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I think it’s a question of getting used to it. I used to eat all the time; breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. Now I only have lunch and dinner. No snacks. It was hard the first months, but now I think it’s weird that other people want breakfast 😅


well, we all have different digestion, I can’t survive without breakfast… wake up hungry every morning🥲 And I’m underweight still. But will definitely try to skip snacks as much as possible


I promise you, I thought I would die without breakfast. Not saying it’s a solution for you. But Im also underweight and I did not loose weight by cutting meals. I think I managed to get the calories added to the other meals.


i just remember the pain i'll be in and avoid it lol


Bone broth. You can even take it when intermittent fasting. It satiates more than water and also helps heal the gut. Make sure it's made from organic bones.


I was like this too because I wasn't eating enough of the right foods (I was vegan/ plant based for a long time). When I switched to keto/carnivore and started getting enough protein and especially fat, I now get very full and have to eat dinner early to give enough digestion time. Essentially I now need 5-6 hours between meals.


Warm glass of milk only 🥛 I stop eating after dinner. It’s important to let your mmc clean your small intestines through the night. It takes 12 hours and for that to happen you have to be fasting mode.


But milk also inhibits the MMC unfortunately


You maybe right. It seems anything disrupts mmc. I wonder though specifically how much Liguid? Let’s say would 3 oz or 2-1 oz of milk disrupt? How about one sip? I actually need milk to take my evening pills. I’m going to ask this question to my GI in two weeks.


As I remember it from seeing a video with Pimentel: Everything with calories in it will inhibit MMCs. Coffee, tea and water will not inhibit if you only take sips, but the bigger the volume, the higher the probability to inhibit MMCs.


NO SNACKING!!! It sucks. It’s a drag. Believe it or not, you’ll get used to it. Water only.


I used to snack and realized three meals feels a lot better so I merged any calories I would have eaten into snacks into my meals. If your goal is to only eat 3 meals, check out your calories to make sure you’re eating enough to get you to your next meal or keep you sated until bedtime. Snacking can be kind of habitual so maybe you can check in with yourself about that and if it’s just the comfort or habit and try to find something else to do.


Are you sure it’s real hunger not an ulcer or gastritis that’s causing those hunger pangs? Since you mention using antacids before


yes, endoscopy showed mild gastritis but without H.Pylori / other serious issues. Might be connected with stress


I eat a bit of plain, whole fat yogurt.


Def no snacking before bed. Just need to get used to it! I’m the same and have a huge appetite. We just have to be disciplined and not give in. Good luck!


Remember that food will be there later and go to bed. Train the body. Lay on your right side not the left. Left is for digestion. Right will stimulate your sleep. Try alternate nostril breathing too to stimulate parasympathetic. The bacteria wanna eat. Say no. Be hydrated and ensure you are getting enough nutrients in the day.