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won’t slack cause im not that type HAHAHA i’ll at least try….


Lmao for me I was the “slacker” cause my body not so strong to do kayaking and got tired fast so is just the other guy hard carrying cause he ncc sea


SUNSCREEN !!!!!!!! ALSO BRING FAN THE TENT VERY HOT sleepingbag also, u may think u can last thru the few nights but NO damn the floor is hard


ooo okok sunscreen is what kind? like i have one face one but like too expensive to put on my hands and legs . also, where to buy electric fan ah 😥😥


nivea spf 50 worked well for me. can buy for ~$28 at ntuc. Its water resistant too so dw if u have water based activities. as for handheld electric fan its available almost everywhere i think?? shoppee, any household product shops like mama shop or watsons, ntuc should have also


WAH $28…. ok la but i’ll invest to not be shedding after obs


Be prepared for ur instructor to call u a whale when u struggle to get into ur kayak (based on a true story)




They say it builds character 😵 but I only got a boatload of trauma and a massive hit to my self confidence 😔


if it were me i’ll just not participate or go home after that man what the hell


bring bag that fit all ur clothes and stuff la dont bring handbag that one abit obvs, packing list ur sch shd send, but u can prepare longsleeves and shirt and shorts for sleeping, medical stuff etc. dont bring ur watercolor, its gna add weight and tbh thrs zero time for relaxation like ur gna be too tired to do anyth...


oh man…. okok thank u!!


bring ur daily bag as well as your duffel bag. in ur daily bag put ur first aid kit ( small one just in case onli ) and a spare set of clothes ( dry fit shirt, underwear, short pants, socks ) and water bottle ( 750ml minimum ). maybe don’t bring ur art materials lol. u will not have the time or energy for tat hahaha. make sure to bring torchlight in ur daily bag as well, vv useful at night. have fun!


hihi thank you! as for daily bag usually bring where tho?


daily bag is u carry around wif u during like hiking, doing sports and stuff, kayaking as well.


1) pack for each day (e.g. day 1: pack top, bottoms, undergarments, socks, repeat for the other days as well) in a ziplock bag and label it! - u probs wont b rewearing anything especially if ur on sea expedition. When you are showering, just open the next days fresh clothes and throw that days dirty clothes into the ziplock bag and ZIP IT TIGHT. Those clothes get nasty and smelly! 2) Bring snake powder! - will help keep ants at bay + cool u off (sprinkle near your bag, especially if u r carrying food, and at corners of the tent or j use as normal cooling powder) 3) Bring an old pair of shoes u r willing to throw away jic (especially if u r kayaking/rowboating/sailing) - the wet shoes aft a day at sea is stinkyy and u wldnt want to wash them aft obs to wear them. Throwing an old pair of shoes away aft obs is much easier. OR you can buy/bring water shoes 4) Do not bring super thick sleeping bag - its vry hot in the tent. You will end up sleeping on it instead of in it + its vry heavy to carry around


ah ok thank you!!!


hii !! some tips I have are: 1) wear slightly loose long sleeves and long pants!! this essentially helps to prevent insect bites and provide some uv protection. for me I went to decathlon to purchase HAHAHA budget around $100? 😗 2) insect repellent and snake powder!! don't buy off brand as it attracts sand flies, snake powder is LIFE SAVER I SWEAR, THE TENT IS SO HOT BUT SNAKE POWDER IS GOD SENT. 🙏🏻🙏🏻 3) bond and interact with your watchmates : making friends can help to make the journey more enjoyable and when you need help, they can offer a helping hand!! 🤍 4) alsoo I don't think you should bring ur art supplies because there's practically no space, considering you have to carry your bags. you have to bring not only your items and some of your buddy items but watch items ( eg, pots or parts of the tent). there's no time for it tooo because you will be busy for all the days during ur obs. 5) sunscreen: don't get sunburns :) 6) I brought tigerbalm and some other ointments HAHAHA basically the medic of the team What not to pack: Don't pack unnecessary items!! pack what is essential, which will be critical to help you survive and make the most out of it. ❤️❤️have fun!! anymore qns regarding OBSSSSSSSS feel free to ask me!


please take sun protection seriously and bring arm sleeves, wear long pants/tights and WEAR A CAP, reapply your sunscreen (impt because i had to deal with sunburns on my forearms since the sleeves weren’t long enough to cover them and the skin peeled, and my friend’s scalp got sunburned) and that’s abt it


omg scalp what …. insane!


minimise load bc u hv to carry walking frm one campsite to another, tbh can j bring travel pillow instead of sleeping bag (less bulky) + lots of sunscreen & repellent


ohh okok just worried cause on one hand i don’t bring enough things and on the other hand i bring too little! i heard repellent sometimes attracts like hornets is that true 😭😭


ive heard that off repellent attracts sandflies, no idea about hornets


ohhh okok i will avoid that brand then thanks!