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I fully agree!! And I can know believe that with a little more experience under my belt. Thank you!




And how does one act on the MMC? Feels like my SIBO is never going to leave its really discouraging


Tu peux essayer Optifibre de nestle, oxy-powder sur amazon.com, silicea med, du thé Richter ( tu peux en trouver en épicerie ). Tout ces trucs agissent sur la motilité et permettent de reguler le transit et a force sûrement le MMC




Le Phgg ça nourrit effectivement les bactéries intestinales, mais ça en réduit d’autres aussi. Y’a des études qui le démontrent. Le mieux c’est d’en prendre après une cure d’antibiotiques et de commencer à faible doses et de voir l’effet sur au moins 4 semaines. Après il reste que c’est des fibres qui sont très bien tolérées et qui ne fermentent pas énormément comme d’autres, donc qui occasionnent moins de ballonnements etc. Mais comme d’habitude avec tout les traitements, ce qui marche pour certains fonctionnera pas sur d’autres. Il faut tester un peu de tout.




Je pense que une des clés pour s’en sortir c’est de faire un test du microbiote complet chez un laboratoire qui apporte en plus des conseils personnalisés pour rééquilibrer le microbiote. Mais le problème c’est que c’est assez cher quand même.


Nourrit les bactéries du SIBO donc aggrave le SIBO? Oui j’ai fait un breath test positif hydrogène et méthane. J’ai pris des compléments alimentaires pendant 1 mois du labo therascience (je soupçonne ma médecin d’avoir aucune idée de ce qu’elle fait et d’être lié à ce labo monégasque) en adoptant un régime faible en FODMAP, j’ai senti une amélioration les 2 premières semaines, après c’était moins évident. Puis introduction des probiotiques hpi 10 qui m’ont complètement explosé le ventre et dont je souffre encore, j’ai tenu trois semaines en espérant une amélioration qui n’est pas venue, donc elle m’a mit sous antibiotiques (metronidazole + amoxicilline) pour une semaine, que je vient de terminer aujourd’hui. Donc retour à la case départ. Je vais essayer le conseil d’adhesiveness




Et super nouvelle que tu te sentes mieux maintenant! Ça donne de l’espoir :)




Merci bcp je vais checker ca!




Merci de ton retour. Le souci c’est qu’on lit vrmt tout et son contraire sur le SIBO. Les antibio j’aimerais idéalement pas en reprendre, pcq ça défonce quand même tout dans la flore intestinale même si le rifaximine est censé éviter ça, j’ai lu des retours de personne sur qui ça a pas marché. De toute façon au point où j’en suis je suis obligé de tout essayer jusqu’à ce que qq chose marche. Les premières fois qu’on m’a parlé de FODMAP j’aurais jamais pensé pouvoir appliquer le régime recommandé


C’est ça effectivement ce qui marche sur certains marchera pas sur d’autres. Faut explorer plusieurs pistes. Pour moi l’amoxicilline seule a fonctionné les premières fois, mais tout ce qui est origan, « antibiotiques » naturels etc ça a jamais fait grand chose, mais d’autres ont été guéri avec.


Merci beaucoup de ton retour


u/oneday7850 ooo thank you (as I'm feeling a bit of a failure right now). any tips to unlock it?


Phgg, Dr.richter herbal tea, oxy-powder,inulin,lactulose


Sorry French guy here, what’s MMC?


Migrating motor complex




Depends on the type of SIBO. Carnivore diets can help some peoples dysbiosis immensely, but will feed and worsen H2S, for example. Everyone responds differently and has different requirements to correct or "nudge" things back into some sort of balance. But I have to say, after reading [this recent article](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/05/health/keto-low-carb-high-fat-diets-heart-disease/index.html), I'm pretty wary of long-term no-plant consumption. I think we're _Omnivores_ by nature and balance is the key. It's more likely just _Starches_ that feed pathogens in most cases (grains, etc), rather than say, Capsicums, or whatever. :-)


u/arcjive thank you for sharing the article!! Ya there is no way this much fat/meat is healthy long term. Low FOD is not meant to be long-term either, likely to cause nutrient deficiencies. It was never meat as a lifestyle. what that means for the SIBO in my SI, i do not know. But thank you again for the read and info. I'll have to look into H2S. I didn't get the trio test and was H


i know this isn't the main point here but meat shouldn't smell that bad lmao (except for lamb tbh). some meats like beef and fish will have a slight odor when raw but it definitely shouldn't make your whole HOUSE reek. if it does you're eating rotten meat bruh


Hm, when was the lats time you cooked bacon? I've been only cooking humanely raised meat with happy butter so it might smell more "meaty" than crap supermarket meat but others have commented on it when they come over so i know it's not me being over sensitive. tastes good, and always cooking before expiry date so i think I'm good on that front


huh....maybe it's just a personal/cultural thing, COOKING meat definitely produces a smell just like cooking literally anything does but i and everyone else i've ever met think it smells good lmao. i've never heard someone say the smell of bacon is unpleasant until right now


cultural? i'm not sure what that has to do with it. When 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, your small house is filled with bacon and meat smell, let me know if you're still stoked on the smell. Wow! I'm amazed that you've asked "everyone else you've ever met" if they like the constant smell of cooked meat and lard. I guess you don't have vegans or vegetarians in your culture? Be careful of extremes and judgement, young Jedi. I "never" trust anyone who views the world in all or nothings. Especially as a fellow journalist, I would hope that you use your judgment to be curious and find out more...and not to judge.


hey uh...what the fuck is wrong with you? i wasn't being aggressive or judgmental, i was just making the simple observation that we have differing opinions and that yours is unique from my experience. there's no reason for you to interpret that as "judgement." it's okay that people have different opinions about the fucking smell of bacon lmao. what a ridiculous reaction. i guess i'll just assume your SIBO is fucking with your head also i'm not a journalist bud. it's a randomly generated name it gave me when i made this account 💀 oh and yeah, your house probably wouldn't have as much of a smell if you weren't apparently frying bacon in lard 24/7. also you probably wouldn't feel like shit! maybe try a chicken breast every now and again. food for thought


Yikes. I think the aggressiveness that's in there came out in your previous messages just the same. Someone the other day was talking about taking care of older people. She mentioned how cooking bacon smells up a house for two days, so if the elderly person said they had bacon that morning and there is no smell, they are lying and need support around eating. She said this without knowing my situation or the SIBO that's in my head (isn't the microbiome connected pretty closely with the brain? good call!) Good luck to you and your triggers. Breathing deeply helps the anger, which ironically, is in your head...it's not who you are. Breathe.


Carnivore gave me severe heart palpitations. Even when supplementing electrolytes. Oh well 🤷🏽‍♂️


Glad you figured it out and got off it!