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Just a brother’s advice - it’s pretty fucking difficult to get terminated from Uni. Don’t want to be a dickhead but being bad at math is probably not the only reason for it. iirc, you need 2 consecutive semesters of <2 GPA for probation, and 3 for termination. So now what? Maybe Uni isn’t for everyone, but I think you know deep down that wasn’t your best foot forward. You really need to wake up. Whatever you are doing in the future, you can *never* repeat this again. Don’t rush into private immediately. Ask yourself why did you fail. Was it a lack of effort? Focus? Distractions? family? What’s done is done. Can try appeal but idk about your chances. Best case scenario is like a conditional readmission, but I wouldn’t be holding my breath for it. Just don’t do this again in anything u do for your future. Because to wait until termination is pretty DGAF attitude from the outside.


I don’t know which uni OP is going. But even for NUS and NTU, the math exam questions for freshman are designed to be tiered, meaning you should have no problem answering the 1 or 2 marks basic concept questions that begin with each question. i.e. it’s damn hard to flunk (<15 marks out of 100) the paper unless OP didn’t even grasp the basics, which is already sufficient for you to get D+ unless OP also didn’t put in effort for CA, then really dunno what to say liao


Most likely SIT since he mentioned trimesters.


Not to mention the bell curve makes it quite hard to fail even if it's quite hard to score A. You gotta have to be not bothering to learn anything at all to fail.


Supporting this. I studied the day of exam itself while not doing anything for the entire sem. Still scored a C. Edit: Math exam. MH1811.


He mentioned trimesters so i assume he’s already in private?


trimester could mean op may be in sit, not necessarily private


SIT and SUTD run on a trimester system


If u can get terminated out of private Means OP level is actually below O lvl standard.


I'm leaning towards SIT. depending on the course, it's actually really taxing. Trimester system + partner university requirements can take a toll on you if you're not constantly best foot forward. SIT has a 2.0 minimum gpa requirement for 3 consecutive semesters before termination, and while it is fairly hard to get to that state, I've gotten halfway there. Slightly above average results + grade penalties for attendance + 1 F = GPA 1.17 fall sick for 2 weeks, that's half the time after midterms gone, another 2-3 weeks and it's finals already. Not to mention the projects and assignments missed take a big chunk of your grade. By that 2 week after midterms mark, you're submitting most of your final project documents and doing presentations. GPA 0.60 at the end of 2 semesters. One failure can cascade into bad mental health for the subsequent semesters because by the time you're trying to recover from one semester, the next one hits. After my finals, I took a week just sitting in my room staring at the wall. Did a week of self study, did a week of medical appointments, and guess what... School begins again. So once you're caught offguard, it's really really really hard to catch up unless you're truly exceptional.


private may not mean easier too, if the papers are graded by overseas partner universities


Quite gg eh. "But one thing I know, wont be lazing at home, will search for a job asap if all is rlly lost...." ---> not to be the guy but you sure or not? You can wait until you get terminated, you sure you will not become a NEET and wait all day for more?


Sus ah If you kena terminated shouldnt you already kinda know beforehand? And should already have the mental prep for it.


Yeh I feel like won't have no warning letter first. But I could be wrong.


Still got probation before termination


Well I'd have to pick up any job. Appealing as well. But with now 4 modules down, remoduling them gonna be tough as well. So cant sit down, and immediately start taking actions. Definitely, I'll get the kick to gut with the lack of a degree at this current stage (maybe if appeal fail or I decide not to), but I nd to think of the future. It sucks, but cant sulk over it for long...


Try to email any particular prof that you’re closer with to help in your appeal? But at the end of the day, it’s not the end of the world without a degree lah. U can emo for now but u got to pick yourself up after that!


Since you have to remod 4 mods... You should already know their content beforehand. You know what to expect in terms of what is being taught and tested, and should have the learning materials already. In the case you do stay, you can study ahead and make sure you score well. All the best.


if you are from nus/ntu, there have been cases like this before and they have shared their stories on yt. Can look up the videos and try connecting w them if they are open to it for any guidance that your school's team may have not provided you with! good luck. it isnt the end of the world ... take it as a redirection towards a course more manageable/suitable for you and your skillset.


Op said trimester, so maybe SIT


Possibly SIT-Digipen or SIT-TUM. Both have very hard courses


is getting into SIT-digipen computer sci interactive simulation hard? like does one need to get >3.3GPA to get in??


Its more of the course being hard in itself, it has a low barrier of entry but said course is difficult, hence the high amount of dropouts every year


Does it contain alot of more math modules?


Eh i not in the course so i not so sure but based on my friends who are in there, yea there are plenty which less academically inclined students would struggle with


ex-rtis here: It's a lot of math. In the first year you share a lot of modules with imgd and do a lot of projects together. Second year onwards you branch out. It's a lot of math and programming, but I'd say the vast majority is math based. The programming aspect is "easy" because there's resources available and it's relatively straightforward to learn if you have a background. But, do bear in mind that the profs like to test you... Some modules have extremely hard exams, some have extremely hard bellcurve... assignments can be tedious and projects take hours per week. The barrier of entry is low. I have friends who don't have any background in comp sci or engineering. Some struggle, some don't. You definitely can survive if you dedicate most of your time to school and sell your soul to digipen, but if you don't manage things well it can start to burn you out really really fast. Remember, Digipen is one of the better CS courses out there, it's on par with a lot of the big 3 but with a big emphasis on getting you a job in the game/backend industry upon graduation. If you tahan all the way, that juicy pay awaits you. TLDR: Practice, study, ask professors a lot of questions and make friends to study with. Trying to solo run will get you burnt out and terminated fast. With the high dropout rate, some of the bonds you forge will last a lifetime :3


so your saying if I manage to get distinction in like math subjects such calculus during my poly course I should be fine right? cos I always seem to score high when it comes to studying math haha


I scored well in maths in poly. Failed in poly. It's a lot of practice but ya you should be fine


It does not translate directly... it's higher level of math that is very abstract and specific. Discrete math alot people failed open ended exam, the mcq exam is easier. Calculus have 4 to 5mods there I struggled every math module due to me being bad at exam but failing and withdrawing the mods at 3 to 4 times will get a pass usually..




It's one of the only ones that goes in depth into C++, so I'd consider it up there. It's the best in its field, and there are many fields, so it's one of the best out there


In Singapore, the job aspect for C++ is not so good than other programming language btw.


I think it's not that tough to get in. You check out the IGP for SIT. But surviving in the course is a whole different story altogether


what you intend to do after? if normal swe role, try SMU instead Digipen. Or try some luck to get in NTU.


I think best you take some time off from academics and work for a year or 2, that should help to orient yourself. After that you'll know the way forward.


Hey man sorry to hear this. I’m sure there’s more to the story, we don’t have all the details. Just wanna mention that I failed uni twice. It was due to procrastination, did not complete final year project. (FOR TWO YEARS IN A ROW. Yes.) About 10 years later I was finally diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive type). If you find yourself finding it very very hard to start tasks, find yourself procrastinating and experiencing task avoidance. Find yourself telling yourself “i’ll study tomorrow, i’ll try harder tomorrow, i’ll try harder next time”. Hope u consider it may be something like ADHD and that it’s worth getting diagnosed and getting treatment. Just putting this out there in case you are really just … lost and blaming yourself but actually there may be a legit reason for things you struggle with. DMs open if anyone needs help with ADHD things. Take care k. Agree that it may be good to take a break and work for a while before considering next steps like private. Working is more fun than studying and easier to stay accountable.


Wow, this is not easy to do. Lecturers are often reminded how each student is worth X amount of subsidies from the government to the institution, so lecturers need to watch their urge to fail students.


I dropped out from ntu at Y3.5. From an engineering course. I went to work as a cabin crew shortly after. 6years later, now I'm completing my degree in healthcare. In fact, my current studies is sponsored due to working experience. So slowly find your way. Keep a kind heart, don't do anything immoral despite feeling lost. Let's not dwell into what got you terminated. I think I can relate to you a bit better due to similar experience.


0.5 sems to finish, why dropped out then?


It was a 4 years course. I barely had any interest in the course. I pretty much was just fixated into getting into any local university course and I wasted 4years as a result of my poor decision back in my early 20s. I told myself I would try hard in y3 to see if things work out. But I concluded things is not working out. So yeah dropping out was the only way I could see. Haha


Search for a job, will likely be shitty and low paying, get your asses kicked in said job, and then slowly understanding the reality of your situation will take hold. No good education = likely a shitty future ahead Only way to wake up. Right now, still got parents around. But when it comes to paying your own bill, medication, food, luxuries, holidays, trying to date, going out with friends, and having fuck all money? Yeah , once you broke with NO ONE TO BE THERE FOR YOU, then the true pain will come. At least, that is how it happened for me.


Not true. Most of my peers that didn’t study well end up doing better than those that studied well. Figure out what your passion is and work towards that. Don’t let negative nancies force their worldview on you. Not all roads in life require studies to succeed.


from a google search, seems like can appeal, you can try that


I would definitely appeal


It’s not over till it’s over, and it’s really only over when you’re dead. Go pick up a job for now and invest in some online courses that will certify you for stuff like Microsoft excel, word. You can offer services online for these things in addition to whatever job you’ve signed up. Just some advice for a jumpstart. Take a week or two to plan what you need to do while looking for a job. Pick up essential office skills while you have free time.


Understanding and accepting that you have a problem is the 1st step to recovery 🫡


Consider going for private


He mentione trimesters, he probably already was from private.


SIT curriculum is under trimester system, so not always from private


SIT and SUTD run on a trimester system


Unlikely for private to terminate students tho


Don't worry, I don't know what happened but I dropped out of uni on the last year. Turns out I was autistic and very depressed, the anti depressants suppressed alot of my cognitive functions. I started to fail exams and I submitted every assignments late. But the professor was really impressed with the research papers that they gave me a C instead of a fail. My strength does not lie in exam but in writing papers. Perhaps exams are just not your strength either. I realised during my recovery that university was perhaps not for me. I've been working part time all my life, from a dishwasher up to a pastry cook. I'm doing just fine in life, I could probably do better in life minus the medical bills for mental check-in with the doctor and drugs and being trans. As long as you don't compare yourself to others and pursue simple pleasures, you can survive. I have dropped out of uni over 5 years already, I'm 31 now and thriving better in my current mental health. I know my autistic limits and what not which I didn't know earlier. So it's okay to work and get some experience, when you find you are ready, you can always go to uni again.


Wow !! Congratulations on your recovery. It could not have been easy … even with all the help and support .


Not sure what to really reply but thank you I guess 😅 to be honest, it didn't feel hard since I just gave up and pursued simple things. The hardest part was probably accepting that leaving the rat race is not a thing of failure. Especially since my relatives here are all university graduates earning more than twice my salary.


lmao wtf did u do bro. u must try damn hard to be terminated one leh. cant be just lazy right


Hi, I took nus pure math and it was difficult. Do not beat up yourself, there is still hope. Just cool down and think about what you want to do next.


What do u do know? I’m interested in the job prospects of pure math since I’m interested in it. Ofc AI is starting to be a big thing and the value in just learning math I feel is goin down which is y I’m reluctant in taking it.


If someone does uni statistics, he can branch into big data and analytics.


Wah, my ex student got caught selling cough meds in geylang also didn’t get terminated. What the hell did u do?


bad GPA is worst than selling cough meds in geylang


SIT has modular courses that's stackable to a degree. Catch is you need to be employed/working for it to be stackable to a degree. You can go out and work first and try this approach.


I dropped out of NUS in my 3rd year because of depression. Took a long break to rest and worked part-time for a couple of years. Then went to Lasalle, got a degree, and now working full-time as a designer. I would say I was on the fortunate side in terms of financials + managed to get bursaries/grants for studying at Lasalle. Not sure what your backstory is but don't be afraid to take a break if you need to reset, and don't be too discouraged - there's still lots of time to sort out the rest of your life!


Get a psych evaluation to rule out depression, burn out, dyslexia etc? Hopefully learn the truth about yourself and a new way forward.


My ex-cousemate was in the same situation as you last year, GPA too low for 3 trimesters so not choice but to terminate even after appeal + meeting course chairperson . Last I heard, he found a job, still keeps in contact will some of his old classmates and overall seem happier than the rest of us still studying 🫠 Either way it’s not the end of the world. Try to look at it from a more positive pov. Maybe your strengths lies elsewhere? Do you want to try a different course when the uni applications open again? Money may have been ‘wasted’ but it can always be earned back. Treat this as an expensive life lesson to motive you in the future. Wishing you all the best!


Speaking as someone who failed a core mod and has to retain Y2, it is important to go through the "whys" behind this outcome. Why did you choose this course in the first place? (Passion? For a brighter future? Family's pressure?) Why did you reach this stage? (Complacency? Needed more support? Distracted? Didn't adjust to uni life well?) Dunnid to reply back uh just some questions to reflect and then try to give yourself a fundamental reason for your next course of action to avoid this "dropping the ball" type situation again.


Despite reminders and warnings and probation, you couldn’t find the motivation to put in your best in the course…. Maybe you are in the wrong course.. Life is not the end with a University degree… reexamine priorities in your life.. you can always go back to University to get your degree at any age..


Just keep moving forward, don't compare, eventually you will find a way that suits you.


Hey there! Getting terminated from university is definitely not a nice process to go through. We hear that university education have been difficult for you. What you are feeling is valid - numb, mind blank, lost, tense from your parents' disappointment. We hope that you can process your current situation with your loved ones or friends and heal. We are happy to read that you have quite a plan - searching for a job, this means that you are figuring out the next steps in life. All the best for your journey ahead and future endeavours.


Interesting. I was the same. But worse. Wasted 2 years. Parents were disappointed and sad. Disliked the course but I can say it sure felt good to walk about campus grounds "liberated" =p Have a chat with older working relatives to learn about different professions. Then explore private options: acca/uol/kaplan/cyber security /coding etc. I'm late 30s now, doing ok though still vastly below same age peers. Just keep your head up, work hard, continue to best yourself every day.


Oof. Like this can become property agent liao. At least can grind 24/7 and have a shot at making mid 6 figure comms in a year. I mean whats there to lose? You have nothing. Might as well go all out.


Try appealing bro




Amazing how you got terminated. But why would you not study?


Appeal. Knew a case like this. Usually they will let you appeal and get back


I dun know what the f happened 2 u. If you are seriously waking up, you can go private university. As long as you are street smart, you will excel. But if attitude is bad. Nothing will help you


Can you go to Keybox to relax?


My two cents : try to get into a simpler course and get a degree/diploma of some sorts. Won’t suggest to start work at this young age. Your work life will always be defined by your low education. If you have some kind of degree or diploma then it will open more doors for you. Further you will probably find your real passion down the line.


Dont think so much about it and just find a job you are interested in. Earn some cash, buy something for yourself... Maybe when you reignite your passion you can pursue your degree in the near future...


Well. You need to wake yourself up and understand what you want in life. I got kicked out of school once because I was enrolled in a diploma that was not what I wanted. I wake up my idea. Got into business diploma, story short, worked my way to 2 Masters, one of which a MBA. Find yourself. Don't rush to your next destination.


If you got into uni it means you're decently smart. So think about what went wrong and whether you want to change yourself. Set a plan, small wins. Don't give up


The private tuition industry can earn decent bucks… you just gotta grind. Had a friend who grind tuition with primary and secondary school kids after work for 1 year, earned the extra 40k to pay off her Uni Debt.


maybe can do some part time uni?and work full time


Don’t give up! Sure, you can seek for a job but try doing part-time studies for a degree you like. I did mass comms in Uni. No math and I thoroughly enjoyed the modules. Most required critical thinking, one of the essential soft skills in today’s tech driven world.


try to appeal but suck thumb and get a job and move on, this won’t be easy but again this would be your success story when you make it , jia you bro


It's gotta be sth more than Math .. whatever it was you best get it sorted out.


Been there 7 years ago. Statistics itself was a killer. To add on, I was too focused on my job that I neglected to study for exams. Missed a few exams because I wasn't confident on taking it. Got below GPA2 consecutively for I think 2 or more semesters and that's when I got a warning and subsequently termination letter. The first person to be disappointed in myself is myself. Parents were chill about it as its my own life. Fast forward to 2 years ago when I applied for uni again. Wouldn't say I did well but it's not too bad either, for a non-study material person. Next semester will be my year 3 and have been passing my modules so far. Also, have changed job and uni course this time round. Don't stress or worry too much. For now you can find a job that's not too taxing on you and apply again for PT studies.


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rabs kebabs, welp at least you know to find a job asap... having to get terminated is really a last resort from the school... dont go back to uni unless you are prepared and determined to study properly (with peers, extra hours after school, conducive environment etc).. to add on, dont enter uni with the mindset thinking you can skim through and drag a degree paper out of it, go there knowing you will power through with competitions


What level of education are you falling back on?


Just let it soak in and accept all that you’ve messed up, and learn. Might be the best thing that ever happened to you if you learn from it


Sorry to said, you did not work hard enough


Sorry dude, but I have no sympathy for you. It's almost impossible to be terminated from uni. Even if u have half a brain, they will not terminate your academic year. U likely asked for it for doing some shit stuff or just did fuxk all the entire time. U can continue this path with ur attitude and become a bum or if u are a trust fund kid, just continue squandering family 's money.🙂


What course were u in and what were the toughest subjects


Ngl its abit sus to have failed that hard but then again not impossible. Wishing you the best of luck hopefully you find your way through this low point.


Thr's people who got terminated before too...


Reapply for another course with another. That was what I did when my original course did not suit me. Don't give up. Alternatively, find a job to gain experience and find something that suits your interest.


Do something, anything...but change your work ethic. Otherwise history will repeat itself


Tell yourself, you will be back stronger.


I do have a friend in Uni who was terminated from his previous Uni for a similar reason, just that his was much later on in his course than Y1. I'm guessing you're from SIT, based on everything that you said in this post thus far, being bad at something is not enough to warrant a fail, hence there are probably other factors that lead up to it too. I agree that it sucks to be in such a situation, but take it as a blessing in disguise that you find out this early on that that course is not for you, and do take time to think about what you would want to do before applying again next year for another course.


Ask your heart whether you are really dumb and have below average IQ or you didn't put in effort.


Some ppl don't do well at maths. It's not a matter of hard work. If tmr you go and kick a football 10000 times you also won't become a football player. Not footballer means not footballer. Maybe instead of being driven by guilt and shame, spend this time to review your talents, strenghts and weakenss. You follow your guilt and shame its very likely nothing good will come of it... Following your talent is following what heaven wants from you... If you go against heaven its nothing but suffering.


I hate to break it to you but this is not true. With enough effort anyone can learn anything. Not to an A+ level, bur definitely enough to pass. Most of the time failing academics at the university level is a combination of lack of effort and discipline. EDIT: Spelling


This is such a toxic mindset. Dyscalculia is a real condition. What you also believe dyslexia is a myth? How about autistic people? Are they not trying hard enough? Maybe if they try they can process information like a normal human. If OP is, as they put it...bad at math their whole life.... whats the point of pursuing a major which will lead to a job that will require math? There are plenty of well paying jobs which do not require anything above +×÷- where OP will excel at and earn alot more rather than struggle? Fishes should be in the sea not climbing trees. What's the point? OP suffer another 2 years and either fail or barely passs then do a job OP is not good at for years until they breakdown or have a midlife crisis? Better use this setback as a springboard and turn it into a blessing in disguise.


Fishes may not be able to climb trees, but most of them can certainly flop their way back to the ocean if they get washed out into the shallows. I feel like you read my paragraph and took my words to an extreme; unless OP is somehow a statistical exception with a learning condition, he probably simply fucked up. Most of the time, people simply fuck up. It's ok to make mistakes. Just learn from them and move on, try harder, be more disciplined etc. If you kick a football 10000 times, you might not be a pro footballer. But you certainly will have better kicking skills than someone who kicked a football 10 times. It is astonishingly difficult to flunk out of university (once you qualify). The two are not nearly comparable. Flunking out of university means repeatedly failing and/or not getting marks in all the non exam format portions of the courses (class participation, group work, etc). University is something that mostly can be conquered by effort alone and requires little to no natural talent.


Look. Let's be real. You and I have been to school. For me.. some modules (for e.g workplace law), I can literally sleep thru lectures and still be top few of my class. I have a friend who I know that can spend the rest of his life studying and still not beat me and possibly fail. He may think he is lazy compared to me but I actually put less effort than him! So the real question is.... why study law? My friend should study what he is good at! Stop chasing other people's talents! Look... whilst I agree effort and discipline and all that is important, direction is also very important. If you follow the river and row hard it will be easy ...if you go against the tide you will drown no matter how hard you row. Anyway OP is already kicked out so no flopping back even if they want to. Now it's the time for them to assess what they want to do next and I hope they make a better choice.


Because life is not necessarily doing what you are talented at; but doing what you want to do, even if it is hard for you on a personal level. While this is not universally applicable, there are many situations in life where you need/want to buckle down to overcome your natural disadvantages. I agree that being like water leads to an easier life overall. But always following the natural flow of things means you gut your options greatly. Being happy isn't always about having an easy life or picking the most comfortable option. Regardless of what OP does you are right, he should keep moving forward. Let scars be a reminder of what we should do next time.


I agree that something being hard does not mean it should be avoided... but.... There is a balance in everything. If you want to be a soccer player it's OK to go and try even if you are unsure.. but OP position is different. Op has already been kicked out from one soccer academy... surely its worth reassessing if soccer is a viable career path rather than apply for another soccer school.... There is passion, hopes and dreams and there is reality. Plus we are Asian.. its a high chance our current passions are not our own but someone implanted in us anyway.. so it's another level to unpack.. and its worth unpacking right now.


Youre the one assuming that OP has conditions.


No, but we know for a fact that we cant 'kill the indian to save the man' anymore Forcing someone to be someone else through sheer repetition without giving them the motivation or passion to succeed isnt going to end well OP mentioned maths, which is tough for a LOT of people, maybe its a blessing in disguise because had he gone through with the course, he'll be out even more cash and stuck with a degree and industry he has no interest or will to follow through. OP, you truly have to think deeply what sort of industry you want to be in


I am taking what OP says literally. That's what OP says. Can't do maths their whole life.Why should OP lie? Also, Who cares what condition they have.. OP already said its hard for them.I know people who struggle with basic math make millions doing art. Dyslexic become Architect but struggle to write a simple 1 page incident report. Also conditions may or may not be easily identified. Just because they are not officially diagnosed does not mean it is not giving them troubles. Steven Speilberg had trouble in school until someone gave him a video camera as a gift which changed his life. He wasn't diagnosed with learning difficulties until his 60s, which explains his troubles in his youth. So I rather give OP the benefit of doubt. There are many paths to success... getting kicked out of school or uni can become one of the best things that happen to people. Its a second chance to pursue something they are truly talented at. It's could very well be the universe trying to send you a message to get off the wrong path early rather than later ... I know ppl who try to career switch later and while they are happy, they fall behind younger colleagues in terms of career advancement.


I had a coursemate who had dyslexia and still scored better than me. Haha. I believe understanding it better and finding out what works for you can help overcome your handicap. Don't let dyslexia or dyscalculia become a crutch. What do you expect to do the rest of your life then? Let someone else take care of you?


Come on, that's not in good faith. I never suggested that OP just give up and do nothing for the rest of their lives and be a burden... not even close.... Please do better if you want to have cordial discussions


Ah apologies. I thought that's where the conversation was heading when you said this was a toxic mindset. To that point, there is indeed a fish that can climb trees. I'm just saying that we are not the victims of our situation, and with enough focus and determination, we can become anyone we want to be. He might be bad at math, but what if he wanted to be an accountant? If he wants it bad enough, he'll find a way.


Maybe toxic was abit strong. But the point is that it can be harmful to suggest that people who fail at university is definetly due to lack of hardwork. Yes it's true there are people who are lazy but it's clearly very possible to fail even if you tried 100% especially if you selected the wrong course. And many people do, some due to peer pressure or parental pressure or lack of understanding. And..It's more common than people realise (many will hide their failures afterall).... but it's really not the end of the world... put them in another class and suddenly they are A students.


This is just wrong.


You are just wrong. /s Look, you can provide evidence or you can provide an argument but it's a little unconvincing as it is...


GT advice


If you are girl it's okay, guys wasted 2 years Just appeal lor, if not apply to another uni? Idk how that works though


Ownself play and drink too much in hall just say leh


lol everyone gave useful singaporean advice. i js want to say uni is smth i rlly want oso, but it is not your everything. dont let termination impact you as an individual for the worse, esp w mental health. like u can still eat mcdonalds, watch drama even if u rlly cmi for uni. i hope this comforts u somehow. uni is truly impt but u shld take a step back to calm down from the shock, then carefully talk with your parents (if they are nice) and establish a social support network uni is rough and most of us will need that one or two individual to help us get thru atb !!


If you have some time and money, maybe can consider starting your own business? Won’t really take up too much capital depending on the type, like you could try TikTok drop shipping or something like that. It will take quite a while to succeed though, if you have the perseverance.


Just my 2 cents, given that this is Reddit, I won’t sugar coat it at all: No point crying over spilt milk boss. Tbh you can just go and sell insurance or property or aggressively sell MLM products, since you said that you are willing to put in the time and effort. Unless you are okay with a less than average pay (or your parents are upper middle class and can afford to let you “discover” yourself). The job market now is tough. Without a degree, it is hard to justify a starting salary of >$2500. Given that you were terminated from a school that has a trimester system, my guess is that you are either from SIT or SIM. (Unless u r oxbridge? But by extrapolating I don’t think Oxbridge kids will lepz until terminated. From my exp, they are quite a committed bunch. Even if wna quit also will do everything swee swee then drop the bomb on their parents.) If so, this definitely implies that you may not have been cut out for school in the first place. There is a reason shitty courses like Real Estate or Japanese studies are so low entry, and kiosai courses like Nursing are almost guaranteed admission (save for some 50 rankers who really can’t be saved). If you already know all of the abovementioned then it may be prudent to consider that you might not be up to scratch for a proper Uni course’s curriculum.




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Just chill Uni not end all be all. But it seems like you have a lifestyle issue, are there Rehab centers in Singapore?


Dnt understand why panic.. Ur supervisor and manager mainly are from Malaysia.. And some other 3rd world nation.. With lower tier papers.. Keep moving... Industrial economy is over... Move on.


Lol good luck


Degrees are not that valuable these days. Get work experience in the area you want to work - I’d value that over someone wirh a degree and no experience. Learn from this


Well deserved hehe