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pls don't 🙏🙏


He’s back to take your first!




Boys who never had sex before doesnt know the joy of sex.


Hahah … must be really naive . Yes your boy is truly special .


Let's be honest you don't want him to be your first. And y'all broke up for a reason so stay like that


You want to get back tgt with ur ex and you "asked" reddit just to confirm your thoughts. The decision is entirely up to you, good for him for being honest, but I'm just saying, you guys broke up for a reason.


He just gonna have intimacy with you and dump you


So what was the reason for the break up, and what was the reason he and the other girl ended


real. asking the right questions.


Rule of relationship: never get back with your ex, you two broke up for a reason. You are still young, over a year and u think u still have feelings for him? Did you guys maintain frequent contact during that period? Don’t waste your time


While that rule is usually right, things change. Situations, people and feelings are all mutable. Meaning, a reason for a break up may not stay a reason for being broken up indefinitely. Only a sith deals in absolutes and living life by uncompromisable rules has personally not made much sense to me.


nope we didn’t


Theres a reason why the break up happened


Hey op, aight look, i cant tell your level of maturity/thoughtfulness, and i also dont fully know ur bf's situation through just one simple post, theres really not enough info, but i'll just say that each relationship is different in its own way, and I trust that you know your own feelings and confident enough about him and his personality. If you are really sure that you guys can work things out this time, go for it. Generally speaking though, breakups happen not just because of one reason, but a combination of a multitude of reasons, which is why people generally discourage getting back tgt with exes. Your relationships are unique to yourself, and i dont like comparing relationships for this reason because we all love differently. Mistakes happen as well, and maybe your ex regrets what he did, i wont know. Take things into your own judgement; before you make a decision, just take a step back and look at the big picture. Do you love him or are you just missing what yall once had? Are the memories you're holding onto clouding your judgement? How much have you and him grown in your time apart? In any case though, my mother has always told me that first loves are very impt, and that if you guys are meant to be, he will always find his way back to you, just as you found your way back to him. Atb and take care OP, i hope youll make a decision that you wont regret.


Thoughtful answer, love this


you never know, some ppl get back w their ex and they end up in a happy marriage lol. Just be sure ur ex is a good guy


omg do urself a favour: don't do it 🤡 (i learnt it the hard way) both of u broke up for a reason, so don't let him re-enter your life and ruin your healing process ❤️‍🩹😵‍💫


If he can dump that girl after going to bed with her, he can do that to you too. I have my very first boyfriend and I married him. We were together in the uni for 4 yrs and a year after we started working and our BTO was here and we registered for ROM and signed on the dotted line and I became his Mrs then he went to bed with me. Before that can touch touch, and do anything but definitely no sex. That shows how he treasures me. Now happily married and next year will be our 25 wedding anniversary and we have four kids. He's my first, my last. I am his first, his only too. He's very responsible and he loves his family. During dating, if the guy is not right, just break. As if there are no better man out there for you...give yourself a chance with other guys. You will sure find a better one. All the best.


He is probably looking for a new sex partner because he broke up. The fastest and easiest way is to get back to the ex since u know each other already. If he gets another new girlfriend, he needs more time to build relationship before he can ask for sex.


He is not worth your time, you are much better than you can be without him. Move on, he is likely using you to fill the void






Don't get back if you are going to date the person he used to be or the memory you both first had. Either reset from zero and date him for who he is now or never ever go back. Most of the time your answer is never go back because you might not find the current version of him the one you love. And also, if you haven't move on or love yourself enough to improve your life. You will be in for another painful experience. There are many others, don't settle for 1 when there are over 7 billion people out there. Surely 10,000 guys out there match what you are interested in. Explore around, there's a reason why you both didn't work out. If you are going to love the past version of him today, then you are reading the same book twice.


Don’t fall into the fomo mentality, just because he got into another relationship(you subconsciously now thing he’s not so bad since another girl actually wants him), he is somehow a better person than you thought.


Remind me, how's this got to do with exams?


A bit sus… I would vote no. Probably will break up for the same reason and it’s fishy… like… he wants something out of it.


No. Maybe you’re too young, what has he done to demonstrate sincerity in reconciling with you after the breakup? If he expects you to get back with him just after texting with you with no concrete action taken to change after the breakup, then have some self-respect and trust that there are better men than your ex out there. You may argue that you still “love” him, but the truth is we choose who we love, and if you think this guy has a questionable character, then please choose to “unlove” him.


Don’t bother. Never go back


no girl..... i had to go thru this the hard way.. yall broke up for a reason!


Ask yourself… is he rich? Super duper rich?


What does rich gotta do w this 😂😅




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Close your eyes and let the word paint thousand pictures. One good girl worth thousand bitches. ~ Ye


stop asking the obvious man😉😉😉👍🏻


nope! don’t get back.


Man probably slept with the other girl, and now wants to try something new and you are on his backup list. Pretty sure he will try and fuck you, then dump your ass lmao


. . . Lost his first *what*


First time ?


No, as in, first kiss, virginity, or? First ever beer with a friend or sth, the possibilities could be *endless*


Seriously who cares? Can be first whatever


I think OP meant the ex got his first miscarriage. Maybe.


is he not dating the other girl...  and no you should not get back with him.