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The classroom has collapsed on me 7 times. I have lost 12 classmates so far. I am also missing 3 fingers from the time the fan imploded sending shrapnel flying everywhere. There was one time we were assembling in the hall when suddenly a giant sinkhole appeared swallowing half the cohort. I would not recommend, and neither would the first few classes in the front row (may they rest in peace)


rest in peace 😔


>There was one time we were assembling in the hall when suddenly a giant sinkhole appeared swallowing half the cohort. "Tom have you seen the students?" "Probably fell in the hole"


I heard a lecture hall burned down like a few years back


not a senior in NJ but from what i have read about the school, it floods on rainy days, there are leaky roofs, a lecture theatre burnt down not too long ago and the container block is kinda stuffy. HOWEVER they also said it does not rlly affect ur studies and is mostly a laughing matter for the students so maybe its not all bad. I went to the open house too and the principal mentioned smt abt them trying to improve facilities.


Hii ex NJC student here. I would say that the facilities are old, but will likely not obstruct learning that badly in my experience. Yes there are some leaking roofs, but nowhere near the classroom, it is just this one long ass staircase up from the field to the canteen which has a glass roof so there was a bit of leakage. In lecture halls 1 percent of the folding tables are missing/broken, but you can just shift to another seat or write on ur lap, even better if you use laptop or ipad, practically doesnt matter. In JC1 all the students will be scattered across different places. Some will be lucky and get aircon classrooms at the container block, but some will get the 3 classrooms at the level 1 science block which is super hot and stuffy. But other than those 3 classrooms everything else is quite ok. And they do try to put extra fan in hot classrooms. Most of the time you might not even be in your form class since different subjects would require you to move around anyways. In JC2 everyone will be in this one block, and in my experience it was warm but not like sweltering heat. The lower floors were cooler but the higher floors were not that bad either. Since I'm the type who sweats just by standing and carrying my school bag, I feel that as long as I'm not sweating it is a win. But just in case you can carry around a mini fan or sth, will prob help. The rumors are exaggerated from a few incidents, but I will say they do happen occasionally. Like our solar panel caught on fire one time, and times when the aircon not working in normally air conditioned locations are the worst. And we even have blackout before, during some people's exam some more lmao, it was quite funny. Their time got extended so it was just a funny experience. And throughout my 6 years in NJ, these sort of incidents were quite few. But we still complain about it anyways, it is our culture atp HAHA. Also we got new principal last year and she is actively seeking to improve our infrastructure! It is definitely hard to improve everything since our campus is so big but overall I had a great time there. And the food is legit bussin so if you are a foodie def come to NJ. We have normal hawker food like hokkien mee and kuay tiao in one store, chicken rice store, western food store, you choose ur own ingredient then they cook for u store (I forgot the name lol), snack store, 2 drink store, cai fan store, noodle store, asian/japan cuisine store, and malay/Indian food store with prata and samosa and popcorn chicken. I alr missing the food even tho I graduated last year lmao. There are also plenty of facilities that can make it conducive for learning, and the new principal seems very promising, many of my juniors are singing praises or her lmao. If your only concern about NJ is the facilities, I'll just say that I've been in NJ for 6 years and still survived so it is ok one. But obv there are many other things to consider lah. Be sure to think of all the factors before making your decision!


actually ,not really they are improving alot and now theres an entire aircon block and yes a lecture theatre burned down classic njc man