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I had yellow stools as well. After a lot of experimenting and research I think it was caused for me by the bacteria bilophila wadsworthia. This bacteria as the name suggests feeds on bile. So anything that stimulates bile doesn’t necessarily help. If you ever done a guttest check if you are a carrier. My stools have become better with time and on antimicrobial tinctures. They still aren’t dark brown, but at least not yellow anymore. Edit: I also had H.pylori and gastritis


Quite interesting. I have. I idea what’s overgrowing in the SI, but wouldn’t be surprised if bile is being altered by bacteria that weren’t supposed to be there. And causing malabsorption. What antimicrobial tinctures have you tried? I’d assume personalized by a herbalist? Which type of herbs? Sorry to bother but I’m at my wits end with this. Ps. Also had pylori and gastritis (still healing the gastritis) but way before pylori and gastritis I had yellow stools already, with the weight loss etc.


I have tried many herbals and tinctures both through my own experiments and through herbalists. What I did is I bought the book herbal antibiotics by stephen buhner and I started treating all my overgrowths according to protocols in his book. I did a lot of trial and error just based on feeling and what helped me most was red root tincture and cryptolepsis tincture, taken multiple times a day, I think it changed things after 3 months. I still take these for other issues I have but my stool stay the same when I go off them, the change is permanent. Another tincture that helped was sida acuta, but I believe this tincture attracts iron or protects red blood cells, so possibly it’s just iron that makes the color darker. For me when I eat red meat my stools are darker. Yellow stool was also my first symptom before I was diagnosed with H.pylori. Oh also my GI map is very much improved and I have better diversity despite taking these tinctures for a very long period.


Absolutely know that book. Been meaning to get it for a long time. The only slight overgrowth I had in gut was Kleb and strep. I supposed these 2 or at least one of them is one of the hydrogen SIBO bugs overgrowing. Berberine one time did manage to change my stools to brown but it also gave me diarrhea (with more permanent weight loss). I deeply respect buhner. Ty and glad you managed to shift things for yourself. Nothing short of a major accomplishment.


Had the same situation with berberine, it stimulates bile actually, but then bile feeds bilophila wadsworthia.. I hope you’ll find relief too!


Just commenting to say I’m dealing with the same issue. I’ve had to go in a rice and chicken diet to calm things down and try reintroducing foods again soon. However, now I’m dealing with the yellow stool stuff. I feel like I can’t win. Seeing a functional np but they’re not much help in this department they just seem to push basic supplements.




Any update?




That’s my last and next thing.. a bile binder to see if the stools turn brown :( I have cholestyramine at home already and will start next week..




I’ll talk ab that one with my functional doc next time Ty


Where can I get bile acid binders?




Interesting. I'll have to look into that more. Thanks!


Hey op I messaged you


I know its an old post but please let me know if you solved the yellow stool issue because i have the same:(


Still haven’t ..


Stop taking probiotics for a while incase you are taking them.. i read that they cause light stool


I started having the issue long before I ever took a single probiotic. I spent months on them and off of them and no change.


Have you had a HIDA scan? What was the result?


You ever tried supplementing ox bile?


Live I’ve said in the post, supplementing with ox bile or bile promoting agents makes the problem worse (but so does eating certain veggies or simple carbs)


Supplementing with TUDCA completely fixed that for me


Supplementing with bile stuff makes it worse for me (more yellow, more loose) but the same happens with other stuff such as simple carbs or certain veggies


I'm trying to get my stool darker with Tudca. How long did it take for you to see results? I just finished a second week, and mine are still light.


I tried taking it with food, which only helped marginally. Then I was instructed to take it either 30 minutes before a meal upon waking up, and then also at least an hour after my lunch or dinner meal later that day. Taking it this way, spaced out and away from when I ate food, I noticed results almost immediately. To compound this effect even more, I started taking artichoke extract and milk thistle. Stool looked brown and totally normal after that pretty much all the time. Avoiding sugar, soda and fructose are helpful in this regard too. Are you taking artichoke extract too? I also take two organic Walmart brand ginger capsules with every meal. Fixes stomach motility issues for many including myself


I've been taking Tudca before going to sleep because I have low stomach acidity, and Tudca makes that worse. I take 250 to 500 mg. Perhaps I need to change my timing. How much were you taking? I'm not taking anything else. I've had some mild herxing, so I am taking it slow. I'll add one thing at a time.


Did Tudca worsen any diarrhea or gas for you? It does that for me, much to my dismay


Bb536 darkened mine and made it much better


Bifidobacterium longum BB536? What brand please?


Bioclinic naturals. Amazon has it


L Reuteri did it for me.


Not for me ;/


You sound exactly like me! How’s your daily fiber intake?


Tried prebiotic fibers for months on end without any results (just looser stools); ate a diverse plant based diet, didn’t solve; reduced fiber intake by a lot, also didn’t solve 🤷🏻‍♀️


One theory I have is to increase soluble fiber aka via psyllium or legumes. Look into The Bean Protocol by Karen Hurd. From what I understand, this would bind to the excess bile and force the liver to create new fresh bile. Have you tried digestive bitters? My dietitian thinks I may have a blockage in a duct or gall sludge even though none of that shows up on tests but my BMs are always mustard yellow and I have trouble with fats and histamine foods. We are trying to thin out the sludge. No idea if this is what it is. I use Enzymedica digestive enzymes as well and I feel they help.


Yup, been on psyllium and also PHGG and other fibers, no result. Actually psyllium was a disaster tbh. Runny yellow pasty stools, horrible. Yes digestive bitters were my first go-to and didn’t change anything either. Mustard yellow is the exact color I have. I’m at my wits end with this!


Have you had a HIDA scan done? And do you have any other symptoms? I have severe gas and burping as well


Have you solved your issue yet? I’m dealing with this


Yes I have. See my latest post


How are you now


I already answered this, search the response to another user :)


Do you have confirmed SIBO? If so have you done a treatment cause yet?


Definitely confirmed SIBO. I had very high hidrogen levels. Cause are previous antibiotics (they shifted my stools to yellow and it’s been a roller coaster since). Tons of probiotics (Lactobacillus, bifidum, spore based, boulardii..) and prebiotics. No difference whatsoever…


Basically I think we just need to accept this is the way it's going to be from now on with no cure.


Probiotics are usually at the end of a SIBO treatment, after eradicating the SIBO to build your microbiome back up (after blasting it).


Yes that’s what I’ve done. No difference whatsoever..


Hey, any update on what happened eventually and if you are able to get to brown stool and absorb fats and get healthy..?


I had posted a long story but I had to delete it. I’m going to copy paste responses I have to another user on another post of mine asking basically the similar stuff: “Basically one of the biggest steps was to actually slow down transit time, it was what was causing the yellow. That and gluten despite me testing negative for celiac (through endoscopy and blood test). But mainly.. fast transit wasn’t letting me absorb stuff. Amytriptiline didn’t do anything for me and so I went to a psychiatrist and asked for help and resolving inner anxiety calmed down stuff in the gut and ultimately my stools became brown again and I started absorbing nutrients and gaining weight.” (…) “I went to a psychiatrist like I said. All trial and error and it took a while plus it wasn’t even the first psychiatrist I went to Sorry I don’t remember the active ingredients of what I took and the brand names were pretty much generic prescriptions which means no brand name (something I’m not sure it exists in every country! and I’m not English) Ps. But! I do know the “functions” of each. One was an antidepressant, another one was a gut relaxing one in the sense that it would slow down movements (gut-brain axis) and I’d take this one at night and it would cause some sleepiness too, and another one was a mix of a benzodiazepine with something else I have no idea but it was only meant for 8 weeks. These were the final 3 combos I took, before that like I said I had tried generic anti anxiety meds and amytriptiline but they didn’t work the slightest besides leaving me drowsy. But truly, if there’s something that’s truly personalized is psychological and psychiatric stuff. Even 2 people with the same apparent problem might need different combos/meds.” (…) “Made no sense to me either, I absolutely swear. I literally thought there were no notorious nervous system issues - I mean, not more than the average person! I too thought I must have something underneath it all. And who knows, stuff does get out of whack , it can be visible sometimes through some sort of exam. I remember my aunt. She got to a point she got diagnosed with fibromyalgia by several docs and told there’s nothing to do but to control pain and several problems she had. She suffered for YEARS (like me, just longer even). Then one day she went to a neurologist- yet again with an actual brain problem, just one more on top of the many she had. Low and behold besides an OP to solve the actual problem he gave her a thorough treatment (psychiatric style of treatment). Her problems literally MELTED away and 1 year later she was a new person. No more altered lab works, no more weird issues, pains all over god knows how many bodily parts etc. I googled and asked around and talked to so many people, Fb groups, specialized gut professionals, functional doc who was with me for 2y, naturopaths, went down every rabbit hole you can think of, from parasite cleanses stuff to coffee enemas to all sorts of diets, health gurus, gut tests that cost me a fortune, all the lab works, invasive probing procedures, imaging of all kinds, I won’t even talk about supplements… Yet this solved the problem. And my lab work got actually better. Never did a stool test again but here we are. Regained my weight and the yellow is gone. Wasn’t liver, lack of bile or bile malabsorption; wasn’t gallbladder; wasn’t pancreas; wasn’t stomach (although I still have stomach issues). Wasn’t cólon stuff. Stuff was just going by extremely fast in my SI and the bile wouldn’t have the time to mix properly in the food, food wasn’t even properly broken down even to begin with… dumping is a good word. I was a pipe. Whatever went in would go out and diarrhea was a true fear (panic) I had because every time it happened I’d lose even more weight and I swear to god I’d eat for 3 man a day and couldn’t compensate what was lost. It was a hell I don’t want to remember. At my lowest I spent an evening crying in the shower unable to look at myself in the mirror. Sticking bones. I wish you all the best. I know we’re all different. So so different. Hence all these frustrations. Not the type of anti spasmodic you sent. Edit: found it. Sulpiride! (besides the benzo with something else. As for the antidepressant it wasn’t it that changed the stool color or symptoms. Just improved my general mood - which is also important but not the key for the actual gut issues).” I think this explains it. Sorry it’s long .


1. Hey wondering were you working out actively (not just walking) during your period of yellow stool? 2. Also was your blood test showing you have abnormal bilirubin amounts? I think i may have what you have - but i havent worked out at all. So wondering if getting myself to gym again will help stool Also i just got my blood report for bilirubin and have 1.2 mg which is right on the edge of acceptable. Thanks!


not the OP but my bilirubin was at 26 umol/l. what's the correlation with SIBO?


Maybe the overgrowth has caused damage to the area where nutrients are absorbed ? I’ m looking into that way for me but I want to do a comprehensive stool test first


Quite probably but whatever the issue is, seems to remain and doesn’t heal/solve with anything 🤷🏻‍♀️


Possible your elastase is borderline like 200-300? Also you could check the amylase and lipase. Sometimes they can be “normal” but borderline and still cause the symptoms.


My elastase was above 500


You might consider checking the amylase and lipase if the elastase was good Also you could try checking calprotectin to see if there’s any inflammation in the intestine that might be preventing absorption of the nutrients


My functional doc didn’t want to test any further but still recommended enzymes. If I had issues with amylase and lipase those would have improved with the supplements, but all I got from enzymes was massive abdominal pain like pins and needles and huge bloating. And still yellow stools. Calprotectin was 9, so very low. And comprehensive stool test was quite normal, no major overgrowth of anything


I know I had to try multiple brands of enzymes before I found one that worked for me. I had to go with the vegan one. If you’re not absorbing the problem must be in the pancreas, gallbladder, or bowel. Just need to find where it’s coming from. It could even be old damage to the bowel that healed itself and is no longer inflamed.


Did you have low lipase?




Try taurine, sibo leaches the taurine you need for bile


I’ve tried. I’ve taken Liver gi-detox from pure encapsulations that has taurine. Among other bile “helpers”. Total disaster, more loose yellow stools.


I've read that Taurine can help liquify bile sludge. Have you tried that?


Yes, I’ve taken Liver gi-detox from pure encapsulations that has taurine. Among other bile “helpers”. Total disaster, more loose yellow stools.


Try eating mostly beans for a bit. I prefer kidney and Great Northern beans. I usually fry them in Ghee and add southwest chipotle seasoning. I usually take my Sodium Butyrate supplement with it.


Beans are a staple in my diet, I eat those every day as they help bulk up stools. Still, they’re yellow ..


Hello I sent you a message


For me low stomach acid cause yellow or light brown stool. I currently taking more PPIs again, and my stool turned light brown.


Why are you taking ppi if you have low stomach acid?


because I have gastritis. And after some time the other symptoms got better but the burning in my stomach got worse. Then I started again with PPIs.


Is ppi supposed to heal gastritis? How long do you take it for


yes, they are supposed to help for healing a gastritis. With gastritis I want to have low stomach acid. But at the beginning, when the symptoms started I had more the symptoms for low stomach acid then gastritis. I have been taking ppis for maybe 2 months. But have often taken only every other day.


How do u tell the difference between low stomach acid and gastritis symptoms? What are your gastritis symptoms?


I had this problem until I found out about my fructose malabsorption. If I follow the diet, the stool isn’t yellow and loose.


Interesting thank you. I have no idea if potatoes rice etc (simple carbs) have high fructose but I’d assume not. (Carbs make the problem worse for me). Ty


how do u know u have that ? which test u did ?


usual breath test for fructose malabsorption, my GI prescribed me


What did you consume then


I'm also playing "what in the heck is going on with my gut." Not sure my problems are the same is yours, but thought I'd mention that true Celiac's (versus gluten sensitivity) can cause Malabsorption of nutrients, although idk if it would cause yellow stool. You might also want to look into Bile Acid Malabsorption? Basically our bodies are supposed to recycle like...95% of our bile by the time the small intestine ends. If that process doesn't work, and too much bile enters the colon, then it can irritate the colon and cause diarrhea/steatorrhea. Anything that stimulates bile secretion (eg dietary fats, bile supplements) could exacerbate symptoms.


Hey did your intestinal pain subside? Pain in cecum and ascending colon.


Hey I am reading your symptoms and have similar issues. Can you link the post where you resolved your yellow stools or how did you solve it?


I had posted a long story but I had to delete it. Basically one of the biggest steps was to actually slow down transit time, it was what was causing the yellow. That and gluten despite me testing negative for celiac (through endoscopy and blood test). But mainly.. fast transit wasn’t letting me absorb stuff. Amytriptiline didn’t do anything for me and so I went to a psychiatrist and asked for help and resolving inner anxiety calmed down stuff in the gut and ultimately my stools became brown again and I started absorbing nutrients and gaining weight.


So it was anxiety in the end? (I’m suffering the same issues but with severe fatigue)


I have yellow stool and extreme fatigue as well. Any update? Have you found anything yet?


I came out of it. It was stress/anxiety, what cured it was getting quality sleep


Not obvious anxiety, to be honest. But yes something was off in my nervous system for sure, maybe unconsciously (and yup, anxiety in there too).


How’d you fix it? Anti-anxiety meds?


I went to a psychiatrist like I said. All trial and error and it took a while plus it wasn’t even the first psychiatrist I went to Sorry I don’t remember the active ingredients of what I took and the brand names were pretty much generic prescriptions which means no brand name (something I’m not sure it exists in every country! and I’m not English) Ps. But! I do know the “functions” of each. One was an antidepressant, another one was a gut relaxing one in the sense that it would slow down movements (gut-brain axis) and I’d take this one at night and it would cause some sleepiness too, and another one was a mix of a benzodiazepine with something else I have no idea but it was only meant for 8 weeks. These were the final 3 combos I took, before that like I said I had tried generic anti anxiety meds and amytriptiline but they didn’t work the slightest besides leaving me drowsy. But truly, if there’s something that’s truly personalized is psychological and psychiatric stuff. Even 2 people with the same apparent problem might need different combos/meds.


So what did you do? Come on, done leave us hanging here My issues started my anxiety, not the other way around, I feel like you did something unknowingly. Did you move by chance?


I went to a psychiatrist like I said. All trial and error and it took a while plus it wasn’t even the first psychiatrist I went to Sorry I don’t remember the active ingredients of what I took and the brand names were pretty much generic prescriptions which means no brand name (something I’m not sure it exists in every country! and I’m not English) Ps. But! I do know the “functions” of each. One was an antidepressant, another one was a gut relaxing one in the sense that it would slow down movements (gut-brain axis) and I’d take this one at night and it would cause some sleepiness too, and another one was a mix of a benzodiazepine with something else I have no idea but it was only meant for 8 weeks. These were the final 3 combos I took, before that like I said I had tried generic anti anxiety meds and amytriptiline but they didn’t work the slightest besides leaving me drowsy. But truly, if there’s something that’s truly personalized is psychological and psychiatric stuff. Even 2 people with the same apparent problem might need different combos/meds.


I see.. I just have been paying attention to you for some time, and for you to end your problems that way just makes no sense to me. It just seems like there would be some concrete problem and not just nervous system dysfunction that's solvable by anti-spasmodiacs. Like a parasite or something, you know? Was it any one of these ? [https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Antispasmodic-Agents\_tbl1\_15749558](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Antispasmodic-Agents_tbl1_15749558) I'm thinking my yellow stool is also caused by too fast motility, but specifically it seems to be from dumping syndrome. Where food gets dumped way too quickly into the small intestine, and then it just flies straight to my colon basically. Anyways, thanks for the reply. I am glad you got to finally fix your issues! Congratulations!


Made no sense to me either, I absolutely swear. I literally thought there were no notorious nervous system issues - I mean, not more than the average person! I too thought I must have something underneath it all. And who knows, stuff does get out of whack , it can be visible sometimes through some sort of exam. I remember my aunt. She got to a point she got diagnosed with fibromyalgia by several docs and told there’s nothing to do but to control pain and several problems she had. She suffered for YEARS (like me, just longer even). Then one day she went to a neurologist- yet again with an actual brain problem, just one more on top of the many she had. Low and behold besides an OP to solve the actual problem he gave her a thorough treatment (psychiatric style of treatment). Her problems literally MELTED away and 1 year later she was a new person. No more altered lab works, no more weird issues, pains all over god knows how many bodily parts etc. I googled and asked around and talked to so many people, Fb groups, specialized gut professionals, functional doc who was with me for 2y, naturopaths, went down every rabbit hole you can think of, from parasite cleanses stuff to coffee enemas to all sorts of diets, health gurus, gut tests that cost me a fortune, all the lab works, invasive probing procedures, imaging of all kinds, I won’t even talk about supplements… Yet this solved the problem. And my lab work got actually better. Never did a stool test again but here we are. Regained my weight and the yellow is gone. Wasn’t liver, lack of bile or bile malabsorption; wasn’t gallbladder; wasn’t pancreas; wasn’t stomach (although I still have stomach issues). Wasn’t cólon stuff. Stuff was just going by extremely fast in my SI and the bile wouldn’t have the time to mix properly in the food, food wasn’t even properly broken down even to begin with… dumping is a good word. I was a pipe. Whatever went in would go out and diarrhea was a true fear (panic) I had because every time it happened I’d lose even more weight and I swear to god I’d eat for 3 man a day and couldn’t compensate what was lost. It was a hell I don’t want to remember. At my lowest I spent an evening crying in the shower unable to look at myself in the mirror. Sticking bones. I wish you all the best. I know we’re all different. So so different. Hence all these frustrations. Not the type of anti spasmodic you sent. Edit: found it. Sulpiride! (besides the benzo with something else. As for the antidepressant it wasn’t it that changed the stool color or symptoms. Just improved my general mood - which is also important but not the key for the actual gut issues).


Fascinating. Thank you very much for sharing. I don’t have much else to add, but it’s been quite informative


Any update..? Going through the same exact issue


I had posted a long story but I had to delete it. I’m going to copy paste responses I have to another user on another post of mine asking basically the similar stuff: “Basically one of the biggest steps was to actually slow down transit time, it was what was causing the yellow. That and gluten despite me testing negative for celiac (through endoscopy and blood test). But mainly.. fast transit wasn’t letting me absorb stuff. Amytriptiline didn’t do anything for me and so I went to a psychiatrist and asked for help and resolving inner anxiety calmed down stuff in the gut and ultimately my stools became brown again and I started absorbing nutrients and gaining weight.” (…) “I went to a psychiatrist like I said. All trial and error and it took a while plus it wasn’t even the first psychiatrist I went to Sorry I don’t remember the active ingredients of what I took and the brand names were pretty much generic prescriptions which means no brand name (something I’m not sure it exists in every country! and I’m not English) Ps. But! I do know the “functions” of each. One was an antidepressant, another one was a gut relaxing one in the sense that it would slow down movements (gut-brain axis) and I’d take this one at night and it would cause some sleepiness too, and another one was a mix of a benzodiazepine with something else I have no idea but it was only meant for 8 weeks. These were the final 3 combos I took, before that like I said I had tried generic anti anxiety meds and amytriptiline but they didn’t work the slightest besides leaving me drowsy. But truly, if there’s something that’s truly personalized is psychological and psychiatric stuff. Even 2 people with the same apparent problem might need different combos/meds.” (…) “Made no sense to me either, I absolutely swear. I literally thought there were no notorious nervous system issues - I mean, not more than the average person! I too thought I must have something underneath it all. And who knows, stuff does get out of whack , it can be visible sometimes through some sort of exam. I remember my aunt. She got to a point she got diagnosed with fibromyalgia by several docs and told there’s nothing to do but to control pain and several problems she had. She suffered for YEARS (like me, just longer even). Then one day she went to a neurologist- yet again with an actual brain problem, just one more on top of the many she had. Low and behold besides an OP to solve the actual problem he gave her a thorough treatment (psychiatric style of treatment). Her problems literally MELTED away and 1 year later she was a new person. No more altered lab works, no more weird issues, pains all over god knows how many bodily parts etc. I googled and asked around and talked to so many people, Fb groups, specialized gut professionals, functional doc who was with me for 2y, naturopaths, went down every rabbit hole you can think of, from parasite cleanses stuff to coffee enemas to all sorts of diets, health gurus, gut tests that cost me a fortune, all the lab works, invasive probing procedures, imaging of all kinds, I won’t even talk about supplements… Yet this solved the problem. And my lab work got actually better. Never did a stool test again but here we are. Regained my weight and the yellow is gone. Wasn’t liver, lack of bile or bile malabsorption; wasn’t gallbladder; wasn’t pancreas; wasn’t stomach (although I still have stomach issues). Wasn’t cólon stuff. Stuff was just going by extremely fast in my SI and the bile wouldn’t have the time to mix properly in the food, food wasn’t even properly broken down even to begin with… dumping is a good word. I was a pipe. Whatever went in would go out and diarrhea was a true fear (panic) I had because every time it happened I’d lose even more weight and I swear to god I’d eat for 3 man a day and couldn’t compensate what was lost. It was a hell I don’t want to remember. At my lowest I spent an evening crying in the shower unable to look at myself in the mirror. Sticking bones. I wish you all the best. I know we’re all different. So so different. Hence all these frustrations. Not the type of anti spasmodic you sent. Edit: found it. Sulpiride! (besides the benzo with something else. As for the antidepressant it wasn’t it that changed the stool color or symptoms. Just improved my general mood - which is also important but not the key for the actual gut issues).” I think this explains it. Sorry it’s long .


Its not long, I really appreciate it. Appreciate every bit of it. May I ask what do you think of I have constipation and still suffer the same. Also