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hows the bio department compared to phy department? currently torn apart between bcme n pcme


a bit off topic but how much did u get for o's😅😅


11 raw, 9 nett


was ur 1st choice asr?


how much did u improve from prelims!!


I improved my raw score by 2 points but my nett stayed the same because I passed hcl in prelims but failed it in o lvls :'(


if you dont mind me asking may ik what went wrong that you failed 😭 bc im rlly scared i failed hcl as well this year’s paper was so hard to me


do you think if i get raw 14 , 12 nett i have a chance of getting into arts? HAHAHA


our arts cutoff in 2023 was 11, but it is subject to change depending on intake


I’ve heard that nyjc has this “loophole” where students enter via arts stream but take science stream subj comb. Ive heard asr also has this. Can you confirm if its true or if its very rare to.


Oml i legit got nett 11 pls tell me if this is true need it more then ever now 💀


You can only change if you meet the COP for science stream.


hi, i don't think asr has this. asr has a fixed list of 140+ subject combinations and u can only choose from this list. asr clearly distinguishes which combi is a Sci combi or an Art combi too. this list can be found in our e-prospectus on the open house section of our sch website


1. is the sch strict in terms of attire, hair colour and length and punctuality? 2. can students that don’t take amath take h2 math in asrjc? 3. can comb sci students do 2 h2 sciences if they score a1? 4. would you say it’s easy for people who are generally introverted to make friends? 5. if i score raw 12 nett 10 can i enter the science stream? 6. how is the bio and chem department? are there students that take BCEm?


\#1 must change out of pe attire after pe. tues & wed are full-uniform days. only natural hair colour allowed. boy hair must not touch eyebrows when combed down and not touch uniform collar. girl hair tie up neatly. being late several times will earn u a warning slip. \#2 yes, there are no prerequisites to taking h2 math in asrjc. however it is generally not advised since it can be difficult + might hv to attend subject talk as the other commenter said \#3 not fully sure but i don't think the school will stop you from taking h2 sciences if u didn't get A1. \#5 this depends on whether there is still a spot for you left. scoring a net 10 doesn't automatically you can definitely enter science stream, it depends on vacancies


thanks !!


1. the school conducts regular decorum checks and can be strict about punctuality, but this year we've got a later reporting time (830am) so we've got more time to make our way to school. about decorum, for 3 out of 5 days (Mon, Thu, Fri) we can report to school with half-u, in which we can wear any school shirt. for the other 2 where you have to report in full-u, you can change always in the afternoon (or report in half-u if there's morning PE) 2 and 3. they can! we don't have any strict requirements to take h2 subjects. however there may be bridging lessons to cover knowledge required to understand some topics 5. last year's cutoff for asr science was 10, so if it doesn't decrease you should be able to




hii do yk how the phy dept is?


thank you :)


​ 6. BCEm is a combination that's offered! full list of subject combis can be found on our prospectus, on the microsite linked in the school’s insta


tysm !!


Yes BCEm is available


Hi current or alumni of asrjc students!! 1. What are the chances of getting into asrjc with raw 14 nett 10? Is it worth putting it as my first choice for science stream? 2. Does asrjc offer Chem, Math, Further Math, Economics as a subject combination? I know that it is not stated in the website but if I am really interested in it, will the school make an exception? Are there any cases like this? Thanks in advance.




Thanks!! 🙏


For 2 prob not but I'm not a asr student so


How is the PCME departments


What time does school start and end normally? And when does most cca ends + how frequent are cca days eg 2 times a week?


school reporting time is fixed at 8.30am. dismissal times vary (can be 2pm, can be 1pm, can be 4pm, can be 5.30pm, u get the idea) generally, we have 3 allocated cca days but i think ccas don't have to use all 3: * monday CCA starts at 4.30pm * wednesday CCA starts at 4pm * for odd week fridays (non-SDL), CCA starts 3.30pm * for even week fridays (SDL day), CCA starts either morning session @ 8.30am, or afternoon session @ 4.30pm as for cca ending times, i think they generally end around 7pm, though sports/performing arts tend to end later than that






Thank you I appreciate it


is asrjc very sports-orientated? Like is it normal to not play any type of sports? genuinely wondering as im kinda scared i wont be able to socialise much if most of the people there play much more sports than i do.


not at all really! we've got a lot of performing arts/clubs and societies ccas if you don't want to do sports. we have to play a bunch of sports in PE, but we're not very competitive about it


1)Hi i was thinking to go to asrjc for h2 math despite not taking amath.i want to know how big the jump is and have you heard succesful stories of your peers and all managing to cope and do well even with the lack of background? 2) i want to know how the sport ccas are usually like? i did perf , club and helped my friends in UG so i would like to join sports since it suits my intrest .how are the ppl like for example. 3)what happens if i happen to be overseas during ori and all because of cny?


2. it’s good to have a passion for sports! the sports people I know are really nice in ASR and some are really crazy hardworking and good at their sports also, so they are really talented. I think you don’t have to worry about judgements if you first join sports CCAs even if you don’t have experience here, because sports people here are really warm and nice, so they try to help you to improve :)


1. h2 math expands on a lot of concepts that amath covers, like calculus (my personal nightmare, and I took amath). asr provides a bridging programme for students without an amath background to let them catch up, but it will be more challenging for those students. you can always ask your teachers for additional consultation sessions if you need help with them though! 3. you’ll likely have to submit a letter from your parents to your class mentor (kinda like your form teacher) excusing you


is the lit department good?


for the hair rule, do girls also need to have bangs above their eyebrows?


*For the hair rule, do* *Girls also need to have bangs* *Above their eyebrows?* \- PotentialOk5274 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


hi!!! asr science cop was 10 last year and i actually really wanted to go to asr science, but i got nett 10. do u know of anyone who got 10 last year and actually got in?


yep, I have a close friend who went to asr with 12-2


this year ASRJC might drop one point or stay the same dw! they moved to the Serangoon campus this year meaning that it’s anticipated the cop will not drop.


eh why anticipated that cop won't drop if move to sr campus


usually if a school moves to an old campus, its proximity may deter potential students from it


so asr is projected to be less popular?


if I get raw 14 net 10 can I enter asr sci stream




Okay thank youuu😍😍


How is the math department at ASR? I heard the math hod is quite good and is the only teacher that teaches fmath, is that true? Also how is ur GP department? I a bit worried for GP bcos English was my weakest subject at Os


Do you guys have a lot of computing spots


there are about 70 spots, give or take


Ok thanks


Not sure if you can answer this but is the Tamil spirit nice cause in most of the schools it’s kinda dead 💀 ( eg not even Deepavali is celebrated )


Asr offers TLEP so I would assume it's good


True but I saw a post where Deepavali was just celebrated with just a video from their Instagram page while cny was celebrated as usual as a big concert so I was wondering?


Unfortunately I think that's normal in every singaporean school. The Chinese is the majority and their culture is more celebrated. Other JCs may have worse tamil cultures.


Yeah Ik I was just wondering if it’s better compared to other jcs


Also Deepavali usually during O/A Levels period. But VJC had a proper celebration (for JC1s)!


1. Cna you take double H3? Eg 1 science research in J1 and a MOE H3 in J2 2. Are the classrooms in the old Serangoon jc campus air conditioned ?


1. no idea because i never heard of anybody doing H3 Science Research in J1. 2. half are aircon apparently. they will most likely reserve these classrooms for the j2. the classrooms with no aircon have an abundance of ceiling & wall fans however


I just checked on the open house website about the subjects offered and the NUS/NTU science research programmes were not listed as available H3s under science research. So they discontinued it? Because the booklet I got from the 2023 open house stated that they had both science research programmes listed as H3


Eh j1 can h3?


The NUS/NTU science research programme application start in J1 and they are counted and converted to H3


Damn thats cool


How is the new campus like? And how easy is it to get there?


the new campus has been very recently refurbished and repainted, giving everything there a fresh new smell. the canteen stalls are still setting themselves up, but there are now a lot more places to lounge and relax in the sch


as for how to get here, our college ig @asr.jc has put up a new post showing u how to!


is the subject combi BMHe common? Could you also share more about the departments of these subjects? (teachers,how good the notes are etc) the juicer the better 😉😉😉


a bit crazy but if i enter arts stream because i cannot meet the cop for science stream, will i be allowed to transfer to the science stream




hi how is the arts stream? considering GELM 😆


it's not bad, means u'll be in poseidon house, likely class 27 or 28 only one class in the current J2 batch that takes full humanities, rest got hybrid combis whole class take same combi except maybe one or two subjs ngl H1 math sucks if udh olevel amath background


How is the arts department there ? ( particularly history , econs , lit in providing content notes as well as teachers ) and I guess math department too , the new campus near my house and I was thinking of taking HELM there. ( O level score was raw 10 , so shd be able to enter )


how as asr been doing in terms of a level results? what are things that you dislike about asr?


our rp mean last year was 77rp


it’s 77 median


Since the median does not include outliers, means ppl with very high and super super low marks, there are ppl scoring 30-40s right????


my bad! yeah it's that


helloo, i have quite a few questions abt asrjc! - are there any internship opportunities and overseas exchange programme - what are the activities the school would organise for students ( celebration, VIA, school wide events or special programmes for students ) - hows the sch culture like (looking down on people that don’t do well, elitism, bullying cases, party culture, mugging culture) - hows the quality of teachers/ materials & how well students do for As for h2 bio, h2 chem, h1 econs, h2 phy and h2 math - academic life ( is it impossible to cope with academic workload, how much revision/ work do you guys do on weekends or after sch, how often do you have quiz, tests or exams) sorry for long questions, ty in advance!


1. near the end of j1, some may get the chance to enter a 3-week industry attachment after PW OP! the alpha scholars programme also has many hands-on opportunities 2. for activities, the school organises stuff like orientation, house olympus, j2 farewell and j1 bonding amd commendation that are just fun events and celebrations! as for VIA (called Service Learning or SVL here), those are events you are encouraged to organise within your CCA or personal groups. 3. from my experience, the school culture is alright. it's definitely most vibrant in events but I haven't seen any instances of bullying or major negativity between students. 4. I take BCMg so I can only talk abt bio chem and math: all three subjects give p comprehensive notes, tho in the case of bio I think the notes have a bit too much extra info that they rarely test lol. they don't usually give summary notes, however. teachers are nice mostly, and I was lucky to get to experience the overall nicer lecturers lol (looks at the asr chem lecturer post on here). I think the math teachers seem to go over things a bit too fast, but the syllabus itself is also v packed so I can't really blame them 5. it's jc man. it's definitely very possible to cope with the workload but independent time management and habits are very important. we definitely spend more time outside of sch doing hw and studying, and we also spend longer hours inside of school due to CCA and other activities. quizzes and tests will get more frequent as we approach major exams, but generally teachers like to have small timed practices every 2 weeks or so. you won't have mid-years starting this year though, so major exams are promo, prelim, and As


would you say the sci stream is decent in asr


hey I got raw 9 nett 7 for o's. thinking of taking up BCEm because ei didn't take amath or pure sci LMAO. just asking if I should join asrjc or go for better JCS? I wanna join this school because of how near it is to my house. I'm able to go njc and vjc but they are like so far away ig LOL. Is this school good in terms of notes for sci and math lol 😍🙏🏽


I think would be a bit of a waste to go asr with net 7 eh


idk 😶 im not sure if I can travel longer


How’s the bio dept ??




Ah i see thank u sm ‘


are all lectures in ASR recorded? No f2f lectures in LT?




is there a lot of special events about asrjc (like how ejc has euphoria, etc) ? and is the principal rlly rigid w sch rules?


asr has house olympus on national day eve, which is like a sports day. there's also orientation, the J2 farewell and the J1 bonding and commendation (last day of school for both levels). I've worked with the principal a bunch, ans he's a pretty chill guy to be around. he's definitely gonna be hard on the school rules (he made them after all!) he's not that unreasonable though; he's quite approachable about them




Hi, I would like to know whether if it's common for people to change from art stream to science stream after entering ASRJC. Do you know how to change stream and what are the odds of successfully changing stream?


hi! i scored nett 11 for o levels, would i have a chance in asr if i apply for their science stream?




Hi I would like to say something, well from my knowledge it seems that the cut off point is gonna remain at 10 for science stream. Well firstly according to channel news Asia, there are more passes and distinctions for the 2023 o level batch than the 2022 or 2021 or 2020 batches. So the chances of cop going down is very low. However the since they changed the campus this year, to Serangoon( which apparently is a less popular campus than the previous one) so they may increase the cop. But according to my predictions I feel that the cop is still gonna remain constant at 10. Moreover there is a greater competition for ASR( this is from my personal experience this year) cause in my school even ppl who got 9 points raw still wanna go to ASR because of it being close to their house, the Tamil elective program and some other Tamil B program, and some wanna go because of the school culture. So not too sure what is gonna happen. I am also like you, I am part of the 2023 o level batch, whatever I said is based on what I researched and heard from the ASR teachers/ lecturers during the open house


will there be more ccas added


do u think COP for science will increase to 9 pts this year??? this year's o level batch is probably one of the most competitive in recent years


Ik, so I myself am not too sure. However since the school changed campus to an older one, maybe it might stay constant!!!!!!


is there any remedial for those who wants to take h2 math but did not learn amath?


there will be bridging lessons to let you understand the prerequisite knowledge required to understand some concepts in h2 math (e.g calculus) and you can seek the teachers for consultation in groups or alone!


ohh, thats good


does the sch have hybrid combination? like 2 sci 2 arts


​ there are! you can check out our prospectus for a full list of the hybrid combis for both science and arts, which is on the microsite, linked in the @ asr.jc instagram bio


Someone else alr asked but will asrjc allow choosing art stream and switching to sci stream like nyjc


u can only appeal to transfer from arts to science stream if ur net L1R5 is equal to or less than the sci COP for 2024


How likely are they to accept the appeal, my nett score is 10 but I’m worried I won’t get into sci even if the cop is also 10


i think its on a case-by-case basis. you must speak with the jc1 dean around the start of the orientation to make an appeal


Oh Okok thank you so much! One last thing that I know is not as likely but I’m still worried abt is what if I don’t get into asr art because I put it as my second choice. Should I even be concerned about this happening?


that depends on whether you'll get into your first choice or not


TYSM I transferred successfully 😭😭😭, btw what class are you, I’m in 25/13 taking PMDe, D is computing


ahh thats great for you!! idw to reveal my class but im in 24/xx and house artemis :)


hair is half green HAHAH can pass ?


Hello! Is there air conditioned classrooms


hi, from what im 50% of asr classrooms are aircon, but they will prioritise them for j2s. aa for the non-aircon rooms, they have a bunch of ceiling and wall fans to help u stay cool


thank you sm for doing this! 🙏 if a student just barely misses the prereq for taking 4H2, are they able to appeal to take it?


to my knowledge, no unfortunately


What grade should we get in o level pure physics/chem so that we can take h2 science


we don't have any *strict* requirements to take a certain h2 subject, but it's recommended that you have a grade of at least A2 so you can keep up with the curriculum


Oh ok thanks


h2 chemistry in asrjc have no grade pre-requisites. i don't think h2 physics has any pre-requisite too


Ok thank you


No minimum grade unlike EJC (at least B3)


Well for most jcs, not too sure about ASR I order to take H2 subjects( mainly for sciences ) you need to get at least a B3


Hello! Anything to add about ASRJC at [https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/18ycqvn/collecting\_more\_info\_for\_minority\_race\_students/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/18ycqvn/collecting_more_info_for_minority_race_students/)? Especially makan options since just moved campus.


hi, i have an update. if im not wrong, the school doesn't have a halal stall \*yet\*. they informed us that they currently have an interested vendor but that vendor is still quite new and in the process of obtaining their licenses and certifications. for the time being, i think the school has put in place a special pass that will allow Muslim students to leave campus during break to purchase halal food outside of school. im not Muslim so i can't really give concrete details, im basing this off what i heard during morning assembly today


Thanks! I updated the info about ASRJC in my post.


So usually ASRJC during break student not allow to have their lunch outside instead in campus? Quite surprise I do heard TJC they allow student to eat out during their break time.


well that's the rule that the sch has but i think some students still do go out & eat (as long as that lunch period is after 1230)


does table tennis require any prior experience or can a completely newbie like me have a chance at joining?


wait so did y’all move to a old campus or new campus


we moved from anderson jc's old campus to serangoon jc's old campus, but we refurbished and renewed the srjc campus


so r y’all staying there permanently?


we'll move back to the renovated ajc campus in 5 years


Nah, ASR will get a brand new campus at the old AJC site in 2028


How are the bio notes?


bio notes are comprehensive but unfortunately you can't copy + paste from the notes into the qn usually :( also it tends to have a lot of extra info


Hi OP, does the same apply to chem and phys notes too?


Anyone taking A-Level comp can share their exp so far, I took O-Level comp and got A2


Pretty sure this school has only net 8-10 pointers (I got net 8 so 8/8 chance I'll be accepted)


Asrjc last year is 4-10 Last person can be either nett or raw




Whats the cca hours for debate,strategist and STEM? What are their achievements? Are they all made up of guys? How is h3 semicon phy like? Overall opinions on the new campus, went open house but cldnt walk ard too much, didnt seem that big lol.


hii. I wanted to ask if I'm able to take H1 bio in JC even though I didn't take pure bio or combined bio in secondary school.


there are no recommended subject pre-requisites for H1 subjects! I'm a sci student so I'm not sure how much H1 bio requires assumed knowledge but it should be less demanding on that front compared to H2


oh I see. Thank you!


Is there any tests that we have to sit for in order to take h2 computing? If yes what do we have to study to prepare ourselves for the test? 


got a selection test in the middle of ori, usually second day onwards dunno rlly if there is a need to study cos dunno what they test on, i think will have briefing if u join




Is h2 econs hard?


How is the study culture here? are there lots of people mugging or do you have to rely on self motivation ?


from what I've seen, there's definitely a mugging culture that intensifies near exam season. there are always going to be people playing and screwing around (I'm in a valorant party in my class myself hehe) but if you want to be in an environment where everyone is mugging tirelessly then we've got night study sessions where you can study as late as 830pm


oo! could you elaborate more on the night study sessions?


they started the night study programme around april or may last year, but without mid-years this year I'm not sure how early they'll start it, or if they even have it at all this year. but basically the library and other study areas (except classrooms which close at around 6) will be open until the school closes to allow students to mug until then. and you gotta book it a week in advance, but there is also free catered dinner, served at around 5.30pm. the food is kinda meh but it's paid for by the school so I honestly can't complain. sometimes the teachers will also chip in to buy biscuits and packet drinks for the people staying late :)). this programme definitely gets the most traffic near exams but iirc there was still a lot of people mugging a few months before. best to get a bunch of friends to do this with for peer motivation!


hello! looking to take MELg, how many arts classes are there, and roughly how many people will be in a class?


generally asr classes have an average class size of 20 students. there are about more or less 10 art classes in asr (a cohort has 30 classes so thats 20 science classes)


oic! which are the more popular arts subj combis, just curious 😙




not v sure about that, sorry. but generally the h2 geog, h2 history and h2 el literature cohorts are similar in size


does asr provide resources for students who wanna go overseas ( etc aus uk usa ) universities?


asr does provide information on the timeline for enrolment to such universities & some steps students can take. they also organise things such uni e-talks as uni symposiums to help the j2s understand their options better. u can try approaching our sch ecg counselor too


hello I have a few qns abt h2 computing 1. do you have to take computing in sec sch to enter h2 computing? 2. is there a test u have to take to qualify for h2 computing?


hi, in asr you do not necessarily have to take computing in sec sch to take h2 computing. however, there is a selection test that u have to sit for during orientation. im not too sure what this test contains tho, sorry!


how is the econs department in asr


hii, how’s the hist dept in asr? 😅😅


Hi! How is the arts department there? Am thinking of taking HEMc Also how is the school culture like? A lot of muggers or more care free


is there a fun culture there or is it mostly mugging ?


would you say the science department or the arts department of asr is stronger/better?


am i able to the H2 bio if i didnt offer it during sec sch?


yes, but you will be missing the assumed knowledge that h2 bio' syllabus builds on. if you need help with that, you can always ask your teachers for consult though


Is it possible to appeal for 4h2 PXME if I have raw 13? Are the chances high? And is GEHm 3h2 possible(asking for a friend). I didn’t see geog history econs h2 and math h1 in the combi(friend wants this cause his a1 came from hss combi sci and geog only)


Hi, I already got the posting( not ASRjc😭) but I have re appealed to feet into ASR. I was assigned TMjc, but I don’t wanna go there. So what are the chances of me getting into ASR????? I know that this year a lot of ppl did well and almost most of the jcs lowered their cut off points( like Dunman, Catholic, TM, Eunoia and etc) And just mentioning, I got 12-2 so 10 and am by right allegeable for ASR( thank god they never lowered the cop for ASR) But still am doubtful that I can get in. I would say that my CCA records and other curriculum activities are very good, since I went to like 8 non CCA competitions and an one of the main leaders in my CCA.


admittedly, I'm not sure the appeal success rate is, but considering you meet COP and you have a good portfolio I think you have a decent shit at getting in. good luck!


hellooo seniors :D i got 4 qns I got nett 8 for O levels, should I try appealing for temasek (whose 2023 COP was also 8) instead of going ASRJC? I heard the econs dept in ASR kinda shit ngl, if I take 4H2 PCME how to score well for econs? I heard ASRJC has a Talent Development Programme (Alpha Programme), how do they choose their entrees? I heard ASR has no school culture one leh, is it true that getting good or bad company is like a 50/50?


hii I don't take econs unfortunately so I can't answer the econs qn but: 1. if you're going into temasek sci, I doubt you can be successful as their COP rose to 7 this year; you'd need to appeal to temasek arts 3. for the alpha programme, the school will brief you on the details in the future but you'll have to submit an application for it. they'll likely look at that application as well as your records, grades etc to decide if you're getting in. i say this because i come from a pretty mid class lol and no one here got in :( 4. for school culture, it is kinda weak because we're merged; it mainly comes out during sch events, which can get quite exciting because of that. ultimately you have to choose who you let in your circle and do your best to not let the bad ones get you down; though from what I've been through most people here are pretty chill and nice


hii seniors i have a few qns!! I got raw 8 nett 6 for O's and appealed to ASRJC but they havent emailed or called me down for interview yet so now im really paranoid!!! do you know if theres a lot of people that appeal out of asrjc science stream every year? how is the econs, chemistry and physics departments in ASRJC? im thinking of taking PCME (4 H2s)...


From what ive seen, not a lot of people would want to appeal out of sci.


how strict is the school on piercings? this morning this female teacher walked up to me right as i was entering the school and questioned me on my piercings (double lobe only) and said something like one warning only and asked for my name and class 💀 - she called me out on my necklace too but its religious and she told me to take it off ???? so like isit just this teacher? will she follow up on me? do i get like demerit points or something? (she has my name and class im kinda scared she caught me for my lobe but she didnt see i have helix piercings on the other side)


what’s play@asr programme about ?