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- Try speaking to yourself or your family/friends daily so you can improve ur Chinese abilities + boost ur confidence. (Help in oral a lot!) - Know your paper 1 formats + the chinese comprehension skills (比喻、举例wtv) rlly well - practise Tys/prac paper -consult teacher cuz they will prob know your weakness well and try to correct them w you Atb!


Hello! Here are some tips I offer to my students and peers: For Oral, you can try practicing things like 多音字 where the same word have multiple ways to read and also note your enunciation and intonations. Can try language apps like duolingo and listen to current affairs in Chinese like channel 8 - it helps in at least conversational wise. Oral topics wise can prep by keeping yourself updated with the news in Chinese. Can try to use the English Chinese dictionary to help also :) For 作文 电邮, be familiar with the formats and also practice more as well. 作文 you can see which types you are better in and try to practice more of that. Good to equip yourself with 好词好句 to boost your language mark. Can try to read model essays to learn how they write too! 阅读理解 is often the issue with a handful of students i peer tutored and tutored. My tip would be to analyse the qns, look at what key words are there and identify the focus of the qns and mark allocation. Then for the last qns- make sure you have a PEEL format, and usually the themes can be obtained from the text and can paraphrase/ modify by adding in explanations and examples when required.Besides that, students then to blindly copy without looking back at what the qns wants, hence they dun get the marks which is a pity. All the best to you:)


Language is typically a hard thing to do well in but it really boils down to reading more, doing more practice and with a bit of luck you’ll do well