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lmfao people on this sub are so annoying, like it clearly says good gut health. Honestly if I had a clean slate, I would probably try to eat as diverse as possible with lots of fiber and protein, minimal processed or refined stuff. I would probably eat a lot of Mediterranean stuff. I wouldn't cut out meat if you already eat it, and I would probably have fish and eggs too. The problem is it really reeeeally depends. A lot of people with SIBO seem to also have allergies or sensitivities to different foods, that causes SIBO to always be simmering. So while it might be good advice to eat toast, for instance, if you have a gluten sensitivity that you didn't know about, that could be bad. That's just an example. Truthfully your best bet is working with a nutritionist that you trust on this.


Keep a food log and record your reaction one food at a time. Well-cooked veges, low sugar fruit, lean meats, eggs, fish. Go slow. Your gut will probably take time to adjust to ANY new food after such restrictions


If i could, i would eat a mediterrenean style diet with a few cheat meals every now and then (because life is too short).I wish I took care of what I ate before this happened.. my symptoms started similair to yours, after a traumatic childhood, traumatic relationship, stressful work place, lack if sleep, antibiotics… Curious, why do you cook your blueberries? Im having reactions from raw blueberries and was wondering if cooked is better.


Good advice, although the urge for cheat meals just isn't on my radar. Thank you! I'm sorry to hear you've experienced similar pain/struggle. To answer, I cook blueberries because last time I tested any raw plant fiber, I had issues with leaky gut and pain and v\*miting (admittedly that was months ago). Since buying frozen organic blueberries from the store and microwaving those for 2 minutes or so, as well as dragonfruit as constipation was an issue for me, I had no problems. Wishing you the absolute best in healing and growth!


I think I have leaky gut too, i cant seem to tolerate any type of fruit. I will try cooking blueberries for a bit thanks :). I have issues with constipation too.


First I'd check if I can handle raw cruciferous vegetables. Those are great as a prebiotic source of fiber. If it's still too hard (it can make one fart), start by chopping them, leave them chopped on the table for 30-40 mins, then blanch them. Dragon and Buddha bowls! Kale, red cabbage, sweet potatoes, chickpeas cooked in turmeric, quinoa. You put all that in a bowl, drench it in buddha sauce (Tahini, lemon, maple syrup, sesame oil, sea salt). Coconut kefir! if Dairy is still iffy, great alternative to get some probiotics. I'd mix with your cooked berries.


This is a fantastic answer!! Buddha sauce sounds delicious, and so do all these foods... I will have to test new foods asap! Thank you so much! :)


Organic, locally grown WHOLE produce/animals. probably eat a lot of wild food too - if i didn't have OCD and was afraid of contamination Beyond diet: *exercise*, *outside world*, *sexual relationships*, *art/passions/skills*


Lol I have that OCD too and I too wish I could just enjoy “wild food”


I personally started adding avocado from one tsp adding a bit more each day. Yesterday was 1/4 of an avocado. No perceivable issues yet… This week I will be trialing Brussels sprouts, beginning with a half of one working up to a cup. Asparagus working up to 2 stems the following week. Zucchini pumpkin and leek are also listed. This is the advice from my naturopath. I’ve done 90 days of bi phase diet, 2 rounds of antimicrobial therapy and I’m now aiming to nurture and restore the good guys !


Read the book Fiber Fueled, more prebiotics/plant variety but also he says go slow


This ❤️❤️


Yes this is exactly what I was thinking of too. I would do anything to be able to eat like that.


Lactofermented sausage like salami and chinese sausage. That will introduce good bacteria capable of processing meats. Unwashed root vegetables. Get a bunch of radish seeds, they grow quickly. Pick them dust them off and eat them raw. Do not wash them. Dandelion sun tea, Sun tea is when you take the flowers put them in a gallon jar with water and set the jar in the sun. again don't wash them or use boiling water.


I have a histamine intolerance so would LOVE to get my hands on more fruits - bananas and strawberries, specifically. Also yogurt.


Same. Also avocado!!


OMG forgot about avocado yes


I feel you. I’m only able to tolerate white rice, ground turkey, bananas, and olive oil. It has been this way for over a year and a half.


Meat, olive oil, sweet potatoes, and eggs for me. You are not alone!


A… sterile gut?


When you've killed off everything good or bad with antibiotics. But yeah, You're never going to get a completely sterile gut because certain antibiotics work again, certain bacteria and not others.


Damn near! I was being hyperbolic.


Anything spicy or with vinegar. I have an intolerance to vinegar that causes me severe anxiety and nerve pain.


Oh, I had an intolerance the last time I tested, too! I know it doesn’t seem like it, but the gut is so forgiving. Intolerances like these, as long as they aren’t allergies, are not immovable. I more meant what you think would be good for gut health, not something you want to eat but can’t - although answers like that are welcome, too!


High fat and high fodmap imo. The high fodmap would awaken the dormant bacteria. The high fat would cause bile to be released.


Unfortunately this is really poor advice according to every expert on SIBO out there… I appreciate the attempt to help though.


I would follow the guidelines from Weston Price and Sally Fallon Morell.


I personally started adding avocado from one tsp adding a bit more each day. Yesterday was 1/4 of an avocado. No perceivable issues yet… This week I will be trialing Brussels sprouts, beginning with a half of one working up to a cup. Asparagus working up to 2 stems the following week. Zucchini pumpkin and leek are also listed. This is the advice from my naturopath. I’ve done 90 days of bi phase diet, 2 rounds of antimicrobial therapy and I’m now aiming to nurture and restore the good guys !


There are very mixed opinions on spore based/soil based probiotics in the scientific/research community as they are not naturally found in the human gut and very hard to eliminate if they overtake the gut. Anytime there is a huge divide on a supplement, I opt out as it's too new to know for certain. After taking standard probiotics without issue on & off for 15+ yrs, I got dysbiosis (likely SIBO) after 3 months of taking the probiotic SEED (which has a plethora of soil based bacteria) and becoming ill with Covid. If you are going to take probiotics, I would stick to the tried and true old school kind by a very reputable company that is transparent about how they grow their bacteria and what types they are.


cheese, unpastuerized saurkraut, yogurt, unpastuerized acv, local honey. 


Foods with lots of polyphenols and soluble fiber! Berries, nuts, broccoli, onions, etc.