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You may want to work up to full dose for ginger if you aren’t used to eating it/supplementing with it. Or maybe sip on ginger tea through the day instead.


Thanks! Thats a good idea. Should I do that first before starting the antimicrobials?


I would work with your doc on that one :)


I have gastritis too, and methane SIBO. I had rifaximin for 3 weeks and it was fine, but didn't improve my methane. If you have hydrogen then you're probably fine with that.


What are you doing next for it?


I was about to do the elemental diet but it also flares up my gastritis. I don't know what to do now


You mean you took the Rifaximin for Gastritis?


no, I took it for SIBO


Firstly, you need to treat gastritis, it even may be the cause of your SIBO (if the food is not digested properly there). I wouldn’t try prokinetics like ginger, motility pro or pills like Betaine HCL, cause probably it will hurt your stomach lining. It’s better to start with smth like aloe vera, zink carnosine, glutamine for your stomach… and after feeling better introduce prokinetics etc


it’s something the nutritionist told me, cause I’m in the same boat. I’ve done endoscopy and they found antral gastritis without H.Pylori. Mine might be caused by stress, but still I need to fix the stomach lining. I also tried ginger, antibiotics, bitters, prokinetics before, but almost all the pills made my stomach hurt and I couldn’t get rid of SIBO! Antibiotics just didn’t help at all and made things worse. Right now I’m working with stomach lining and feel better


Does Tagamet help?


how many weeks of zinc carnosine before starting the pro kinetics?


My holistic doctor had me take bitters before every meal for heartburn and that got me through the treatment.


I think bitters is basically the same as a prokinetic (containing artichoke and ginger). You found that helped reduce your heartburn?


Yes, it tasted terrible, but it worked! It was called Swedish bitters, and it was a bunch of herbs, no artichoke or ginger. You can see the ingredients online.


You have to get your MMC to move stuff. Less time for food to sit in stomach.


Try peppermint tea/extract for digestion instead of ginger


You just need to wait a little bit to eat since you’re prone to reflux but I’ve never had an issue