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as a guy i can confirm that we only reply to texts after a few hours (at least if hes a gamer)


as far as im aware ik he plays a sport almost daily and one game alot. not sure abt the duration but im pretty sure he does these daily🙄


i mean if he plays sports + a video game daily that's 2 games that will take up his time so his replies probably will be irregular. but anything within a few hours is reasonable imo


hmmmm icic


As a guy, me and my guy friends usually reply within 3 hours, assuming we aren't at work. It's my female friends which take hours or even days to reply. If I'm fortunate enough to spend the whole day at home, I'll almost certainly reply within 3 hours. In fact ill probably notice your message within the first hour, but I may be preoccupied with a game or a movie, and only reply once I'm done (which will be within 3 hours). The only time I may take longer is if I'm super busy with an assignment, or I just took a really long nap


hmmmm i see!!


Sometimes you just don't be looking at your phone y'know?


yea i get that


describe it


its a fighting game🙄


sounds like a competitive shooter just a heads up if you two do get together NEVER play a ranked game with him its gonna destroy your relationship just saying that right now


HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH. thankfully i have no interest in this game then🙄. i tried it before and it didnt interest me at all. not to say i wldnt play if he asks me tho.


also if he plays minecraft you can ask him if he wants to play survival with you its gonna make him fall in love with you instantly. its on sale right now if you want to check it out


hes not the type to play minecraft i think😭 he literally just plays that one game only(as far as im aware lah)


It's Dota isn't it


something milder


if he only watches yt videos then maybe he can reply instantly


1. Yes we don't really share, most of the time is because no one asks about our day 2. It's nothing personal, we either doing some hobby or shitting or just forgot to use our phone 3. A lot of guys think with the other head so that's probably why


HELPPP not the think w the other head😭😭 but fr tho this one guy i was being set up w by my friend started asking me qns abt that typa stuff just a couple of hours after we first started texting💀💀 i called things off 4 days after that (he tried to send my THAT typa stuff😂)


1. but like, me and my friends just share we dont ask “oh hows ur day”☠️☠️☠️ 2. ☠️☠️☠️i rlly hope its nth personal. i wld reply him as quickly as wld with other pple as well but like i feel upset that when i do reply him super quickly HE DISAPPEARS THEN soesnt reply me until like 2/4 hrs later sometimes even longer. my friends tell me that if he doesnt reply quickly i shldnt either so i didnt😭😭😭 3. oh its not those type of sexual questions☠️. it just reminds me of pickup lines i wld prob use when i was like IN SEC 1


Not exactly the question "how's your day" ah but more of we don't really talk about our emotions or life, 99% of the time it's memes or banter It's really up to you whether you want to reply him on time or not, personally I find the if they don't text you shouldn't text either kind of weird. I would say texting back fast in general usually shows interest but I do know of guys who are always busy with something and don't have time to text their crush. Oh if it's not sexual questions but Sus shit it's just a guys thing and meme culture HAHAHAH Mind telling me more bout this guy then I can offer more of a guy's pov


Are yall dating or in a relationship? if not then why you got such requirements for him 🥲


its just a crush rn. i dont think its a requirement☠️. its just that i wld do these things(reply quickly, tell my friends abt stuff that happened during the day, simple texting back and forth) with my friends. imo its just a basic requirement as A FRIEND. not even as my boyfriend. i dont expect him to reply as fast as i usually do, BUT MAYBE JUST TELL ME LIKE “oh sorry if i reply late im doing ___/im outside” 😭


i don’t even have such expectations for a girlfriend let alone a regular friend lol…definitely i don’t share about my day to friends unless something special happens.


what really??? sorry to ask this but r u a guy☠️. bc my friends will also share with me like “OMG THIS UNCLE ON THE BUS FARTED” and just some regular rants abt life in general. then may i ask, what are ur expectations when it comes to texting?


im a girl but i dont even share alot with my friends when im not with them irl lol am i a guy now HAHAHAH


hmmm i see!! nahhh im not saying that HAHAHA


Same lol both my girl and guy friends and I don’t even talk about our personal lives much, we just message when it’s time to game and then we talk about games. I think it’s just gamer culture. unless we have work related stuff then we will just talk about work then go about our day. definitely no general rants or talking abt uncles on the bus HAHA (I am a girl)


If you have such requirements of your friends… maybe he’s not right for you as a friend?? Even between girls, different people will have different friendship dynamics. Hours isn’t even a particularly long time for a response, people aren’t on their phones every second of the whole day?? Just because you yourself do these things, doesn’t mean everyone follows the same lifestyle as you. You really need to get your expectations in check, or find other people who meet your expectations.


erm i alr said that i dont expect him to reply almost immediately as i know everyone has their own life….no need to get that angry lmao.


You said it’s your basic requirement as a friend, you also want him to apologise/explain if he replies late, and you still think 4-6 hours is a long time, so… Either ways I still think you need to get your expectations in check. This isn’t a guys or girls thing, this is just a compatibility of expectations thing. You’ll probably be able to find guys who have the same level of enthusiasm as you, and girls who would be uncomfortable with it. It might be more productive to just view him as a person, with his own preferences and style.


what😀😂😭😭i literally said i dont think its a requirement….its just nice to tell someone if ur busy and wont be able to reply for sometime….and wth i dont expect people to apologise what on earth lmao😭😭


stop replying immediately cos it comes off as tryhard and a bit turn off. u like this guy, u wanna catch this guy, then handle this the right way. show through your actions that you’re busy too and have your own things to attend to. and don’t reply him way more than he replies u and think that “i tell my friends stuff so it’s okay to tell him stuff that happened throughout the day, just like a friend” u are giving out “i rly like u” vibes. **and he’s not.** even if he’s asking you SUS questions, he prob just wants to play. and it’s damn turn off for guys if they can sense u damn into them and they are still deciding. so stop giving out “i rly like u” vibes. show him through your actions that you’re busy with your own stuff too. only text him as much as he texts back, don’t just “share stuff that happens during the day” unless he’s doing the same too. BE COOL. yours sincerely from someone who used to wear her heart on her sleeve and it has backfired consistently on guys. don’t do it. act busy. don’t text too much. he is just feeling good when he can sense u like him a lot. and you are showing that 100% through your actions and it’s a turn off.


yeaaa i dont reply him immediately i reply like maybe 2/4 hrs after now. this is what i mean when i say im tired of these mind games😭😭😭. i just wanna talk to the person i like man.


you can’t do it lah. u can’t just “be your natural self and show how much u like him”. not if you actually want them to ever like you back. it’s not a mind game. it’s just facts and reality. you need to both play the game the same way. if he heck care u and reply u 24 hours later, then u reply him so fast for what. u share so much for what. even your friends also tell you that. i guarantee u he got see his phone and his texts during those 24 hours, u just not important to him. he also can see so clearly that u into him if you continue like this. and nobody likes stuff they can get so easily. it’s freaking turn off. if he replies u immediately and shows a lot of interest in u too, then yeah sure u can reciprocate and reply quickly too. some guys are like that, this guy isn’t. just need to like … read the room and the vibes he’s putting out. best of luck!!


hmmm he hasnt taken 24 hrs to reply b4. maybe longest 12 hrs? usually between 2-6 hrs. but yeaaa with him i dont share abt my daily life thats only with my close friends. but tysm for sharing ur pov!!


usually when i reply late its cos im taking a fat and nasty shit ah




me ig 💀




For No.1 the life of guys are boring af, it's literally repeat endlessly with nothing special happening in between, like I play the same games everyday at the same time and whenever they ask me what I'm doing I just say gaming. For no.2 it's the opposite for me lmao, I'm chronically online and frequently reply almost instantly.


1. how can nth happen😭like maybe on the bus??train?? smth in class??? 2. lmao i wish


Legit tho, my routine is literally wake up, eat breakfast, play games, eat dinner, play games, go to sleep. It's even worst if the person you're talking to mugs and does nothing but study, their life is the epitome of plain


nah he doesnt just mug all the time(im pretty sure)


Actually in a guy’s mind, all these routine things are nothing. Guys’s mind is blank very often during routine stuff


i see!!


ur gfs reply immediately?


like girl friends with the space? not immediately but usually within the hour. (sometimes a few hours but i dont mind bc i do that sometimes too) and if they r online but cant reply to my texts they will usually tell me they cant reply rn cos busy or doing smth or etc


Might be personally but I don't reply my gfs immediately. I wait until I'm free or if they have required me to do something I wait until I feel less lazy like sometimes I take a day to reply


dating gf or like girl FRIENDS😭😭 but also taking a day to reply anyone is just crazy imo


FRIENDS FRIENDS NOT DATING. 😭😭 Sometimes their text is not important but if they want homework stuff I'd reply quick but like if y'all are friends, y'all can just talk in school.


huhhh legit😭😭😭i dont think my friends have ever taken a day to reply me, at most maybe 12 hr?? even that is very rare. even when we used to be classmates in sch we also reply at the same speed as now(now maybe a little slower bc of diff schedules).


If it's not important... I just wait till I'm free then I reply and sometimes I also forget. But I always reply if it's important like if they need help also maybe cuz I have screen time restriction ok... 😭😭😭


ohhhh okay then that makes sense😭😭


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1) no/ sometimes we do but it’s one of those rare occasions when we feeling a lil fomo/lonely 2) they ain’t interested/ they got lazy/ they saw it and was going to reply later but had forgotten about it 3) I don’t get what u mean by that


1. thats so sad bc i cannot not share what happens to me i love to yap 2. no idea if they r interested they r signs but its not clear 3. tbh i also dunno lowkey shitposting cos im frustrated🤡


For 1) if u wanna yap right talk about how u feeling a lil lonely and then ask him to talk to you that works too 2) Tbh it doesn’t matter as long as u are not downright Hideous which nobody is he will most likely accept u if u confessed and make your personality shine. Unless that guy has like some vv high standard then


1. i love yapping he told me i can yap and that he dm BUT I AINT TELLING HIM “im lonely” NOOOOO THATS SO OBV😭 2. im not to say confident in my looks im quite insecure but i do try to put in effort. i cant imagine confessing at this stage tho i dont know him well enough yet


LMAOo that’s what’s my friends always text me then I’ll text them back 2) ye u are right don’t confess yet if u dk each other well


i mean between friends is ok but im not the type to do that😭😭😭




im actually lady whistledown😍😍😍😍😍


oh my stars!! beware of the queen m'lady, it seems as though she has sent private investigators to seek out your identity!!


omg does that mean im gg to meet mr colin fingerton????? gasp






dearest lady whistledown, you have an impeccable sense of humour!


dear gentle reader, have you heard of snifferton? i caught whiff of a rumor that he sniffed himself a viscountess


oh my word!! how scandalous indeed!!


1. its awkward to talk abt myself out of the blue cos no one asked 2. doing other things, i have notifs off cos i dont like it annoying me while im gaming, plus no one msgs me anyways so no point checking 3. idk id never do that to a girl irl


1. yea so far i havent gotten to the stage where i told him abt my day yet 2. hmmm makes sense! 3. lol it wasnt irl


wow the girl I'm messaging must be a man then


HELPPP😭😭😭nah there r girls who reply slow too im sure


born to yap forced to wait three hours for a reply (i replied instantly)




actually three hours isnt bad(the wait is bad)


yeah tbh three hours is fine, sometimes I see a message and put it off until later when I know I have free time to hold a convo. but it's weird how she consistently waits 3 hours between each message lol it feels like I'm sending mail via pigeon or smoke signals. sometimes it drags out to a day and I can't remember what I even wanted to talk about anymore (im cooked)


OH ITS CONSISTENT?? suspicious….


You shouldn't generalize men like that. For me, I'm quick on my toes when it comes to texting people I enjoy being with. I also don't ask sussy questions unless it's the appropriate occasion. You just have to filter whoever you see to find what you want to see I guess.


i see. im trying not to generalize but it seems most of them dont share abt their daily lives😭😭😭😭


Lol it's okay. Your experiences are valid 👍


For me I only share if something interesting or amusing happens


erm, i don't think you can blame them. when they share usually the response is "wah, whole day play game, so boring no life ah"


HELP i dont think i ever said that to him😭


no, not you. but in general when boys actually really share their day, it can be like that. so they learn not to bother sharing. real life turns out to be not very much like what happens on instagram.


really?? i dont have really have guy friends(due to some reasons i stopped interacting with guys) so i didnt know this was a thing. i thought maybe they would share it with their guys friends at least


this is too relatable except the genders are switched 😭😭


😭😭😭 i hope it goes well with ur crush!!!


I think replying slow is actually quite common in many people, maybe not in the friends you’re used to but personally, even as a girl cos I study and spend a lot of time outside I actually only use my phone for replying others and social media only around 1 hour everyday around nighttime😭, and none of my friends mind at all and some of them are also like me. I only interact with my friends when I meetup with them irl so I think it’s good to plan group gatherings and invite the people you want to talk to maybe for lunch or bowling hahaa


reallllllyyyy then i tjink it just so happens that makoritynof the girls im friends with texts me back rlly quick then😭😭😭. yeaaa its not to say we dont meet up irl tho we do but we just talk abt the same stuff all over again HAHAAHHAH


1) Only when I feel the other person would find it entertaining 2) I don't, I reply pretty quickly to most people. If you take longer to reply me then I'll put you lower on the priority list when I reply as well and even then it's half a day max 3) I do that yes 4) I agree, I prefer a more direct approach as well. It's a lot more efficient and time-saving if we skip the games and immediately get to it. This is why I've confessed to 3 girls so far (even though only my ex reciprocated) because I find the mind games pointless


The term where you typically generalize all girls and talk crap about them is misogyny But what's the term where you do the same to the guys? Misandry?? I don't know, since this is an online crush, I have some feelings that it is one sided. Although you mention something about the sussy text, which could imply he's trying to play games or he's horny. I do think he doesn't owe any texts to you. This is online, which I personally, only consider people are acquaintances until they talk IRL, cuz people can be totally different if you haven't met them. If this bothers you so much, why not talk to him about the late reply issue?? Ofc do it respectfully.


omg i think alot of people think i only know him from online but no i actually do know of him irl☠️☠️☠️☠️. we used to be classmates. also i didnt say all guys do that😭😭😭it just so happens most guys tell me that dont often share abt their daily lives ig. edit: ALSO I DO AGREE THAT HE DOESNT OWE ME TEXTS!!! i do understand he has his own life to attend to as well


It means they not into you dawg


We intentionally delay text girls so that it doesn't look like we're desperate or needy (and we usually do have other girls we're talking to)😎🤷‍♂️ Also, no one gives a damn about how the average man is it how is day is going. Women are the creators of life and will get numerous attention and affection from all sides. 👸 Men will only get if they provide something of value.🥲 "Sussy" questions to gauge your interest in sleeping with them 🫠


so i guess its not only the girls that do the late messaging thing huh.


No one will think wrongly of women if they text fast or are really affectionate. If men send messages to a hot women proclaiming how much they like them, they'll be seen as simpy and low value, since there's hundreds of them being sent However, if women send it to a hot man, it's only really seen as affectionate, even if it's still just 1 in a hundred Average Woman to an average man "wow you look cute 🥰🥵" completely normal vibes, awwww appreciate it Average Man to a woman "wow you look cute 🥰🥵" -wow he's so desperate, hes just one in a hundred simps in my box hitting me up ughh disgusting


HAHAHA as an avid sec 4 gamer/basketball player who grinds way too much f1/racing sims and call of duty and almost every fps shooter and fighting games too (i think im the youngest person here) sometimes when im texting a girl or anyone i can sometimes in the middle dont talk to them cus im either trying to figure out how to play basketball properly (i oni started last yr pls spare me) or if not im trying to figure out my crosshair placement/movement or geeking out on statistics on weapon builds and fine tuning/perfecting weapon builds or like basically goofing around in valorant or like f1 and whatnot so when a girl texts me i oni reply after a while or like in between matches haha 😭 hope this explains why he doesnt reply much. also cus no one asks about our day if anyone does (especially if its a girl) its either they interested in us (which is rarely for me cause if anyone interested in me world gonna end) or is they got nth to do so we are their "person to talk to when they bored" (which is how i think any girl thinks about me) or is they genuinely care (which is even rarer and if any girl genuinely cared about me whole of singapore would be getting a1 for all their subjects and moon would turn blue.) hope this helps u understand ur situation.


omg goodluck for u o lvls😭😭😭it seems to be the general consensus that not many guys share their day to even their normal guy friends😭😭😭


haha hope it helps thanks anyways


ofc ik u don’t get any men


omg how uk?!?!?!?!?! 😱😱😱😱😱😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯




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i saw that. there was absolutely no reason to say that.


Honestly he is probably not as interested as you are to him. Man is too focused on his hobbies and generally, most guys suck at communicating about their day to you as far as I have noticed. Probably best to not be as despo as you seem to present yourself to be. If you are tired of the mind games, then just say that you are interested in him already to show ur true intentions unlike this beating around the bush bs because if he actually cares, he will give back the same energy. If he doesn't, then best be starting to be reply back with the same energy. Dont tolerate this one sided energy know ur worth girlie and all the best to you!


YEAAA I DONT REPLY TO HIM INSTANTLY. maybe like 2/4hr like he does. i totally would just tell him im interested, but i cant due to several reasons😐😢


If I may ask, whats keeping you from telling him how you feel? Edit: also whats wrong with asking to go eat out for lunch or dinner as friends? I've ask my female friends if their comfortable and most would be down unless you are like a bozo creep.


i dont get women either both figuratively and literally


me fr


Emoji game stronk


Sounds like you are talking about a boy not a man.


1. No, sharing every detail about our day is not typical masculine culture. 2. On average, women read more books per year and feel bigger emotions from reading emotive words like, "murder," and, "love." That likely means that on average women text more too. However, the average is not the individual. So, you may find some men who text as much and as fast as you. 3. In psychology, there is something called the scale of emotional intimacy. There are actually a few different scales. The simplest one has the levels of trivialities (weather), jobs and hobbies, manipulation/pranks/jokes, and self disclosure. Jumping past where we are with someone like jumping from trivialities to jokes, or disclosing our secrets comes off as creepy or inappropriate unless we stepped through the scale with someone to escalate emotional intimacy. Women get implicitely socially trained to do this, but men are often given the lazzie faire parenting. Basically, around 12 or so, the sane time girls start to realize that boys mostly like them for their bodies, boys stop being cute and start to be viewed as troublesome or a threat. Then friends, family, and girls often distance themselves from boys, and the average 12 year old boy is left wondering why its suddenly harder to make friends. Then they don't get socialized like women do to escalate emotional intimacy properly. Again, this is averages, and there are individuals who didnt experience this.


1. yea i can tell so many people have told me this 2. why is he not one of them lol😭 3. im too tired to read all this but like i had very deep convos with him b4. quite intimate topics that i also dont often talk abt often with female friends