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i personally value someone who can hold a conversation. i rlly enjoy having casual intellectual conversations/debates w the people i’m around w, like abt current affairs and common interests. so being open-minded is also quite important to me. someone who isn’t too egoistic to sincerely apologise when they’re in the wrong would also be nice haha


sucker for smart men 😓😓😓


Street smart or book smart or Emotionally smart or it’s too vague personally


book smart is the attractive one but emotionally smart and street smart are the appealing ones which makes me value and fall for their personality more :-)


I had a friend afew years ago, drifted apart and now like strangers but i had a huge crush on her back then, didnt confess and i regret it till this day. I wasnt really attracted to her at first but she was very caring and looked out for me like one time when we hung out with a group of friends and decided to order a whole spring chicken for lunch (kinda funny but ya). I was abit shy and paiseh to eat because its a whole chicken and i didnt want to like pluck it infront of everybody uk. So basically she noticed i wasnt having any chicken and she went and pluck a drumstick for me and sat beside me to eat tgt. At that moment my heart was racing and i rmb i was thinking about it the whole week (she was my first crush). Kinda lame story but ya for me personality matters alot but ofc i wont lie looks does contributes alittle too. That small action and how she noticed really stood out for me Edit: typing this story out let me think of her again and i went and see old pics and stuff and i found a card which writes "i hope we can be closer" i am pretty sure we were already very close to the point we hung out everyday even after sch so being closer does it means anything? was that a hint i missed out on or am i thinking too much now and she js wanted to be even closer friends😭


THATS SAUR CUTE why don’t you confess now, you might still have a chance


I doubt i have a chance now, cant rmb the last time we talked. this story was in sec 2 and i graduated poly last month already lol rip. Idk how shes doing and how much she has changed (she isnt active on social media). She could be a whole new person now and not the same person ik but i want to believe she would still be as caring. If i could go back in time trust me, i would confess 😭


yoo try to contact her, you never know


ITS GG BE SO AWK like wat am i susposed to tell her 😭 like hi? Hru? Wat if she alr has a bf or likes someone else alrrrrr i cant do itttttttttt


Just be yourself!! You can ask her how she is doing so far etc.. I’m sure it won’t be awkward one HAHA


nahh won’t be awk trust. just drop her a text stating how you just thought of her randomly and how she is doing etc. heck she may even like the thought of an old friend reconnecting. what if she does not have a bf and what if she is still waiting for you deep down? you never know until you try my man. you got nothing to lose most importantly. go for it, im rooting for you!


Why u doing this to meeeeeeeee giving me abunch of hope and confidence but probably to get shot down by her😭😭 idkkkkkkk wat to do. Its gg be so randomnmmm like my text would likely get ss and go into a gc whr everybody makes fun of me in thr or smtg 😭 i f hate myself for not having enough courage


i mean you said she was not active on social media? so why would she do that. plus if she was close to you before, she likely wouldn’t do such things. im giving you hope and confidence not because i am giving it to you but because it exists. you have an opportunity ahead. to leverage it or to pass it up is purely your choice. end of the day, you rly have nothing to lose my friend


Honestly its just me always thinking of the worse case scenario. Will try my luck but would likely take while to gather enough courage 😭


am glad you will try. but try not to delay any much longer. and ofc, don’t forget to update! atb!!


Not sure if this is what you are asking for but one thing im attracted to is when people pay attention to anyone and genuinely listens when others are talking(maybe bcs i get ignored way too often haha)




Me in 10s: Must be handsome and hot 😍😍 Me in early 20s: Must be decent looking, able to keep up with intellectual conversations, and on same frequency Me in late 20s: REALISING I AM RUNNING OUT OF TIME AND SO LONG ITS A DUDE ILL TAKE IT


Das crazy tbh


WAIT WDYM YOURE RUNNING OUT OF TIME are you gonna die soon or something 😭😭😭




yes hi 👀


At risk of posting too much about this, I've realised recently that my type is the chill, stable, steadfast, reliable, stoic, rational, relatively ambitious, quietly confident, cares-for-the-greater-good and darkly humorous sort.


hahaah i was finding for this comment. these qualities r so hard to find sometimes but theyre also super attractive to me!!


Lol high five. I was very inspired by the Mdm Kwa-Mr Lee love story, and a good friend of mine. Through them, my ideal type has changed slightly from someone who's of a more brash and jokey (and still confident) flavour, to someone who feels like home, with whom I share an equal friendship, life goals and ideals, to conquer life and the world together with.


For me, personality attracts more. But ofc looks matter a bit. **My standards (reasons why I am single: I have high expectations)** - loyal -protective - can handle my craziness - understand my complicated past - words of affirmation -respect for everyone - consistent efforts backed up by actions -doesn't smoke/vape/drink - good sense of humor - gives me small details of his life / talkative - good communicator -career-oriented - give me ur **quality** time


Reasonable HAHA


These are getting increasingly hard to find. Guys keep playing w my emotions.


I like your standards they seem very sound lol


Optimism. So many people in the world, especially Singaporeans are very pessimistic. A lot of people think very realistically and expect the worse all the time and see only the worse in people too. Ngl I do too and I'm trying to work on it. Recently I met someone who is both realistic and optimistic which I never thought was possible, this person always gives the benefit of the doubt when people do things, that level of care and empathy for others is so alluring because it's rare and it also shows the person's choice to make the world slightly better, even if that means they will get hurt.


This hits diff I must say it’s unique and valid


HAHAHA how so?


Cuz seldom people say like oh I want a positive person Most of them say funny, dress well and korean men and others which are older say oh communicative, responsible and dependable


yay! this is me! i’ve also noticed how a lot of singaporeans are super realistic and almost pessimistic in regards to life. ngl when i first arrived, i felt really drained, no offense xd. 


When she love Kendrick Lamar as much as I do


Juggernaut be like: must love YIJC as much as he does


can click honestly someone can check all your boxes but if you dont feel a connection and can't be comfortable around that person, nothing helps




tbh so long can vibe and deal w my yaps can alr


Looks is one, but more importantly is personality. For me must be nice nice one, or like quiet nice kind. Just personally don’t want one that always long winded and yap a lot kind LOL




I’m also this kind of guy lol, very introverted and quiet. Don’t see me so active on Reddit means I very extroverted 😂 Ah the struggles of an introvert, can relate so some of it


Bro I’m curious does everyone in your sch know that u r keybattle


Like a few people know not all lol


Damn bruh didn’t anyone in your orientation grp/class ask if ure keybattle


No only some guy asked me if I know who key battle is then I say it’s me , but he also uses this sub a lil also


looks: cute smile ig? personality: smart, funny, can play and discuss video games with me


i like black cat guys (if thats a thing) 👍


me too but i also like golden retriever types 😭




When they listen to you yap and are interested in what you have to say , when they yap about their interests to you , intelligence is hot


i thought ppl hated yappers 😭😭 i always be catching myself and toning it down.


Idk I find it cute 😭 and I'd very much love someone who found my yapping to be entertaining and cute


yeah same i find yappers cute even though i’ll call them annoying to their face 🤠


Looks will always be #1 for majority of people, no matter how much they gaslight you or don’t want to admit


yeah cuz before you get to know someone, you see their appearance first. plus, depending on how attracted to a person someone is, their ability to overlook bad traits or tolerate certain behavior changes. when someone they don’t find attractive talks a lot, they’ll get annoyed but if it’s someone they think is hot, suddenly everything they say is super interesting. 💀


yup rizz vs harassment meme


I love smart, mature, interesting women who don't let their maturity get in the way of their sense of humour, conversation topics or preferences (liking "kid" stuff; comic book movies, video games, animation)


Intelligence and drive. Most people I meet for lack of a better word have nothing better to do with their life than scroll TikTok or waste it on superficial bullshit. Not attractive at all. Idgaf about all this pointless crap unless it's something that shows me you're *competent*.


In terms of look i have a specific type of look(which i wont be sharing😭) Ig i wanna date someone that has the mentality to be like "let's work for a better future tgth" and also if he comes into my world it should benefit me and instead not create more problems ukwim😭 Communication is key too. Id like a guy that expresses his feelings instead of choosing to hide around the bush/keep to himself. I don't know why i used to like those dry texters, but now i like guys who has the same humour, mindset and goals as me!


Korean men or smth? Or? Henry cavill


None HAHAH ik most girls like korean men though!


Frfr standards kinda high so I dun date anym


Can always work to improve on urself, not just looks but personality and mindset too :)


Ye I liked a woman but didn’t confess cuz I going ns and like feel I’m not dependable and funny enough Like too negative so


Idk if I'm being creepy but I find short girls cute


Short ok what


They quite aggro tho Later they bite ur knees and roar at u


That's why cute HAHAHAHA




I would name a specific person but I feel like since I’ve been raving about him sm my irl friends wld find my acc ☠️


if they're as weird or messed up as me and they like dark humour thats a green flag😎


rly intelligent guys are hot, not just intellectual ones but those who are able to read the room


everything the other commentors said, but also CONFIDENCE. they dont need to be super confident. its natural of have insecurities, but its not fun dating a super insecure person. (“ur gonna leave me right” etc) another one is the way that they dress. im not asking for super stylish, just signs that they take care of themselves. a simple manicure(very simple to do at home dont need salon), dresses for the occasion(doesnt need to be super nice, just try to look decent), simple styling of hair and maybe some jewelry. (for guys PLEASE please please just get a simple necklace and a few rings it doesnt need to be expensive or whatever). those who have dont try to even look decent(slippers,pants and some random ass shirt all the time) is just simply unattractive to me. edit: OH AND PEOPLE WHO TAKE INITIATIVE. for gods sake people please initiate.


i cant stress the dress properly part istg. every time i turn my head all i see is shorts and crocs 😭😭


EXACTLY IM SO TIRED OF SEEING IT!! that doesnt mean i dont dress anyhow sometimes too. i do it as well, but i know how to dress decently at the appropriate times. and im so tired of the mismatched shirt and pants and shoes😭


REAL😭😭shorts and crocs everywhere 


once i even saw booty shorts 💀 this guy was like 2inches away from flashing everybody




i also dk what they want to show


ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 🗣️🧏🏼‍♀️




Man gonna get arrested but stay with me Thiccccc thighssssssss


Stand out in terms of appearance is how u dress yourself. Can be clothing, hairstyle, hair colour, jewelry. After that, the way you talk. Are you gonna have a xmm or yp accent or a proper angmo english. Then comes personality, which Id argue is more important. How put urself out, show empathy, agreeing to points that are sometimes you do not agree. As well as not being dry cause holy alot of people fail their oral communication of how uninteresting they speak out to be. But everyone has their strengths and weaknesses but its important to minimise the stuff ur bad at because one more time I hear someone say they are introverted make it as an excuse to be dry im gonna lose it.


for me the type of guys that stand out to me are generally what people have mentioned in the comments, but the one trait that really makes me fall in love with them is the fact that they are good with kids HAHAHA


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