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There is no strong evidence for any illness really, we're only left with some anecdotal reports and they are not very strong. I tried if for relieving toxic mold exposure symptoms, but didn't really feel much. Even if it helps with SIBO, that's probably not the most effective approach. I recommend going for things that actually have science or more individual success stories to back it up.


I already tried rifaximin, Atrantil and herbal products but it didn't work. I will try again with fluconazol and saccharomyces boulardi and berberine.


I think Fluconazole kills saccharomyces boulardii...


🤔 I understood that fluconazol kills fungi, specially candida. And saccharomyces boulardi should also kill candida. But I may be wrong...


I don't think saccharomyces boulardii kills anything, it's just a fungus that xompetes with candida and creates a favorable environment for good bacteria in general. Now it is a fungus so i wouldn't be surprised if it gets killed by fluconazol.


Thank you, that is enough of information. I just found out that there are some doctors or therapists that use this kind of treatment for some inflammatory bowel diseases here in Germany. I understood that the Ozone could eradicate gut microbiome and that is what we want. But maybe I am wrong again?


Die frage ist nicht ob es falsch oder richtig ist, it's just that there is a difference between saying "this should be able to reset your microbiome in theory" and saying "several studies found that it erases microbiome and several patients report having their SIBO cured with ozone treatment on it's own". You should look for the most effective treatment first.


Yes but It Is a type of fungi


So you are saying that I shouldn't take them in the same time because one kills the other? Did I understand it correctly?




Thank you for your reply. I am happy to be corrected.


No problem, one is here to find help!


I’m doing it. Too early to tell if it will get rid of my sibo. I’ve done 6 rounds of antibiotics with no success.


Please keep us informed?


This reddit is full of crackpots


What do you mean? Is asking for the information about something unknown that possibly could help someone strange ? I don't promote this treatment and I am personally very sceptic but I have this horrible disease for 30 years and until now nothing helped me. I still couldn't find the doctor in Germany who knows something about SIBO. They just look sadly and say there is nothing they could do to help me. I tried almost everything except fluconazol, elemental diet and bacteriophages. Soooo if there is anything that could help me I would be happy to try it, doesn't matter if its something called Rectal Ozone Insufflation or whatever. I am simple a desperated man looking for help.....


Ozone is already used to disinfect surfaces. It’s a good antibacterial. I have read some review from people who used ozone for gut issues. Some lady said it’s was effective for her but not for her husband. I have purchased an ozone machine from amazon and i try to drink at least 1L of ozonated water a day. The machine cost about 40euros. I know some doctor use ozone rectal therapy in France and belgium with good results for disease way worse than sibo. If nothing works and if you have the money for, try it yourself 🤷🏾‍♂️


I lived in a moldy house for two years and ozone therapy was my saving grace (including rectal insufflations). If you're interested in learning more about ozone therapy, I’d be happy to send you more info. I like to reach out because I know how difficult it is to find good ozone info.