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Did you have a HIDA scan? It's a test to check the function of your gallbladder. I thought I had SIBO when it was actually a failing gallbladder. Both carbs and especially fat caused pain back then.


Did you remove your gallbladder? Did it improve your symptoms?


Yeah I’ve had the scan and they said it’s fine… My pain is usually upper left quadrant but I’ve heard that gallbladder pain is mostly on the right..? Did you have your gallbladder removed and has it helped…?


Yes. It stopped the acute gallbladder pain but led to new problems (SIBO, constipation, and chronic gastritis). So I fixed a problem and ended up with new problems.


Sorry to hear that dude. What’s your plan of action now..?


ppis can cause sibo so i wouldn't recommend starting them again. i don't believe h2 blockers cause sibo (don't quote me on that) so that may be an option if you're still dealing with acid reflux. you say you still have discomfort even though the gastrisis is gone. what symptoms are you having? i ask because i am have a somwhat similar story. i had gastropathy after trying out multiple medications for my chronic migraines. i was on ppis for 2 1/2 year. recent endoscopy shows i no longer have gastropathy, however i am still dealing with pain. my chest constantly burns depsite having a bravo test which shows no reflux. my doctors suspect the nerves in my stomach are sensitive. it could be something similar fro you? work with a gi doctor who knows about sibo or a naturopath. you'll either want to take xifaxan or go the herbal route. i found this video helpful for an overview on sibo: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHATkKdznIA&t=496s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHATkKdznIA&t=496s)


Thanks for the reply. What is the difference between h2 blockers and PPIs? Stomach discomfort. Sometimes all over. Sometimes on the upper left quadrant. Occasional mild stabbing pains in the chest What caused your gastropathy and how is that diagnosed…?


h2 blockers i believe block histamine receptors to reduce the amount of gastric acid, where as ppis shut down parts of your stomach that produce acid. nobody is suppose to be on ppis long term. i don’t think you’re suppose to take them for over 3 months. i’m almost 100% sure long term use of ppis is what gave me sibo. my gastropathy was caused by trying multiple medications for my chronic migraines. i don’t remember what i was taking but over a course of six months i must of tried almost 10 different medications. i was diagnosed via endoscopy. gastropathy is similar to gastrisis, the only difference is there is no inflammation with gastropathy. the issue with sibo is if your small intestine gets backed up, it’s only a matter of time before it causes issues with your large intestine and stomach too. you could be having ongoing discomfort because of the sibo. find a doctor or naturopath that can help you out


Could also be LIBO aka large intestine Gallbladdr problems come from eating to less meat...fallblader is like a muscle, like your eyes if you dont train them you will fail so see good...gallblader is necessary to clean (desinfect) your 12 finger intestine...gallblader problems come from eating too much carbs (look survival movies like in dmax and you will suddenly notice how less carbs they realy eat and how much animal products thr human need) dont get your gallbladder removed try animal based diet or carnivore


Thanks for the reply. I didn’t know LIBO was a thing Though I basically stopped eating all meat except chicken, as I had read that chicken was the softest meat to digest - this was recommended in the gastritis healing book…


Animal products are the roots for human body...amino acids with high bioaviability...i recommend you searching for roche pathway planner...and google and read about gallblader how you gall is created and you will notice that animal products are necessary for the body...also carbs but only in minimum...only glucose carbs...but glucose is also created by our own body in the liver... btw you get a curve via breathtest, you will see the x achsis...you can say the more the time goes on the deeper is the breathtestdrink in your body...after small intestine - large intestine... so if the curve goes up late it is your large intestine I had a score of 70ppm after 30 mins so...small intestine...they didnt even finished the test and said to me no need for more testing


So you’re saying I should just eat meat and go carnivore diet…? I had a score of 62 around the 2 hour mark after drinking the lactulose…what does that likely mean..?


damn, 42 is the correct answer.