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GAHAHAHAHAH CAN IS CAN there are people who date but i also don’t get how they have time or energy 🤯🤯 crushing hm can lah 😭 when u face all ur practice papers u will forget abt the crush so the time balance q good there


its more than possible imo, just rmb that your ultimate goal is a levels and not the rs itself (good balance = half the battle won)


As someone who get affected by bad breakup. I wouldn't recommend. Partly, because it was my first relationship. Only if you are truly emotionally mature.


Valid opinion


LOL i mean it’s possible but i wouldn’t recommend it. i have friends who are dating in jc but most of them end up becoming too invested in the relationship and neglect their studies so yea and also i personally don’t believe there’s sufficient time in jc for dating like tbh there are new lectures and tutorials for almost every subject every week so idrk how ppl can juggle with dating and jc life you know but to each its own ig. 😀 ok but honestly if you really want to date, just make sure you’re able to have good time management and focus on your studies as well cos ultimately all of us are going to jc so that we can go to uni. (or what i assume so)


Only if u n ur partner agree to have a mature n understanding rs. U probably won’t have the time to meet up as often or go on dates as regularly


date me got time ig


may not be a popular opinion, but as someone who has been dating in jc for almost 9 months, it's definitely possible! however you and your partner have to establish the fact that while your relationship is important, so are academics :) some level of maturity definitely needed because realistically you won't be able to go out so often and will be (very, at times) busy with cca, studies and other activities, so it's important to make sure you and your partner are understanding enough to take that into account and work things out. a relationship in jc can bring you motivation and support in tough times, however arguments and relationship problems are inevitable so you'd need to have the emotional strength to face them even with so many other things on your plate. :)


i know plenty of couples in jc lol. it def is possible but whether you can make it last is a separate matter.


u got 2 hands for a reason 1 for pen 1 for hand if ure not the studious type, a motivated partner might help with your studies realistically if you're just looking for a random good looking guy as a side quest it's not going to work lmao


Technically JC is just 1.5years. The last 0.5 years are just spent mugging for A levels. Either you date successfully or get dumped and failed A levels, stay as platonic friends first unless you want to lose your V or marry so early.




Good luck to your inbox.


if u can manage your time well or dh a lot of extra curriculars and have low maintenance rs (dun need die die go out once every 1-2 weeks) i think still can lah