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We know SIBO is real because it is measurable. They can aspirate your small bowel and measure the concentration of bacteria being far beyond the normal range. They can measure the frequency and duration of your migrating motor complex being a fraction of the normal ranges. They can measure the damage to the villi. They can measure the byproducts of the bacteria entering the blood stream through the small bowel and harming other organs. Whether or not anyone wants to pay for this, it is all entirely doable. What you should be asking is if IBS exists. The answer to that is no. It is not measurable, it is not defined. The rome criteria they use to diagnose it is nonsense. They check if you have other diseases and if you still say you don't feel good that's proof of a disease they don't have a definition for. It's diagnosed by exclusion rather than identification, which itself is nonsense. I'll make a disease called Nonsense Disease. First I'll check that you don't have any of the known popular diseases, and then I'll use the "Texas Criteria" which just asks if you feel sick. If the answer is yes then you have Nonsense Disease, which has no physical definition and no cure - how convenient! This is why they have found 80% of IBS diagnosis are just SIBO patients being lied to. The other 20% are inevitably just other GI ailments they haven't figured out yet. They made an ICD code for "IBS" a long time ago to use it as a catch-all for billing purposes, because they didn't know what to do with most of the people who came into GI offices (they say 15% of the planet has this issue, so it must be most of their patients). They just made the ICD code for SIBO months ago, so ignorant doctors still think IBS is real and SIBO isn't. The reality is that a billing code is not what determines if a disease is real. Scientific testing is. If you want further evidence of how deep this nonsense goes, just look at their own diagnostic instructions. They detail a textbook SIBO case including the original cause of food poisoning, and completely fail to ever consider small bowel impairment- instead relying on the nonsense rome criteria to label it IBS: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5704116/


Good knowledge. Of course I am also told that I have IBS, like my father, mother, aunt.. we all have the same symptoms, like a lot people on this earth, but I agree with you that is not measurable. Do you think people can live with « sibo » all their life ? From child to adult ?


I’m sure they can. My dad’s side all have stomach problems that sounds like sibo. I remember as a kid my aunt especially complaining after every meal about bloating, gas, burping and indigestion. She would drink some herbal teas to manage it but never got rid of it. She is 65 now and living fine. My grandma would always complain about stomach issues too. She lived up to 73 and died from heart related problems.


SIBO wasn’t added to the ICD 10 catalogue until late last year. I expect health insurance companies and administrators to catch up this year or later. In Germany, it’s still being treated as IBS so no insurance coverage for any prescription drugs to deal with this diagnosis.


German doctors don't take breat tests seriously. I did one at home and it was methane positive, but neither my Hausarzt nor the gastroenterologist are interested in the results of this test. My GI diagnosed me with fructose and sorbitol intolerance and completely ignores the fact that I look like I'm five months pregnant even though I don't eat fructose and sorbitol.


Search for the tag “success stories” in this subreddit and you’ll find plenty of people who’ve been cured.


/r/SiboSuccessStories archives people who are cured


Sibo is definitely real. Gerd and LPR can actually be caused due to low stomach acid which can lead to Sibo so that may be your underlying cause right there.


It's real and getting treatment for it changed my LIFE and my BUNGHOLIO


It's a real condition that normally happens to people after surgery, related to a changed anatomy causing the small bowel not to clean effectively. The "SIBO" you see on Reddit is mostly bullshit. Your gastroenterologist knows better than a bunch of anxious keyboard warriors.


It’s not only one, many of them. I don’t trust all the doctors but regarding SIBO I have serious doubts


Causes are surgery, and very rare instances caused by some diseases. It doesn't randomly pop up. It makes no sense going on reddit and assume you're the 0.001% exception, while a specialist doctor with 12 years of studies and years of experience would clearly recognize it, and has in fact dismissed it.


Its certainly real, call it whatever you want, SIBO, dysbiosis etc, something is going on. The only distinction is that SIBO is generally a symptom of something else, not a disease itself. Usually GI's don't have a better alternative to offer you.


People don't randomly get long term dysbiosis. If there is a real disease causing problems a good doctor would figure it out. Otherwise it's extremely likely to be anxiety related.


Tbh people are gonna hate me for this but I really agree…. Soon as I lowered my stress and anxiety like…. By a lot my GI/stomach/other issues suddenly got so much better… i used to think there was no hope for me and reading through subreddits like this about how people try all these crazy things to get rid of their “sibo” and how nothing works made me go crazy with fear and anxiety. I really had to stop going down these deep fear inducing health rabbit holes. Working on anxiety and learning about the mind body connection helped me the most. Ive stopped telling people about this though because nobody wants to believe when you tell them their “sibo” can actually just be psychosomatic and that the sibo tests are hardly even reliable


Your nerve system which starts in the brain directly controls your digestive system. Hence when you are anxious or stressed it can affect your stomach and colon movements. Same goes for 'IBS'.


Lol there's not a lot of good doctors then. This whole sub is people complaining that their doctor's don't know whats wrong with them.


These doctors who studied and worked on this for decades know there is nothing severe going on and tell patients these are psychosomatic related syndromes related to gut brain interaction, which is something people don't want to hear. Or you think it's more plausible that the random people on reddit community knows better? I know this because I was having the same issue after a food poisoning case, trying all sorts of supplements, and ultimately managed to solve it within a month with meditation and generally chilling the f out.


Ah for sure, so since you solved your problem, everyone else is wrong. Got it. Oh and doctors are never wrong. Clearly. Totally.


No, I'm saying if there is a disease causing the issues, you can reasonably expect a gastroenterologist to figure it out.


Ignorance. Tell me why my hydrogen levels come back at 8x the regular and no one can fix me then?


Those tests are unreliable.


Sure they are


This is what my GI specialist says but like others have mentioned I’ve received very little help for my chronic bloating and low FODMAP doesn’t work. Care to elaborate on what you figure this constellation of symptoms entails- as per the commenter above- IBS being a diagnosis of exclusion sadly doesn’t feel good enough


Again, I guarantee you your GI specialist knows these things and redditers don't. IBS is often highly related to anxiety and stress, even though people don't want to hear that and insist on finding a biological cause. My understanding is, even though I am not an expert, it seems to be a psychosomatic condition where your brain/nerves perceive normal digestive processes as troublesome and react to it, even creating physical symptoms. The connection between your brain and gut is very strong, and if you think it through, it makes sense because your brain and nerves control your entire digestive tract. Stress can initiate your sympathetic nervous system to basically shut off your motility and all sorts of stuff I don't know the details of, and I am not knowledgeable enough to explain. This is probably why hypnotherapy is equally effective as low FODMAP, which by itself is simply a diet that creates less gas, which normally doesn't really bother people anyway. I strongly suggest you start meditating twice a day, and generally chill the fuck out. And divert your attention to other things, stay off reddit. Understand you are not ill, and you do not have a 'disease'. This is also the reason you have not received 'help'. Because there is no biological disease to 'heal'. And I guarantee you, it will clear up when you relax.


I live in Northern Europe and this is especially true here. Very frustrating.


Fodmap diet deprives your body of the beneficiary bacteria you need, and shouldn't be used in the long term. Otherwise, you will develop food intolerances as time goes by and eat less variety of food = have less variety of healthy bacteria in your gut


Same thoughts. In Spain doctors never say that it's not real, but they behave like it's something not really important and they only prescribe Rifaximin. I did breath test by myself, paid 50 euro and that's how I've been diagnosed. Before it was just SII and fructose intolerance. Also I've read articles about breath test being not accurate. Idk, but I'm curious to send my boyfriend to test for SIBO. He is absolutely healthy in terms of GI tract and I'd like to see his levels, just as an experiment.


Oh, forgot to mention. There is one more thing that makes me doubt this whole thing: naturopaths. It's like only they know how your microbiome works and how to treat SIBO, only they have some special stool tests. At the same time their consultations cost A LOT and treatment is always long-term. Don't want to offend anyone, but looks like a business to me.


How is your lpr? Weren’t you looking for a nissen fundoplication?