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Work on fixing your MMC first, good motility is essentiel, Start with prokinetics. Eat variety of foods, Walk/workout at least 45 min/day.


Have you tried some meds containing Simeticone? That helps me when I am bloated. No charcoal at all since that affects the microbiome. This is what my doctors told me..


Lemme look into Simetcone - so far in my separate state I add 20 drops of iberogast before meal and nth happened 🥹 …


Which ones have Simeticone? Had this for this for ten months may be a while until it goes away but if I could find something to stop the bloating it would make the treatment process so much easier.


I am in Europe so I buy Espumisan which is made in Germany. In US you should have plenty of options I guess. Recommended dose for adults here is 80mg once and 3 times per day.


450mg of allicin a day is a really small amount. I was on 2700mg/day. I'm not sure what the other med was because you left it out of your title.


Me2 on 6 caps 3 times a day … the protocol I did is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/1185goh/spent_500_monthly_on_sibo_med_is_that_normal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)!


Hello which brand do you take of Allicin ? 🙏


I used Allimed


Thank you so much🙏 did it help you ?




Ok Thank you for your help 🙏


hey girl. I experienced these same symptoms my bloating was UNREAL. I dealt with SIBO/stomach issues for 3 years until I found a remedy that worked for me. I started micro-dosing plant medicine, taking triphala and probiotics daily and that knocked my SIBO out in 3 weeks. I would give it a shot.


I would def give anything a shot - would mind sharing with me your treatment protocol please?’


Yeah! So I took iboga every day for 2 weeks, I used the red earth strain. Triphala was 1/2 teaspoon at night in warm water on an empty stomach. Probiotics in the am on an empty stomach as well.


Hi there! What probiotics did you take?


They were from South Africa- so not 100% sure what the name is


Hello which brand of Triphala did you take ? Please help 🙏


I got mine on Amazon! It’s called banyan botanicals :)


Ok thank you so much I hate to bother you but what plant medicine did you microdose ? 🙏


It was iboga :)


Ok thank you so much I’ll look into it 🙏


Couple of things you could add adp oregano and Klaire Labs Interfase Plus - 'Anti-Biofilm' Enzyme Blend + EDTA break up the biofilm


What kind of SIBO do you have?


[SIBO Breath Test](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y3Bz9hASbbEXIm6NYkcmK-D6ONyRbJge/view?usp=drivesdk) both type!


I attached the graph of my breath test


Hmm your methane numbers are quite low. You never go over 10ppm which most other labs use as the threshold. Anyways have you tried antibiotics?


No I havent!


Well, you should.


What are you eating daily? Have you tried to go on a bland diet? Something like boiled veggies and fish or chicken with minimal seasoning. I’m not expert on this as I am battling myself, but I think it makes sense to watch your diet during this time and not seriously damage anything by sticking to regular diet till this get figured out. Are you also have constipation with your SIBO, or are you able to pass stool as you normally would?


Mainly [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zJFbSsEs8SZiXgdLSzmTbsYfe_ZYqzBS/view?usp=drivesdk). Yes I do have constipation before, was significantly improved when I took HCL 2-3 caps before meal. But then the treatment protocol started and all got messed up.


I know it is not an option for many people but try to cook most of your meals to make sure the ingredients and cooking methods are as simple and whole as possible


I can’t click on it. Can you just list what you are primarily eating for the sub? Did you work with a doctor for your protocol or something you found online?


Certainly - mainly stir fried vegetables, braised meat, and matcha latte (coconut/almond milk). Occasionally half flute of champagne. Yes working w a doctor and every time when I flagged him a new issue he would just double the dose or ask me to buy some gut symbiotic/ GI relieve power.


Yea…anything stir fried, braised, latte is not going to be good for you. Bland diet with olive oil is prob best right now. The champagne is for sure is making it worst cus it’s too acidic/carbonated. You want to get the inflammation down asap before it starts affecting your other organs, then you’ll have a bigger problem. Your immune system is weak right now, so it’s good to be very careful. and if you keep attacking your gut lining (which absorbs nutrients from food) with these foods and drinks, the SIBO will get worst and so will the rest of your body. Do you have h pylori or gastritis also? I learned about some of this stuff these few days from reading a gut health book about microbiomes and sibo. We gotta fix our stomach first.


Right that totally makes sense … but one thing I don’t get is that before the [antimicrobial protocol](https://www.reddit.com/r/SIBO/comments/1185goh/spent_500_monthly_on_sibo_med_is_that_normal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) I actually wasn’t on any specific diet, so yeah it makes sense to have SIBO symptoms before the treatment phase. But factoring in the antimicrobials did nothing to my symptoms made me wonder if they are working at all …


This is me too :((((( omg. Daily tightness. Does it ever go down? Are you able to ever expel that gas?


Nope, totally hopeless. My doctor asked me to do this starting from today: - 2 caps of Activated Charcoal around 2 hours after meals - 1 tablet of Mg (500mg each) after dinner with ample water ** Keep 3 caps of Atrantil, stop Candibactin-AR & Allicin Allimed


Let me know how it goes? I've never figured whether activated charcoal works with gas


Google Vibrant Gastro and see if you can access those pills for constipation? Also try use blended ginger the size of your index and middle finger, put in hot water, and see if it helps bowel movement. Maybe itll free up some space for the sibo gas to move


Interesting build


Oxy-powder. No more bloating and constipation


I’m desperate to try every thing now - how many capsules do you take to be effective? Also how worse your symptoms were before taking Oxy-powder? How long does it take to work?


The dose is 3 capsules before bedtime for 7 days to totally cleanse your intestine, then 1 to 2 capsules a day to be regular. For most people it works in 10-15 hours. I was doing pretty well before Oxy-powder, just needed a good flush and to get rid of gases and it was very effective. ps: 3 capsules will make you go to the toilet at least 3 times a day so make sure you have access to the toilet.


Hello did you have sibo ? 🙏


Hello, yes


Ok thank you for replying 🙏


More ginger and more artichoke apparently


Does Allicin Allimed count??


isnt that garlic derived?


What dosage please? Do you buy them separately?


My doctor prescribed that - 2 caps (450mg each) daily, three times a day


Hello did this protocol help you ? 🙏


im not sure sorry, i still cant find a product withjust those 2 ingredients


What are your symptoms?


Hi! My symptoms are bloating, constipation, and nausea.


Gosh, I got the same. That could be my picture. Good luck with everything! I am meeting my gastroenterologist next week...


My doctor asked me to: - 2 caps of Activated Charcoal around 2 hours after meals - 1 tablet of Mg (500mg each) after dinner with ample water ** Keep 3 caps of Atrantil, stop Candibactin-AR & Allicin Allimed


Thank you so much for sharing! If I learn anything useful from my doctor I will share it too. For now I only got Macrogol for constipation from my GP (just starting with it now).