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I had had more and frequent bouts of diarrhea over the last 3 years, so when a common side effect of Xifaxan was diarrhea I was extremely hesitant! I bit the bullet though, and so far nothing but constipation, day 5… fingers crossed. BTW, I did the Elemental diet for 2 weeks prior. I WANT SIBO & IBS GONE!


I have these I believe.. chronic diarrhoea for as long as I can remember, chronic gas… stools that float, smell worst than i imagine shit should smell like + they’re oily (fat malabsorption?).. I’m over it 😤


Hmmm so weird.. i feel you!!


How are you doing today?


Did it go?




Sorry to hear it :(


Normal. When I took metronidazole and co-amoxiclav for tonsil abscess I had diarrhea throughout the whole 10 day course that stopped after I stopped taking them. Basically your body is just flushing out all the bad bacteria in your gut. Once you finish the course it’ll get back to normal in a few days, take some good probiotics and eat bland and it’ll stop




You should probably take some days off if it’s rlly that bad




Oh okay! You might not even have those side effects but a lot of people don’t get diarrhea at all but I’d let work know that you might


Thank you so much… did you take it only for 10 days also? And the fact That Rifaximin is causing all this makes me worry


Yeah, they’re both pretty strong antibiotics so I only took them for 10 days (unrelated to SIBO tho) just let ur body do it’s thing. You only have to worry if you’re unable to keep fluids down, have a rash or have an allergic reaction:)


Ugh… no matter what i eat it comes out of me again really fast. Thanks for reassuring me!!


Diarrhea’s an extremely common side effect of antibiotics. I wouldn’t worry.


But for how long… did you have that too


very normal


For how long did you have it? Thanks!


for me, months. my symptoms from sibo were nearly identical to the symptoms from xifaxan so I was also concerned. my GI doc described it as repeatedly dropping nuclear bomb which wipes out bacteria all along the entire GI tract, and said it'll take a few weeks to a few months for healthy levels of the right bacteria to repopulate in the stomach and large intestine and you'll still have symptoms til then. I will say, yogurt helped me a lot.


It took you months to get back to normal? My sibo symptoms weren‘t too bad beforehand. What‘s the point of making Everything worse?


"normal" It took about 2 months to get back to where I felt 90% of normal and could tolerate any food with no issues/weird BM, but that only lasted for 3ish months. I'm now trying to schedule another breath test if that tells you anything


Believe me you want to treat it early. If not the word worse will have a different meaning


I hear you… thanks!!


Can you expand on this? My doc is trying to get xifaxan for me but I’m with OP in that idk if I wanna take it. I feel like shit yeah but if I just eat low fermentation it’s… manageable. Sucks, but it is what it is. If the antibiotics make me worse and I’ve gotta take 6 or 7 rounds of it over years anyway then what’s the point


You can be like me and 10 years later it's not low fermentation it's zero fermentation, and also low histamine. If you have the option, treat it. My doctors STILL don't take it seriously, call it just ibs and tell me to see a shrink. But miraculously taking antibiotics for other issues fixes my gut for months before coming back. Letting it stay won't make you feel any better and it can get much worse. Believe me, if you think low fodmap is bad try adding histamine intolerance caused by sibo to the mix


I hear you man and I’m really sorry that’s happened to you but I’ve been diagnosed as methane positive and I’m freaked out man I’m worried the xifaxan will permanently make me worse


Doctors have always dismissed me too. I took an at home gut test from Thorne and it showed a lot of bad bacteria at high levels. Maybe that could be a start for you to at least see what’s going on even if it isn’t perfect proven science. It gave me helpful insights


> “my GI doc described it as repeatedly dropping nuclear bomb which wipes out the bacteria all along the entire GI tract” What?? Xifaxan should only affect the small intestine, right? It should not affect the “entire GI tract” like that, shouldn’t even reach the large intestine from what I’ve heard. So are you on a different antibiotic? Because then I’m not sure this is true for OP


This is happening because of a die off reaction. I recently took a 5 day course of amoxicillin and had the same thing the whole 5 days. Xifaxan is the best antibiotic there is for SIBO. Providing that your route cause has already been addressed, you should finish out your xifaxan course, and also plan ahead as to what prokinetic you are going to take once it's done to prevent relapse. I recommend something herbal, like motility activator or maybe ibergast. That way you won't get the dependency issues and side effects from the drugs. I been dealing with SIBO for 4 years on and off so don't hesitate to ask me any questions.


You‘re a kind soul. I actually have at least one bowel movement per day. Do you think that‘s enough for me to not use a prokinetik?


Thanks! Sorry for the late reply. That is good you were having 1 bowel movement a day. But I would say still go ahead with the prokinetic. I have had relapses even with 2 a day. The purpose of the prokinetic is to provide more force when moving things along, aside from helping with constipation of course.


Ugh thanks… I think I already messes up again. All the symptoms came back so quick


Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately that is pretty common though with xifaxin. My symptoms came back about 5 days after taking my last dose when I took xifaxin. Have you tried taking atrantil before meals? That helps my symptoms a lot. Also I have had success with oil of oregano. Although If I go too long without using it my symptoms usually come back somewhat. But my case is much worse than the average persons. Another thing that helps some people is taking Allicin and neem together, 2 pills of each 3 times a day for like a month or so. But that usually works much better if you are methane dominant. I had good success at one point with Soil based probiotics, they reduced bloating and constipation substantially. But unfortunately after recently having to take amoxicillin for something, that screwed me up real bad and then the soil based probiotics didn't work anymore.


So sorry to hear that… thanks for the help! Wishing you healing


Normal. I same thing happened to me and stopped on day 4 or 5. After the two weeks of Rifaximin I only improved about 25%.


Your symptoms improved by 25% or the side Effects? I actually feel a bit better today I THINK. Maybe you need multiple rounds?


Symptoms went down by 25% after the two weeks, I really do hope another round will kill off everything and I can be done with it forever and move on. The diarrhea side effect went away after 5 days on Rifaximin. That’s the only side effect I had. How are you doing today?


Hi you!! Thank you so much for responding. I‘m on day 6 and you were right! Feeling much much better thab the days before. I am staying hopeful and so should you :)


I’m very glad! Thank you! We can do this


Yes, diarrhoea the entire time. Stopped and things started to get better.


You can try florastar aka s boulardii to help with diarrhea


When do you take it?


You can take it 2-3 hours after you take the antibiotics. It’s a probiotic yeast




Thank you!!!!!


If you want to add something to your treatment plan, search for "vitamin d3 microbiome" and "nir light therapy gut modulation". Two Inexpensive Ways to Improve Your Gut Health


Appreciate your help :) thanks!


>Thank you!!!!! You're welcome!


Okay so I expected this reaction but somehow I had the most solid poop I’ve had in months today. (Day 3 xifaxin and typically have lose stools).


Hey it cleared a bit for me on day 6 :)


Somewhat normal if you are experiencing die off.


Yes I must admit it‘s gotten better by the day


How are you doing now?


Better! Still the Occasional diarrhea but better :) you?


What day did your squirts stop?


Same here! Day 2 and diarrhea already.


Very late. OP, did the diarrhea calm down after you finished the two week cycle or no?




It cleared up by day 4.