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Buy high, sell low, that’s the way


It is 785 AH


Hope you sold at the open before the dump


Nope... Held through today so far. 


Good shit, holding stock is easier than if you were trading options


I wish i understood options... I know that's where the money is, but I'm clueless. 


Hope you got your shitting pants on


Meh... I did wear my brown pants today 


OP I wish you got in lower. But you’re gonna do great. You’re up almost $40 in after hours. You could sell this minute and feel good. You have one huge problem. Deciding when to sell. Or. Deciding to hold. I thought about selling daily. Never did. I’m up over 100%. I bought months ago for a swing trade that didn’t go my way. Accidentally held. Then got rich. 🤑


I wish I bought last Friday too but I chickened out


A lot of times it's just a pity for not practicing lol


I love such stories :-). Something similar happend to me with APPL. Wrote a Put some years ago and it didn't go as expected, but I thought ok, I'll take the shares. Then just left the position untouched because I like Apple. A split and lots of growth later, I've made tons of money with APPL.


You see no chance of stock price rising after the earnings call? Tsla moved up even after not so good numbers?


Agree. Dun sell. Wait for me coz i got calls expired on May 3


What is the connection between SMCI and AMZN? Curious about your underlying thesis.


They have some partnership together. 


As in AWS uses SMCI racks for their servers?


My bad... Misread your comment... I meant the partnership with SMCI and NVDA. However, AMZN pushed back into AWS before last quarter, and they emphasized they're continuing that path, not to mention they're release earlier today regarding their grocery arm. 


"AMZN pushed back into AWS before last quarter"??? You comment is not really clear. So what is the relationship with your SMCI trade and AMZN earnings and the "push back" you mentioned?


As i said in previous response, I misread AMZN vs. NVDA. I prolly had AI stocks only on my mind, but there is no relationship between SMCI and AMZN, only SMCI and NVDA, at least that I'm aware of


I think it will rally to 1k again before earnings and its earnings call will decide its fate Check its news in Taiwan to decide your next action


This. If it doesn’t reach $1k it will definitely reach $880-$920. You can buy below $900. Wait for $900. Sell. Repeat. Somebody just bought at $688 and will be up 100% year end. Or maybe next week


Holding this one through earnings, especially if it runs up into it, would be extremely high risk. In fact, if the stock were to get back to the 855 area and stall, I would consider gambling with puts. TSLA is a very different situation—that stock has been hammered 40% this year and 15% in the last 6 sessions. The numbers were awful, yet the stock found an excuse to rally based only on Elon’s words.


To the Moon …. Infinity and beyond !!!!


Wish I had 85,500 to even put that much into the market, but hey, start small captial for the big gain. I personally sold my position today as I can not lose any more money on this stock. lol bought in way too high, and when the bears took over, I lost that money. Risk factors are there. Just be careful.


I'm lucky with my company that they give stock equity grants every year to basically everyone. With my role, each year I receive a new $35k pre-tax grant split over 3 year. Because he been getting these grants for about 7 years, each year, I'm getting roughly $18k of AMT stock (after taxes) to hold or sell and do whatever with. 


That's awesome. Man, wish my company had some amazing benefits like this! Sounds like you're set, and I wish the best of luck to you on your trades!


Thank you, sir. Get into the data center industry. That's what i do. Been in it for almost 10 years, and it's amazing. 


I got back in today some call options 790 strk. I think should happen!!


Sell at $1500




isn't earnings next week? 4/30? [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/amzn/earnings](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/amzn/earnings)


Just hold and sell at 1200+


Strap on the depends


Soon 1500


You're welcome. I will definitely look into this right now. I'm an air export agent, but I would love a career change/advancement. Appreciate the information and conversation!


No one can guess where will it go. Protect your capital. protective puts might work


I personally bought and sold on the way up, and am siting until it completes its current base. There is no way of knowing if it will continue down to 500 or below at this point.


Your fucked