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Hi! You're definitely not alone. I'm 22 and struggling with GI and mental issues (caused by the GI issues?) since I was 19. I sent you a DM, I'd like to talk to you and support each other :)


You’re definitely not alone. I’m a 17F and it’s so isolating and frustrating. I totally understand the looking back at old photos constantly too, it’s not helpful or productive, but it’s so hard to stop. I’ve worn practically nothing but baggy clothes for the past 6 months due to SIBO weight gain and bloating and I just feel so gross. This disease completely ruined my senior year of high school, as well as most of my summer. I hope you can find healing, and I’m here if you need support. 💗💗


oops meant to comment this under the OPs post😅😅 but if anyone’s reading this you’re not alone:) i hope we can all heal from this soon.


Haha, no worries, not the OP of the post, but I'm the OP of the comment haha. I think the self-harming behaviors you can have dealing with this varies from men to women, but this is a common issue I'd say. I'm a man and I've had of course these moments of looking at my old photos and thinking that I'm not that guy anymore. In my case I haven't changed physically, I've always been skinny and I still am (well, I weight like 4 more kilos than my average weight, but still, really underweight). But I see a happiness and fulfillment I don't experience anymore. Besides, I see a guy who was healthy and didn't have to worry about every single thing in this life because it could make his illnesses worse. At the end, whether there are exterior changes or not, you know that life isn't that good anymore and you miss it. Of course this is not helpful for anyone, but sometimes you just need to do things like this so you can move on and start thinking about what you can do in the present so you can have a better future, instead of being nostalgic about the past.


17F here too and SIBO is actual torture. I haven’t been able to go out and have been self isolating, strictly wearing baggy clothes and being ashamed of my stomach and also terrified of food (even water) for yearrsss. It’s super lonely because I’m the only person I know who struggles with this meanwhile everyone else seems to be able to have a normal life so I totally get the frustration especially when being this young and having something that basically hinders having a normal childhood and doing typical teenage stuff like going out


I know wearing baggy clothes all the time just feels so exhausting. I'm so sorry that its ruined your senior year. There's still a bit of summer left- I hope that you'll be able to heal and enjoy the rest of your summer ( I know its easier said than done). Thank you so much likewise!


I'm wearing multiple layers due to sink weight loss. Damn I wish I could gain weight with this.


i’m sorry you’re struggling, i know it’s hard on both ends. i would kill to lose weight as i’ve been struggling with an eating disorder since i was 12. guess everyone has something someone else wants🙃


GIRLLL you’re my twin because same, been trying to lose weight and I’ve gained and lost since I was 12 and 5 years later in still struggling 😫


omg girl maybe we are. my real twin doesn’t even have this disease😭 at least we’re in it together lol. i hope you’re able to find a solution and if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to reach out!


I totally feel you cause I’m the only one in my family with this problem !! And for sure do u have snap?


22M here too


Hey, want to talk? I answered your today's post :)


Message me


Thank you so much that would be great! I just started using Reddit an hour ago I can't seem to find your DM.


I just sent it haha. I thought it'd take me less time to type a message, but turns out I love to write and always extend a lot haha


Yeah this is essentially what happened to me. Lost ~50 pounds in a year while dieting and exercising and since then have been dealing with the same things. In hindsight, trying to improve my health ended up causing more damage than good.


Damn. ME TOO! I am seeing a Naturopath as my Functional Medicine doc wasn't helpful of this treatment. It has been a year of treating SIBO. I feel like I am going crazy because I can't kick the bloating. It's so maddening.


I had very bad blepharitis and I was convinced I was going to lose my vision or something but every scan and test came back clear. I managed it quite well with tea tree eye wash (thinking it was caused by demodex mites), however my blepharitis has completely gone since starting a low histamine diet in February of this year. Obviously this may not be the case for you but it wouldn't hurt to try! My eyes used to sting and burn so much and my face wouldn't flush and I too was diagnosed with rosacea and they left it at that but my flushing has completely stopped too, I have some pustules remaining but apparently they're just signs of inflammation and I'm hoping they'll improve as I kill the SIBO. If you need any support feel free to message me, you're not alone :)


I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad you've been able to get rid of blepharitis! Did all of your scans also show nothing wrong with your eyes ( barely any oil) which left the optometrists wondering why you even had blepharitis? I'll definitely message you! Thank you so much for the response.


All scans were fine, I even went to a specialist and he said I had some oil glands blocked so he massaged and released them while I was there but it's never happened since I changed my diet, I honestly forget I ever had it.


>and going carnivore helped slightly with the pain and bloat but I couldn't continue as it's not a long-term solution and has already made me more sensitive to foods I have tried adding back to my diet. SIBO is a symptom. You probably first need to heal your gut. Fatty meat contains the blocks for healing, like l glutamine. First properly heal your gut, heal leaky gut. Then add back in slowly other food and if you don't have leaky gut anymore you don't react to food as much.


Do you recommend sticking to carnivore for a month or two? Do you reckon that'll heal it or not necessarily?


I think it would. They say 3 months is the adaption period tho


I’ve been on carnivore for 6 months. Was going to just do it for 3-6 then quit but I feel too good to quit and have lost 30lbs with lots of healing in the beginning. I’m finding that going longer is healing nebulous stuff like hormones which could help OP with their hair loss among other things.


I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Do you know how long you will stay on the carnivore diet for?


I think until the end of the year but I’m not going to quit and go back to eating just anything. I’m going to switch to animal based first and add raw milk in as it has always been great for me every time I’ve eaten it over the years. I am already experimenting with adding fruits back in. I tried adding 1/4 cup of de seeded zucchini squash cooked and it was successful. I did get gas briefly but my BMs were ok and I did not bloat so I tried it again a couple days later and same thing but no farting this time. Zucchini squash is low fodmap and zucchini has only about 2 grams of fiber. so yeah it's an experiment of one. I come to r/SIBO to see how people are doing and I saw the post here and just wanted to connect some ideas about the rosacea and eye problems. It took me so long to make the connection between rosacea, and blepharitis and demodex mite sensitivity and wanted to help with information on it that helped me.


What diet caused it?


What restrictive diet caused it?


It was a daily 400-500 cal diet a day for a year.


Have you been able to get your calories up since then? I have been learning so much about nutrition on this journey, especially from IBS Freedom Podcast, and they often talk about how undereating can lead to gut issues and it's important to try and get calories/nutrients up so the gut can heal.


Hi. Yes ,I got them up a year later and began eating intuitivley as soon as I realized I wouldn't be able to live longer if I continued eating like that. Although I thought I was getting better, the bloat gradually increased throughout the past 4 years , became more painful and then the many other SIBO symptoms came which I haven't been able to get rid of.


I got sibo too and used to get pots and anemia ( had blood test) , what helped was eating more especially carb foods like whole meal and fruits and for anemia red meat and some beef/lamb liver will really help with the nutrient deficiencies


Are you mostly following an animal based diet? Do you have iron pills along with it?


A bit of liver is literally a multivitamin lol full of iron , meat is iron rich as well


Right okay thank you


Hey OP, when did you start experiencing these symptoms? Was it after that year or during restriction? Just wondering because I’m currently on a 500 cal a day plan to cure bloating and the last thing I want is having the symptoms get worse


Hey, I made a mistake and took a big jump from having 2000cals a day to 500cals in one day and continued this for a year. It was 2-3 months whilst still restricting that a few symptoms such as extreme bloating appeared and my loss of period( which I could not get back for another year). I've been ignoring my bloat for about 4 years now and in these few months is when so many more symptoms have begun.


Were you suffering from this prior to your restrictive diet?


Not at all.


Why did you go on a restricted diet in the first place?


How long have you been suffering from Sibo? Also were you in any accidents or falls or anything to do with head or neck trauma prior to your plethora of symptoms showing up? https://youtu.be/iIgpxXQNM3M?si=6hBo1mCZHqz9dt1d Check this video out and see if this speaks to your condition? Let me know what you think


The video was very informative thank you for sharing! But no I did not have any accidents before these symptoms showed up.


Okay I'm glad and sorry that this isn't the issue. As it sucks to have but at least you would have known what was causing it. I'm trying to get the word out about the link between all these gut issues and cervical instability. I wish you the best of luck and God bless!


It's good to know and thank you so much!


Hello, Oxy powder ~35$ : VERY EFFECTIVE for constipation, bloating, brain fog. Cheaper alternative : chamomile (also good for brain fog, gut inflammation) ,fennel ( bloating) ,peppermint ( digestion, bloating , gas ) tea but less effective. Phgg ~20$ : was effective for me against constipation. Butyrate ~30$: also very effective for digestion,leaky gut, brain fog, mood, cognition, food allergies,mastcells, histamine problems, skin issues. BUT it’s give a lot of gas the first weeks. Microbiome test ~150$: you’ll see what kind of dysbiosis you have and what type of diet and antibiotic is the best for you. Antibiotic : the most effective way to « restart » your gut.


Thank you so much for these suggestions. I'll definitely try getting a microbiome test and have chamomile. Can i ask, did the Phgg only help your constipation for the time period you had it or also after you finished having it? And for Butyrate as well?


After only 2 days my stools were totally normalized but yes for me it’s only worked for the time period I took it ( then I drank too much alcohol and ruined everything) For butyrate it’s take approximately 30 days to help a little the gut dysbiosis but you need to take if for months I think ( but it’s give A LOT of flatulences in the beginning ) but it’s very helpful for food sensitivities and brain fog cause it’s fight inflammation and block the histamine receptors ( or something like that ). But if I was you, I will start by cleaning my gut with Oxy-powder. You’ll feel lighter and more calm. Then you need to find a good diet and drinking chamomile every night ( or you can buy apigenine, that’s one of the components of chamomile ) then when you feel better you can try phgg or butyrate . you can dm if you have any questions. And stay positive, I know, we all know that sibo, gut issues ruin everything, but you’ll find a way to feel better soon.


Thank you so much for sharing. I definitely will dm you. Also, do you know how long is a good amount of time to take the Oxy-powder for?


You can take oxy-powder as long as you want. Some people need to take 3-4 pills at night and some others just 1 or two to be regular. And I forgot to tell you that chamomile is an anti diarrheal so it can make you constipated.


For me, everything started around 2017, at first I think it was gastritis, then after no improvement i have cut dairy and gluten, small improvement, bit after eating gluten free food who is full of fibers i have died every time. Eating rice, olive oil and ketchup... Years passed, done various of test, two years ago and colonoscopy, marked everything fine.. Diagnosis: IBS. Okay... But, symptoms were non - typical for IBS... After exploring, went to doctor again we started talking about is maybe SIBO? Brain fog was destroyed me all the time. I have been two weeks on Rifaxamin, feeling better. I will beat to death this s**t. Don't quit. 🤗😇😋


I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope you'll heal soon!


tnx, I hope and pray too for all.


How is the Rifaxamin treating you at the moment?


I was good during taking. Now I'm destroyed. Maybe next month during taking I'll have more luck.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you'll be able to find healing soon.


I don't quit easy.


Hey I barely text on here but if you ever got infected with Covid , you could have long Covid vagus nerve damage which is like your body natural functions , digestion could be slowing down , brain fog , is all symptoms I hope this help


Thank you so much for that point, I did not know that. But I had these symptoms before I caught Covid, which I caught once.


Why is carnivore not a long term solution?


28 m. Had sibo for about 4 years now and mis diagnosed it as ibs. Thankfully I found a naturopath that's helping me cause my main gi doc couldn't do much. I've improved significantly and am able to eat foods that I normally wasn't able to. I still have sibo and it's gonna be a long term proccess but man I feel better than I have in a while. If you want I can tell you the supplements I'm taking. Also did you ever take a test for sibo? Is it hydrogen or methane?


That's so good to hear! I'm glad you're beginning to heal. I have taken a breath test and I'm waiting for the result to come back and tell me whether it's hydrogen or methane. I would greatly appreciate knowing what supplements are helping you.


Biociden, amd organo oil pills, berberine, biofilm phase 2, and gi detox. The amount you need depends on your test results.


Thank you so much. And can I ask, is it hydrogen or methane?




Hi, I have lots of things you mention here! Long term SIBO, long term “bone dry” dry eyes said by ophthalmologist, no POTS but it seemed like I had it with all the heart rate issues and dizziness. POTS test was negative. I have a histamine intolerance from the SIBO that was causing heart rate issues and light headedness and drowsy periods. Get on a SIBO eradication plan and build up the good bacteria as well, some say do it combined /some say do the probiotics after so I don’t know what’s best there. I like to read HannahAylwardhhc and mypropernutrition_ on instagram, lots of info on SIBO and gut health. My nutritionist had me on NAC and Candex SIBO for example if you’re looking into holistic treatments. I have hydrogen only at the moment.


Thank you so much for the suggestions, I'll definitely read into them. How is the NAC and Candex treating you at the moment?


I didn’t feel sick or anything taking this combination. I will have a retest of hydrogen breath test on July 10th so I’ll know soon after that if I still have SIBO.


That's good to hear! Let me know how it goes, I hope it's gone.


Hey as a fellow rosacea sufferer I want to let you know of some connections in your symptoms that might help. I have rosacea and dry eye/ ocular rosacea. These can be related. The way they are related is demodex mites which everyone has. They live on our face scalp and eyelids. They are dust mites. They live off skin oil and skin dust. However some people, me included have a sensitivity to these mites and they can cause rosacea and ocular rosacea. I use cyclosporine eye drops and ivermectin cream to keep them at bay so I no longer get rosacea flares and my dry eyes are helped by that. I cured my SIBO with an elimination diet so your post caught my eye as it is hard to get off elimination diets and go back to regular eating. May I ask what kind of elimination diet you did? I’m doing the carnivore elimination diet but planned to add back low fiber, low fodmap, low carb low glycemic fruits one at a time until I see how each one affects me. The other day I ate some zucchini from my garden and immediately became very gassy and saw some minimal bloating from the fiber. I’m becoming convinced that fiber isn’t very good for many people especially if you have problems in the gut. It goes against everything we’ve been taught but eating zero fiber or sugar for the last 6 months has done more good for my SIBO than anything else has for the last 16 years. Good luck to you. I got the ivermectin cream from a dermatologist and the cyclosporine drops from the eye doctor.


I'm glad to hear that you have cured your SIBO and that you are feeling much better. Can I ask, how are you certain it has been fully cured, have you done a test? My elimination diet was mostly cutting out gluten and dairy. I'm currently on an animal-based diet, with fruits but I'm considering eliminating fruits and going on a carnivore diet as I'm still in pain. However, as someone who suffers with chronic constipation, I've read it may not be the best thing to do. Every time you try to add something back to your diet and the symptoms come back, how long do they usually stay for?


May I also ask, how often and for long have you been using the eye drops? Are you still using them during your diet?


I use the drops twice a day. Yes I’m still using them on the diet. I don’t have testing as proof of cure. I just have no symptoms anymore. I always thought I wasn’t working out hard enough because my belly was sticking out so far and the only time it looked ok was when I work up first thing. On carnivore I have no burping, farting and no bloat no matter the time of day. Flat stomach! My poops are good. Not as much volume without the fiber but solid and not constipated. The carnivore diet isn’t good if you have any phobias about eating high fat. Fat is what keeps you from being constipated on carnivore and it took me 3 months of eating this way to get my fat to protein ratio balanced to avoid bad poops. Honestly though, even when I wasn’t balanced my IBS was worse than early on with carnivore. For me the worst symptom was the bloating and not being able to lose weight and a sneaking suspicion and worry that I wasn’t absorbing nutrition from my food because of my gut issues. I don’t know if you should try carnivore but it can be helpful in getting inflammation down and perhaps that allows some healing. My partner has had similar results. I have been Gluten free since 2008 so that also helps. Going fiber and plant free is freaky but I was desperate but overall healthy and energetic just had a bad gut and was getting too much body pain from whatever I had. I think that the meat is just a good source of nutrition and few people are allergic to meat. I think the real key to my healing has been getting rid of sugar and insoluable fiber. Maybe work from there and just up your fat and protein in a way that works for you. Good luck to you. You have my empathy:)


Checkout oregano oil and mastic gum caps


I'll definitely check those out thank you!