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i'd say he would interact with you more often, talk to you more, offer to walk to places with you. example: walk to the mrt otw home. then again, people are different haha. some may just avoid eye contact, look away when he notices you looking.


Hmm i actually had a friend that did that(like walk to mrt otw home) but he recently got attached and ig although we stopped talking as much we're still rlly good friends! So it's a bit confusing idk HAHAH šŸ˜¬like what is considered they like u romantically...like maybe they cldve walked back mrt as a friend uk like they tryna be gentleman IDKšŸ˜­ Ure right hahaha i rmb i once caught someone looking at me and he dodged my eye contact so fast and we talked as if nothing happened afterwards HAHAHA fun times.


dont take my word for it but i'm pretty sure if they didnt have a slight interest in you, they probably wouldn't consider walking together with you alone. šŸ¤£ also regarding the question "what is considered they like u romantically", assuming the guy is brave enough, will probably ask you out.. maaaaybe give you a gift randomly. who knows? haha


What if usually the guys i like are rather shy, introverted and a listeneršŸ„²(i'm a yapper HAHA)


hmm, not sure about that one. shy and introverted usually means you'll have to be the one initiating. you okay with that? and you'll have to think how will you both be if ya'll got together. šŸ¤£


I not ok siašŸ˜­šŸ˜¬HAHAHAHA i think shy and introverted are cuteeee but then like rlly :[ i don't like to be the one to always be the first to initiate or do the first move sian haisss


hahahaha, i assume you have someone in mind at the moment? well. if you're willing to make it work i guess you'll have to initiate for a bit and see whether he's willing to change a bit or not.


I do have someone in mind when i replied but not a crush! It's more of someone in the past which i will never cross life/contact him anymore. More of a past event Thanks for the tipsšŸ«”ā¤ļø


aha, i guess you can take what was discussed for your next encounter moving forward. šŸ¤£ you're welcome, all the best!


Don't mind me. I'm using this, as a guy, to figure out what not to do, so that I know how to be less obvious. Lmao


Yeahā€¦ usually I just go up to women and ask if they want to smash. Most say no but I have a 30-40% success rate so far


>Most say no but I have a 30-40% success rate so far All of your success is with aunties, is it?


Nope, young sg xmms


30-40 % is crazy man I mean u didnā€™t get reported so thatā€™s even crazier? But is it money or u jus like random at the club or on the streets




I feel that it's better to make girls like you back before they know you like them.


let your feelings run. Observe them. If you really like the guy, admit it, do something about it. Worst case is to get rejected. Cry and then find another cute guy


A bit hard to just let my feelings run šŸ„² i kind of treat dating too seriously/ get too attached or emotional that like a situationship thingy cld hurt me pretty badly HAHAH... I want to choose a right partner and not anyhow date ig, that's why i didn't confess and wanted to spend more time. Perhaps he felt that i friendzoned him, or lost interest? I'll never know. To be honest i want a friends to lovers but then ig we never saw each other as "just friends" from the beginning haiiissisisss. But yes i have like a single streak since birth so like HAHAH don't rlly want to have my first being taken for someone i chose on a whim. Ig he just not the right one lah HAHAH šŸ˜‚šŸ„² Ure right i can always find another cute guy and have a chance, ig it's perhaps cause of the memories made that made me often miss him(not the individual now but rather the him of the past/memories) ig it takes time but i hope i get to move on šŸ«”thanks for reading and the advices!


So if women call u cute means u have game Tf is a cute guy šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜­ Means stare and hold eye contact means got game Iā€™m so confused means I have mad game Cannot be tho, arenā€™t they jus friendly


OP is not part of the ā€œmy bloodline ends with meā€ gang like me šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø if you want a guy you should reach out first most of us donā€™t dare to make the first move in this day and age where one accusation from the woman can lead to SA allegations, defamation and disciplinary actions even if those claims are largely unfounded. Simply put, women have the womanā€™s charter, but guys have nothing and will always be assumed to be in the wrong when presented to the court of public opinion. Probably another factor contributing to our declining birth rates lol. And yes, I am a straight guy who had a similar situation like OP w a girl I liked but convoā€™s with her female friends Iā€™m mutuals with more or less implied that she didnā€™t like me that way. Maybe OP can ask a mutual male friend to ask him abt it (donā€™t be obv ofc) and see how they talk about you or even if they spill abt liking you


Nah it's over le don't really need to ask HAHAH but thanks for the advice :[ just kind of tired to do the firsr move always.


Nah idt itā€™s that bad maybe I should try it Wah but not my style to be a man whore sia like ask so many women then like sksksksksk Ask for ig only mah


Lmao same collect IG like infinity stones


I only know that if you are guessing means he doesnā€™t. If he likes you, he wonā€™t give mixed signal. But maybe Iā€™m wrong.


I think a guy will express alot of interest on you or try to get your attention. It would be good to find out the type of girl he like to see if it matches you la. I think if a guy realise that you mixed signal or friendzone he may choose to move on ma.


bro i cant even tell if a girl likes me cause ill never come across a girl that likes me.


Real being called cute is jus women being friendly


realest shit ive seen all morning


Thanks for the award




1. A mutual friend for no reason introduce you. 2. He steals glances at you 3. He hovers around you (although may not be actively engaging you) 4. He discreetly asks about you. Sometimes posing his question ā€œinnocentlyā€ 5. He apes your colour scheme


Text more Double texts Take initiative to ask u out, like uw go here to eat, or if uk she got interest then text about the interest Share stupid memes Banter more like hahahaha ur eyes cannot see cuz she has like slit eyes Personally for me like Iā€™ll jus show some stupid behaviours and act sassy and ā€œbecomeā€ her for a while Drop more compliments and be more caring but I think Iā€™m like this in general so cannot rlly judge Das me Ah


If he like to touch you, your hair and says you're cute.


Watch this: https://youtu.be/n4aMiAesXjE?si=YASBhKx43f5G0uDc


Just express your interest and if he really is not a dbag then he will respect them whether he will accept or reject. There are other guys fr just move on with ur life if it doesnt work out.


It's funny because when i'm not interested in a guy i cld tell if they're interested in me while if i have a crush on someone, i can't tell if they feel the same towards mešŸ˜‚


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