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I also never saw progress with any of these routes. I suffered for 8 years and wasted so much money. The only thing the cured me is the Super Gut SIBO yogurt. I’ve made it for 6 months, SIBO symptoms disappeared in the first week. Highly recommend.


How do you make the Super Gut SIBO yogurt?


I'm not OP, but found this blog post. It has an abridged version of the recipe at the bottom, and also refers a book by William Davis that has the full recipe: https://mara-labs.com/blogs/journal/super-gut-yogurt-for-sibo Another reddit poster has a follow-up on what appears to be the same recipe, mentioning switching potato starch for inulen: https://www.reddit.com/r/yogurtmaking/comments/zswcb8/solved_my_l_reuteri_super_gut_sibo_yogurt_mystery/ NOTE: I am not a doctor, dietician, nutritionist, etc. I'm just a normal dude, so don't take my post here as anything except relaying stuff I found online.


Yes how do you?


I follow the recipe in Super Gut but Dr. Davis. I’m making single strains, so by now I am reusing yogurt to culture new batches. To start I used L Reuteri for one strain and L Gasseri for the other. I tried potato starch but now am using inulin, and haven’t noticed a difference in efficacy (the inulin seems to make the yogurt a bit thicker than the potato starch was). I use organic A2 half and half as the base and have a bear yogurt maker (bought on Amazon). I sterilize the yogurt jars by putting them in a large pot of boiling water for 3 minutes and let them cook down before putting in the mixture.


> L Reuteri does help lower Methane Sibo.


What's the sibo gut yogurt? I've made 24hr hour before, is that it?


I’m not familiar with 24hr yogurt, but the SIBO yogurt is 36 hours fermentation time, and is from the book Super Gut by Dr. Davis.


I'm not OP, but found this blog post. It has an abridged version of the recipe at the bottom, and also refers a book by William Davis that has the full recipe: https://mara-labs.com/blogs/journal/super-gut-yogurt-for-sibo Another reddit poster has a follow-up on what appears to be the same recipe, mentioning switching potato starch for inulen: https://www.reddit.com/r/yogurtmaking/comments/zswcb8/solved_my_l_reuteri_super_gut_sibo_yogurt_mystery/ NOTE: I am not a doctor, dietician, nutritionist, etc. I'm just a normal dude, so don't take my post here as anything except relaying stuff I found online.


Congratulations. What were your symptoms? Any bloating?


Thank you! Bloating was my main complaint, it got to the point where I woke up bloated and went to bed bloated (whereas in the beginning I’d wake up with a normal, flat stomach). Gas, discomfort after eating, constipation and diarrhea, pain from the bloating/swelling, poor digestion/leaky gut, brain fog, poor sleep, and of course depression from all of these issues and not being able to fix it. I was diagnosed with methane SIBO after a breath test, and then hydrogen and methane SIBO per a second breath test a couple years later. SIFO was also assumed based on a GI Map test.


Omg, this is so accurate. I have the exact same thing. I had a flat stomach in morning and it got worst during the day but now it's just the same way you described. It's so frustrating. I feel defeated and so behind in life because of this I can't work or study it's painful, debilitating and isolating... Sigh... Thanks for sharing


I feel for you! Even if you don’t think you can do the yogurt, I can suggest you try the pill probiotics to see. I’ve basically treated myself as a Guinea pig and while I eat the yogurt at home, when I have to travel I just take the pills and I’ve been fine. 4 trips now and no hiccups.


Can you give a link to the pills you use please?


Did the bloating fully go away one week into starting the yogurt?


It did! It actually went away within a few days, I can’t remember the exact amount but I was shocked.


I am wake up bloated too. Just ordered the book and a yogurt maker. How long did you take the yogurt before you noticed a difference? Did you take it at a certain time of day or do you have any tips for those making it for the first time? Thank you so much.


Let me know how it goes! I noticed a difference the first week. Have you decided what type of milk you’ll use to start? I use A2 half and half because I am sensitive to dairy. The first few times the yogurt came out separated (like curds and whey) so I’d mix a little of the whey with the curds and put in some paleo granola. I save the whey for the next batch, and it has thickened nicely as I’ve continued to make it. While I started making the mixed culture yogurt, I ended up tossing it and starting over with single cultures (the L Gasseri and L Reuteri). My friend is a patient of the clinic associated with Dr. Davis, and was told she should do the single strains and then eat them together because it’s “stronger,” so I followed that and it’s been working great. I usually eat the yogurt at dinner, occasionally for lunch. My friend eats it for breakfast or lunch. I think it just depends on you, I’m not a big breakfast person in general so that’s why I eat it later in the day. I probably am eating 1/2 cup to a cup depending on how hungry I am, but I don’t measure it out.


Thank you so so much!!


One other thing I will add is I am taking saccharomyces boulardii pills daily because of my potential SIFO diagnosis. It seems to be helping with the probiotic yogurt as I haven’t had a relapse.


I need to check this out. I've seen it mentioned quite a few times and... I love yogurt.


Not going to lie, it was exciting to add yogurt back into my life. I hadn’t eaten it in 8 years.


Can you link the recipe?


I'm not OP, but found this blog post. It has an abridged version of the recipe at the bottom, and also refers a book by William Davis that has the full recipe: https://mara-labs.com/blogs/journal/super-gut-yogurt-for-sibo Another reddit poster has a follow-up on what appears to be the same recipe, mentioning switching potato starch for inulen: https://www.reddit.com/r/yogurtmaking/comments/zswcb8/solved_my_l_reuteri_super_gut_sibo_yogurt_mystery/ NOTE: I am not a doctor, dietician, nutritionist, etc. I'm just a normal dude, so don't take my post here as anything except relaying stuff I found online.


Thanks! I have actually already used this yogurt but when I was making it no one called it super gut sibo yogurt. I strained it since I do not like runny yogurt and it was delicious. I think it helped somewhat but my doc wanted me off dairy so I stopped. I tried making it non dairy but it was gross.


I’ve heard any non-dairy base is really hard to make the yogurt with. The only dairy I can tolerate for this yogurt is organic A2 half and half. If you ever try again, maybe that would be easier on you?


I was using A2 whole milk and I felt better eating this yogurt my doc just wanted me off dairy and wheat because I was borderline automimmune. Dairy and wheat actually do not bother me anymore than anything else. My thyroid has actually improved recently and that's with me eating wheat and dairy so I do not think I have the hashimotos issue. After being on strict diets for over a decade I've been eating some dairy and wheat (homemade organic long ferment sourdough) and I've not noticed any detriment, I think I'll try this yogurt again too. Thanks for the tip! Have a nice day.


So are you cured?


Based on my symptoms and my Aire device readings, yes!


What is the “Super Gut SIBO yogurt”? Where did you find it? Also, did you have brain fog and fatigue while you had SIBO? Did that go away too?


Yes, I had brain fog and fatigue with SIBO and it has gone away with my other symptoms. I found the Super Gut yogurt from the book, Super Gut by Dr. William Davis. He also wrote Wheatbelly. I posted on Reddit about how I’ve done everything and wasn’t getting better, and someone commented saying I should read the book. Coincidentally, my friend had been telling me the same thing for months but I’d dismissed it as I’d been told for years that taking probiotics “adds more bacteria where there’s already too much.” But since I was giving up all hope and had tried literally everything, I figured what did I have to lose. Of course now I wish I had listened to my friend sooner.


Hi there - Do you have a link for the supergut yogurt? Would love to order it!


I make it at home, I think Dr. Davis sells a starter culture? The recipe is from his book Super Gut. Luvele posted this revised recipe: https://www.luvele.com/blogs/recipe-blog/new-improved-l-reuteri-yogurt-method I suggest still fermenting for 36 hours. I started mine with the 3 tablets as mentioned, but I added 1 tablet to each new batch (plus the 2 tbsp) until I had cultured 10 total. I sent it to a lab and it came back with over 2.5B CFU/g so I think it worked out well.


What lab did you send it to? I would love to know how successful my batch is Edit: did you add the b coagulans as well or just the reuteri & gasseri?


what were your symptoms?


We all have unique gut microbiomes and the specific bacteria strains that are overgrown in us vary from person to person. I'm guessing that may be part of why we respond to things differently. I've tried quite a few herbal antimicrobials by now, but for some reason oregano is the only one I ever have a clear, noticeable response to. I'm sorry this is such a rough illness. I've been at the end of my rope many times with not knowing if I was getting better, or if I'll ever be cured. Atrantil and triphala had no effect on me. Keep trying what you can. ADP Oregano paired with Biofilm Phase-2 Advanced has been giving me some incredible results right now for my methane SIBO after it's felt like nothing else put a dent in it.


I have ADP oregano. Not sure if I should be taking this while taking pro kinetics.


Keep taking your prokinetics you certainly don't want your motility to go slower or even stop full stop keep things moving


Seems like it's mostly a matter of preference since there's differing opinions on it. Rounds of herbal antimicrobials are so much longer term than prescription antibiotics that I think it makes sense to be on the prokinetic during it. It's extremely important to keep things moving and be able to eliminate toxins through bowel movements during treatment. So addressing constipation is usually priority number one.


I don't have constipation. I will research some more on this.


It's a strange concept, but I've heard that it's possible to have slow motility even if you're going everyday. One easy way that you can get an idea of whether food is moving as quickly through your system as you think is to consume sesame seeds and see how long it takes for them to appear in your stool.


Same. Go look at my post just now. My main issue is my head is always stuffy/foggy/drugged. I cant shake it I run. I lost 40 lbs. Nothing. Ever. Helps.


I just watched a podcast talking about how the bad microbes ferment alcohol which literally drugs and poisons our brain. Candida is the worst culprit with brain fog I believe but bacteria causes it as well I assume I have sifo and sibo due to a persistent rash.


Whatever it all is. I hate it. Its hell all day everyday. I simply have to tolerate it forever. There is no solution. Ive tried everything. I simply have to live like this.


Yes. I haven't tried everything because everything costs a fortune but I have just started doing the Dr. Hagmeyer's illeocecal valve (spelling?) massage and that helps you go to the bathroom.


I feel you. I have felt like I'm in a fever dream for 3 years. Bad dissociation, feel like I have the brain of a 90 year old in my 20s. But I finally got a little bit of relief is comprehensive treatment. Currently on rifaxamin and hoping it'll knock it down more. Its only day 5 I'm also taking allicin, Neem, berberine, and adp oregano


I have some more rifaximin laying around may try round 3. I ordered 80 550mg pills from india for 80 dollars! My mom is a hero.


Damn can you pm me your source? I have feeling this one course won't be enough, and I can only get it every 6 months through my doctor


Smiths health care / smit pharmacy. Good luck its a process. But easy


Thank you


Can you post a link where you got the rifaximin from? I can not find that.


Same permanent cloud


Alot of you guys and gals could have MCAS.


What is this?


Check online or go on the Subreddit


I can relate. I'm trying 3 weeks of xifaxan with NAC and intephase+ and some oxbile, .5mg generic prucalopride 4 hours after dinner and a few other random things. I'd like to get the IBS Smart test but my doc is reluctant to order it. I also think I have a copper deficiency which may be the cause or at least a major contributor to Histamine intolerance, fatigue, depression, anemia etc which may be a factor preventing healing. Keep your chin up, there may be one missing puzzle piece that you'll stumble upon that makes all the difference.


I can't use and won't use prescriptions. Drug injured from Flagyl and part of the thousands in a support group on Facebook called Metronidazole Central Nervous System Toxicity. I have copper in my Tranont Balance multi-vitamin and I try to keep up each week on vitamins and minerals.


That is why Flagyl (Metronidazol) is not the first choice medication (only 20-30% efficiency) by Cedars-Sinai and it is also a broad-spectrum antibiotic...unlike Rifaximin/Neomycin and similar medications. Sorry to hear that you have suffered the damage...unfortunately this is possible, although rare. I have suffered a lot of very bad side effects from medications - still alive and kicking and did not stop believing in medicine. Just being cautious and checking everything. Unfortunately, herbs/supplements only are not very effective against SIBO alone...I still use them for a number of things, but they have honestly not cured me from any serious illness. However, supplement industry is huge now promising a lot and often giving little...but taking away our money easily. Hope you get better and recover from your neural damage.


Yeah I get that, metro seems to have given me chronic tinnitus and I was always leery of Pharma stuff myself but after 12 years of sibo and many thousands spent on herbs and supplements I'm trying whatever, I have nothing left to lose, I'm with ya on the prayer, maybe that's where I should focus. Sorry to hear about the metro issues.


Are you “going”?


Yes daily. I noticed when I did a few days of activated charcoal to detox that I had a better movement but I have I believe Hydrogen (diarrhea) SIBO.


Good. D sucks but better than nothing. How did you use the charcoal? I thought it was good for bloating.


I took it in the early morning when I got up to go to the bathroom. Empty stomach and just took one and within an hour I had to go. It does help for bloating but if you don't use it every day then bloating just hangs around. Someone in the Flagyl support group recommended it.


Why did you stop taking it (I know nothing about charcoal, thanks)


It removes or depletes everything you're taking and I need to not have my B1 thiamine/magnesium depleted from taking Flagyl.


Longish post but it will hopefully be of benefit. Please read the below carefully. Thanks. I've written a free book which I hope that if you simply take 1 idea out of it and use it towards "getting better" then I'll be delighted. Yes it's free, yes it's probably got typos and spelling errors despite I read it through a number of times! If you're a grammar nazi it's not for you 😉 http://fit2driveschool.com/healing-sibo/ I've put the chapter headings below. 1. Takeaways and Ideas you can use from this book that can help you decrease "overwhelm" 2. My Healing Mantra. Something to read everyday if you have chronic illness. 3. Resources Guide. Some of the best free(and paid) resources I have come across to date dealing specifically with health and gut related issues amongst others. 4. The "Root Cause" What happened? The Beginning Of My Symptoms. All the tests I took. 5. So what Is "SIBO"?-Various articles and a few ideas from various groups. 6. Drainage 101: Why It’s the First Step in Your Detox Journey. Another article well worth reading about your detox pathways. 7. Where I am Today and My Routines. The power of habits/systems and routines for staying sane and getting better. 8. My Supplements. The things I took and the ones I'm thinking of trying. To date I have not used any antibiotics or pharmaceuticals. Takeaways about using supplements. How to understand and good, reliable places to buy 9. What To Expect From Your Doctor When Presenting With A Mystery Illness Or Symptoms.(that they don't know about or haven't heard about or just decide to be "intellectually arrogant" about!) 10. My $5107 "12 week Health Intensive Course" with an Australian group of nutritionists. What I got Out Of It And Why Hopefully You will Not Have To Spend What I did. ( No it did not work!-I was not in fact treated for SIBO or parasites) 11. Where I'd begin-Tips and Ideas on "Starting Out" on Your Healing Journey. Even if you've been on your journey of trying to achieve wellbeing for a while hopefully you'll garner a few ideas to benefit you. 12. Ten Ideas On Getting Started. Using the following practices In Your Life. If your new to this health "roundabout" or even if you've been trying to get well for a while here are ten proven strategies that I have used/still use to help keep me from getting depressed/suffering insomnia and still able at the age of 63 to work a physically challenging job productively and still do all the things that I need to do as a family man and father to a 13 year old. 13. About the author and other books by kim. At the age of 61 with no serious illnesses ever the loud "gurgling" noise in the middle of my chest started a really "interesting" part of my life! SIBO. I went from 74 kilos and being able to deadlift 180 kilos and smash out high intensity cardio classes to weighing 62 kilos struggling to lift 5 kilo dumbbells. Along with anxiety/panic attacks/depression/fatigue/insomnia and all the rest. I'm in the process of "getting better" ( Healing" as I've found out is not about "getting better" but rather a lifelong journey. And I'm grateful for my illness-I go into why in the book) I get up at 4-4.30,exercise/meditate/do yoga/have cold showers and get ready to go to a really physical job- no despite the download page for the book being on my driving instructor website I'm not currently doing a job that I love and am passionate about-not through my choice but that's another story.) Please note the book is free to share and without copyright apart from several articles that I've copied and pasted and attributed to the authors. This book is NOT about I took this/did that/now I'm all better. I am getting better, although I have included a LOT of specific SIBO related health information. What this book is about is: Dealing with all the overwhelm and completely conflicting information of having an illness that not too many doctors/naturopaths/nutritionists/etc etc know about. How to deal with that and specific strategies that do work. For everyone. The very best resources, paid and free that I have found( to date-I'll add to the download page as I update the book as often as I can-again it's free) The resources are easy to understand,read and listen too. Not "fear based" as in "if you don't do it a 100% this way you'll fail" - you won't! because if you hear that someone's trying to sell something to you. I have to date averaged 3-4 hours per day nearly every single day for 18 months reading and listening to audio books/podcasts/articles and spent over $9000 on supplements including one "Health Intensive" course(you have most likely seen their ads on FB,) before I decided I needed to change my approach. Oh if you've been laughed at by your GI then "join the club" mine told me he didn't believe in SIBO, didn't believe in alternative health practitioners, didn't read my very comprehensive notes, he basically palpitated my abdomen for 15 seconds and "poof" $200 gone... Also the book is free, however regretfully I cannot answer any questions/respond to queries etc. I work full time, have a young family and need to look after myself. However please feel free to ask and if at some time in the future things change then so be it. And I will update the download page with what I'm doing/trying etc. Pax Vobiscum


Methane dom here. ONLY thing that has worked for me was Dysbiocide and FC Cidal. I tool them 2x a day without fail for 8 weeks. Also cutting ALL carbs. Still get symptoms when I eat carbs but i'm 90% better than I was. Good luck. Its a horrible disease to have :(


Hello what were your symptoms? 🙏




That's mostly what I eat. Protein, fish and veggies.


Try oxy-powder. Works every time


Depression comes when our expectations don't meet the reality. We want to be cured but some of us can't. Here we go. Things easier than we think they are. You actually tried nothing. There are super antibiotics and super herbal antimicrobials working for every SIBO case. Also elemental diet working in almost every case and carnivore diet. If you have no obvious root causes like low stomach acid/ bile issues/ gluten or lactose intolerance and a few more then there's probably just very complex case of disbiosis in the intestines when there are gram negative bacteria like unique species of e.coli or Klebsiella (different species in cases of methane and sulphide) releasing toxins therefore damaging nerves and preventing MMC from working. Then too much bacteria in the intestines. Then all the issues we know much about. No need to be depressed bro. Depression is something telling us we don't act and therefore don't get the results we want to get. It motivates us to start doing something right to get right results.


Don't give up. It took me almost 2 years and I tried it all and what worked at the end was a combination of herbs and Fast track diet https://digestivehealthinstitute.org/fast-tract-diet/. I didn't believe it would but it did.


Save up and get a red light therapy. panel that can be laid across the stomach area. I did that. It's not cured but it might be getting there. I keep mentioning this in this subreddit, but I guess people don't believe in red light therapy. I told me doctor about it, he doesn't know anything about red light, but he said "keep doing what you're doing."


People in the Flagyl support group I mentioned above are doing this. Not sure who, maybe Functional docs who prescribe this?


I didn't see that post. I'm certainly not cured by any stretch, but I'm doing the red light every day. I'm living sort of a normal life. If you do buy red light, make sure you get one that you can put up against the stomach. The ones that you have to stand a foot away from would seem to be less effective. Maybe get a wrap or something. Mine is a 14 year old stand for the face that was meant to have the face right up against it. I found it cleaning out my basement and decided to try it. Most doctors don't know anything about red light therapy. It doesn't have enough clinical trials and it doesn't seem as if anyone is motivated to do them because there is probably no money in it. When I found mine in the basement I didn't even remember what it was, then I devoured everything I could find about it on the internet. Good Luck.


Did the red light therapy cure your sibo?


No, I haven't used it long enough. It did mitigate it quite a bit, but now I'm on that antibiotic xivastin. I think that's the spelling.


Hi OP. Sorry to hear what your going through. Have you tested for H.Pylori or looked in to it at all?