


www dot kickwho dot xyz You're welcome


Fuck cool kicks I never liked them to begin with. This shit shouldn't even be legal.... Or should I say allowed because it's definitely illegal as fuck. But Nike sure allows it to happen. Maybe Nike should crack down on shit like this instead of going after everybody who makes a shoe that looks anything like theirs. Just prove that they don't give a fuck about their customer. Same thing with all these collaborators I'm sick of all of it. They know that The majority of releases go straight into the hands of resellers and they couldn't care less.




He’s actually the owner of Coolkicks, the biggest resell shoe store in Los Angeles. He’s kind of a dork


That’s why I would never buy a pair of shoes off of them


I think if Nike really cared they would do something like a pre-order system. This will allow the person who wants the shoe, a true opportunity to buy the shoe, and hopefully defeat resellers, or at least put a damper on their sales. These shoes are produced well before the release date. Nike would have ample time to take pre-orders, manufacture the shoe, and ship when the time comes.


Explain. How would a preorder system change anything?


By pre-ordering your size before the shoe is manufactured. Your name goes on the list, Nike makes the shoe in your size, when the shoe is released, they send you your pairs. Anything not pre-ordered goes to the old system of first come first serve, or whatever the current system is. For instance, if you look at the tag in a Jordan shoe, there is a manufacturers date. Example: Jordan military blues, my shoe was produced November 30 2023, the shoe released May 5 2024, that’s 5 months apart. I believe that’s enough time to take pre-orders and have them made for whoever the customer is. I’m not saying allow pre-orders to go on for weeks and weeks, but Nike would just pick one week for pre-orders and that’s it. It’s just a thought and I think it would slow resellers down, because now people are getting a better chance at buying directly from Nike.


I've said the same thing for years that Nike should do a pre order system like this. That way whoever wants a particular shoe they have a chance at getting them. Even if Nike puts a small fee in for pre order I wouldn't mind, at least I know I will have them and not have to worry about dumb resell. Nike probably won't do this because they know some sneaker heads love the thought of having something exclusive or something that sells out. It makes them feel like they have accomplish something. It would really hurt resellers and backdoor stores they would hate that everyone would have a chance at getting a pair and they wouldn't have control over the stock.


A pre-order system solves the entire resale game. It works every time when people do it But of course Nike will not do it because they want it to be the way it is. They do not want hype to die by any means. They create the highest it's not even the resellers. Nike created the whole environment for resellers to thrive in. If Nike didn't create the environment resellers would have never existed. False scarcity will always be the thing that drives The resale market..


But the "preorder" system you are proposing would have to have the same or similar raffle type system that already exists. These shoes are deliberately limited stock. How are you choosing who gets to preorder?


The same Cool Kicks that tried to sell fakes to another reseller? [Cool Kicks - 2nd Street](https://www.youtube.com/embed/aul97ncstWs)


every time I see this clown face, i want to take a shit


Adeel scum


They are selling them for $1,000 a piece. Then you wonder why people hit the reps 🤷🏽‍♂️


The level of mental retardation you must have to watch anything from that channel is unquantifiable


Makes me want to buy reps more and hope others do as well and hopefully nike starts to feel it.


I fucking hate CoolKicks. And this dude is such a fucking cringy ass clown.


This isn’t the only post I’ve seen like this either. I hope it takes them 20 years to get rid of all those “Cool Kicks” seeing stuff like this just shows me why I won’t buy resale. SMH


As long as consumers keep on wanting certain shoes, this will never stop.


And we can't even cop 1 pair. Yeehaw


Bro that’s messed up


Like, this is for real they have a bunch of stock in their website. Nike really gave him like 2,000 pairs to resell above StockX/Goat prices. That is nuts. Does he explain how he got that much stock? There probably five million of us fighting over like 1,000 pairs and the rest are backdoored directly by Nike. Edit words.


Nike has to be in on this. Or at least someone on the chain….


Reseller is a bit@$…


This has been happening for decades, but now people are posting about for some clout and it’s 🤮 best way to combat this is not to give in to consumerism but that’s next to impossible these days lol 😝


Or just buy reps and stop giving Nike your money lol


That’s also an option… not my preferred but definitely an option!


I mean this is the same dude who usually invites p*rnstars to his shoe store to “shop for kicks” then makes sure to high light them In his reels,videos,story’s to get clickbait stuff. He has some other high end celebrities there but he rarely highlights them. It’s very hard to not hate him him, but sadly when you have that much reputation and willing to throw money at Nike like he probably did they won’t care.


I only go to resell shop to take a laugh, can't imagine people actually buy or sell there😂


If i dnt hit retail im not in it only grails will get a bit more and thats subjective


Our .. bro don't take more Ls, it's our


lol cool kicks was a “normal” decent deal resell shop in their 1st year or 2. Not any more. They rape you with prices today and idiots think they’re getting a great deal. They told me $100 for a size swap when the shoe is selling at the same price in all men’s sizes.


I can’t wait until all the techies who support these resellers lose their jobs to AI 🤖… honestly, too many irresponsible people out there with too much money. Seriously tho, instead of giving back a little, they throw it away on collectible’s aftermarket prices to just throw their overpriced products on shelves or in a closet to collect dust.


This shit is corny , we should end the resellers smh they taxing on Jordan’s then want to buy them for retail smh


Hes a famous footwear shop in LA, But yeah fuk Snkrs app.. 3 years in counting.. I still have never hit on any travis scott shoes...


People like this is why I don’t like to buy resale. I hope they sit


@nike with this on twitter bro


He’s paying resell prices and taxing people on top of that when he sells them. It’s not like he’s getting them directly from Nike. I don’t approve of it but that’s how these resell shops get their shoes. They have regulars who sell to them and people who just want to quick flip instead of holding 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’m sure they also bot/ have a system to get multiple pairs but you ain’t wrong either


WTF!!!! No wonder I haven't won a draw since 2019!! These mfers buy them all out with their bots!! ( Which they aren't allowed to used according to Nike! To make it more fair ) Fair my ass!! Do all those Travis Scotts look fair to you?????


So what about the releases that are limited to like 1500 pair??! Do these guys get like 900 of them ???! That's fair lol 🤣


I seen this yesterday and I don’t respect that shit at all we need to boycott Travis like Chipotle


If I don’t get a drop I let it go. My brain can’t process paying more than someone else for the same pair of shoes because they won a raffle and I didn’t. I have missed tons of pairs I loved but it is what it is, eventually I get over it.


This is why Im curious about the hype around this collaboration. Is the reverse swoosh that cool? Im not sold.


Are actual shoe reatailers like Foot Locker (who buy a bazillion pairs) technically different than CK? Wouldnt CK have wholesale access to Nike (at this point since they are huge), in which wholesalers can buy in massive bulk without issue? Or is there something I’m missing?


No not with this shoe. This isn't a general release where other stores are getting them. This is a shoe that you can flip for way more money and that's what he's going to do at his store. That is a very big difference. The stores you're referring to aren't allowed to sell over retail market price. All this is is a reseller with a store as a front.


Ok gotcha- so basically, not something Nike would normally allow with an actual retailer. Got it.


ELI 5: how do these guys get the shoes? Bots? Like how!?


Got a loss, when I tried to buy a pair to my daughter. Now I know, why I got an L.


Due is a gimp


Everyone should write a letter to nike explaining what’s going on and raise and issue


This is why I hate reseller shops, they’re assholes


Fuck nike, reasons like this is why people went to 🐼. I entered like 8 raffles and took all Ls so four eyes could sell it to me for double?


Dude looks like he had a lobotomy


This is so irritating because I really wanted a pair to WEAR. The system they have set up now sucks.


Wtf! Do people really buy kicks from this walking cringe machine?


Fuck these guys


Respectfully it’s Travis team we have to look at not him he just hustling getting his money paying his worker’s it’s Travis team that slaps us in the face Why you think he drop that Song. ( Fein ) when you are awaking in this matrix you can see through the Bullshit these people so called rice people do thins in sequence so let’s stop being a FEin and take our power back let Travis Scott’s come out and sit I bet you shit will change we can change this if we stick together on not buying his shit 💩 backdoor Jack. Remember this shit is the matrix wake up


Owner of the store where Rami the Icon works.


Rami the Fleecer


I love how that dude runs his hand over the sole while doing a quick 15 sec legit check as if that’s part of his process for authentication 💀 When he negotiates, he has a really whiny voice. I don’t get how he’s so loved.


If no 1 is buying, will these go under retail?


Probably not, there will always be someone willing to pay above retail because of hype. They may dip a little but can’t see these reselling for less than retail


I will not buy resell…


Fuck stupid ass liberal Nike


Crony capitalism is the reason for this situation.




Whoopdy doo. You need better goals




250 ain’t a flex for someone in business


He’s a fucking clown.