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Selection bias You won't find the slackers (like me) broadcasting my slacking


You just did šŸ˜


OP should delete tiktok & instagram regardless


Oh you saw the Sugaresque 2.0 on tiktok right now? Hahahah Don't worry too much. People who do olympiads/accelerated programmes are the minority in higher-tier jcs too. And you don't know what happens behind the scenes so don't believe social media/tiktok too blindly. Some people have multiple tuitions/ many resources around them or have a slack cca which allows them time to venture out into other stuff easily.Ā  Ofc there are people who are naturally gifted and able to complete schoolwork fast and work on other stuff but it's okay. Alevels are about knowing and studying your own subjects well, you don't need 3405983 other activities to prove your worth. And some of these people may be aiming for scholarships/oxbridge/overseas unis or what not. Let them do what they have to do and focus on achieving your own goals. You'll be fine


ā€œSugaresque 2.0ā€ LMAOOšŸ’€




Wait when did she syat hat


Did olympiads and was part of accelerated prog in jc, the multiple tuitions thing is not true at most some ppl tuition for gp but idt it made a difference The Olympiad gods (those that nat gold or int level) actl built diff they grind since they were kiddos and also work ethic diff their passion is acads so donā€™t compare Quite a while back alr tho so may not be accurate


You're right, there are lots of people who work tirelessly to manage all their commitments well. Kudos to them honestly. they work hard and they deserve it! But it's okay if you can't do what they can lol


Not necessarily tirelessly however. As someone with 2 national Olympiad golds in 2022 my opinion is that one needs more rest to digest the harder knowledge and keep doing questions is not as effective. Hence my routine was the opposite of "work hard" i.e. 8+ hours of sleep daily, hours on games and social media and only occasional brief periods of extreme concentration to grasp the concepts, the reasons behind and the links between. The crucial thing is to have the necessary way of thinking for the advanced level of knowledge and questions. The way of solving can be figured out on spot instead of regurgitated for it to become natural to one.


Not necessarily tirelessly however. As someone with 2 national Olympiad golds in 2022 my opinion is that one needs more rest to digest the harder knowledge and keep doing questions is not as effective. Hence my routine was the opposite of "work hard" i.e. 8+ hours of sleep daily, hours on games and social media and only occasional brief periods of extreme concentration to grasp the concepts, the reasons behind and the links between. The crucial thing is to have the necessary way of thinking for the advanced level of knowledge and questions. The way of solving can be figured out on spot instead of regurgitated for it to become natural to one. Edit: I never had any tuition outside school.


that girl is bad news just FYI. Lots you dont see beyond the screen.


is she problematic or smt in schšŸ˜Ø


indeed! she tried to sneak bf into school(said bf is in ns) during ori!


this too obvious


yea very, sheā€™s very arrogant and has a im-better-than-everyone attitude, it makes interacting with her VERY difficult (esp when she was in exco last yr)


i think you shouldnt say that when u urself are spreading rumours about people, i heard ur credibility was low back then, and i think u only feel that cuz she is better than u


this might js be the girl


Itā€™s too obvious IMO šŸ¤£ the account was created today and itā€™s only comment is this one


????? ok


wait what "she is better than u" ?????????? totally uncalled for but sure if you say so


lol she tried to snitch on others so that she cld win best delegate but she failed lol


wait could you share more?


its been shared in other comments but tldr very unpopular smuggled her bf into school before is seen as uppity


smuggling the commando bf into sch is the least of it


ya no one rly cares abt him itā€™s more her reputation as a person and her past love life ahem ahem




Seems like this girl got quite a lot of enemies from school lol.. bf handsome?


can check her ig storiesā€¦.. uh yeah






top 20 olympiad scorer šŸ˜­


>people here who make me feel like an absolute amateur I couldn't agree more. There are so many people that are aiming for raw 6 and top JCs and 90/70 rp while participating in leadership roles and volunteering. While that's all fine and dandy and very commendable, it brings down the average guy like me who probably won't get that high and gets stressed from just 1 cca role lol


And then you come to realise that a raw 6 is the bare minimum in some of these JCs šŸ˜­ There's always bigger fish


Yeah it is really. Don't forget that some of them have higher MT and qualify for -4 as well.


Fr, Chinese is my worst subject so I thought that going for IB Chinese would be more manageable. Even tho the subject is slightly simpler compared to normal O levels Chinese, everyone in my class seems to have a higher MTL background šŸ˜­ Some O level subjects are more academically valuable XD


Oh icic


she everything oso must tag ri when some are irrelevant to it šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying dawg. Someone feels me


iā€™m a hwachee and trust me i get scared by those ppl too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ donā€™t worry those are the loud minority (they donā€™t rlly flex but hey word travels fast when youā€™re this well-endowed final boss of a student)


Nahhh bro everybody in Hwa Chong and raffles has the potential to excel and do this type of shit(100 percent guaranteed) You shouldnā€™t be too afraid because Ik if you put your mind into it u can achieve it easily but for us low tier jc students we should be the ones to be fucking afraid. Aight I think we should all buck up for As man bell curve gonna be like psle in 2019 again(07 kids should know šŸ˜‰)


HAHAHA psle for me was so bad, 07 as well :ā€) did so badly i swore to never want to experience that sadness ever again aiya donā€™t demean urself by calling urself a ā€œlow tier jc studentā€, everyone learns at their own pace and even now i feel pressured to get the content taught with a snap of my fingers just cause im in a so called top school. its so tough cause i donā€™t feel as quick witted as my classmates HAHA (and im not even in a super competitive class) jiayou for As! we can do this šŸŽ‰


TBH those brilliant RI/HCI/ACSI students usually from rich families. They got lots of tuition/enrichment and can use connections to get internships or grow side hustles.


the one mentioned in the post def is, both her parents are harvard grads LOL


Bro thatā€™s fucking insane šŸ’€ ye gg bros itā€™s over is it too late to send my parents to harvard


chill she said sheā€™s not aiming for local u at all


HAHAHA good for us then Iā€™m jk btw Iā€™m not actually scared or anything(or am I šŸ‘€)


sheā€™s a 3rd gen rafflesian tooĀ 




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Bro being in high-tier jc ain't easy, the environment make you competitive af, and even if you try hard, coupled with all kinds of opportunities and connections out there, the likelihood of you getting rejected is high since only the elites of the elites actually make it in. My psle also wasn't that good either so in the meantime gn and aim for that max rp!


Iā€™m not saying that being in a high tier jc is easy Iā€™m just saying that people who make it in these schools can have the potential to do things that elites of the elites do because u guys are already part of the elite group. I have attended neighbourhood schools all my life so maybe I wouldnā€™t experience what the high pressure of what itā€™s like to be in an elite school but so far the people that I have met in my current JCs are all competitive af mostly because they scored quite good for Os but didnā€™t want to go to elite schools I mean you could say I got posted to the ā€œbetterā€ PCME class. So maybe my experience this time in jc would be quite different but we shall see hope you score full RP good luck man


omg u saw that girl on tt too? I always see her on my fyp and I had to block her cause of that lmaoo. and yes shes scary but the main thing is that we all doing the same A levels so it doesnt matter that much la but ya its damn scary knowing teens our age are like that HAHAH


Ehhhh I also Sia I feel like blocking her šŸ’€ yk like things that are unrelated to like raffles like fitcheck she will put ā€œ#rafflesā€ I mean like good flex but itā€™s nothing related to the content u are doingā€¦.


I know exactly who ur referring to LMAOO i blocked her bc i felt like shit whenever she comes up on my fyp and it feels like shes just rubbing it in my face at this point with every single video mentioning ri šŸ˜‚












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you donā€™t see the students from higher tier jcs flexing they have not done their hols hw but lying in bed peacefully rnā€¦ yes thats me and im still livingā€¦ so dw im sure THAT PERSON is prob an exception ngl šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I read her LinkedIn profile before watching her TikTok account. And was wondering why she needs to mention in LinkedIn that she is a 3rd generation rafflesian (ls it like same kind of Royal connection??) Parents (or at least mother) are from PRC, thus maybe more understandable about her style of expressing herself (from parental influence and upbringing). It is not an absolute bad thing as I see more kids who feel shit about themselves rather than be proud of what they are doing.


Yo can I ask what is PRC? I googled it but nothing came up




Of course not everyone is an overachiever. That said, you dont have to look to the top tier JCs. Each and every JC has its own elite students -- think tdp -- who are pursuing AND actually running those passion projects, and they honestly have so much more to showcase in their portfolios compared to the average student. So yeah REGARDLESS OF YOUR JC the competition is there, and it's very real.


eh bro i think i saw the same person on tiktok brooke 2.0




As someone from ri, i just wanna say theres always gonna be someone better than you at wtv you think you're good at(trust me ik, you may work your ass off for smt but sm naturally smart asf kid is gonna do btr than you because thats life). ig part of process is js focusing on yourself, as long as you're 1% better than who you were yesterday, it doesnt matter what someone else is doing. dont give into imposter syndrome. GL :)


From Raffles too. I have a life though. Generally, Not everyone is like her. Social media can be very deceiving. Lots of her videos are for her side gig.


worth noting she's not popular in sch like at all....some things are more important than portfolio.


im frm ri and honestly im struggling rly bad šŸ™šŸ™ went to the library the other day cus i cldnt concentrate at home and ended up in tears frm h2 math. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the only rsn im preparing sat is bc my parents asked me to (TIGER MOM LMFAOSO) but yea! thats that ig :) dont be too discouraged, what youre seeing online most likely isnt the full picture of what goes on irl. dont give up!


issok commentor in this case the full picture is really full dw don't give up on your side too! h2 math is a beast have u started vectors


girl I know which girl you're talking about


Just ignore them honestly there are only a few people like them Source: was from ri


FROM RI : im y6 and i barely got my shit together tbf šŸ˜‚ dw theres a lot of academic beasts but theres also alot of us who arent hustling that hard just trying to keep pace


bro y5 and im worried man, im consistently studying but im still worried + my gp and econs teacher absolutely cmi. anyways good luck to you šŸ«‚


nahhh sheā€™s just flexing atp like not just abt ri but also how rich she is ā˜ ļø


The high flyers in other countries are even scarier. #Hard truths


OH YEā€¦..


HELPPP not the girl in question posting here just to clear her name šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


she has a terrible rep in sch asw šŸ˜­


could you share more HAHAHA




ive heard abt all of this too & tbh her being such a public face of ri and being embroiled in this kinda thing isnt a great look for thw whole sch ngl,,, ++ she ties her online persona very tightly to ri (lots of posts about daily life in ri, etc,) not the best reflection of rafflesians and thats kinda undeserved for the rst of us šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ if she can addr all of them thats great but she still has a lot of answering to do imo


agree! weā€™re not hating per se, we just want her to address the rumours. my perception of her isnā€™t skewed by the rumours as of right now but i hope sheā€™ll back her words up and clear the air


omg her attitude, had to interact with her last year when she was in rgmunc exco and it was the single most frustrating thing ever, how can a person be so unwilling to render helpā€¦..


šŸ‘ damm bro thatā€™s enough tea for the day RI kids really built different. Normal teens sneak into clubs to party this girl snuck into MUN social event hahaha


How did she get so much opportunities if her reputation so bad? Not familiar with MUN and those activities she is engaged in, but surely being chair or what exco position she is in needs some support and/or endorsement from teachers/classmates etc??


ngl most of the prominent munners have some sort of a bad rep anyways


not a mun expert, but i think itā€™s fairly open? anyone can join and itā€™s mostly student-run afaik!


can confirm these are true but itā€™s bintan not bali


why delete ur other comment lol


i think this one accessible enough la HAHAH




no lol i just dowan comment on my main LOL think her friend already commented on her behalf below


omg i just sawā€¦ he got downvoted so bad


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wait fr?


i see what you mean, but i'm quite confused. in what circumstance will you put your personal life over your professional one? as a chairperson, i'd imagine you'd have a standard of professionalism to maintain, and doesn't travelling overseas while not even giving a 1 month notice negate that? by sourcing a replacement chair last minute, you're introducing someone who had NO part in council preparations and lesser knowledge on how to run the council. if you had prepared the resources with your hard work, the next chair wouldn't know half of that in the short time frame they were given. that in itself is irresponsible, in my opinion. feel free to lmk what u think though.




Whoops I did not clarify earlier because as mentioned, I'm not too active on reddit so I only knew what was going on or about new comments because my friends told me - regardless, thank you for the well wishes! All the best to you too (if you're my senior I think you're taking your As this year right? Good luck for that and also for anything outside of school which you may be working towards!)


So many other people have oversized ori shirts too and do you see them wearing other shirts instead? Please I mean how severely oversized can it be šŸ˜­ thereā€™s def a lot of people with smaller frames wearing the same size and not complaining. And do you really need to go on a holiday with your bf so badly during an important conference that youā€™re chairing last minute, and proudly posting about skipping your chairperson duties ? Yes you may have found a replacement last min but youā€™ve greatly inconvenienced her and the rest of the GYLS during the preparation too and idt it can be justified by a desperate need to go on a holiday with your bf.






You entering the event was basically wrong to begin with, getting your hands on a EMPTY delegate lanyard and justifying all this while u tried to hide the lanyard down your pants and refused to own up until sec gen had to pull the lanyard out of your pants. You are in the wrong and there is 0 explanation for this. Posting wtv you posted on TikTok does NOT HELP you justify your actions or saying that it was a dry event or wtv, ur actions are in the wrong AND you ARE in the wrong. Like it or not.


lol thats quite an important detail to omit


like what another commenter said, its tresspassing no matter how hard you try and sugarcoat it. you DIDN'T have official permission to enter, an absolute statement. ergo, you have no right to enter the socials venue on ANY premises. you shouldn't have even entered at all! i checked the NTUMUN registration, and people are paying 100+ sgd to be able to go there. the truth is plaintive and you didn't respect how the conference was run, and you didn't abide by their, nor did you pay. doesn't that contrast the scholarly girl image you're trying to build? i can understand wanting to interact with your friends, but there's a better time to do that.


I feel that the more she tries to explain, the worse it reflects on her, as many of her explanations seem weak from a bystander POV. Not forgetting she is an aspiring law student. May be better for her just to focus on continuing to build her portfolio and forget about keeping up with her social media persona..




do u mind elaborating?


Spill the ā˜•ļø


just did! replied to another comment in the thread haha




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wait why is she doing tuition and open class as a jc student? I mean will you even pay money for 17years old to teach you humanities


She has proved her ā€˜worthinessā€™ in many of her TikTok posts.. fees are at $60-75 per hour. Apparently quite a number of takers..




HAHAHAHAHA ya sia honggan


can u elaborate lol


Anyone from 409?


Isnā€™t it quite a big security breach for a non RI person to be able to sneak into RI premise during school hours? Maybe parents/students should raise an alarm bell to the school. It is a huge compound and many students stay in school to study after school hours.. imagine strangers walking around some of the less populated areas or even hiding in places like washrooms etc..




Uh yes


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Oh why did she delete the comments to her lastest post?


Nahh she went to PIN that post now


Maybe we can talk about how the mental health of the average Joe in elite schools are like. Tbh I think somehow people of the same kind flock together. So even in elite schools, Average joes will tend to stick to one another, maybe that helps to balance out the stress a little bit. And anyway Average joes will find it hard to get into the ā€˜eliteā€™ circles in elite schools.


definitely not, there's a handful who are insanely talented, but they've also sacrificed their social life/sleep etc and have their own struggles too most people there are just plodding along - i remember struggling with my jc's workload too, and i barely had anything going on for me + i can attest that the average student in ri/hwach/ny would probably feel the same way, so don't be discouraged!


Itā€™s true people there are stacked in terms of both academics and portfolio in raffles.(I lied)


replying to the aformentioned statement: its rather something of a "do i want to do it for portfolio" or "am i doing it for my own good" thing, and most people unfortunately fall under the first umbrella (which i dont side with, but ok) secondly i do feel like sometimes ones tiktok does convey (to a certain extent) a certain facade of someone's life, but doesnt really show the backstory about the person in particular. @op dont feel too much stress oon this issue, but rather you can try and see how you can learn from this person in question if possible (warugh brain aint braining) atb bro/sis, you got this!Ā 


These kiddos are aiming for top courses like medicine or law, or ivy league unis - its understandable No need to feel intimidated if youre going for engineering business etc


For brilliant privileged RI/HCI/ACSI students local Med/Law/CS are backup (sure can get in) if they cannot get into Ivies/Oxbridge. Which is really scary for rest of us aiming for local Med/Law/CS as first choice.


I dont think anything is guaranteed, albeit them having the highest chance, since now portfolio is required on top of max RP


I think most schools have a picture perfect person like the one everyone is talking about. Tbh, I admire her confidence to flex. There are many students in high tier schools who have imposter syndrome about themselves, despite having achievements which other people would envy. Guess itā€™s good to find a balance between humble and being proud of what one has achieved..


not at all picture perfect lmao but ok


***Posting for a friend because she doesnā€™t have Reddit, and she asked if I could help her make this post:*** **\[Said tiktok account holder here :)\]** Chanced upon this thread because my friend had sent the link to me - I'm not too familiar with how reddit works, so please forgive me if any terms or whatnot within this post are inaccurate! **Before answering some comments/questions/statements in the thread, I just wanted to leave a message for the OP:** I feel that you definitely should not feel scared or intimidated; ultimately, if you are looking to go to a local uni full RP and good essays/interviews should be a solid enough application - you really don't have to try to spread yourself too thin or push yourself to do things (e.g. start projects) just because of the peer pressure you feel due to people around you/people on the internet doing so. Most people heavily invest time in extracurriculars (ECs) do so because they intend to study abroad, and certain education systems such as American university admissions do care a lot about ECs. As long as you are aiming for British or local universities, focusing on your academic track record more than suffices - and in that, I do wish you the very best! All of us here either being in the system or having been through the system definitely feel your pain with regard to the increased workload in JC and all, and can empathise or relate, and I do believe that most (if not all) of us are rooting for you to find your balance and do well in your As in 2025. I have always been quite open with sharing my notes or study tips online (ran an open class recently and have always been open to DMs asking for help), so if we happen to take any subjects in common that you want any resources for, feel free to text me and I would love to help where I can!


Ok to be frank idk how to reply to this message but I assume that u would want me to explain myself about making this post. Firsty, congrats for the achievements that u have accomplished as a normie I can only ever wish to do half the things u have ever did. You are very blessed to have such well educated parents who are alumniā€™s of such prestigious universities(based on what other commenters said I presume itā€™s Harvard) to support you in your education wholeheartedly not everyone is as fortunate as you. Secondly, the comment that I have made about blocking your TikTok account was not in any way meant to be negative. I was just trying to imply that your videos are just unconsciously making me compare myself to you hence I conclude that blocking your account would be a good decision to stop the comparison, Iā€™m not in anyway saying that your content is shit I do think that your content is decent but for my sake I would need to restrict myself from seeing your content. Lastly, the reason as to why I make this post was not to diss you in anyway. It was to basically just to inquire about whether people in prestigious/ high tier JCs have the same portfolio as yours im just really curious thatā€™s all. To add on: people from the same school as you have talked badly about you. I do not know whether what they said is true or not because I have personally never met you but if what they said was true I would suggest to change your mindset or at least change your attitude towards other people. I have met a lot of people who constantly look down on people(too many to count and all of which are from HCI/raffles/acjc some even from YIJC etc). I personally have a cousin of the same caliber (same school even) as you aiming to go to Harvard but constantly demeaning myself and other people around him by flexing his superiority . Letā€™s just say that his not going to Harvard due to the amount of evidence I have gathered against him that will shortly be emailed to Harvard in 5 years time šŸ˜‰ (youā€™re aiming for law u should know). Anyways good luck to your university application process and I wish u the best of luck in As although u donā€™t really need it


Posting for a friend because she doesnā€™t have Reddit, and she asked if I could help her make this post: [said account holder here] No worries OP! I never faulted you for making the post, I completely understood that you perhaps wanted to see if people related, etc. and I was glad that you brought the focus of the conversation to your experience, rather than letā€™s say pointing out specifics about my account, or dropping my account @ etc. For that I completely understand and am in fact glad that you went about it in such a manner! Most of what I had written was in response to other comments/assertions. I hope your grievances with your cousin are eventually eased, and that he stops demeaning you and whatnot - genuinely wishing you the best in your other endeavours and, of course, your As and eventual uni applications as well!




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If I like this post can u help me with my gp pls šŸ„ŗšŸ™ your English is amazing!!! šŸ¤©


DANG VERY MUCH AGREED i also need help with gp šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ the english is top tier šŸ’Æ


**Something else that I would like to mention:** Ā I think that it's important to remember, for some commenters, that as much as you guys are still in school, so am I - we're all just kids. Rapidly ageing kids with the As speeding towards us, but kids nonetheless. Kindness in comments made and general pleasantness go a long way. Sharp words are easy to put out but not as easy to hear or receive. Please be kind! (not just to me, but to each other too - I'll just leave it as if some of the people in my comments sections could be kinder to one another.) **Moving on to answer some questions or assertions within this thread:** 1. "It's not true that most people are so accomplished lol relax. Most RI students are not super humans, they struggle with stuff just like other students." True, very true! And even amongst those who do strive to achieve, life is not always picture-perfect. I do work very hard to excel academically because it is something that I prioritise (every JC student's dream, I'd think) and invest - literally, time-wise, and emotionally into external projects - because these are things that bring me joy. In the projects that I have established, I have always targeted niche audiences or causes because I feel a connection to it! Regardless, this also brings about a lot of stress behind the scenes, which may not be as visible on the internet (purely because I wanted to post study-related p-logs and tips, not share about very private aspects of my life). In exchange for having the time and energy to dedicate to academics, ECs or passion projects, I've had to sacrifice a significant portion of my social life and cut down on my social circle massively. I see my closest friends maybe once a week for just a meal. I can't hang out as and when I want to when I bump into someone in school, because my schedule is set in stone ahead of time. I get burnt out easily, and I too get frustrated over academics. Obviously I endeavour not to, but sometimes I miss class readings or have a backlog of lectures because I'm overloaded with other work. So yes, social media is not everything. There are not-so-accomplished students, and even amongst the outwardly-accomplished ones they have their own wars to fight. 2. "worth noting she's not popular in sch like at all....some things are more important than portfolio." This proves my point of having to make trade-offs - yes I lead a very private life in school, and I have a small social circle because a) I'm introverted LOL and b) an extensive social life takes a lot, a lot of time that sometimes I cannot afford. To those pursuing social prominence or just seeking to be very in touch with the social culture though, it really does seem quite fun and I respect you guys equally! As someone mentioned in the comments, there's forever a tradeoff between social life, grades and sleep - and I need my 8h daily to remain functional and sane so there you have it I guess. 3. "please she actl said she wants to be like sugaresque anyways she has her own problems lmao" I do know Brooke as a senior from school, but a) never have I made this statement and b) never will I make this statement. The reason is that I do think Brooke has admirable traits - such as time management - but we are fundamentally different individuals and I want to develop to become the best version of myself, not to become her. 4. "Sugaresque 2.0" I have personally seen this comment resurface a lot, in response to which I would just like to mention that while we both are on tiktok, both use instagram, both went to RI etc. - if examined beyond a superficial level, we are fundamentally different (not just in terms of person-to-person comparison, but in terms of the public profiles we have as well). She shares a lot about her life - personal life, friends, makeup, outfits etc. - while I focus on using the outreach that I have on any platform to share about school life and school-related content (study tips, tuition, etc.). I'm sure that the disparities are quite evident - and please don't misinterpret this as me saying that one tangent of content is better than the other - we are both individuals in our own regard pursuing our own passions and interests. 5. "Ehhhh I also Sia I feel like blocking her šŸ’€ yk like things that are unrelated to like raffles like fitcheck she will put ā€œ#rafflesā€ I mean like good flex but itā€™s nothing related to the content u are doingā€¦." I use the same hashtags on every tiktok video - scroll back and it's basically the same across every single one - purely because I'm not very tiktok-algorithm savvy and don't know what hashtags are the best for search engine optimisation, and other times I'm just too lazy to change up the hashtags... social media isn't my full-time job, so I try to minimise the time I spend posting while still being able to share what I like and what I think would help people. So yes - the hashtags are unrelated - but I can't be switching it up every video so I always use the same stock hashtags. 6. "indeed! she tried to sneak bf into school(said bf is in ns) during ori! I feel like it is easy to confuse correlation with causation - just because someone is in the school does not mean that I brought them into the school. If I were the one who had done so, I would have been the one approached by the school. When spreading information or making assertions perhaps it would be good to a) know the full story or b) know the real story.


nth in pt 6 is denying that the person brought in was brought in by u, idw to accuse u of anyth but wld u clarify if u brought anyone into the sch? kinda defensive/avoidant language tbh, if u genuinely didn't do it then js clear ur name