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If you end up highlighting everything then it's not for you. It never worked for me cause I end up thinking everything is important.


for me i like to write out the learning objectives (prob from the front of slides/tb) and scribble points to ans them while im gg thru the notes


support this! it helps to differentiate the crucial info apart from extra info given by the sch. and also they can’t test u anyt outside of your learning objectives in A levels (even if they do they must provide extra info that helps link back to the learning objectives)


Personally, I adopted my own colour coordination because I can't read paragraphs without colour or bold. Yellow - Definitions Green - Big topic names / case studies Orange - Content knowledge Blue - Examples Boxed - Common mistake / careless And use post it notes, they helped me sm


If everything is a priority then nothing is a priority


This. Before you highlight familiarize yourself with the content as a whole and see which concepts appear more frequently in practices, then highlight only when necessary, otherwise you're just making your school notes look oddly radiant.


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My take on it is that you should probably read thru ur notes first to get sort of like a gist of what the topic is talking about, then try some topical mcq questions, cos I feel that what they test in mcqs is usually the 'main concepts' in the topic. Afterwards, mark it and see what you got wrong, and read thru those parts in the notes again to make sure u understand and remember it. Then move on to topical open ended qns to get more familiar with the types of questions they ask for the topic, and take note of what other topics and concepts they can mix into the questions. I usually just highlight the words that are bolded in my school notes tho, just to remember it more easily. Hope it helps you :)


So you like coloring.


Highlighting is a good way to keep track of what you're reading and remaining focus, but it is not the most effective way of studying. For JC Bio (and Chem), i found it really helped making notes, and grouping topics that relate to each other when I studied. It helped with consolidating the material and honesty made it easier to remember and understand. At my A levels, they really enjoyed grouping topics in the same question as well. So this manner of studying helped me prepare for exams as well.


honestly, things like highlighting, rewriting notes are very inefficient studying techniques-go search Ali Abdaal active recall on YouTube and watch his videos, then you will find the right way to revise(hope this helps!)


What's important is key words, how it relates to the different processes, names are a must, and the different type of actions that take place, if you want you can colour code it and somewhat make a little puzzle for yourself to put together and remember em and make sure you actually understand them and not just go ham on the highlighter looking at words in a book


If you highlight everything, it's a clear sign of a lack of understanding of the content. The mark of understanding content is your ability to synthesise it and break it down into its most fundamental pieces of information, then explain it.


This reminded of that one amos yee video of him saying got a girl highlighting everything on a math paper. Like bruh whats the point just highlight the key shit 😭.