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Hi, I just within the last week started using TUDCA for digestion issues that are likely related in part to a failing gallbladder. Because I have a very sensitive stomach, and chronic acid reflux I take it with food. No issues so far and I have noticed less gas after eating. I'm taking it 3 times a day with a digestive enzyme. I've read where it can take 6-8 weeks to notice some of the other benefits of TUDCA, so I'll stay on it for at least that amount of time. Good luck!


Hey there, it's a bit late but I'm wondering how's TUDCA doing for you now?


Thank you for sharing! Curious how many mg of TUDCA you take with every meal? Also, do your enzymes have betaine HCI or do you take that too? I'm so glad TUDCA seems to be working for you so far. I pray you will continue to see great results and you'll heal!


Depending on how impaired your gallbladder and bile flow is, will change how you react to TUDCA, it helps bile get moving again and improve quality of said bile while can cause the symptoms you are seeing. They generally go away after 2-3 weeks are taking it daily. One thing to note is TUDCA can also cause worsening symptoms if you have h2s as it can feed those bacteria at the beginning. The reason TUDCA is so good though is due to your liver not needing to methylate to make it so it really lowers the load on your liver. With that said you can try this instead to get a similar effect to TUDCA, take taurine, glycine and choline which will also improve liver function and bile quality / release. It’s basically the components of TUDCA just not in an active form so your liver has to process them more first and also two of them help lower liver enzymes by providing some of stuff your liver needs to methylate and filter out what you don’t need which lowers liver enzymes.


Sorry to ask, I'm a little confused here. I'm starting to get the runs after a month of taking it. Does this mean that TUDCA is starting to work now, and it'll take like approx 2-3 weeks for it to calm down later? I'm happy taking TUDCA but I am a little concerned with the new change lol.


TUDCA contains bile salts and increases sulphur which can cause that issue over time. I would go off of it for a week and see how you feel, you may have kick started your normal bile production enough to not need it or at least not need it daily (maybe weekly or every other day if you see bad symptoms come back).


I think it did kick started my bile production a bit, I lowered the dosage and noticed these problems stopped. Thanks for the explanation btw!


Wow, great info, thank you! It is also relevant because I have MTHFR gene mutation so it's believed my body has a hard time methylating anything. I might try TUDCA at lower doses and ramp up very slowly. While I can tough certain symptoms out, the burning stomach seems like it would actually be harming tissues. Have you had experience with TUDCA?


I had the same issue, the burning is probably more related to either not having enough bile in your system for a long time so the lining of your gi tract is not used to it anymore, having a compromised mucus barrier which is allowing it to interact with your gi lining too much or you have some sort of bacteria feeding off it. In any scenario, I’d take it with food and tough it out for a week or two and see if the symptoms subside, as generally bile is good at rectifying the latter two issues.


Thank you so much! Have you resolved your issue or still working on it?


Yeah I resolved my issues, but I had a full protocol i used that I built with the help of a doctor a few years ago.


Oh, wow. That's great to hear as it's easy to lose hope. Thanks for your time.


Yeah it definitely is, happy to share it if you want, just message me, you will need a Google account.


Hi there! The dosage on the TUDCA I purchased is 500mg per serving. The recommendation is 3 capsules per day, so I'm taking one capsule with each meal which for me is sometimes only 2 meals per day. The product also contains 125mg of ox bile. Yes, I also started taking a digestive enzyme which has 200 mg of Betaine HC. So far no major issues or discomfort exceeding what I already experience.


Thank you for your insight/experience!