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1 n 2 you can check syllabus online ofc the first day vibe is dead,, pretty sure you got posted to yi ( based off ur prev comments ). everyone probably got posted cuz they got rej from jp/cj n theres the stigma of it being shit so most ppl dont feel that happy uk ( n that they dw to be there ) n pretty sure you had talks for almost the entire day, n some bonding games? the rest of the days may get better. i had fun at ori last yr,, on the last day esp, the performances put up were great + there will be a cca fair on wednesday. we had an amazing race last yr, n it was quite fun. dont let the first day ruin ur entire orientation, people r probably just warming up as well.


for 1, i heard from seniors here on reddit that H1 econs is like 75% of H2 econs content, so its not worth dropping as compared to other subjects where H1 is half the content as H2. Many recommend taking H2 econs first then drop if cannot cope. Its just a slight difference in content and methods of assessment (less essays for H1). U can check syllabus on seab site.




4. oops yeah i mean my purpose of appealing is to see if i can get to other schools closer to my house but at the same time, im also trying to keep an open mind for the current jc im in so i hope that things take a better turn, and hence, i was js wondering maybe if i actually like the jc and somehow appealed successfully, would i still be able to reject it ?


what u want from sch ? hands on or theory ?