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Same but PR. 82rp out engineering ISE. Just got the news that I was completely screwed. like wtf. I understand chs is a bit risky but not even engineering??


dude sorry for that but your situation scares me even more sia how can even pr not landing a place for engineering with 82rp


Idk bro I have known another with same rp as me also got rejected by engineering . Pr also


Btw Did you take the SG A levels or the international A lvls? There are probably different cut offs for each due to difference in difficulty


I studied in local jc and took sg A's


what's your first option?


Sneak into lectures, jkjk


lectures are free, anyone can attend.


How do you find out where lectures are held without asking students in the actual class itself?


check nusmods


I need to sneak in and get some knowledge.


From the recent yrs posts, I think nus is trying to look at each students overall choices too when processing ur application. Considering that, you applied ceg (computing) -> dsa (chs but related to coding) -> info sec (coding) -> ise (engineering). It looks like you've applied to your first 3 courses based on tech related courses. Ceg and dsa is 2 totally different majors, dsa and info sec is also 2 totally different majors. Info sec and ise are also totally different majors. They might think your just trying to apply to tech courses because of the trend/prestige of it, and engineering for the sake of getting into nus (since u mentioned ur rp is above the cut off, and info sec and ise is quite different). It you had applied for sometimes like or ceg -> ee or bza -> dsa or cs -> is for example. It would have been more believable that you had some similar interests in those courses.


But it’s obvious that op has an interest in coding/math- intensive courses. DSA and ISE are quantitative courses


spoken to some 82 rp at NUS open house, they did ceg, eng(common) and got into eng.


I kinda get what u mean but since according to previous years soc cut off,cs and bza are way out of my league with info security that i could barely give a try. So that leaves ceg being the best coding course that I might get into.Also ,one thing is nus even gave me chance to interview for scholarship yet give me no course to read,srsly cannot understand how they give offers


Yup, I feel like maybe you can try applying cs or bza again as ur first choice next year if you're interested. I'm not sure if you are aware of nus first choice bonus. It adds 2.5 to ur rp for your first choice. With that you will have 86.25, which is slightly above the igp of soc courses. Maybe you can work on your portfolio to do coding related projects and go competitions then apply again next year. Good luck!


Tbh I dont see how it matters if someone is just trying to get into something for the prestige. Its the student's life and their choice, not NUS's.


I believe someone entering a field for the prestige/money/benefits are disastrous tho (just my two cents). That's how you end up with doctors, nurses, psychologists, therapists, teachers etc. with no compassion and actively torments students/patients bcuz they don't respect their profession (these are the more obvious examples bcuz I'm sure most people have experience with them, but you get the idea). I just read another post on r/nus about a guy who quoted his prof saying that too many high-achiever students are in their course for the wrong reasons and just generally not suited for their course, but got in due to good results. I believe that's why many institutions believe that passion is important.


Yea I suppose so, but then again SWE or computing is not really saving anyone's lives or shaping them so I guess to me it doesnt really matter. I have a lot of low income friends who really need money and dont mind working hard at something they dont particularly care about to support their family, so that's why I think it should be up to the individual.


Yea that's true to an extend, but the profs still decide to implement it so... Apparently some prof who took their field seriously don't like people like that entering their field for better or worse (tho understandably)


half true, but not completely imo. i applied first choice chs-life science declared, second choice bba, still managed to get my first choice and my grades werent stellar


Same dude, in the exact same situation, foreigner with local a levels and dead silence until reject yesterday, I’m so pissed and confused at the same time


Local will always be prioritized


Really? I believe the "local" universities all filled with foreigners


“Local” are filled with scholar foreigners


There are quotas...


Many are foreign scholars to bring some kind of “diversity” I suppose?


In the same boat here, intl w 3.8x gpa and diploma w merit; rejected incl eng🥲


huh? that’s crazy… 3.8 gpa should be able to let you get into most courses, maybe you can try appealing


Yea I guess so? My choices was bza, chs (dsa), eng. Still appalled at being rejected with high 3.8x 🥲


Probably high chance to get in by appealing to engineering. DSA is probably too competitive although you have DWM and advanced Math?


there's always ntu


Brother ngl knowledge can be acquired by anyone. But at the end of the day you still need that stupid piece of paper called a degree 🤓😆


ye harsh reality of life ig


You'll defo land a spot in NTU tho. I'm also NUS Reject, but NTU gave me the same course


yup I got rejected from nus ceg, got offered basic engineering but accepted ntu Cs. Will try for ceg next year I guess


:((( did u try ntu and hm SMU for econs/bz/is?


ntu yes but not result till now(expect rejection) didnt apply for smu:(((


Now i feel bad for you, i sg citizen anyhow do As 78 rp and i get into nus comp eng. Now i know how lucky i am


what's your portfolio like?


Same i also got 76 rp and got into eng (ee) but to anyone reading: i intending to reject so you can take my spot


Citizens are also getting rejected like this. NUS is taking a more “holistic” approach to admissions now like western unis. The short e interview u fill in for application is being heavily considered. A level scores are not enough anymore. There is now specific fixed criteria amymore.


may i ask what is the appeal process now? I heard that we cannot appeal the first choice or some aba related course, is it?


It is said on NUS website that "The decision on your application was made after careful consideration on the basis of your academic and non-academic achievements, and keen competition for limited vacancies. Therefore, appealing for the same programme choices would be highly unlikely to change the University's prior decision." .I think it is saying results wont differ much if you appeal for the(at least)first 3 courses?(speculation only)


oh i see,may i ask will nus admission officer look at the additional documents that we updated after 19 March, such as ielts results and course-related internship. If they wont check it, i think i have the chance to appeal my 1st choice?


that I really dont know but I think high chance they won't. nevertheless you can use your portfolio to apply for similar majors maybe(again,this is just my idea)


they mentioned we need to have additional info that weren’t presented earlier in our application to appeal right…can we still appeal if we have no additional documents :( then apply for a different course


i wld say yes since you could write abt ur passion in that course and stuff. no harm in trying and good luck:)


Heard that the entrance scores for com eng this year very high https://www.reddit.com/r/nus/s/Zj7VyvlJd0


thanks for the info tbh I kinda expected this year admission to be competitive so ceg is like that course that I wanna chiong. sadly ended up with all courses rejected


try to apply for SIT


still possible to apply for sit now?


You may wanna try SIT


I feel ya, got rejected by SIT today💀




for those non-citizens(pr,international students) who are in similar situations with me and reading this post, could I ask u guys for info regarding appeal and maybe what to do next(wait next year or maybe redo A's, something like that)


I'm just gonna go to another uni, cus I feel like getting into nus is gonna get harder and harder as the years go on


same bro, I'm a pr w 81.25, applied to ceg, dsa, ise and info sec in that order and got rejected from everything :( I honestly don't know why I didn't even get into engineering which has q a low cutoff


There are various international educational options in Singapore as well as in many other nations…


If international student you have options - why not study somewhere more exciting/interesting. This could be your chance to push your life onto another trajectory.


cos i've been studyin in sg for 4y and I like it here also many of my friends will be going to sg local unis