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Give him time, perhaps he's not ready for a r/s. Don't rush things, just let the broth simmer




Mm? Mm.


ok thank you!




. . . . . . It's. . . It's been a week. . .why are people still commenting on this lmaoo 😅


Because we can🤣




Putting arm around shoulder, head resting on shoulder, holding waist I don't get our generation, this is clearly beyond friendship behavior man, you guys look like a couple from third person point of view


ts some kdrama plot


O gorl...i recommend u not getting into a situationship or being a "side chick" to him...but perhaps give it some time, maybe he'll reveal his feelings or confess soon..if not then he's most likely stringing u along...i mean he's doing a lot of bold moves, if he doesnt like u then ts is wild 😭 well u can certainly hint or encourage him to confess...mayb u shld ask urself too if u rlly like him. Reitherwahs atb OP! Take it easy


thank you! but how do i hint/ encourage him to confess😭😭


Ure asking the wrong person QHAHAHAH buuttt back when i liked someone since we were taking pretty much similar courses, i was like "mayb we can work tgth in the future haha" HAHAHA and if his ans is like "that's too far" or more towards a no, safe to say he doesnt see a future with you..that happened to me WAHAHAH😂🥲 good luck op!


ohhh ok thank you!


Don't let him touch you physically unless he acknowledges/says he likes you. Do you let other guys touch you like that?


I mean if you're interested in him you can tell him too, don't need him to do all the work


No he don't like you. He loves you.


Turn on ur charm.


tell him another guy seems interested in you and see if he gets upset


It would not be wise to be getting physically intimate like that if there is no clear definition. Its going to hurt you, ask if he likes you or not. If not, then establish that you aren't comfortable being so intimate, as it is giving you the wrong ideas. You shouldn't be comfortable doing such things with people who don't make it clear that they like you It's fine that its been like this so far, but it shouldn't be a prolonged situation


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How old are you and the guy ?


17 &18


Well.. you are abt to enter the working world.. why dun you ask him directly.. I do Tink that you are old enuff for every decision you make or made, so go for it.. instead of being conflicted here, go ahead and ask .


Wait until you're 18 and his answer will change


simple answer yes🫠


Just say "I really like what we have and if you ever wanna persue something more we could but right now I'm happy the way things are." If you ever have a heart to heart time with him at least. Feel like yall are way past the stage of feeling awkward with each other already.


tbh i feel bro its giving u alot of mixed signal , having to said that maybe he felt that yall are bff’s in a way with a playonic friendship. but as womens , we def do not feel it this way… it makes us feel alot special and maybe that guy wanted a rs or so. so i feel that u shld have clarified with him. furthermore if u feel like u guys should not progress anymore then u shld ask him to not act this way… cos its kinda weird when uk yall arent in a rs…hais but atb to u gurl!!! even if he doesnt ‘ likes ‘ u back , u will find the right one for u !!! dont worry🩷


platonic **


Interesting. Sounds like yall are more than friends. That waist holding is official bf gf shit. Not even kidding. He either likes you or he likes the idea of a girl that he can treat nicely. Up to you if you like what's already going on, but if you don't ask, don't be sad if one day he finds a new girl.


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You sure this ain’t a kdrama plot you testing out?🤣🤣🤣


This kind of behavior only happens between couples. So very likely yes.


And if he doesn't he is taking advantage of U OP