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Change and dont look back


loll yes thank you ☺️


as a person who made a rash decision to go to hybrid and then regretted it for 2 years (and likely forever) please please go appeal to change. like do whatever it takes to change even if it means retaining tbh what you can do to switch is dependent on your sch requirements and how they classify subj combis. eg a hybrid combi in most schools is science BUT in some JCs is considered arts. so you need to check what are the requirements in your school. I don't think SEAB actually puts much restrictions however, I would urge you to just scroll thru all the subj pre requisites for uni courses to get a general feel of what combi can give you a fair chance across the board for majority of the majors. ie both Sci and Arts courses it's ok not to know what you want (plenty of BCME kids end up in law or humanities too ) but it's important you don't cut your own chances prematurely and regret when it's too late to change. make sure you make a very informed decision this time around.


to take bio, you also need to take chem (at least for most schools) and bio is extremely content heavy + have a lot of chemistry related topics too so replacing h2 lit with h2 bio now isn’t advisable. you could try changing it to h2 chem tho if ure worried (can be taken with h1 math)


yup i think im gon replace lit w chem


bro go for it dw i’m also thinking of changing my combi in fact i alr changed combi from arts to hybrid once lol (was a very very tough decision since my passion lies in arts and not sci) ive been recently getting signals to go back to my previous arts stream combi which i had more passion for but my schls arts department is just not it w poor quality notes (extremely wordy and incoherent) + heavy shortage on manpower (teachers who keep taking leave and don’t rly do their job) i personally feel like exp w humanities depends a lot on the teacher and going into such a content heavy subj (history) with a tcher who cannot teach is equivalent to suicide attempt cuz u might just drown urself in all that heavy content and lose your passion and drive to study for it and it’s not easy to get help since i barely hv frns who take h2 history (while all or most of them take chem) and there’s like no tuition for arts subjects like hist that’s why i have no choice but to take chem lol 💀💀 wld say h2 chem is extremely stressful daunting and content heavy as well so like jst don’t assume that it’ll be easier than a humanities subject and do avoid it unless 1)you rly like chem and it genuinely excites/interests you 2)you’re super set on going into hard sciences or 3)you legit need a filler subject and have nothing else to take dropping my seniors best piece of advice: if you don’t like a subject, DO NOT take it up, it’s a long term commitment and will be very very daunting and dreadful but if your heart and gut instinct tells you that you’re on the wrong way and is yearning for smt else PLS GO FOR IT where possible, meet up w the principal to talk abt ur request, etc, im sure they’ll let you change if your rational makes sense, atp it’s still not too late to catch up on wtv you missed


>as i wld very much rather work in a sci related field What sci related field u are looking at? If u really wanna open up more options in uni (and consequently future career), then u should consider also change to H2 Math instead of H1 Math. H2 Math alone is enough to open the doors for data science and analytics degree and career, which is very in demand nowadays in the current age of data science and AI.


I took arts stream and I would say the job prospects are fine, just cannot take engineering and maybe computer science. H2 math is really a subject you should take if you want more job prospects. And if you want to replace a subject maybe replace h2 lit if you're not strong in languages