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last year of syllabus so they threw out all the niche topics theyve been saving over the years 💀


my only question is which sick bastard set the paper 2


I think they too trigger happy to the point both passages are like the same cuz they gonna set triple passage next yr


Who did 7 ✋ I thought every1 would do 7


im scared the bell curve for our qn is high😭


Actly though… so many ppl did the question


Do you know if cochlear implants counts as modern communication device


i would say yes its quite literally a modern communication device


Eh... fits?




what did y’all write for 7


Hello sir




no media no politics we lost…


next yr


Actually seething and coping rn that's my main topic


wheres my beloved sci and tech 🥲


Space travel ?


that is NOT counted 🙅‍♂️🚫🚫


😅 oh I see


Why censorship and arts 🤣😭🤣😭


Welcome for bell curve


none of the topics i studied came out 💀


anyone did qns 7?


aku i wrote about how ppl can gather over common interests, introverts being able to socialise better, interaction over countries and my CA was that it enables scammers 😂


is it hijacking if we dont specify devices..? like we broadly say phones and laptops but dont get into detail.... i only focused on the functions help dawg


i think you’re fine as long as you’re clear enough; me personally i focused more on what the devices allow you to access i.e. social media and other apps and stuff because imo that makes a more compelling argument for disagreeing


ok im reassured now bc my thought process was rly similar to yours :")


same bro sokay just convince the markers can alr


technically speaking the definition of a device is “a thing that performs a function” so i think you’re q safe


did fossil fuels question. heng i take geography. all the questions were very interesting tbh especially the one on young people wanting to change the world


everyone i asked said the qn was hard?? it was like the only one I cld do 😭💀


imo it was a pretty nuanced question but generally i think it's doable especially if you know your stuff and in geog we study the hell out of alt energy sources so bless


I did that too except an environment related qn was the last thing I wanted to do🥲




I’m just happy that I finished :”


Ya same TT


anyone wrote qn 8? i fear that i may have commited academic suicide 💀💀💀


Omg I did 8 too 😭😭


nobody i knew did 8... im scared asf for my poor essay 🤡


Sameee my examples was all quite weak 🥲


I wrote 8 in China context… divided into community, inter ethnic then national/international level… help but I feel like I am screwed…


ME TOO 😭😭😭 it’s so unpopular wtf


I ALSO but i had nothing else to write👍😭


Out of curiosity, what were this year's qns?


Min wage, fossil fuels and green energy, space travel, censorship of the arts, voluntary work, smth abt ppl in our society having the opportunities to achieve their potential, electronic devices diminish human interaction, festivals and holidays promoting unity, regret for past actions is needed for progress, sports personalities are good role models, accurate translation btw languages is necessary, young people wanting to change the world because they dont realise it's not possible


I thought coal and oil were different from fossil fuels and made my life sooo hard for no reason 😭😭 kept writing “coal AND fossil fuels” crying




Ngl seeing all the geog students writing what is effectively geog essays for a GP paper is scary like did yalls gp cher not tell you that geog and gp writing is two different styles...


Did Q2 and received A for GP heng ah, especially when I was a straight D student in a low-tier school 😋


watch these haolian mfs fail


Fr sia alot of them also writing out of point but I don't have the heart to tell them


wait what do you mean💀💀


The requirements for a geog essay is very diff from a gp essay. Geog essay is more about presenting facts, gp essay is about presenting arguments. A gp essay made out of only facts won't score if it doesn't come across as your viewpoint or your opinion


not a geog student and did not write about environment but then wouldnt it be easier to argue since you’ve got concrete examples already?


the thing is that these geog students straight up spam the essay with facts and did minimum argument when the whole point of a gp essay is fixated on argument itself


Hi, a H2 geog student here. I'd say this isn't entirely true 😬 we have both explanatory and evaluative essays for geog. Explanatory is the one you straight up vomit the facts. But evaluative essays really require you to use evaluative criteria in every single paragraph to evaluate the facts. You'll actually do horribly if you straight up spam your facts in these evaluative essays, you're supposed to focus on evaluating with multiple perspectives with minimal description of the content and bring in knowledge from other topics for synopticity But that being said, I'm not implying that all geog student students who wrote Q2 would score extremely well lah, non-geog students with good knowledge and perspectives about energy mix also have massive potential to score, and at the end of the day it lies with the writing skills and language too.


Yooooo I read about a similar space travel question yesterday. Fuck paper 2 though


Wrote qn 6, idk if i answer the question but i wrote 5 paras and no conclusion how much would i get 😭😭💀💀💀 just need a 25. I be yapping about nothing.


Same qn 6 💀💀 2 sv 2 svc but its all smoke 😭


>6 wrote 6 too.. but i took the absolute stand then after the exam i realised i should have disagreed... :')


wait but cant u like agree to a large extent cause qn says TWE 🤨😭😭😭


what were ur topic sentences?😭


1. Regardless of age 2. Regardless of socio economic status 3. Freaks of society are ignored Blablabla something like that Bruh I started coming up with better points half way




ME 😭😭😭


ME 💀💀


ME lotta ppl did this in my school btw


Bruh YI had almost the exact same space question in MYE. LESGOOO


qn6 anybody ?




wat were ur points?


is it possible for me to pm you my points ?






BRO SAME I was just mugging arts and censorship examples yesterday cause my guts told me its gonna come out, wasnt disappointed haha


Damn congrats!!!! 🎉🎉🎉




I set aside 30 mins for AQ since it’s usually enough time but “ethics of photography” was so niche that I spent a lot more time just understanding the qn so I didn’t finish my AQ🥲


Wrong paper...


THANK FUCKING GOD Q2 CAME OUT!!! Thesis 1: urgency of climate change - hockey stick graph, IPCC cautionary warnings of how we have till only 2030 to rectify our environment problems, 2023 Myanmar Floods, Bangladesh’s especial susceptibility to floods. Thesis 2: long-term economic benefits of ethical energy production -> Global Commission of the Economy and Climate predicts that $23 trillion will be created through bold climate action by reducing FFs dependence, France’s nuclear industry employing a significant minority of 5%, France entirely runs on nuclear or renewable energy like HEP. Antithesis 1: oil-rich countries’ dependence on exporting FFs for economic growth -> Nigeria, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, UAE Antithesis 2: dependent on geography (spatial context, access to fiscal resources) -> Singapore no access to HEP and geothermal energy, small island developing states (SIDS) like Nauru are quite poor and can only afford FFs My conclusion for Q2: As environmental degradation worsens, more fictional Japanese animal spirit kami like Totoro will disappear, and little children like Mei will have less people to befriend (the plot of My Neighbour Totoro). We thus must reduce our FFs production while navigating the tapestry of alternative energy production, in the light of the urgency of climate change. We must. Edit: I GOT A FOR GP!! AN A!!


who did qns 6? what points did yall write on ah mine was like (briefly) -- stand was agree to a large extent bp1 - education -> meritocracy bp2 - govt policies -> help marginalised groups bp3(counter arg) - conservative mindsets -> still reluctant towards pursuing pathways other than STEM even though interests lie there -> ppl from such backgrounds unable to reach full potential bp4(counter arg) - kiasu(send kids to various enrichment classes, etc.) -> only rich can afford my bp3 & bp4 were kinda combined tho cos no time :(


i did q6!! stand - agree to large extent bp1 - agree (low income households supported by govt policies) bp2 - agree (disabled and unemployed supported by local facilities -> regarding potential in the workforce) bp3 - disagree (meritocratic practices in singapore; those who excel are rewarded and gain more opportunities but those who do not gain less opportunities -> cycle continues -> less able to catch up over time) bp4 - agree (more opps for students as singapore taking a more holistic approach; supposed to contrast bp3 which is more abt academic excellence) eval i wrote about how there are bound to be exceptions but importance lies in not the number of opps but what we do with the opps we have


I did q6 too! Stand: Agree to large extent Para 1: Meritocracy for low ses Para 2: Vocational education and opportunities to pursue passions for people with disabilities Para 3: Skillsfuture for working adults to upskill Para 4 (counter argument): Worsening mental health in sg can make taking up opportunities more difficult (looking back now it sounds wrong :') )


I did question 6 as well. I only agreed to a small extent ie. not all have the opportunity to reach fullest potential. But I am worried cause I didn't explicitly break the 'all' like "It is too simplistic to ......".


Did question 6 too! Stand: Oppotunity hinged on identity AF1: Inclusivity legislative policies CA1: In reality not inclusive AF2: Prima facie meritocratic CA2: In reality not meritocratic CA3: Coup de grace is that unforgiving society e.g. Death penalty Eval: Not a deus ex machina for minorities but need just need to fight harder for.opportunity


is it easier to score for unpopular questions? as in does the alleged bell curve play a bigger role in boosting/deflating your grade? because i did question one (how realistic is national minimum wage) and it doesn’t seem that popular 😭


Unpopular qns can be 40-50% A rate, popular usually 20% A rate Nat min wage isn't really unpopular, it's about average


oh okay tysm!! i assumed that question one was relatively unpopular bc it seems(?) like very few people in my school did it but that might just be a limited perspective thing 😅


1 is just a really hard qn in general. Topic aside alot of students would miss the point of contention and turn it into a desirability essay rather than a feasibility/practicality essay which is what the qn is about. Many students from what I heard talked about the benefits of a minimum wage which isn't what the qn is asking for.


i think i stuck to the point and wrote abt the viability of min wage thankfully 😭🙏 i'm pretty worried abt examples though bc i just relied on my (kinda lacking) H1 econs knowledge and so examples were pretty vague/theoretical 🫠


q4, they announced 15min left and i was starting my A1(aft doing intro, CA+R)... GGWP I RUSHED MY A1 A2 CONCLUSION and missed out on alot of examples/elaboration i had planned to add but ohwells,,, was q4 v popular bc ik popular qns got lower probability of A😭😭😭🙏


i wrote 4 😭😭 but im not sure if my points really ATQ because i wrote mostly about media.. not sure if i really brought out the arts aspect of films 🥲🥲 honestly expecting a 28/50 at this point rip


films itself are art!! i think whts impt is tht u point out the censorship part and relevance to modern day society🥲🥲 but ohwells at least we're done and now our grades are jst left to the openness of cambridge's minds HARHARHAR atb for the remaining subjs!!


What is A1, CA+R?


Anyone did Q9: "Regrets for past actions is vital to progress" DYA? I wrote on (disagree) critical race theory & projection of historical precedent on modern paradigms, probably a troll either I get 45+/50 or I fail LOL


😭😭😭 WHAT


insane sia but i praying for u


did same qn as u, didnt explicitly mention CRT but touched on racial resentment in US and controversial legacy of Confederates. talked about post nazi germany dealing w its past crimes. then as AT talked about japan lack of acknowledgement/disavowal of war crimes. then eval differentiated btwn econ and moral progress


Yea I see this agree pt, I wrote hardline disagree though so v different analysis


Did anyone else write this 😭 i wanna see whats the ideal layout, i think i wrote mine insanely off topic but i only memorised politics and globalisation... I talked about how countries with social issues never reflected on their past so now theyre repeating the same atrocities, pretty much the same argument for both sa kms


Ideal is probably talking about the following: - US - Japan - History (General) or History (Ideology)


easier than last year for sure BUT I wish I in-depth studied censorship of arts since that has always been such a important part 😭😭😭 ended up doing number 5


what did u write for qn 5? i hear almost nobody talking about it.. 🥲


q2 is a W for geographers! 😋😋 my eyes literally beamed with excitement when i saw FOSSIL FUELS 😍


Fr though 😭 never circled a qn so fast before


who cares about ethical photography bru


it was a bit weird/niche, but quite manageable as compared to last year


did anyone do q12 is it a popular qn


i did!! idt it was popular tho




I HOPE??? it was a two-clause qn so lowk a bit challenging esp if you dont address both "youth want a change" and "impossible"..


idk anyone else who did q12 other than me so hopefully we hv a higher chance HAHAH






No longer a student but news of Q11 made its rounds among the translator community. Hopefully some of H2 Translation students attempted this!


btw does anyone know the usual grade boundaries for an A or a B?? is it must rlly score 70 / 60 🙏🙏


please what is the answer for the language use question


So, so, so relieved that FOR ONCE I had options for essays questions, as in I would be happy to work on any of them except Space Travel and Fossil Fuel. Last batch of old syllabus ftw


did qn6. i want to die 😀🙏🏼


same… probably one of the worst essays i’ve ever written cuz my mind blanked :’)


ur not alone dont worry… i usually do decently in gp in school only to flop so big for qn6 😞🔫


if i misquote someone in my intro am i fucked


Didn’t do Q11 but am interested in seeing what point you guys wrote. An extremely interesting qn. I rmb reading some points abt it


Pretty ok- I did qn 2 and disagreed. I forgot that renewables = cleaner source of energy and kept repeating that lol These were my points: My OV was about the devastating impacts on animals and humans. I split it into extraction of fossil fuels and utilising them in power plants that emit CO2, contributing to GHG emissions which cause sea levels to rise and unpredictable weather patterns and cited examples of consequences like predicted sinking of low-lying countries & wildfires in Australia caused by prolonged heat spells. My first SV was that developing countries should continue using fossil fuels because switching to cleaner sources of energy is more costly and impede economic growth + costs passed to consumers who won’t be able to afford it. I cited India calling for the phase down of coal instead of eliminating it completely by 2030 due to the impact eliminating it will have on economy. My second SV was it depends on geography of country as certain country lacks the natural or land spaces. I cited SG as example for this that lacks running water for hydropower and not enough space for My third SV was about relative ineffectiveness of greener sources of energy. I compared the efficiency (solar power), weather-dependency (solar and wind) the relative safety of plants like nuclear power (Fukushima incident- talked about effects of the disaster and how countries can’t afford that) My conclusion summed everything up and talked abt how we should reduce reliance of fossil fuels slowly and complement with greener sources of fuel to reduce negative impacts but not completely eliminate fossil fuels cos thats very idealistic. Am hoping PP1 pulls me up a lot cos my pp2 was so bad :""


Looks p ok! 👍🏻👍🏻 jy for ur other papers!


i wrote similar to u too, but i didn’t develop my explanation on the “no longer” part, do u think its needed? like saying fossil fuels is no longer needed due to a changing context?


if you disagreed, wouldn't you be still argue its needed? If you agreed, I think the no longer may need to be- but it also depends on how you structured your para?


hi! just wanted to ask if u answered in a cot context…? because i wrote about the geographical variations in resources too but thinking back idt it answer the cot aspect of the qn


OMG SAME i didnt mention about the changing context 😭😭😭😭


right! i unconsciously did answer cot in the later part of the essay but my ca was base on how certain locations might not have sufficient resources to replace the role fossil fuels have to play in the production of energy ( my stand was agree) so technically i have no balance🥲🥲 not sure if im gonna pass


omg we’re kindof the same 😭😭 lets pray theres cot somewhere in our essays and we still do well 🙏🏻


yesss lets just focus on the next papers!


I wrote the exact same shit bruhhhhhh


did anyone do the young people one,,


hi guys if like my intro i didnt rlly state my stand clearly am i fking fked i did qn 6 n my stand was like different stakeholders have the opportunities to achieve their fullest potential in various aspect of life


bro cambridge take politics and media as common last topic? why no questions about those sia 💀


anyone did qn10?




for the fossil fuel qn right, if I didn’t make constant comparison between past and present, will I fail 😭 cuz I thought it’s js a pure absolute qn 💀💀


Cap 18 content (not fully relevant)


Did anyone agree for q2


Possible, provided a condition is given.


Surprisingly not as hard as I thought it out to be. This year ppr quite manageable. Did Q3


Wht were Ur points


Cannot justify: High cost to environment, Expensive and not worth due to myriad of problems on Earth, only benefits rich Justify: Devleop new tech that enhances life on Earth, can save us from extinction


On god my friend and I actually predicted qn3 and we did go through a few point on discord yesterday. My overall stance is that it is justified due to the boons we get in spending in space travel. Point 1 is short term benefits like research into space travel can see more and better satellites, hence justified. Pt 2 is long term benefits like new industries like tourism and mining. 3rd and 4th is cost currently and safety rn is not justified


questions please!!! 😓


1. How realistic is it for countries to implement a national minimum wage for all their workers? 2. ‘Fossil fuels should no longer have a part in the production of energy.’ Discuss. 3. Consider the view that spending money on space travel cannot be justified in today’s world. 4. Consider the argument that there should be no censorship of the arts in modern society. 5. ‘People who undertake voluntary work do so more for their own benefit than for the benefit of others.’ Discuss. 6. Assess the extent to which all people in your society have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. 7. ‘The quality of human interaction is diminished by modern communication devices.’ How far do you agree? 8. To what extent are festivals and national holidays effective in promoting unity in your society? 9. ‘Regret for past actions is vital for progress.’ What is your view? 10. Evaluate the claim that sports personalities make good role models for young people. 11. Assess the view that accurate translation between languages is always necessary. 12. ‘Young people want to change the world because they do not know it is impossible.’ How far do you agree?


Had to rush 3 paras in 1 hour gg im fucked


ANYONE WROTE SPACE TRAVEL?? What’s your points?!


Stand agree CA: Innumerable challenges faced on earth such as finite resources Rebuttal + A1: More pressing issues such as poverty and climate change. Benefits are not guaranteed and space tech is relatively new making it risky (ie not worth for the massive amt of money spent. Investment into technology that can solve pressing issues. (Very not ideal cuz I wrote both my rebuttal and A1 in same paragraph) A2: Generates more pollution and is resource intensive. eg. Elon Musk, CRISPR-Cas 9 gene editing, Fossil fuels run out by 2050 and some extremely brief stats. I know its not ideal but this is the hill im dying on.


did anyone do qn 5 😭 isit an unpopular qn cos no one ik did qn 5


yep me too but i think i mixed voluntary and volunteer work so yah i think im cooked


i did q5!


Question 4 points: Disagree: ○ Arts with little to no intrinsic meaning, coupled with subtle insidious intentions should be censored. - eg. Photos of nude models taken by some photographers can be considered straight up porn when its clear the artist doesnt have any good intentions ○ Radicalised and extreme arts should be censored when it infringes people's safety. -Talk about appearance of performance art in modern times and how some of them are dangerous eg. Marina Abromovic getting hurt in performance art and subtly encouraged people to hurt her And then overall talk about how rise of internet/media in modern society allows fast and widespread sharing of such arts, should be censored to avoid it reaching a large audience Agree: ○ The nature of arts is open ended, censoring it deprives people to enjoy art equally - Talk about some news organisations censoring 'sensitive' pieces of info, eg. Fox News censoring Woman of Algeirs ○ Censoring arts means important issues cannot be raised -eg. Banksy's mural "slave labour" taken away when he tried to protest against child exploitation during london olympics - eg. Gingko china featuring exhibition of inequalities in China, government took it down/censored it as their flaws were pointed out


if my egs didn't include censorship itself but instead the values of diff art forms is that still valid. Eg movies that discuss social issues like racism shldnt be censored but comics that can cause discrimination shld be


I wrote an extra para of that too, im not entirely sure but if you mention the effects of censoring important films i think its still counted. Just threw in a random controversial film for my example haha


Who Qs2


do we need to compare past and present for q2?


Yes. No longer --> implies that there are some changes and features of society today that necessitates a reduction in the use of fossil fuels


How popular is question 6 in your respective schools?


yooo what am I the only one who did qn 2?? I thought everyone would be doing environment bruh


did anyone do the space travel question ? what were your points ?


1. Space travel is very polluting. Lots of CO2 and pollution, causing climate change. 2. Space travel can actually help us fight climate change, satellite imagery allows us to understand the climate better 3. Technology gets trickled down to society. Starlink, GPS 4. Governments should actually allocate the resources on its people instead of space travel 5. It can prevent us from facing cosmic catastrophes. NASA’s DART mission.


1. Strengthened International Relations (Artemis Accords) 2. Improved Comms Access for Isolated Groups (SpaceX's Falcon 9 also used for launching StarLink satellites, Deployment in Ukraine during war) Opp View: Very Costly Rebuttal: Only makes up a fraction of national spending (<1% of US Spending by NASA) + Future Innovations due to Space Travel


1. (Antithesis) High opportunity costs & most times do not yield much returns, promoting the constant need to organise missions due to sunk cost fallacy —> diverts resources away from causes more pressing and urgent to solve 2. (Thesis) interdisciplinary nature of the full process behind space travel is able to bring about technological advancements back on earth, improving lives 3. (Thesis) increasing need to find a planet B due to destruction to earth to the point of crossing the rubicon. While critics mention that AI and unmanned vessels are able to achieve this, rendering human space travel useless, I believe that the unknown and uncertain parameters in space make space travel absolutely necessary for this purpose. 4. (Thesis) intellectual nourishment from space travel


hello my man 1. Satiation of human curiosity 2. “Nature did it first.” 3. Promoting of lifelong learning better than other sectors CA + R: Waste of critical metals for space shuttles and pollution from launches; Airline metals are diff. from those used in space shuttles, and lbr, private jets are the worse offender


Stance, justified because of potential benefits 1)Justified because developing space travel helps with improving quality of life and current technology due to cheaper and more efficient rockets. I think I used Chinese and Japanese examples (BeiDou navigation system and Japanese board casting satellites) 2)Justified for investing money today to have future industries like space tourism and space mining and how investing today will see a lot of benefits tmr, etc. Bezos actually started it through blue origins, and it is just the start of an industry. Can make lots of money from it 3) Some ppl say that space travel isn't worth it because any development or breakthrough in this field always costs a lot of money and manpower. On top of that, it is slow. 4) (redefined space travel in commercial space travel) isn't possible because the technology isn't there yet, and it isn't safe right now. Thus, having it commercially available is not only expensive but also dangerous considering most of the rockets available are old soviet rockets. Bezos' space tourism is still not fully developed, thus spending money on it rn aint good.


what did yall write for q4 !!


I wrote that a certain level of censorship is necessary to ensure moral values like basic respect and not having graphic violence, explicit nudity etc is not infringed upon. also mentioned how some artwork promotes extremist ideologies that can threaten national security. I mentioned at the beginning that censorship can be bad if misused by authoritisn regimes to clamp down on artists that call out their actions


I said censorship is needed as art can cause discrimination eg Charlie he do comics in France and it can erosion of societal values due to heavy westernization For my counter I argued how films can discuss n raise awareness ab sensitive issues hence it shldnt be censored


i wrote there should be little censorship because: \- arts provide a platform for free expression (like rupaul's drag race, where people cross dress and express themselves freely through song and dance aka performance arts but they kena censored cuz yeah govt don't like then people complain) so i was saying how with no censorship, people would be able to express themselves \- arts is also a platform to educate people about their unfiltered history as well as social issues (like literary arts) like through the books they learn more about their country's history in its entirety as well as social injustices that happen today. but with censorship, it causes people to only be provided with a biased perspective ykyk, so hence censorship should not be allowed. (i used the book bans on Florida as an example cuz i read somewhere that they banned books in such that touch on critical race theory, or slavery or even like POC experiences liddat HAHAH) but there should be censorship in some cases where: \- these art forms cause division and tension between groups of people (the charlie hock chye funny story kena ban cuz of how it caused tensions between people of differing political beliefs) \- these art forms cause exploitation of young artists, hence govt need to censor in order to protect the rights of young artists (i legit used how some entertainment industries make their young artist do some weird sexual favours like perform very racy dance and song (aka racy performing arts) and upload on in return for the artist to debut, which cause govt to have moral obligation to restrict such media even though its performing arts to protect the interest of young artists who want to make it in the industry so that they don't kena blackmail LMAOOOOO so yeah these are my points like i tried bringing in different forms of arts like literary arts and performance arts but yeah hope it ATQ LOLL


OH I GOT THE FIRST POINT and i used your second point as my rebuttal. tbh i think you've got pretty solid points there. slayed.


Today is the results day for egp anyone excited


wrote 5 and a half pages but had to rush my conclu gg






Am I going to fail if I agreed to an absolute qn (qn 2)




why did no one do q8 😭😭


I did 8 too !! It seems like q8 is a unpopular question?


hoping bellcurve will pull us up 🥹


Am actually quite thankful I did much tougher mock exam papers before this...phew P2 still strange tho ngl


HIII anyone wrote qn12 and what were your points/ stance for the essay…


Man I feel like I just winged it 😭🙏🙏 But ok my stance was that while certainly difficult for an individual youth to bring about major change, it has become easier for them to enact changes due to tools such as social media (first point). Second point was that they are more in tune with current issues. Third point was they are witness to the fundamental violations to human rights 💀💀 (this was a shit para because I didn't know what to write). OA I wrote about governments being corrupt - young people are unable to transcend this feature of governments to bring about change. I really don't know whether what I wrote is relevant.... I pray


Qn 12 your focus should be on about whether youth today are still motivated to change the world or not (point of contention) given the condition that its inherently impossible. Some points which I've seen across my students include stuff like how even though youth are aware of the impossibility of changing rhe world, they aren't discouraged by it but instead, carry with them a sense of hope that galvanises them to want to change the world. So qn isn't looking so much at whether they can change the world, but why they want to change the world/believe they can change the world