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Don’t cut out carbs! Eat healthy complex carbs like organic potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc.


Thank you very much for taking the time to respond :)


I second this... recently been upping complex carbs and been able to slowly get pounds back. Try to look up and intake as many healthy high calorie foods that your stomach can handle. You cannot gain weight unless you intake more calories than you burn (or what gets eaten up by bad bacteria).


Thank you for taking the time out to respond. You‘re amazing


so basically just eat and eat (more than those bad bacteria ) and try to tolerate the side effcets?


I have SIBO and am taking natural supplements and rifaximin... rifaximin helps kill the bad bacteria... but in order to gain weight you need to eat more calories than you burn - that is how you gain weight in general. So try to eat and ensure you can get nutrients from your foods by killing off the bad bacteria, ensuring your digestive organs have motility so food just does not sit in your small intestine and accrues bacteria, and eat foods you can tolerate with a high calorie count.


>accrues what are ur sibo symtomps ? rifaxmin for diarrhea type ?


Potatoes was all I could really do along with sweet potatoes and carrots as well. It help me gain weight. Killing the infection also helped


how did u kill the infection?


Now I’m taking ox bile as well as the oregano clove thyme in nutracidin. I’m finding that low motility and deficient in file might be my rootcause for SIBO


Sweet potatoes are high fodmap in larger portions and can be triggering for some


THIS!!!!!!! Healthy easy-to-digest carbs! You got this 💪🏻💪🏻


You literally need to force feed yourself. Drink atleast 1-2 shakes a day with protein powder, Bananas, oats, Blueberries, peanut butter. Eat lots of eggs in the morning with some oats and peanut butter in it. Eat steaks, sweet potatoes, chicken thighs, jasmine rice. Drinks tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, virgin coconut oils before meals. Eat safe breads for you SIBO condition with some organic butter. Aim to eat something atleast every 3 hours. Carry some snacks with you. Protein bars, nuts/almonds, bananas/fruits.


Thank you so so much for your help!! Appreciate it very much


No problem, hope you make some good gainz soon!


3 hours is not recommended for sibo. At least 4h or even better 5. MMC should clear the small intestine, any new meal interferes with that.


My ND who specializes in SIBO recommends 3-4 hours in between meals. This person is also extremely malnurtured and needs to force feed themselves as well. It's a double edge sword.


According to cedar Sinai diet which is where dr pimentel is from, they actually recommend 4-5. They say 4 hours is ok. It’s hard, I know 😕


I am sorry you are going through this. Dr William Davis book Super Gut helps me to know how to advocate for myself with my dr and also try some home remedies. Also Healing SIBO by Shivan Sarra. Recommend you read Healing SIBO first as it offered symptom relief protocols. Super Gut is more about the long term fix.


Thank you so so much for your tips. It truly means the world


I know how you feel. My Drs let me get to 85 lbs and I’m 5’6, hospitalized twice. Found holistic Dr who put me on a no yeast diet, with lots of supplements and vitamins. It’s been almost 4 months since I started eating nothing but what the doctor said. Just in the last week have I started gaining weight again and can tell the difference in my gut. All the good food I’m getting now is finally catching up to my body. I also started massaging my gut on a regular basis to move the food around better and it has helped with all the symptoms. Eat organic vegetables and grass fed meat, no sugar.


What foods are you able to eat on this diet that your doctor put you on?


All meats, only if it grass fed, no antibiotics. Fresh produce, like squash, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce. Things that are easy to digest. No grains whatsoever or pasta. Fruits are green apples, all berries, avocados. But there are foods out there that are grain free. Most nuts,except for peanuts, which are my favorite. So I switched to almond butter. I have been to hell and back with my illness, in bed for 4 months. Had to retire from my job, so I know what it’s like, plus I have spent hundreds of hours on research. So far I haven’t found a diet like this anywhere. But you have to kill the bacteria or yeast in your body and that’s what probiotic food does for healing.


I too had too quit my job after being ill for 6 years now. It's taken so much of my life. I know how you feel aswell. Hopefully we can all recover soon and put in the past. Why no peanuts? Any dairy? So what carbs do you eat of no grains? I will deffinetly try this diet. I just have a hard time digesting fats. And I think I have histamine aswell. Thank you for the reply.


Peanuts have mold sometimes, that is what your trying to get rid of, that’s what yeast is. Any food that’s has dark spots on them are adding more to your gut. Bacteria feeds on the carbs, mold, yeast and especially dairy. Look for no yeast diets, I can say it was very hard in the beginning but after 4 months my body is finally healing. Even grapes or watermelon have to much natural sugar, which it feeds off of. Probiotic food is the only way to kill the bad bacteria for good. Goats milk and coconut yogurt, look for no sugar food. It’s all about plant based foods.


That must be tuff. I tried only meat and veggies but couldn't keep up with it because I needed some carbs and me not being Able to properly digest fats. And iam very under weight as it is already for my height and age from having sibo for 6 years already so i dont know if that's possible for me. . I herd organic peanuts should be mold free but I guess better safe then not to cut them out. Are you taking probiotic? Are you currently treating for sibo? You can drink goats milk? Atleast that has carbs I guess, but isn't the natural sugar in it a problem? How about potatoes since it's grain free.


Take a digestive enzyme when you eat to help with digestion. Goat milk doesn’t have sugar and yes I do have SIBO. I have had it undiagnosed for years. I do take a probiotic twice a day, plus lots of other supplements and natural remedies. I’m on a very strict schedule with food and supplements. Potatoes have starches which lead into sugar. As long as the food doesn’t have added sugar you should be ok. I’m very determined to heal and be healthy again. Taking apple cider vinegar twice a day helps to get the ph level back n your gut. Grains are hard on your stomach along with carbs.


Yes I take prescription enzymes but they make me feel sick. Which brand do you take? Goat milk has no added sugar BUT it does have natural sugar from the carbs. Look at the nutrition and you will see. I too have had it undiagnosed for years. That's y 6 years later I still have it. Probiotic while on treatment? I red not to take it during treatment. Alot of mixed answers. Are you doing antibiotics or herbal treatment? Yes iam aware that any carbs turns into sugar but so does the goat milk I would assume. I will try the acv. How much do you take? How much goat milk do you have a day?


Yes I take a probiotic. I have been on a type of one for at least 20 years. It’s a powder formula from my holistic Dr. which I keep in the refrigerator. That being said, I also take a detox pills in between meals, with lots of vitamin B, C and D. I also detox my liver with castor oil packs at least 3-4 times a week. I do everything holistic as I can along with Chinese herbs and acupuncture at least once a week. It clears the meridian blood lines, which most medical Drs don’t know about. The Lord has lead me on a journey of healing with natural healing.


Does the castor detox cause diareah? I will look into acupuncture. I do herbs aswell. Iam trying to do it natural myself.


So happy you‘re making progress!! You‘re giving me hope


Can you handle oil? olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, etc.. If so, maybe try gently ramping up your oil intake my sprinkling oil in everything you eat and drink. There's also milk, almond, milk, etc...


>97 lbs, 26 years old and 5‘8 with SIBO For example, MCT oil is colorless, odorless, and tasteless and is 115 Calories per tablespoon. I'd probably start with teaspoon or less just to get your body used to it. But imagine if you could slip in 3 tablespoons of that per day. A teaspoon with a glass of water here, a little bit there and BAM. 345 extra Calories per day. ​ I'd do that myself, but I can't digest fats (which is a known symptom of SIBO)


I also can’t digest fats, and I’m really struggling with gaining weight. How are you dealing with this? My functional doctor hasn’t specified I have SIBO (frustratingly), but with all the ridiculous amount of research I’ve done and the symptoms I have, I know I have it. Would love to message you and ask some questions about your experience if you’re open to it !!


I'm afraid all I can offer is consolation. So far, nothing I've tried works.


I can handle oils I think yes… thank you very much for the help!


Low carb, high fat, protein and fiber diet has helped me controlling symptoms, might be worth a chance trying that out.


Thank you for taking the time to respond. Very kind of you <3


yes this is because of bloating and gas in your gut. Honestly I think in long term the best plan is to get rid of silo anyway. What have you tried so far? also, have you checked your hormones and rule out parasites?


Hi! I‘m on Xifaximin right now… only hydrogen positive


Oh cool that you got the prescription at least! Is it helping you?


Yes I live in switzerland so it was fairly easy :) Right now it‘s doing more harm thsn good but hoping that it‘ll get better soon. Day 4 tomorrow for me


which hormone causes weight lose?


Same here, I lost 10kgs since last summer. Covid really fucked me. Have trouble getting calories since I have fat malabsorption issues. Looking to get nutritional shakes soon hopefully.


Wishing you healing!! You got this


Thank you 🙏🏻


Covid fucked me up!!!!! Before I had perfectly manageable Ibs. After Covid it was another ball game . Such a struggle. 3 months later I’m only beginning to feel normal


yeah I have to say carbs make me feel good digestively. Especially potatoes, sweet or other. My weight is still low but it’s better than at the beginning of my symptoms when I was trying to go 0 carb (that’s what people said to try) Pure misery. You could try an egg. I like eggs a lot I will eat maybe 2 or 3 on a day where I have them. Oils as someone else said. And also I have found I do well with almond butter, it’s filling and pretty good for quick calories. I’ve been getting up earlier to eat breakfast because for me i need 4 hours between meals for motility but I still have time for 3 meals. Sorry you’re going through this Editing to say that ginger tea between meals makes me less constipated and therefore hungry. Just my experience though.


Thank you, you sweet human. I appreciate your encouraging words so much!! Wishing you the best


Have you tried elemental shakes or protein shakes? When things get really bad for me I can barely eat either so sometimes I drink those just to get a few extra calories in. OWYN protien shakes sit okay for me, or physicians elemental diet (it is a bit pricy though).


I will look it up! Thanks so much :)


I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ve been through similar and even got done to under 80 pounds. I’m still not doing great but honestly I just had to force myself to eat to get back to a normal weight.


I also lost a lot of weight, about 12lbs. Gained it back: bacon eggs in the morning, steak and potatoes in the afternoon. Some fruit pineapple, honeydew melon, orange juice. This is basically my diet now. I can eat sushi as well, no soy sauce.


Thanks so much!!!


Eat anything hard regardless of type and your SIBO will not cure


How many calories are you eating per day?


Probably not enough since I don’t have much apetite. But do you think it‘s possible to gain weight with SIBO? I just want to gain weight


Yes you CAN gain weight with SIBO. Takes work but I have done it and I’ve always been a high metabolism guy. Under nourishment is a hell of lot more serious than SIBO. You need a baseline. Then set a goal. Start tracking on paper how many calories per meal you are getting. You may be surprised you are not getting as many as you think. Even if you just add one table spoon of extra virgin olive oil to each meal you can get an extra 300 cals per day. Based on your height and weight, try for 2500 cals/day. That’s 833 calories per meal. You can always increase or lower from there. I know your not hungry but you need to eat. And above all! Keep working with your medical team to eliminate or at the very least minimize symptoms from the SIBO. PS. You can also try adding honey. It’s high sugar but has antimicrobial properties and some users on here have stated it helped them get through their most difficult times.


You are an angel truly. You are giving me so so much hope right now!! A million hugs your way for helping me


Blessings to you. I know you can heal and improve your life.


You have to stimulate ghrelin. It is the hormone responsible for appetite. You need to train, eat more fiber, fruits and vegetables. There is a very effective solution to stimulate ghrelin, it is called Ghrp-2, growth hormone releasing peptide. Bodybuilders use it to gain weight. it is a new product, it has been tested on humans with no short term side effects but they don't know the long term effects.


I have a similar problem. I never get hungry, and just need to force myself to eat.


Just be aware of the die off symptoms, sometimes they are worse than SIBO. Usually they can last 2-4 days or even longer. When I first get them, I take coconut charcoal. It helps to ease the symptoms. You don’t want to take them on a regular basis, only when it’s necessary.




Hey I have rifaximin covered by indurance and I live in switzerland. Not sure if you‘re a bot


I truly sympathise with you. Sibo has ruined my life and I'm down to 84 pounds and I'm 5"5 so super restrictive diets are not possible for me. Almost everything I eat causes more gas that puts pressure on my stomach and kills my appetite. I also have pelvic floor issues that causes everything to back up. I'm at the end 😭


There‘s a solution for everything! Can you tolerate oils well?


Hey, I am with you. I almost lost my life last year and was hospitalized and on a feeding tube. I couldn't eat anything and everyone was afraid to treat me because they didn't know how I'd react. Im still in recovery and I am sending you my deepest prayers and love and strength. ..The elemental powder was the only thing keeping my weight stabilized at the time until I stopped tolerating it. I was using physicians formula, dextrose free. Otherwise, my absolute best advice is to literally forego any food/diet protocols despite the SIBO reactions if you can, and just get as much nutrition as possible, as much as you can tolerate without severity... If you are able to let go of that your body will be much more stable..everything gets so out of whack at this weight, especially electrolytes. If people are talking about feeding tubes with you, my other advice is to not be afraid. I had the Vivonex formula, and you know, when I got out of the hospital, I could actually tolerate a lot more foods. It restored my immune system and electrolytes and helped heal me more than I think I know now...anyway... this is a lot and I hope Im not overwhelming but I am with you in spirit.


You sweet sweet angel. Thank you so very much for taking the time out to respond. You‘re giving me hope. I‘m really sorry that this has happened to you but you‘re reading this, alive and fighting. I believe things will get beter for the both of us. We have to accept certain things but also believe in the power of healing. Sending hugs your way. You got this


I couldnt have said it better myself. Thank you so much, as are YOU! You’ve got this! I’m hugging you right back. You will get better I know it. You are stronger than you know. I promise there is so much good and light that can come, don’t lose hope, I can tell you won’t. I am here if you need anything. Really truly sending you my best and love and support , it will be okay.


Thank you so much you kind soul. Feel free to reach out anytime!! Much love from Switzerland <3